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Drills are an important element of disaster management, helping to increase preparedness and reduce the risk of real‐time failure. Yet, they are not applied systematically to slow‐onset disasters such as a drought, which causes damage that is not instantly apparent and thus does not solicit immediate action. This case study evaluates how drills inform institutional responses to slow‐onset disasters. It spotlights Guatemala, a country where drought has severe impacts on livelihoods and the food security of small farmers. By implementing part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food's institutional response plan for drought, it explores how drills can help to detect issues in emergency response and to foster an institutional focus on improvements in preparedness. The results reveal that drills alone do not trigger institutional improvements if unsupported by a wider strategy that seeks to enhance capacities and protocols. These findings are valuable, however, in making problems transparent and in creating the space for discussion.  相似文献   

针对2010年大连新港输油管道爆炸、吉林化工原料桶流入松花江和南京管道内液态丙烯泄露的典型工业灾害事故进行了城市规划层面的深入分析,反思城市规划与工业灾害的关系,剖析其内在的原因,并据此提出了城市规划、城市安全管理方面的改进办法和措施。  相似文献   

Srivastava SK 《Disasters》2009,33(1):58-81
The right mix of policy, institutional arrangements and use of technology provides the framework for a country's approach to disaster mitigation. Worldwide, there has been a shift away from a strictly 'top-down' approach relying on government alone, to a combination of 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' approaches. The aim is to enhance the indigenous coping mechanisms of vulnerable communities; draw on their cooperative spirit and energy; and empower them through appropriate information and contextual knowledge to mitigate natural disasters. In light of this, the paper examines India's use of space technology in its disaster management efforts. Poverty alleviation and disaster management are almost inseparable in many parts of the country, as vulnerability to natural disasters is closely aligned with poverty. Addressing these issues together requires integrated knowledge systems. The paper examines how knowledge inputs from space technology have strengthened the national resolve to combat natural disasters in conjunction with alleviating rural poverty.  相似文献   

This paper explores how social networks and bonds within and across organisations shape disaster operations and strategies. Local government disaster training exercises serve as a window through which to view these relations, and ‘social capital’ is used as an analytic for making sense of the human relations at the core of disaster management operations. These elements help to expose and substantiate the often intangible relations that compose the culture that exists, and that is shaped by preparations for disasters. The study reveals how this social capital has been generated through personal interactions, which are shared among disaster managers across different organisations and across ‘levels’ within those organisations. Recognition of these ‘group resources’ has significant implications for disaster management in which conducive social relations have become paramount. The paper concludes that socio‐cultural relations, as well as a people‐centred approach to preparations, appear to be effective means of readying for, and ultimately responding to, disasters.  相似文献   

河北省地质地貌灾害与防灾减灾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商彦蕊 《灾害学》1999,14(1):33-38
河北省是我国地质地貌灾害最为严重的地区之一.本文从人类生态学角度,研究地质地貌灾害的成因与分布,并强调通过调整人类活动,减轻灾害损失和影响.  相似文献   

区域综合公共安全管理模式及中国综合公共安全管理对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
中国政府将公共安全事件分为4大类,即自然灾害、事故灾难、公众卫生和社会安全。中国的公共安全管理体制包括在中央一级成立国务院应急管理办公室,以及针对上述4类公共安全问题相应组建的以管理自然灾害为主的国家减灾委员会;以管理事故灾难为主的国家安全生产委员会;以管理公共卫生为主的中国爱卫会和以管理社会治安为主的中央综合治理委员会。在地方政府一级,一般与中央有关公共安全管理体制的机构相对应,也相应组建了地方政府的应急管理办公室和上述4类的公共安全管理的委员会。此外,国家出台了各类公共安全管理的应急预案,并针对一些主要的公共安全因素,相继制定了一系列法律、规定和决定。由此可以认为,中国公共安全的管理体制是“以中央为主,中央与地方政府相互配合”。中国公共安全管理机制是中央与地方政府的相关部门,在灾前、灾中与灾后分别承担相应的责任,至今还没有一个政府部门就某一种公共安全因素承担全部的备灾、应急与恢复和重建任务。国家的公共安全管理战略一直是以“预防为主,防抗救相结合”,2003年SARS事件后,各级政府重视公共安全管理工作中应急管理体系的建设。文章提出了区域综合公共安全管理模式,即灾区政府、企业、社区在灾前备灾、灾中应急、灾后恢复与重建的减灾全过程中,形成一个有机的整体。在此模式的指导下,针对中国公共安全管理体制与机制中存在的问题,提出了进一步改进中国各级政府综合公共安全管理的对策:一是加大公共安全信息的及时公开力度,建立国家和地方公共安全信息共享体系;二是建立公共安全管理的纵向、横向与综合协调机制,全面提高各级政府的综合公共安全管理能力;三是从源头上降低公共安全事件的发生频率,建立发展规划的“风险”评价制度;四是鼓励非政府组织在综合公共安全管理中发挥作用,建立社区综合公共安全管理体系;五是大力提高减灾资源的利用效率与效益,建设区域综合风险防范关键技术示范基地。  相似文献   

Tourists are particularly vulnerable when natural disasters occur in regions that they are visiting. It is assumed that they lack awareness and understanding of the actions that they need to take in such circumstances. This study examines the responses of tourists in times of disaster, building on empirical data collected through large‐scale surveys conducted in Bali and Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2015. Both are important tourist destinations in the country that have suffered major disasters in recent years. The different types of responses to these events are framed using a grid/group analysis stemming from cultural theory. The study resulted in three key findings: (i) current disaster management planning largely follows a single rationale; (ii) tourists are not a homogeneous group, but rather a complex, diverse, and dynamic body of stakeholders; and (iii) the focus of disaster management planning should shift from a single rationale to a polyrational methodology. Disaster managers need to consider, therefore, these different aspects in the context of preparedness.  相似文献   

LLOYD PETTIFORD 《Disasters》1995,19(2):148-155
Over the past 25 years Central America has suffered a number of major disasters: the Managua Earthquake (1972), Hurricane Fifi (1974), the Guatemalan Earthquake (1976), the San Salvador Earthquake (1986) and Hurricane Joan (1988). These events are briefly described, with special reference to their political aspects and implications. Recognition of the political importance of disasters in Central America leads to a questioning of the traditional notion that security is essentially a matter of defending the state from outside aggression. It is suggested that the analysis of disasters should be part of the debate that is currently underway in international relations about redefining the concept of security in the post-Cold War world.  相似文献   

自然灾害等级划分及灾害分级管理研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
冯志泽 《灾害学》1996,11(1):34-37
在论述了我国目前自然灾害等级划分和灾害分级管理的几种方法基础上,对自然灾害等级划分及灾害分级管理综合因素进行了分析认为:对自然灾害等级划分要统一评判指标─-以经济损失和人员伤亡为评判指标;建议在分级管理中采用灾害分级和灾损率两项指标;在灾害管理中建立科学的查灾、计灾、报交制度,加快灾害管理立法,走以法治灾之路.  相似文献   

减灾事业的发展和综合减灾   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
中国减灾事业的发展史可分3个阶段:第一阶段是新中国成立以前的几千年,减灾活动以赈灾为主,帝王“祭天求恕”,“防灾吏制”,安抚于民。清末民初1800至1949年间计发生巨灾25起,死亡4993万余人,总灾亡则近亿,年均灾亡60万人以上,这段惨痛的灾况记下了十分难得的灾情史,泣血于残野。新中国成立后,在“为人民服务”的思想指导下,为减轻灾害损失,逐步建立了气象、水利、农林、地震、海洋、地质等专业的灾害科技与减灾工程,政府并组织社会兼事抗灾、救灾、应急减灾,国家减灾实力快速增长,已取得突出减灾实效,这个阶段比第一阶段灾亡人数下降了90%以上,但年均灾亡人口仍有1.2万人左右。该阶段的工作特点是以单灾种纵向体系为主,不同灾类的监测、预报水平尚高低不一,这与成灾机理的难易程度和工作条件的强弱有关。21世纪初,随全球增温之势锐升,多类极端灾变遍及各洲,促使许多国家发动全社会人众共同探求“综合减灾”之路;我国政府已迅即开展全社会应急减灾行动,开启了“综合减灾”之先声,这是减灾事业步入第三阶段的先导。综合减灾应该是全社会相关部门和民众的统一行动。目前尚有3个问题需要弄清楚,一是多种自然灾害之间成灾机理相关性的研究,其对象是灾害群与灾害链;二是全社会减灾要素综合运作预案的优选;三是如何核算减灾投入与社会可持续发展之正、负效应关系。  相似文献   

In developed countries, public—private partnerships involving insurance companies and governments often provide security against the human and economic losses of disasters. These partnerships, however, are neither available nor affordable in most highly exposed developing countries. In this paper we examine recent innovations in financial risk management that extend traditional public—private partnerships to include NGOs, international financial institutions and other donors. Importantly, these partnerships provide secure financial arrangements to low-income communities before disasters strike and thus relieve the uncertainty and anxiety of depending on ad hoc post-disaster aid for recovery and even survival. We examine three examples of extended partnerships: the Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool; the Andhra Pradesh microinsurance program and an index-based weather derivative for farmers facing drought in Malawi.  相似文献   

In developed countries, public–private partnerships involving insurance companies and governments often provide security against the human and economic losses of disasters. These partnerships, however, are neither available nor affordable in most highly exposed developing countries. In this paper we examine recent innovations in financial risk management that extend traditional public–private partnerships to include NGOs, international financial institutions and other donors. Importantly, these partnerships provide secure financial arrangements to low-income communities before disasters strike and thus relieve the uncertainty and anxiety of depending on ad hoc post-disaster aid for recovery and even survival. We examine three examples of extended partnerships: the Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool; the Andhra Pradesh microinsurance program and an index-based weather derivative for farmers facing drought in Malawi.  相似文献   

我国自然灾害损失补偿机制研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
伴随全球的气候变暖、社会财富的不断增加,以及人口的膨胀,人类将面临日益严峻的灾害损失问题.我国是世界上自然灾害最为严重的少数几个国家之一,同时我国的灾害补偿方式与手段较为单一和落后,构建科学的灾害补偿机制与模式是我国经济与社会协调发展的重大课题.从理论和实证上讨论了自然灾害及其效应,并比较了国家灾害补偿机制、市场风险转移和分摊机制,以及政府和市场相结合的混合机制及其特点.研究结论表明我国应该建立政府诱导型的自然灾害补偿机制.  相似文献   

中国农业气象灾害对作物产量的影响   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
根据中国主要作物产量、受灾面积和气象条件等相关资料,详细分析了全国主要农业气象灾害的分布地区、季节特点及变化特征。结果表明:干旱、洪涝和冷冻害是影响作物产量的主要气象灾害,而各种灾害均有明显增加的趋势。旱灾是最严重的灾害,受灾面积是洪涝面积的2.3倍。分析了全国主要农业气象灾害对作物产量的严重影响,玉米和大豆产区主要是旱灾,早稻和晚稻产区主要是冷害和洪灾,一季稻和棉花产区主要是洪涝和旱灾,冬小麦和油菜产区的严重减产主要受冻害影响。  相似文献   

Asef MR 《Disasters》2008,32(3):480-498
Earthquakes have probably been the most deadly form of natural disaster in the past century. Diversity of earthquake specifications in terms of magnitude, intensity and frequency at the semi-continental scale has initiated various kinds of disasters at a regional scale. Additionally, diverse characteristics of countries in terms of population size, disaster preparedness, economic strength and building construction development often causes an earthquake of a certain characteristic to have different impacts on the affected region. This research focuses on the appropriate criteria for identifying the severity of major earthquake disasters based on some key observed symptoms. Accordingly, the article presents a methodology for identification and relative quantification of severity of earthquake disasters. This has led to an earthquake disaster vulnerability model at the country scale. Data analysis based on this model suggested a quantitative, comparative and meaning full interpretation of the vulnerability of concerned countries, and successfully explained which countries are more vulnerable to major disasters.  相似文献   

创建中国的农业减灾科技体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是世界上农业灾害严重和频繁的国家,中国社会经济发展、经济全球化和全球气候变暖给农业灾害的发生带来了许多新的特点,创建中国的农业减灾科技体系势在必行。分析了农业灾害与一般灾害的不同特点,提出农业减灾科技体系应由农业灾害学与农业减灾系统工程两大部分组成;分别论述了农业灾害学的理论与内容框架,和农业减灾系统工程的基本内涵。最后,对如何创建中国的农业减灾科技体系提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Mexico's vast human and environmental diversity offers an initial framework for comprehending some of the prevailing great disparities between rich and poor. Its socio-economic constructed vulnerability to climatic events serves to expand this understanding. Based on a spatial econometric model, this paper tests the contribution of natural disasters to stimulating the emigration process in vulnerable regions of Mexico. Besides coping and adaptive capacity, it assesses the effects of economic losses due to disasters as well as the adverse production and trade conditions of the 1990s on emigration rates in 2000 at the municipality level. Weather-related disasters were responsible for approximately 80 per cent of economic losses in Mexico between 1980 and 2005, mostly in the agricultural sector, which continues to dominate many parts of the country. It is dramatic that this sector generates around only four per cent of gross domestic product but provides a livelihood to about one-quarter of the national population. It is no wonder, therefore, that most emigration from this country arises in vulnerable rural areas.  相似文献   

分析了我国农业灾害具有种类多样性、破坏严重性和发生必然性、地域随意性等特点 ;指出水利工程、林木工程、病虫害防治工程、农田治污工程 ,以及建立农业灾害监测预报信息系统工程是我国农业灾害防治的主要工程措施。提出农业灾害防治总的原则是 :在分析各种农业灾害发生原因的前提下进行重点预防 ,在弄清其破坏机理的基础上采取相应的工程措施 ,将灾害损失降到最低程度。本文客观分析了我国农业灾害防治的现状 ,提出了监测预报手段亟需改进、规划并建设好农业灾害防治工程、以系统工程的观念建立和健全农业灾害防治工作体系、加强农业灾害防治工作的管理体制建设等四点建议  相似文献   

基于生态安全的城市生命线系统评价与优化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
汪锋  朱晓东  李杨帆 《灾害学》2006,21(4):103-107
随着我国经济和社会的不断发展,生态安全已经上升成为国家安全的一个重要方面,而城市生命线系统是城市生态安全的一个重要命脉。本文基于生态安全特点和城市生命线系统特征,分析了目前我国城市生命线系统存在的主要问题;从评价生命线系统易损性、协调城市生命线系统建设与城市总体规划关系、利用GIS和DSS等技术构建城市生命线系统数据库和决策支持系统等方面对城市生命线系统进行了优化设计;并分别以东部沿海典型城市厦门和连云港为例,从政策、规划、机构、管理、科研等层面提出优化建议。  相似文献   

随着人类的活动深刻地改变着自然界,自然灾害的频繁发生已成为现代生态环境的常态,而人类对于自身对自然灾害的发生应采取什么样的态度,承担什么样的义务和责任,还没有深刻的认识。从自然灾害的释义学角度入手,结合对灾害不同认识的理论背景,分析了自然灾害的人为致因,依据客观的灾害史,指出了人类中心主义的极端功利化对自然灾害频发的罪责,并提出应从生态伦理学探讨了人类中心主义的内在文化根源,借助对理性主义的分析,揭示了人类中心主义发展的内在逻辑,继而。结合现代生态伦理学对人类中心主义的批判,对人类中心主义进行了反思和修正。  相似文献   

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