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在现代智能交通管理控制系统中,视频技术系统作为一个重要的子系统以其成熟可靠的技术,方便、直观的应用在整个系统的智能化、网络化方面具有不可取代的重要作用。电子警察--视频技术的应用方面之一,作为整个系统的网络前端监控点,以其全天候、全天时、适时监控等特点在加强道路交通管理、弥补警力不足等方面发挥重要作用。本文就电子警察这一系统进行分析和论述。 相似文献
正近年来,利用计算机视觉分析等先进的信息技术实现高效、智能、安全的智能交通系统已经成为城市管理的发展方向,而电子警察系统是整个智能交通大平台建设的重要组成部分。道路交通安全违法行为自动记录系统(俗称"电子警察"系统)是对在道路上发生的各类交通安全违法行为进行图像自动取证,为闯红灯、闯禁令、超速等各类交通安全违法行为的责任鉴定、事后查询提供真实、可靠、全面的信息,并能够以图文、视频录像等多种形式对外提供信息服务,结合相应的处罚管理手段,对道路交通秩序能起到积极的规范作用。 相似文献
日前,装配有亚安高清专用摄像机及配套的室外中型防护罩的“电子警察”亮相西藏自治区拉萨市区各主要交通道路卡口。作为辅助执法设备,“电子警察”以其无人值守、自动记录、容量大、无需当场处罚、便于管理等优点成为交通管理工作中必不可少的装备。亚安高清专用摄像机以其成熟的高清输出和网络传输技术,在此项目中发挥了强劲的功能。 相似文献
一、应用背景分析过去十年,远程视频实时监视系统解决了监控系统"看得见"的问题,目前视频监控市场正朝"看得清、看得明"的方向发展,同时随着海量监控视频的出现,如何对海量信息进行有效管理和信息深度挖掘,在事件内容标注、信息检索查询等方面面临诸多困局。1.视频监控成千上万,数量众多近年来,中国视频监控市场受平安城市建设、北京奥运会、上海世博会、广州亚运会、深圳大运会等安 相似文献
引言智能视频分析技术起源于计算机视觉技术,它综合应用图像增强处理等技术,在实现目标与背景分离的基础上,通过将目标特征信息与预先设置的模板或规则进行比对,自动识别感兴趣的目标、行为、事件或数据并产生报警,必要时可自动跟踪异常目标并联动其他安防设施,显着提高了安全防控整体效率和能力。同时利用安防智能视频分析技术可在海量历史视频信息中实现基于时间、地点以及语义特征描述的智能化查询搜索。 相似文献
在视频监控飞速发展的今天,视频监控画面的海量信息已经超过了人力有效处理的范围已经成为客观事实。而智能视频分析技术是是一种滤除大量冗余的有效手段,是目前中国安防行业最为关注的图像处理技术,简而言之,该技术就是发现图像中运动的物体,并对其进行跟踪、分析,及时发现异常行为,触发报警并采取其他措施进行干预。 相似文献
驾驶员驾车超速行驶等违法行为被电子警察抓拍,这是非常正常的一件事情。那么,电子警察到底如何抓拍司机违法呢?笔者通过10月4日网友上传的一个百度视频片断,向你揭秘电子警察抓拍司机违法的全过程。10月4日上午,山东济南市中区交警指挥中心,民警们端坐在电脑前,聚精会神地盯着电脑显示屏里的一举一动,并适时用手切换桌面上的数字键,然后通 相似文献
本文结合当前激光传感器特别是激光测距技术的发展,讨论了激光测距技术在智能交通中的一些典型应用,涉及交通情况监控、车辆行进辅助、违法行为监测等多个方面,具有很高的潜在应用开发潜力。 相似文献
正近年来,我国轨道交通行业发展迅猛,由于其不占地面道路、客运量大、能耗低等优势,各城市积极投入轨道交通建设。同时,由于其安全可靠、快速便捷等特点,轨道交通也逐步成为市民出行的首选。地铁车站作为地铁的关键节点,是地铁服务水平、管理水平、 相似文献
我国幅员辽阔,各种车辆的数量非常巨大.在各种车辆的运营过程中,如何防范盗窃、抢劫等恶性案件的发生;并在盗窃、抢劫等恶性案件发生后,采取何种有效措施为公安机关迅速破案提供依据;如何量化对司机、售票人员的服务质量考评;如何控制车辆的超载行为,杜绝交通事故的隐患;如何防止车辆外出运营过程中的票务短款情况的发生……以上的诸多问题,一直困扰着车辆运营部门. 相似文献
OPC是一种建立在COM技术基础上的用于加工控制的OLE.从本质上说,OPC定义一种共用接口,这种接口能够使接口开发工作一经完成就很容易重新使用. 相似文献
安防行业发展至今,普遍认为已完全实现数字化,并向网络化发展了;甚至认为网络化已经完成,开始走向信息化。本文作者认为从目前安防行业的技术、产品的应用情况可以看出这些观点既正确又有片面性,并从数字化技术角度阐述了安防行业的发展历史及发展趋势。 相似文献
This paper introduces a management system suitable for hazardous technology organizations which has been developed based on the assumptions that in these organizations safety is a critical strategic factor, the existence of an enhanced safety culture is a crucial condition for safety and that safety culture enhancement implies in organizational changes. The management system was theoretically developed and then implemented at a Brazilian nuclear research and development installation, as a case study, in order to validate the theoretical propositions assumed in the system development. The developed management system comprises a day-to-day based organizational framework which treats safety as one of the organization strategic perspectives and provides a continuous adaptation of the complex causal inter-relationships which occur between the implementation of new management practices – designed and implemented according to the requirements of the criteria of excellence of the Brazilian quality award management assessment model – and the organization safety culture. The results achieved in the case study permitted to demonstrate the validness of all the system theoretical propositions and to conclude that the continuous and systematic operation of the management system makes an effective safety culture enhancement possible and simultaneously facilitates that the new management practices be effectively implemented, thus making continuous organizational improvement possible. 相似文献
突发灾害救援工作的展开依赖于快速有效的应急损失评估,其技术过程是指快速获取因突发灾害而造成的各类工程结构物的破坏和人员伤亡等灾害现场信息。为此,提出利用广泛布设于城市道路、公共场所、构(建)筑物内部的视频监控设备所捕捉到的影像资料,在技术上通过计算机图像处理技术,结合灾害快速评估技术和地理信息系统(GIS),对灾害现场以构(建)筑物为代表的工程设施进行监测,提供实时的数据处理结果和现场灾害快速评估信息,从而在最大程度上避免突发灾害救援指挥的无序性,提高应急工作效率。 相似文献
基于对航空安全极端重要性的深层次思考,将危险源辨识、风险评估和风险控制应用到民航事故预防中,对诱发事故的各种潜在因素进行分析、估计和评价,把1994-2003年的民航事故数据应用到风险水平矩阵中,得出人为因素失误和组织失调时的风险是不可接受的;进而提出风险控制措施,使人安全地与技术结合,并融入培训、管理政策或操作程序之中,有效减少人为失误;导致飞机事故的所有因素共同形成一个事故链,针对事故链中的每一个环节采取相应的措施,并协调好他们之间的关系有效地预防民航事故的发生. 相似文献
IntroductionThe study of non-fatal road traffic injuries is growing in importance. Since there are rarely comprehensive injury datasets, it is necessary to combine different sources to obtain better estimates on the extent and nature of the problem. Record linkage is one such technique. MethodIn this study, anonymized datasets from three separate sources of injury data in Ireland: hospitals, police, and injury claims are linked using probabilistic and deterministic linkage techniques. A method is proposed that creates a ‘best’ set of linked records for analysis, useful when clerical review of undecided cases is not feasible. ResultsThe linkage of police and hospital datasets shows results that are similar to those found in other countries, with significant police understatement especially of cyclist and motorcyclist injuries. The addition of the third dataset identifies a large number of additional injuries and demonstrates the error of using only the two main sources for injury data. Practical applicationThe study also underlines the risk in relying on the Lincoln–Petersen capture–recapture estimator to provide an estimate of the total population concerned. ConclusionThe data show that road traffic injuries are significantly more numerous than either police or hospital sources indicate. It is also argued that no single measure can fully capture the range of impacts that a serious injury entails. 相似文献
Objective: The objective of this study was to adapt a previously validated Canadian Culpability Scoring Tool (CCST) to Alberta police report data. Methods: Police traffic collision reports from motor vehicle (MV) collisions in Calgary and Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) from 2010 to 2014 were used. Adaptation of the CCST was completed with input from personnel within Alberta Transportation, contributing to face and content validity. Two research assistants, given only the information necessary for scoring, evaluated 175 randomly selected MV–MV collisions. Interrater agreement was estimated using kappa (k) and reported with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Discussion of disagreements between the research assistants and consultation from Alberta Transportation informed the algorithm used in the Alberta Motor Vehicle Collision Culpability Tool (AMVCCT). The AMVCCT was automated and applied to all motorists involved in collisions. Binary logistic regression was used to examine characteristics of the culpable and nonculpable drivers and their effects were reported using odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs. Results: Interrater agreement for the random sample was excellent (k = 0.95; 95% CI, 0.92–0.99). Of those drivers hospitalized, 1,130 (37.54%) were rated not culpable and 1,880 (62.46%) were rated culpable. The odds of being culpable were higher for males than for females (OR = 1.43; 95% CI, 1.23–1.66). The odds of being culpable were higher in those impaired by alcohol than those considered “apparently normal” (OR = 61.10; 95% CI, 22.66–164.75). The odds of being deemed culpable, when compared with drivers >54 years old, were higher for those <25 years old (OR = 1.72; 95% CI, 1.35–2.20) and lower for those in the 40- to 54-year-old age group (OR = 0.78; 95% CI, 0.63–0.96). Driving between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. resulted in higher odds of being culpable compare with all other 6-h time blocks. Direction and statistical significance remained consistent when applying the tool to all MV collisions. Sensitivity analysis including the removal of single vehicle collisions did not affect the direction or statistical significance of the main results. Conclusions: The AMVCCT identified a culpable group that exhibited characteristics expected in drivers who are at fault in collisions. The age groups 25–39 and 40–54 demonstrated different results than the CCST. However, this is the only difference that exists in the findings of the AMVCCT compared to the CCST and could exist due to differences between the driving populations in Alberta and British Columbia. It is possible to adapt the CCST to provinces outside British Columbia and, in doing so, we can identify risk factors for collision contribution and not-at-fault drivers who represent the driving population. 相似文献
广州地铁1、2号线车站首次采用门禁系统,建立了地铁车站设备管理区的现代安保管理设施,提高了车站内部管理的工作效率,加强了对车站设备管理区各类用房的监管力度.本文主要介绍广州地铁车站门禁系统的应用技术与安全管理. 相似文献
Introduction: A large number of air traffic control occurrences take place without resulting in loss of separation between aircraft. Unfortunately such occurrences are seldom reported and therefore not used for disclosing system weaknesses, such as inappropriate methods and procedures.The ATCC (Air Traffic Control Centre) Malmoe made a trial with local reporting of “learning occurrences”. The trial was ATCO-(Air Traffic Controller) centred. The study objectives were to evaluate if ATCOs would start to report after a defined training and marketing effort, if they could identify system weaknesses, if concrete actions for safety improvement would be taken as a result of the trial and to what extent expert support was necessary. Method and material: The trial period was eight months. The ATCO report would be made on a simple form, available on site. These reports would then be analysed in groups and the marketing and feedback efforts would be co-ordinated by the local flight safety group. Results: 43 reports were filed and analysed during the trial period. The initial motivational training and marketing was considered adequate. During the group discussions, the ATCOs identified system weaknesses within 40 of the reports. The resulting safety improvement actions included: the ATCC unit becoming more active in contacting the pilots and airline companies, the renaming of some waypoints (due to name similarities), the implementation of safer procedures when relieving ATCOs, the training of ATCOs in cockpit flight management systems, and the initiation of a research project primarily concerned with ATCO mental overload.Expert support was required in the beginning to help ATCOs focus on the system rather than on the individual. 相似文献