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Soil solution samples were taken from two sites (Horröd and Hasslöv) in the south part of Sweden to evaluate how soil solution chemistry responded to different treatmentswith dolomite and wood ash. At Horröd, samples were taken four years after application of wood ash, 4.28 ton ha-1 and dolomite, 3.25 ton ha-1. At Hasslöv dolomite, 3.45 ton ha-1 and 8.75 ton ha-1 was applied and samples were taken 15 yr later. It was found that treatment with dolomite at one site (Hasslöv) resulted in higher pH values (<2 pH units) and higher nitrification. It was also found at this site that the total Al and the inorganic Al concentrations decreased with dolomite treatment. The Ca, Mg, DOC, Fe, SO4 2- and Cl- concentrations, mainly in the topsoil, were found to be higher at both sites, following dolomite treatment; Ca and Mg concentrations were 2–8 times higher (<820 M) than in controls (<70 M). Wood ash was found to have less impact. The PO4 concentration in the O2 horizon at Hasslöv decreased due to dolomite-treatment. ANOVA (Analyse of Variance) and PLS (Partial Least Square) were used to evaluate the data from the two sites.  相似文献   

The effect of lime and ash additions upon the below ground ectomycorrhizal communities was studied at two spruce forest sites, Horröd and Hasslöv, in Southern Sweden. At Hasslöv, fifteen years after the addition of 8.75 ton ha-1 of dolomite, the species richness of the mycorrhizal community was unchanged. However, the liming resulted in an almost total replacement of species normally found under the site conditions, with only three morphotypes from a total of 24 distinguished being common to both the control and limed plots. At Horröd, four years after the application of 3.25 ton ha-1 crushed lime, there was a significant reduction in the number of species recorded. This was not a result of a reduction in root tips sampled, since there was no significant treatment effect upon root tip abundance. Instead, it appeared that the less common species present in the control plots had been lost following liming. At the same site, the addition of 4.28 ton ha-1 of wood ash had little effect upon the mycorrhizal community as a whole, with only small changes recorded in the abundance of a small number of species. This study highlights the urgent need for additional data on the temporal and load response of ectomycorrhizal fungi to the addition of lime. This information is vital in view of the proposed widespread use of lime as a counter measure to soil acidification.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fractions and different low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) were determined in soil solutions from two lime or ash treated Norway spruce sites in the south of Sweden. At Hasslöv, 3.45 t ha-1 or 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite were applied 15 years before sampling. Horröd was treated with 4.28 t ha-1 ash and 3.25 t ha-1 dolomite and sampled four years later. Propionate (7–268 M) and malonate (2–34 M) were the LMWOAsfound in the highest concentrations at Hasslöv. Two other LMWOAs dominated at Horröd, namely citrate (18–64 M)and fumarate (5–31 M). The differences in concentration of most of the determined LMWOAs at Hasslöv were significantly increased due to treatment. The LMWOAs comprised between 1.1–6.3% of the DOC at Hasslöv and 4.5–17.6% at Horröd. At Hasslöv normally 3–10% of the total acidity (TA) was due to LMWOAs and the average specific buffer capacity was 74 ± 22 mmol mol-1C.The total DOC concentration in the mor layer solution was 16 mM for the dolomite treated plots compared to 10 mM at the untreated plot. A major part of the increase in DOC at the treated plots apparently had a hydrophobic character and was of high molecular weight corresponding to 3–10 kDa. The concentration of DOC < 1 kDa in the control and treated plots was similar.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering losses were calculated for two conifer stands in relation to ongoing studies on liming effects and ash amendments on chemical status, soil solution chemistry and soil genesis. Weathering losses were based on elemental depletion trends in soil profiles since deglaciation and exposure to the weathering environment. Gradients in total geochemical composition were assumed to reflect alteration over time. Study sites were Horröd and Hasslöv in southern Sweden. Both Horröd and Hasslöv sites are located on sandy loamy Weichselian till at an altitude of 85 and 190 m a.s.l., respectively. Aliquots from volume determined samples from a number of soil levels were fused with lithium metaborate, dissolved in HNO3, and analysed by ICP – AES. Results indicated highest cumulative weathering losses at Hasslöv. The weathering losses for the elements are in the following order:Si > Al > K > Na > Ca > MgTotal annual losses for Ca+Mg+K+Na, expressed in mmolc m-2 yr-1, amounted to c. 28 and 58 at Horröd and Hasslöv, respectively. Variations between study sites could not be explained by differences in bulk density, geochemistry or mineralogy. The accumulated weathering losses since deglaciation were larger in the uppermost 15 cm than in deeper B horizons for most elements studied.  相似文献   

The effect of liming and ash treatment on pools, fluxes and concentrations of major solutes was investigated at two forestedsites (Norway spruce) in S. Sweden. One site was treated 15 yrprior to sampling (Hasslöv-Hs; dolomite: 3.45 and 8.75 t ha-1) and the other 4 yr before (Horröd-Hd; dolomite: 3.25 t ha-1; wood ash: 4.28 t ha-1). Effects of limingwere most pronounced in the O horizon solutions where higher pH,elevated Ca (120–700 M) and Mg (50–600 M) were observed as compared to control plots. The impact on the mineralsoil was more moderate. Soil solution concentrations were combined with modelled hydrological flow to calculate mass flows,which largely followed the trends of the solution composition. Liming also resulted in large increases of both exchangeable Caand Mg as well as effective cation exchange capacity (CECE;2–5 times the controls). The base saturation (BS%) was raised to 60–100% in the O horizon while in the mineral soil elevated values were only seen at the Hs site (20–60%; down to 10–15 cm depth for 8.75 t ha-1). Ash treatment did notaffect either the soil solution nor the exchangeable pool to thesame extent as lime. In general, the impact at the Hd site was less pronounced especially in the mineral soil, which might be due to shorter treatment time (4 vs. 15 yr) and also differentthickness of the O horizon. Budget calculations for Ca and Mg originating from the lime showed that a major part of the Ca (40–100%) was retained in the top 30 cm of the soil, of which30–95% was present in the O horizon. The mobility of Mg wasgreater and it was estimated that a significant part had been leached from the profile (30 and 50 cm depth) after 15 yr. Increased mass flows of NO3 - due to nitrification resulting from liming at the Hs site were calculated in the range120–350 mmol m-2 yr-1 (or 1.2–3.5 kmol ha-1 yr-1). There was significant leaching of Al (25–60 mmol m-2 yr-1), of which about 70% was inorganic, in thelower B horizon at both sites with no influence of liming.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic acid deposition causes forest soil acidification and perturbation of the soil forming processes. The impact of soil acidification on tree growth is discussed in view of the role of mycorrhizal fungi in weathering and nutrient uptake. A review has been carried out of experiments involving treatments of forest soil by lime and wood ash, where soil properties and soil solution composition have been investigated. Results from these experiments in Europe and North America are summarized. In general, the content of C in the mor layer decreased as a result of treatment due to higher microbial activity and soil respiration as well as increased leakage of DOC. In addition, the content of N in the mor layer, in general, decreased after treatment and there are occasional peaks of high NO3concentrations in soil solution. In nearly all reviewed investigations the pH of the deep mineral soil solution decreased and Al, SO4and NO3concentrations increased after treatment. These effects are probably due to the high ionic strength and increased microbial activity as a consequence of the treatments. In the soil, pH, CEC and base saturation increased in the upper horizons, but decreases in the upper mineral soil are also reported. In general, there was no increase in tree growth as a result of these treatments. The positive effects of the treatments on soil processes and tree growth are therefore questionable. In view of these conclusions, an investigation was carried out on the soil and soil solution chemistry and the role of mycorrhizal fungi in a spruce stand treated with two doses of lime and another treated with lime/ash in southern Sweden. The results of this investigation is reported in this volume.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations and fluxes in throughfall, forest floor leachate, soil solution (15 and 35 cm depths), and groundwater for coniferous forest sites in the boreal zone throughout Finland are described. Eight upland forest stands and one peatland forest stand are included in the study and the samples were collected during 1991–1997. Carbon (C) pools in the living tree biomass and soil compartments are presented, and the hydrophobic/hydrophilic and acidic components of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in samples collected in autumn 1999 and spring 2000 from two of the sites are compared. Biomass (aboveground and belowground) pools of C averaged 88 Mg ha-1 and soil (humus layer + 20 cm soil layer) averaged 55 Mg ha-1. Stand throughfall TOC monthly mean concentrations ranged from 4.0 to 18.6 mg L-1 and annual fluxes averaged 4.0 g m-2 yr-1. TOC concentrations in the water passing through the forest floor and soil decreased with depth. Plot mean concentrations at 35 cm depth values ranged from 4.1 to 21.2 mg L-1 and fluxes averaged 3.7 g m-2 yr-1. Throughfall TOC concentrations were lowest during the winter, snowfall period and highest during the growing season. No monotonic trends in throughfall TOC concentrations over the 1991–1997 period were found. Soil solution TOC concentrations varied considerably, both within and between years. DOC in throughfall, forest floor, and soil solutions and in both autumn and spring seasons was dominated by hydrophobic fractions, particularly acids. Spruce canopies and litter appear to be important sources of soluble organic carbon, particularly acidic and hydrophobic compounds. Further studies on the nature and dynamics of organic carbon fluxing through coniferous, boreal forest ecosystems are needed.  相似文献   

Innovative methods are currently being sought to safely utilize and reduce the amount of sluiced fly ash stored in on-site facilities at thermal electric power facilities in Ontario, Canada. The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of utilizing sluiced fly ash as a liming material on acidic soils. A greenhouse experiment was established to examine the influence of the ash on soil pH values and the yield and chemical composition of corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa grown on amended soil.The sluiced ash had an initial pH value of 9.1 (1:1 H2O) and contained an equivalent CaCO3 content of 11.5% (±0.2%) based on total content of Ca and Mg in the ash. Fly ash was applied at rates of up to 167 tonnes ha−1 to samples of the surface horizon (0–15 cm) of an acidic clay textured soil found local to the power plant. Application of fly ash increased soil pH values but a high concentration of boron in the added ash limited plant growth. Results indicated that the sluiced ash could be used as a liming material at application rates of up to 110 tonnes ha−1, on acidic, clay textured soils provided boron tolerant crops such as alfalfa were grown. Further research is required to establish the potential for leaching of boron to ground water and to determine the potential for plant uptake of other trace elements such as As and Se.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the concentration of boron (B) and some other selected trace elements in soil solution as effected by hydrogen ion activity within the normal pH range for acidic soils commonly amended with agricultural limestone and, alternatively, alkaline fly ash. Sluiced alkaline fly ash was applied to an acidic, clay textured soil at rates equivalent to 0, 42, 84, 125 and 167 tonne ha-1 based on the soil lime requirement. After wheat was grown and harvested the soil-ash mixtures were maintained at field capacity moisture content for an additional 4 months before pore water samples were extracted by immiscible displacement. The total concentrations of Co, Cr, Fe, V and Zn in the ash treated soils increased by < 10% at the highest application rate of ash, the content of Cu was increased by 13% and B by 38%. Only the concentration of boron increased appreciably in the pore water extracts. Release of B from the ash was correlated with the solubility behaviour of Ca and Mg, and not with the dissolution of glass phases in the ash. Speciation and adsorption calculations for the extracts were carried out using the program MINTEQ. Common Ca, Mg and Na borate minerals were undersaturated with respect to the equilibrated solutions. Application of the constant capacitance model to the adsorption of B on mineral surfaces suggested that adsorption had little effect on total dissolved B at pH values below 6.0. Predicted concentrations of B in solutions, equilibrated with calcite in a subsurface horizon, were up to 10.6 mg dm-3; more than double the recommended maximum concentration for B (5mg dm-3) in potable water in Ontario.  相似文献   

The role of snowmelt and subsurface hydrology in determiningthe chemistry of a small headwater stream in the TurkeyLakes Watershed (TLW) was evaluated for the spring meltperiods 1992 to 1996. Spring runoff is the dominanthydrological event at the TLW each year. Processesoccurring within the snowpack during snowmelt wereprincipally responsible for the above-ground changes inchemical fluxes relative to bulk deposition (the effect ofwinter throughfall was minimal). Large changes in chemicalfluxes occurred below ground. Organic matter decomposition,weathering, nitrification, and element cycling are some ofthe more important below-ground processes that operateduring the snow accumulation and ablation season and controlthe composition of the water ultimately appearing in thestream. Maximum stream discharge was accompanied byelevated concentrations of H+, NO3 -, K+,NH4 +, DOC, Al and Mn, but reduced levels ofCa2+, Mg2+, SO4 2- and SiO2. Theconcentration-discharge relationships were consistent withwater movement through and above the forest floor duringpeak discharge, a flowpath facilitated by rapid infiltrationof meltwater and the existence of a relatively impermeablelayer in the mineral soil creating a perched water table. Averaged over the five periods of snow accumulation andablation, it was estimated that pre-melt stream flow, andwater routed through the forest floor and through the uppermineral soil contributed 9, 28 and 63%, respectively, ofthe discharge measured at the outlet of the catchment. Theforest floor contribution would be greater at peak dischargeand at higher elevations. An end-member mixing modelestimated concentrations of SO4 2-, NO3 -,Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and Al that werecomparable to average values measured in the stream. Othervariables (NH4 +, H+, K+ and DOC) wereover-estimated implying retention mechanisms operatingoutside the model assumptions.  相似文献   

The lateral down-slope movement of water, NO3 -, NH4 +, SO4 2-, H+ and DOC through an ablation till was examined from 1987 to 1990 for a one hectaresoil catena on a steep hillslope with uniform forest cover at the Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW), Ontario, Canada. Natural variation in the export of nutrients from the soil profile via soil water to Little Turkey Lake was assessed in relation to nutrient distribution in soil at different topographic positions.Subsurface throughflow exhibited dramatic differences in nutrientconcentrations and fluxes with slope position, largely reflectingthat of the soil horizons through which the water passed. GreaterNO3 -, SO4 2-, and DOC concentrations in subsurface water in the upper, well-drained hillslope were a reflection of enrichment by contact with more acidic, more developed podzols, and more favorable soil physical and biological conditions for NO3 - retention in solution.Nutrient inputs to the lake were strongly influenced by increaseddown-slope transport of water, and increased SO4 2-, N, and C retention in wetter, less-developed podzolic soils that characterize lower slope positions. An understanding of water movement and soil development variation withtopographic position was required to accurately estimate nutrient budgets for steep slopes at TLW.  相似文献   

In regions with intensive livestock farming, thermal treatment for local energy extraction from the manure and export of the P rich ash as a fertilizer has gained interest. One of the main risks associated with P fertilizers is eutrophication of water bodies. In this study P and K mobility in ash from anaerobically digested, thermally gasified (GA) and incinerated (IA) piggery waste has been tested using water loads ranging from 0.1 to 200 ml g?1. Leaching of P from soil columns amended with GA was investigated for one P application rate (205 kg P ha?1 corresponding to 91 mg P kg?1 soil dry matter) as a function of precipitation rate (9.5 and 2.5 mm h?1), soil type (Jyndevad agricultural soil and sand), amount of time elapsed between ash amendment and onset of precipitation (0 and 5 weeks) and compared to leaching from soils amended with a commercial fertilizer (Na2HPO4). Water soluble P in GA and IA constituted 0.04% and 0.8% of total ash P. Ash amended soil released much less P (0.35% of total P applied in sand) than Na2HPO4 (97% and 12% of total P applied in Jyndevad and sand, respectively).  相似文献   

The color of wood ash is normally white, but black color ash was observed when seawater-soaked wood was combusted. In order to check the conditions for generation of black ash, we examined both ashing temperatures from 500 to 800 °C and seawater salt densities for wood soaking. As seawater salt densities rose, the ash color got black at ashing temperatures of 500 and 700 °C. The colors of the ash were analyzed by a spectrophotometer, and color space L* a* b* was measured. The L* value and wood ash yield showed a negative correlation when the ashing temperature was at 600 °C. Salt concentration in wood (SC) was practicably estimated from the L* value (R 2 = 0.51) by the approximation formula [SC (%) = 11.82e?0.038L*]. By scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation, black ash of 600 °C was fully covered by translucent material. It was composed of Na, Mg and Cl by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis, and seemed to be crystallized seawater salt. Washed black ash was also observed by SEM, translucent seawater salt was removed and the wood tissue was observed. Black ash was found to be carbonized wood tissue residue, and it was generated when seawater salt exists with a woody biomass.  相似文献   

In 1989, a watershed acidification experiment was begun on the Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia, USA. Ammonium sulfate fertilizer (35.5 kg N ha−1 yr−1and 40.5 kg S ha−1 yr−1) was applied to a forested watershed (WS3) that supported a 20-year-old stand of eastern deciduous hardwoods. Additions of N and S are approximately twice the ambient deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in the adjacent mature forested watershed (WS4), that serves as the reference watershed for this study. Acidification of stream water and soil solution was documented, although the response was delayed, and acidification processes appeared to be driven by nitrate rather than sulfate. As a result of the acidification treatment, nitrate solution concentrations increased below all soil layers, whereas sulfate was retained by all soil layers after only a few years of the fertilization treatments, perhaps due to adsorption induced from decreasing sulfate deposition. Based on soil solution monitoring, depletion of calcium and magnesium was observed, first from the upper soil horizons and later from the lower soil horizons. Increased base cation concentrations in stream water also were documented and linked closely with high solution levels of nitrate. Significant changes in soil chemical properties were not detected after 12 years of treatment, however.  相似文献   

More than 85% of the mountainous spruce forest of the Bavarian Forest National Park died after bark beetle attack during the last decade. The elemental budget of intact stands and of different stages after the dieback was investigated. N-fluxes in throughfall of intact stands were lower (12–16 kg ha-1 a-1) than in an earlier study in an intact mountainous spruce stand in the Bavarian Forest National Park and were reduced in the first years after the dieback (3–5 kg N ha-1 a-1). Nitrate-N fluxes by seepage water of intact stands at 40 cm depth, which is below the main rooting zone, were moderate (5–9 kg ha-1 a-1). After the dieback of the stands, NH4 + concentrations were increased in humus efflux as were NO3 - concentrations in mineral soil. Due to the relatively high precipitation, dilution of the elemental concentrations in seepage was considerable.Therefore, NO3 - concentrations were usually below the level of drinking water (806 μmol NO3 - L-1), with lowest concentrations after the snowmelt and highest in autumn. Nitrate concentrations were elevated from the first year until the 7th year after the dieback. Total NO3 --N losses by seepage until the 7th year after the dieback equalled 543 kg N ha-1. Aluminium fluxesafter the dieback were enhanced in the mineral soil from 55 to 503 mmolc m-2 a-1 (average of 8 yr), K+ fluxes from 8 to 37 mmolc m-2 a-1, and Mg2+ fluxes from 13 to 35 mmolc m-2 a-1. The consequences for the nutritional status of the ecosystem, the hydrosphere, and forest management are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Limited natural resources and landfill space, as well as increasing amounts of ash produced from incineration of bio fuel and municipal solid waste, have created a demand for useful applications of ash, of which road construction is one application. Along national road 90, situated about 20 km west of Sollefteå in the middle of Sweden, an experiment road was constructed with a 40 cm bio fuel ash layer. The environmental impact of the ash layer was evaluated from soil solutions obtained by centrifugation of soil samples taken on four occasions during 2001–2003. Soil samples were taken in the ash layer, below the ash layer at two depths in the road and in the ditch. In the soil solutions, pH, conductivity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the total concentration of cations (metals) and anions were determined. Two years after the application of the ash layers in the test road, the concentrations in the ash layer of K, SO4, Zn, and Hg had increased significantly while the concentration of Se, Mo and Cd had decreased significantly. Below the ash layer in the road an initial increase of pH was observed and the concentrations of K, SO4, Se, Mo and Cd increased significantly, while the concentrations of Cu and Hg decreased significantly in the road and also in the ditch. Cd was the element showing a potential risk of contamination of the groundwater. The concentrations of Ca in the ash layer indicated an ongoing hardening, which is important for the leaching rate and the strength of the road construction.  相似文献   

Liming and/or application of specific nutrients have been proposed as countermeasures to the acidification of forest soils in southern Sweden. In this study the stem growth of Picea abies (L.) Karst. growing on acidic mineral soils in SW Sweden was investigated 10 years after additions of lime (Ca; 3000 kg lime ha−1), lime plus P (25 kg ha−1) and K (80 kg ha−1), or N in low doses (2 × 10 kg ha−1 yr−1) (treatments: CaPK, Ca, N, CaPKN, and 2Ca2P2K, respectively). Compared with the control, stem growth was increased following all treatments involving lime additions, including liming alone. The PK addition did not seem to affect growth. The most plausible cause of the observed growth increases was that the lime additions indirectly increased the supply of plant-available N. The annual low-dose N addition did not significantly affect growth. This suggests that air-borne deposition of N, which supplies very small doses of N throughout the year, has a minor or even negligible influence on P. abies growth.  相似文献   

Beier  C.  Rasmussen  L.  Pilegaard  K.  Ambus  P.  Mikkelsen  T.  Jensen  N. O.  Kjøller  A.  Priemé  A.  Ladekarl  U. L. 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2001,1(1-2):187-195
The fluxes of the major nitrogen compounds havebeen investigated in many ecosystem studies over the world.However, only in few studies has attention been drawn to theimportance of the fluxes of minor gaseous nitrogen compoundsto complete the nitrogen cycle. In Denmark a detailed study onthe nitrogen cycle in an old beech forest has been implementedin 1997 at Gyrstinge near Sorø, Zealand. The study includesthe fluxes of the gases NO, N2O and water mediatedtransport of NO3 - and NH4 +. Measurementsof the fluxes of the gaseous compounds are performed withmicro-meteorological methods (eddy-correlation and gradient)and with chambers. Water mediated fluxes encompass rain,throughfall, stem-flow and leaching from the root zone. Thehydrological model is verified by TDR measurements. The findings show that the total water mediated N input tothe forest floor with throughfall and stemflow was 25.6 kg Nha-1 yr -1, and open field wet deposition withprecipitation was 19.0 kg N ha-1 yr -1. The internalcycling of N in the ecosystem measured as turnover oflitterfall and plant uptake was 100 kg N ha-1 yr -1and 14 kg N ha-1 yr -1, respectively. The fluxes ofthe gaseous N compounds NO and N2O were of minorimportance for the total N turnover in the forest, NOxemission being <1 kg N ha-1 yr -1 and N2Oemission from the soil being 0.5 kg N ha-1 yr -1 withno significant difference between wet and dry soils.Concentrations of NO3 - and NH4 + in thesoil solution beneath the rooting zone are very small andconsequently the N leaching is almost negligible. It isconcluded that the nitrogen mass balance of this old beechforest ecosystem mainly is controlled by the input by dry andwet deposition and a large internal N cycle with a fast litterturnover. The nitrogen input tothe forest ecosystem which currently exceeds the critical loadby 5 kg N ha-1 yr -1is mainly accumulated in the soil and no significant nitrateleaching is occurring.  相似文献   

To obtain basic information for evaluating critical levels of O3 under different nitrogen loads for protecting Japanese beech forests, two-year-old seedlings of Fagus crenata Blume were grown in potted andisol supplied with N as NH4NO3 solution at 0, 20 or 50 kg ha−1 year−1 and exposed to charcoal-filtered air or O3 at 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 times the ambient concentration from 16 April to 22 September 2004. The O3 induced significant reductions in the whole-plant dry mass, net photosynthetic rate at 380 μmol mol−1 CO2 (A 380), carboxylation efficiency (CE) and concentrations of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and total soluble protein (TSP) in the leaves. The concentrations of Rubisco and TSP were negatively correlated with the concentration of leaf acidic amino acid, suggesting that O3 enhanced the degradation of protein such as Rubisco. The N supply to the soil did not significantly change the whole-plant dry mass and A 380, whereas it significantly increased the CE and concentrations of Rubisco and total amino acid. No significant interactive effects of O3 and N supply to the soil were detected on the growth, photosynthetic parameters and concentrations of protein and amino acid in the leaves. In conclusion, N supply to the soil at ≤50 kg ha−1 year−1 does not significantly change the sensitivity to O3 of growth and net photosynthesis of Fagus crenata seedlings.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of increasing nitrogen (N) deposition and tropospheric ozone (O3) concentrations on N-saturated forest ecosystems, we investigated the response of Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora), an N-saturation sensitive tree species, to increasing N load under elevated O3 concentrations. One-year-old seedlings of red pine were treated with three levels of N supply (0, 50 and 100 mg N L-1 fresh soil volume) under two levels of atmospheric O3 concentration (< 5 and 60 ppb) for two growing seasons. Nitrogen treatment did not stimulate dry matter production of the seedlings. Growth inhibition was observed in the highest N treatment under low O3 and in the two higher N treatments under elevated O3. Irrespective of the O3 concentration, increasing N supply negatively affected root growth and mycorrhizal development in fine roots, resulting in a reduction in P and Mg uptake from the soil. Net photosynthetic rate was significantly reduced by both the highest N treatment under low O3 and the two higher N treatments under elevated O3, together with decreased N-availability to Rubisco. Nitrogen assimilated from NO3 - to amino acid in the needles was not affected by the treatments. However, needle protein concentration was reduced by the highest N-treatment under low O3 and by the two higher N-treatments under elevated O3. These results suggest that elevated O3 potentially disturbs the N-availability in the form of protein including Rubisco, and may advance the negative effects of excessive N-deposition on N-sensitive plant species in N-saturated forests.  相似文献   

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