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The evolution of aposematism is linked to increased opportunities for conspicuous sexual displays since detection by potential predators is no longer disadvantageous. Therefore, phenotypic divergence in aposematic species leading to relatively cryptic forms is expected to constrain such opportunities, by restoring the trade-off between natural and sexual selection on the boldness of sexual displays. We asked if and how a derived phenotype of the poison-dart frog Oophaga granulifera that appears relatively cryptic to potential predators exhibits conspicuous sexual displays for potential mates. We used visual modeling of frog contrasts against their natural backgrounds to test if for conspecifics green frogs appear less conspicuous than red frogs as they do for birds. We conducted behavioral observations of focal red and green males to determine if green frogs adjust their display behavior to the availability of potential mates. Dorsal brightness is known to influence female preferences in at least one poison frog species. We found that, despite being less visible under some measures, green frogs may appear as bright as red frogs for conspecifics but not birds, when viewed on dark backgrounds. Additionally, green males called more intermittently than red males when advertising to distant females, but they exhibited a dramatic increase in calling activity in proximity of a female and were as active as red males in this context. Together, our results suggest that green frogs retain context-dependent conspicuousness to conspecifics despite the evolution of relative crypsis to potential predators.  相似文献   

For visual signaling to be effective, animal signals must be detected and discriminated by receivers, often against complex visual backgrounds with varying light levels. Accordingly, in many species, conspicuous visual displays and ornaments have evolved as a means to enhance background contrast and thereby increase the detection and discrimination of male courtship signals by females. Using video playbacks, we tested the hypothesis that visual courtship displays and leg decorations of male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders are more conspicuous against complex leaf-litter backgrounds. Video exemplars of courting males with manipulated leg tufts were superimposed on different backgrounds (complex leaf litter in sun or shade, featureless gray background) and presented to female spiders. Females were more likely to orient to males presented against lighter backgrounds (litter in sun, gray) than the darker ones (litter—shade). Males with larger tufts were also more likely to be detected, as latency to orient was shortest for enlarged and longest for removed tufts. Latency of females to approach was shorter against lighter backgrounds, and approach latency was longest for males without tufts. Female receptivity scores were significantly greater for males against lighter backgrounds, and males with larger tufts had higher scores. These results suggest that both complexity and light level of display backgrounds affect the detection of male visual courtship signals by females and that aspects of the male phenotype may increase chances of detection (and receptivity) against visually complex backgrounds.  相似文献   

Terrestrial plants have long been known to induce resistance towards herbivores in response to direct grazing, and strong evidence of inter-plant information transfer through volatile signals has been reported recently. Still, little is known about information exchange in aquatic plant–herbivore interactions. In this study, 12 Swedish seaweed species were exposed either to direct grazing by a generalist crustacean herbivore (Idotea granulosa), or to waterborne signals produced by actively feeding herbivores for 1 week. In order to test for the presence of induced chemical resistance in the different seaweed species, the dried and homogenized seaweed tissues were incorporated into an agar matrix, and herbivores were allowed to choose between the resulting control and induced artificial diets in two different two-choice feeding trials. The herbivores were actively feeding from all seaweed species in the induction experiments, although the amount of seaweed tissue consumed differed significantly between species. A chemically based induced herbivore resistance was found in response to direct grazing in four of the tested seaweed species (two red, one brown, and one green seaweed species). Furthermore, four seaweeds (one red, two brown, and one green seaweed species) induced resistance towards further grazing in response to waterborne chemical signals. Several seaweed species responded differently when exposed to different herbivore-related cues, indicating that both cues and responses can be highly specific. The results show that herbivore-induced resistance is present in 7 of 12 of the tested Swedish seaweed species, but that different signals (i.e., direct grazing and waterborne cues) elicit complex responses in the seaweeds.  相似文献   

Sending color signals to conspecifics may attract predators, leading to opposing selection pressures on the evolution of signal expression and display behavior in animals. The costs of signaling can be reduced, however, because conspicuousness is the combined result of the reflectance spectra of the displayer's color pattern and the spectra of ambient light illuminating the animal. Changes in ambient light can alter conspicuousness, even when chemical and structural color-generating mechanisms remain constant, potentially allowing animals to display their colors most fully in light environments where the benefits are greatest relative to the costs. Using spectroradiometric methods, we determined how light habitat use affects conspicuousness in adult males of the Wire-tailed Manakin Pipra filicauda, a lekking bird species with vivid plumage colors. We studied three aspects of visibility, including properties of the entire color pattern, visual contrast within an individual's plumage and a bird's contrast relative to its visual background. Wire-tailed Manakins usually displayed in forest shade environments, which reduced their conspicuousness at larger viewing distances, while maximizing visual contrast within the plumage color pattern at close viewing distances. Compared to sunspots, ambient light in forest shade reduces the contrast of individual bird colors with the background at close viewing distance. However, background contrast of individual bird colors in the shade was still relatively higher during sunny than during cloudy weather which may explain why males were more active when the sun was not blocked by clouds. Assuming that the visual perceptions of predators and other manakins do not differ from the reflectance patterns we measured, Wire-tailed manakins tend to display in light environments that reduce the conflicts between avoiding long distance detection by predators and displaying conspicuous color signals to visiting females.  相似文献   

A study of the sea anemone Actinia equina L. displaying red to brown column coloration was conducted on British shores in 1981 and 1982 in order to assess the ecological significance of discontinuous variation in pedal disc colour. Two ecologically distinct morphs have been revealed. One is characterised by having a red/pink pedal disc, and by being homozygous slow or heterozygous at a hexokinase locus, whilst the other has a grey/green disc and is homozygous fast. The former is relatively more common on the upper-mid shore and on vertical rock faces, whereas individuals of the latter occur more frequently at lower levels, and are relatively more abundant on horizontal surfaces. Correlated with this is a dichotomy in the strength of attachment of the disc to the substratum; anemones having red/pink discs adhere relatively more firmly. Evidence from brood size analysis suggest that the morphs are subject to differential selection; the commoner one at many site examined had a larger median brood size. At present, none of our data on gene-enzyme variation suggests that red to brown anemones in Britain comprise more than one species. Nevertheless, it is argued that local speciation is potentially likely to occur as a result of disruptive selection.  相似文献   

Summary. Chemical, physiological and behavioral components of pheromone communication have been described for a number of bark beetle species, yet our understanding of how these signals function under natural conditions remains relatively limited. Development of ecologically based models is complicated by the multiple functions and sources of variability inherent in bark beetle semiochemistry. This discussion addresses four ecological issues of chemical signaling in bark beetles: the effects of aggregation on individual fitness, the possibility of cheating, how plants can defend themselves against herbivores that employ aggregation pheromones, and the implications of variability in chemical communication systems to predator avoidance. An analysis of published data from thirteen scolytid – conifer systems indicates that the net benefit and optimal colonization density vary with host condition and beetle species. When beetles attack live trees, the benefit of cooperative host procurement exceeds losses due to competition for the limited substrate, at least up to moderate densities. When beetles colonize dead tissue, however, the effect of subsequently arriving beetles on initial colonizers is almost entirely negative. This suggests that aggregation originated as exploitation of senders, but evolved into manipulation of receivers. It is also proposed that the optimal colonization density which typifies each species or population may offer a more objective and less value–laden index of behavior than current labels such as “aggressiveness”. Beetles can maximize the relative benefits of group attack by incorporating instantaneous measures of host resistance into their colonization behavior, and by adjusting oviposition with colonization density. This system may provide opportunities for cheating. However a number of factors may select against a fixed strategy of cheating, including the linkage between tree allelochemistry and beetle semiochemistry, the reduced quality of substrate available to late arrivers, the short adult lifespans of most bark beetles, differential exposure to some predators, the difficulty of locating signalers during extensive endemic periods, and the low costs incurred during host assessment. However, the possibility that beetles employ flexible, density – dependent strategies deserves heightened attention. The ability of bark beetles to collectively exhaust host defenses poses a particular problem for plant defense. It is argued here that the ideal defense should include both direct resistance mechanisms against invading beetles, and indirect mechanisms that inhibit chemical communication. Evidence for the latter mechanism is explored. The ability of predators to efficiently exploit aggregation pheromones as kairomones in prey finding poses significant risk to bark beetles. It is proposed that minor alterations in pheromone components may provide colonizers with partial escape from such natural enemies while maintaining intraspecific functionality. Traditional interpretations emphasized the fidelity and consistency of pheromones, but under natural conditions chemical signals are modified by unpredictable features of the biotic and abiotic environment. Although we typically view variation in pheromonal signals as experimental noise or simple deviations from a population norm, such variation may reflect evolutionary dynamics. Complex ecological interactions may impose trade-offs between the clarity versus diversity of their signals. Received 3 July 2000; accepted 8 January 2001  相似文献   

An enormous variety of volatile substances are released in distinctive blends by fungal substrates that should be recognisable for fungivores. Certain compounds dominate in most of the fungal species. Fungal oxylipins as the eight-carbon volatiles are the most prominent. This raises the question whether such are specific enough to qualify as appropriate host cues for a fungivore. We could demonstrate differentiated responses of the fungivorous beetle Bolitophagus reticulatus to eight-carbon volatiles: Nine eight-carbon volatiles were identified with GC–MS from its host fungus Fomes fomentarius. 1-Octen-3-ol, 3-octanone and 3-octanol induced contrasting behaviour of beetles in olfactometer bioassays. Electroantennographic experiments investigating the beetle olfactory sense revealed distinguishable antennal responses. Moreover, their individual release from F. fomentarius fruiting bodies changes not only considerably, but also independently over successive stages of beetle colonisation. Concentrations of attractive and repellent eight-carbon volatiles correlate to frequency of beetles in the field and further substantiate their relevance as host cues. Our results show that a specialist fungivore is able to differentiate the most common eight-carbon volatiles of fungi to assess host quality. Key roles and marked similarities of fungal to plant oxylipins suggest a comparable importance of eight-carbon volatiles to fungivores as green leaf volatiles have to herbivores.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Habitat loss and fragmentation can have strong negative impacts on populations of some native species. Spillover of generalist natural enemies from the surrounding landscape matrix is one mechanism potentially generating such effects, yet this has been rarely studied in insects. We examined the influence of habitat conversion to agriculture on the abundance and potential effects of predatory coccinellid beetles on native insect herbivores within 12 grassland remnants in central Nebraska (U.S.A.). Results of sweep sampling revealed that coccinellids were three to six times more abundant at native grassland sites embedded within cropland-dominated landscapes compared with control sites in grassland-dominated landscapes over the 3 years of the study. Exclusion experiments further demonstrated that predation intensity was strongly related to coccinellid abundances across sites and that coccinellids can dramatically reduce densities of a native aphid herbivore. In contrast to studies of specialized insect parasitoids, which have generally found reduced enemy pressure in fragmented landscapes, our results suggest that native herbivores may in some cases experience increased consumer pressure in landscapes with increasing habitat loss because of spillover of generalist predators from surrounding cropland habitats.  相似文献   

Animal color patterns often reflect a compromise between natural selection for crypsis or inconspicuousness to predators and sexual selection for conspicuousness to potential mates. In leaf litter-dwelling wolf spider species like Schizocosa ocreata, body coloration often closely matches the background coloration of a generally brown environment. However, body parts used in communication should exhibit high contrast against background coloration. We used spectral analysis to examine male and female S. ocreata for matching and contrasting coloration against leaf litter. Values were plotted in multivariate color space, based on reflectivity in different frequency ranges. When viewed from above, colors of both males and females overlap with values for dead brown leaf litter and soil, suggesting cryptic coloration when viewed by potential predators. However, when viewed from a lateral perspective, both males and females show color values that are polar opposites of litter backgrounds, suggesting higher contrast when viewed by other spiders. Moreover, male secondary characters used in visual signaling by S. ocreata (tibia brushes) show the highest level of background contrast. These findings suggest that S. ocreata wolf spiders have color patterns that provide both crypsis and background contrast at the same time, depending on receiver viewing perspective.  相似文献   

Insect pollination and pollen feeding can reduce plant volatile emissions and future insect floral attraction, with oviposition having different effects. Meligethes aeneus F. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), is a pollen-feeding pest beetle of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae). We measured plant VOC emission over 72 h from two types of 24 h M. aeneus exposure to B. napus: pollen feeding vs. flower bud injury and oviposition. The most abundant constitutive volatile organic compounds (VOCs), lilac aldehydes A (LA A) & B (LA B) and veratrole (VER), had 30–40 % reductions from M. aeneus pollen-feeding exposure at 24 h and 50–90 % reductions by 72 h, with greater reductions after bud injury and oviposition. Linalool (LIN), a common herbivore-induced plant volatile (HIPV), emission did not change at 24 h, but was induced six- to sevenfold 48 h after both exposure treatments. By 72 h, LIN had even greater (tenfold) induction after bud injury and oviposition, but no induction from pollen feeding. Three common HIPVs (β-caryophyllene, = βCAR (E)-β-farnesene = EβFAR, and (Z)-β-ocimene = ZβOCI) were progressively induced up to 2.5-fold 72 h after floral bud injury and oviposition. We assayed M. aeneus adult behavioral responses to LA A and B, and VER. Both M. aeneus sexes were attracted to higher concentrations than single plant constitutive emission for these VOCs, but avoided much higher doses. Progressive LA A and B, and VER, emission reductions might help plants (e.g., B. napus) to avoid future interactions with pollen-feeding pest herbivores (e.g., M. aeneus). After bud injury and oviposition, HIPV induction could help plants deter future oviposition and/or attract natural enemies to deposited eggs.  相似文献   

Sex pheromones are used by a wide variety of species in terrestrial ecosystems. Much less is known about these pheromones in aquatic systems e.g., for diving beetles. To test the use of pheromones and visual signals for mate finding by the diving beetle Rhantus suturalis (MacLeay 1825), behavioral experiments were performed using three different types of vessels containing conspecific. In experiments with non-permeable glass flasks, which did not allow the diffusion of chemical substances, males and females did not stimulate any reaction by conspecific of either sex. In experiments with opaque but water permeable vessels, and in experiments with vessels made of finely woven steel, which allowed the perception of chemical as well as optical cues, male diving beetles were significantly attracted to females. Females were attracted to other females only in the last experiment, when simultaneously perceiving chemical and optical cues. These results indicate that R. suturalis females release sex pheromones to attract mating partners, which is the first experimental demonstration of pheromones in the Dytiscidae.  相似文献   

Many animals use multimodal (both visual and acoustic) components in courtship signals. The acoustic communication of anuran amphibians can be masked by the presence of environmental background noise, and multimodal displays may enhance receiver detection in complex acoustic environments. In the present study, we measured sound pressure levels of concurrently calling males of the Small Torrent Frog (Micrixalus saxicola) and used acoustic playbacks and an inflatable balloon mimicking a vocal sac to investigate male responses to controlled unimodal (acoustic) and multimodal (acoustic and visual) dynamic stimuli in the frogs’ natural habitat. Our results suggest that abiotic noise of the stream does not constrain signal detection, but males are faced with acoustic interference and masking from conspecific chorus noise. Multimodal stimuli elicited greater response from males and triggered significantly more visual signal responses than unimodal stimuli. We suggest that the vocal sac acts as a visual cue and improves detection and discrimination of acoustic signals by making them more salient to receivers amidst complex biotic background noise.  相似文献   

When choosing between two potential mates, a male may benefit by picking a larger (longer and/or more heavy-bodied) female because she is likely to produce more or larger offspring. Males of many species use visual cues to evaluate the sizes of their mates, but in some situations (at night or in a crowded mating swarm), vision may be useless. Potentially, males may be able to use chemical cues that convey information about female body size. We manipulated cues available to free-ranging male garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in large courting aggregations near communal dens in Manitoba, Canada. Males not only directed disproportionate courtship to longer and heavier-bodied females, but also courted most vigorously in response to lipids extracted from the skins of such females. Our data show that with a flick of his tongue, a male garter snake can identify not only a female's body length, but also her body condition.  相似文献   

Sesquiterpene lactones are defensive compounds which protect plants against a variety of herbivores and other natural enemies. Sesquiterpene lactones from higher plants can be divided into two groups based on the stereochemistry of their lactone ring junction, either cis-fused or trans-fused. It is unclear whether and how this variation affects potentially important ecological interactions. To investigate whether stereochemical variation in sesquiterpene lactone ring junctions can influence resistance to herbivorous insects, we performed controlled feeding trials with two pairs of diastereomeric sesquiterpene lactones and examined the deterrent effect of each compound on feeding by the polyphagous grasshopper Schistocerca americana (Drury). Sesquiterpene lactone stereochemistry and concentration significantly influenced feeding behavior with grasshoppers consuming less of the trans-fused compounds than the cis-fused compounds. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that sesquiterpene lactone ring junction stereochemistry influences the feeding behavior of herbivores. Because this stereochemical trait polymorphism is widely distributed in nature, it could have substantial consequences for the ecology and evolution of large groups of plants, particularly the Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Summary. Most dung beetles colonize the faeces of several vertebrate species without much discrimination, and are thus often considered as polyphagous. Recent studies have provided evidence for clear feeding preferences in scarab beetles colonizing dung of herbivore species, but little is known about these insects’ abilities to discriminate among odours from faeces of various herbivores. In this study, trophic preferences were examined using blocks of pitfall traps baited with dung from four different herbivore species, i.e., sheep, cattle, horse, and red deer, in a mountainous area of south-central France. 4941 coprophagous scarabs, belonging to 27 species, were captured. Beetles were more attracted to dung of sheep (2257 individuals) than that of cattle (1294 individuals), followed by deer dung (768 individuals) and horse dung (622 individuals). Eleven of the 27 beetle species collected had significant feeding preferences for one of the four dung types. For each insect species, trophic habits did not vary between the two different sites of trapping, an open pasture and a wooded habitat. In laboratory olfactometer bioassays, scarab beetles orientated preferentially towards the dung volatiles from the dung type they preferred in the field. Trypocopris pyrenaeus, Anoplotrupes stercorosus, and Aphodius rufipes were more attracted to volatile compounds from sheep dung, Onthophagus fracticornis significantly preferred horse dung volatiles, and Aphodius haemorrhoidalis responded positively to deer dung odours. The role of dung olfactory cues in the process of resource selection by dung beetles is discussed.  相似文献   

Parasitic wasps orient to green leaf volatiles   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Summary Undamaged plants emit low levels of green leaf volatiles (GLVs), while caterpillar-damaged and artificially damaged plants emit relatively higher levels of certain GLVs. Female braconid parasitoids,Microplitis croceipes, oriented to both damaged plants and to individual GLVs in no-choice tests in a wind tunnel, but seldom oriented to undamaged plants. Female ichneumonid parasitoids,Netelia heroica, also oriented to individual GLVs in a wind tunnel. Males of both wasp species failed to orient to the GLVs. These data show that leaf-feeding caterpillars can cause the release of GLVs, and that parasitic wasps can respond to these odors by flying upwind (chemoanemotactic response), which brings the wasps to their caterpillar hosts. This supports the hypothesis that plants communicate with members of the third trophic level,i.e., plants under herbivore attack emit chemical signals that guide natural enemies of herbivores to sites of plant damage. In this interaction, the GLVs serve as tritrophic plant-to-parasitoid synomones. That parasitoids from two different wasp families oriented to GLVs suggests that the response may be widespread among the Hymenoptera.Mention of a commercial or proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture  相似文献   

Though it is known that flower scent not only attracts pollinators but also herbivores, little is known about the importance of flower scent on the distribution of leaf herbivores among individuals within a plant species. In this study we determined the distribution of galls induced by the sawfly Pontania proxima (Serville 1823) (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae, Nematinae) on flowering and non-flowering representatives of several clones belonging to Salix fragilis and S. × rubens (Salicaceae). Further, amounts and composition of scent of flowering and non-flowering twigs were compared (dynamic headspace-gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, DHS-GC–MS), and a scent sample collected from flowering twigs of S. fragilis was tested by coupled gas chromatography and electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) on the antennae of P. proxima females. The results show that the presence of flower catkins on plants led to a higher degree of allocation with galls, but the number of galls differed not between flowering and non-flowering plants. The DHS-GC–MS analyses revealed that the total amount of flower scent emitted per flowering twig is about 90 times higher than the scent emitted by a non-flowering twig. Further, several compounds were emitted only by flowering but not by non-flowering twigs. In the GC-EAD analyses, antennae consistently responded not only to green leaf volatiles, but also to compounds emitted only by the flowers (e.g. 1,4-dimethoxybenzene). These flower scent compounds are suggested to affect the host plant choice by attracting more sawflies from the distance to flowering plants compared to non-flowering plants. The EAD-active compounds emitted from vegetative plant parts are assumed to act as long-distance signals especially when flowers are absent on host plants, e.g. during the oviposition period of the second generation of P. proxima.  相似文献   

In response to insect herbivory, plants emit volatiles that are used by the herbivores’ natural enemies to locate their host or prey. Herbivore attack also enhances tea aroma. Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) vary both quantitatively and qualitatively with infestation duration and herbivore density. Thus, whether HIPVs can reliably communicate the identities of herbivores is of interest. Here, we studied the tea plant volatiles induced by the tea leafhopper (Empoasca vitis, a piercing–sucking insect), the tea geometrid (Ectropis oblique, a chewing insect), and methyl jasmonate (MeJA, a plant hormone). Geometrid feeding induced more complex volatile blends than did leafhopper infestation. The volatiles induced by both herbivores significantly increased in quality and quantity with time during the first 16 h of infestation, after which the profiles of induced volatile blends and the emission of induced compounds varied diurnally. (E)-β-Ocimene displayed a unique rhythm in which emission peaked at night. The amount of HIPVs significantly increased, while their profiles changed little, with herbivore density. Overall, the leafhoppers and geometrids induced significantly different volatiles from tea plants, while the HIPV profiles varied with a circadian rhythm and were similar at different herbivore densities. Our findings also suggest a new method of enhancing tea flavor using exogenously applied plant hormones, because the volatiles induced by leafhoppers and MeJA were similar in general composition.  相似文献   

Genetic techniques have revealed surprisingly high rates of extra-pair paternity (EPP) in socially monogamous albatrosses. We sought to establish social and genetic influences on EPP in wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) at Marion Island, where EPP rates were 14–24?% in three successive seasons. EPP probably resulted from both female solicited extra-pair behaviours and male forced copulations. EPP was not linked to breeding experience nor with poor reproductive performance, despite a tendency for pairs to consistently produce either EPP or within-pair paternity (WPP) chicks. Mate guarding may inhibit extra-pair behaviour; however, parental arrival date and presence in the colony prior to laying did not correlate with EPP. There was little support for genetic advantages to producing EPP chicks, but the population is characterised by low genetic variability, which may result in mate incompatibility. Mates of pairs that failed and pairs producing EPP young tended to be more similar genetically to their partners than mates producing WPP young, suggesting that EPP may counter mate incompatibility. EPP and WPP chicks grow equally well, so cuckolded males did not reduce investment in EPP chicks. The lack of discriminatory behaviour by cuckolded males together with low genetic diversity in the population may allow continued high levels of EPP. In albatrosses, pair bonds are typically long lasting and the costs of forming new pairings may discourage mate swapping. Females may undertake extra-pair copulations as an adaptive alternative to mate swapping because the costs of extra-pair behaviour are small.  相似文献   

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