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ABSTRACT: Artificial recharge as a means of augmenting water sup plies for irrigation is a management alternative which policy makers in ground water decline areas are beginning to consider seriously. A conceptual model is developed to evaluate the economic benefits from ground water recharge under conditions where the major water use is irrigation. The methodology presented separates recharge benefits into two components: pumping cost savings and aquifer extension benefits. This model is then applied to a Nebraska case to approximate the value of recharge benefits as a function of aquifer response. discount rate, and commodity prices. It was found that recharge benefits vary from less than $2 to over $6 an acre foot recharged.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A state-local partnership exists in Colorado and Kansas with respect to management of the High Plains aquifer. This paper examines 330 irrigators' attitudes about the locus-of-control for different management activities in the High Plains-Ogallala region. Local control was preferred by most irrigators. The local district was most supported for 19 active management activities, whereas the state was favored for eight specific activities, primarily research efforts and water rights administration. Eight activities that had the potential for restricting water use were rejected in that irrigators indicated that no agency should be involved. Kansas and Colorado exhibited statistically significant preference differences for only five management options. A significantly higher percentage of those irrigators who preferred local control believed in sustainable management of the aquifer and aggressive groundwater management, and that their district served their interests.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The full range of environmental and economic services of ground water need to be accounted for in policy decisions. Non-recognition of these services imputes a lower value for the ground water resource in establishing policies. We describe a conceptual framework for identifying and measuring the economic value of groundwater. The valuation framework links changes in physical characteristics of ground water to services provided by ground water and the economic effects of changes in ground water services. In addition to the framework, we develop a general protocol to follow for assessing the benefits of ground water policies. Application of the protocol will aid in establishing structure and consistency across policy assessments and improve the accuracy and completeness of benefit estimates, avoid double-counting problems, and eliminate duplication of ground water valuation efforts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water is a vital water resource in the Choushui River alluvial fan in Taiwan. A significantly increased demand for water, resulting from rapid economic development, has led to large scale ground water extraction. Overdraft of ground water has considerably lowered the ground water level, and caused seawater intrusion, land subsidence, and other environmental damage. Sound ground water management thus is essential. This study presents a decision support system (DSS) for managing ground water resources in the Choushui River alluvial fan. This DSS integrates geographic information, ground water simulation, and expert systems. The geographic information system effectively analyzes and displays the spatially varied data and interfaces with the ground water simulation system to compute the dynamic behavior of ground water flow and solute transport in the aquifer. Meanwhile, a ground water model, MODFLOW‐96, is used to determine the permissible yield in the Choushui River alluvial fan. Additionally, an expert system of DSS employs the determined aquifer permissible yield to assist local government agencies in issuing water rights permits and managing ground water resources in the Choushui River alluvial fan.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A series of gravel terraces support a shallow aquifer that is the sole source of drinking water for three public water supplies and more than 400 private wells on the Greenfields Bench in west‐central Montana. Farming practices on the Greenfields Bench include irrigation of malting barley and the yearly application of herbicides for the control of weeds. The most commonly used herbicide (imazamethabenz‐methyl, U.S. trade name Assert®) has been found in the ground water on the Greenfields Bench. An experiment was conducted in 2000 and 2001 to characterize the transport of Assert and its acid metabolite to ground water under three irrigation methods: flood, wheel line sprinkler, and center pivot sprinkler. Results show that Assert concentrations in ground water are controlled by hydraulic loading rates of each irrigation method, Assert persistence in soil, hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer, and adsorption/desorption of Assert onto clay particles and organic matter.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The contribution of agriculture to nitrate pollution of 8Urface and ground water is a growing concern throughout the world. The objective of this article is to evaluate the current environmental policy governing nitrate contamination of ground water in the South Platte alluvial aquifer. In particular, the “best management practice” approach is assessed in its relationship to optimal policy design. First, the current physical environmental problem and existing institutional arrangements are described. Second, legal and economic criteria are brought to bear on the question of appropriate policy design. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of the existing policy are evaluated in this context and changes in policy that would increase effectiveness are recommended. Considerable justification is found for state-initiated control because victims of ground water pollution are dispersed and risk assessment is technically demanding. However, ex post elements of existing policy must be improved, perhaps through targeting and some devolution in monitoring and enforcement responsibilities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Interpretation of ground water level changes in a developed aquifer usually relies on reference to some benchmark such as “predevelopment” ground water levels, changes from fall to fall and/or spring to spring, or to determination of maximum stress during the pumping season. The assumption is that ground water levels measured in the monitoring well accurately reflect the state of the ground water resource in terms of quantity in storage and the effects of local pumping. This assumption is questionable based on the patterns shown in continuous hydrographs of water levels in monitoring wells in Nebraska, and wells installed to determine vertical gradients. These hydrographs show clear evidence for vertical ground water gradients and recharge from overlying parts of the aquifer system to deeper zones in which production wells are screened. The classical concept of semi‐perched ground water, as described by Meinzer, is demonstrated by these hydrographs. The presence of semi‐perched ground water (Meinzer definition, there is no intervening unsaturated zone) invalidates the use of measured ground water levels in regional observation programs for detailed numerical management of the resource. Failure to recognize the Meinzer effect has led to faulty management. The best use of data from the observation well network would be for detection of trends and education unless it is clearly understood what is being measured.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Nebraska Sand Hills have a unique hydrologic system with very little runoff and thick aquifers that constantly supply water to rivers, lakes, and wetlands. A ground water flow model was developed to determine the interactions between ground water and streamflow and to simulate the changes in ground water systems by reduced precipitation. The numerical modeling method includes a water balance model for the vadose zone and MOD‐FLOW for the saturated zone. The modeling results indicated that, between 1979 and 1990, 13 percent of the annual precipitation recharged to the aquifer and annual ground water loss by evapotranspiration (ET) was only about one‐fourth of this recharge. Ground water discharge to rivers accounts for about 96 percent of the streamflow in the Dismal and Middle Loup rivers. When precipitation decreased by half the average amount of the 1979 to 1990 period, the average decline of water table over the study area was 0.89 m, and the streamflow was about 87 percent of the present rate. This decline of the water table results in significant reductions in ET directly from ground water and so a significant portion of the streamflow is maintained by capture of the salvaged ET.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Several chlorinated solvent plumes threaten the sole‐source aquifer underlying the Massachusetts Military Reservation at the western end of Cape Cod. Sensitive surface water features including ponds, cranberry bogs, and coastal wetlands are hydraulically connected to the aquifer. For one of the plumes (CS‐10 the original remedy of 120 extraction and reinjection wells has the potential for significant disruption of surface water hydrology, through the localized drawdown and mounding of the water table. Recirculating wells with in‐well air stripping offer a cost‐effective alternative to conventional pump‐and‐treat technology that does not adversely affect the configuration of the water table. Pilot testing of a two well system, pumping 300 gpm, showed a capture radius of > 200 feet per well, in‐well trichloroethylene (TCE) removal efficiencies of 92 to 98 percent per recirculation cycle, an average of three recirculation cycles within the capture zone, and no measurable effect on water table elevations at any point within the recirculation/treatment zone. During 120 days of operation, the mean concentration of TCE in the treatment zone was reduced by 83 percent, from 1,111 μg/l to 184 μg/l. Full‐scale design projections indicate that 60 wells at an average spacing of 160 feet, having an aggregate recirculation 11 MGD, can contain the CS‐b plume without ground water extraction or adverse hydraulic effects on surface water resources. The estimated capital costs for such a system are about $7 million, and annual operations‐and‐maintenance costs should be about $1.4 million, 40 percent of those associated with a pump and treat system over a 20‐year period.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stable isotopes of deuterium and oxygen-18 of surface and ground water, together with anion concentrations and hydraulic gradients, were used to interpret mixing and flow in ground water impacted by artificial recharge. The surface water fraction (SWF), the percentage of surface water in the aquifer impacted via recharge, was estimated at different locations and depths using measured deuterium/hydrogen (DIH) ratios during the 1992, 1993, and 1994 recharge seasons. Recharged surface water completely displaced the ground water beneath the recharge basins from the regional water table at 7.60 m to 12.16 m below the land surface. Mixing occurred beneath the recharge structures in the lower portions of the aquifer (>12.16 m). Approximately 12 m down-gradient from the recharge basin, the deeper zone (19.15 m depth) of the primary aquifer was displaced completely by recharged surface water within 193, 45, and 55 days in 1992, 1993, and 1994, respectively. At the end of the third recharge season, recharged surface water represented ~50 percent of the water in the deeper zone of the primary aquifer ~1000 m downgradient from the recharge basin. A classic asymmetrical distribution of recharged surface water resulted from the recharge induced horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradients. The distribution and breakthrough times of recharged surface water obtained with stable isotopes concurred with those of major anions and bromide in a tracer test conducted during the 1995 recharge season. This stable isotope procedure effectively quantified mixing between surface and ground water.  相似文献   

round water drought events were derived by taking a truncation level through the time series of daily ground water depth that are recorded elevation differences between the water table and land surface at a well site. Droughts of various truncation levels at 70, 80, 90, and 95 percent, were obtained, where a 70 percent truncation level means that 70 percent of ground water depth data are less than or equal to the truncated value. The conditional probability that a drought occurring at a certain truncation level will prolong and advance to that of the next higher level was estimated. The regionalization analysis was conducted assuming that conditional probabilities estimated at selected wells are regionalized variables. Contour lines of conditional probabilities for each truncation level were constructed to express their spatial variability in the region. Estimation errors associated with the regionalization were reasonably small.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Management of a regional ground water system to mitigate drought problems at the multi‐layered aquifer system in Collier County, Florida, is the main topic. This paper developed a feedforward control system that consists of system and control equations. The system equation, which forecasts ground water levels using the current measurements, was built based on the Kalman filter algorithm associated with a stochastic time series model. The role of the control equation is to estimate the pumping reduction rate during an anticipated drought. The control equation was built based on the empirical relationship between the change in ground water levels and the corresponding pumping requirement. The control system starts with forecasting one‐month‐ahead ground water head at each control point. The forecasted head is in turn used to calculate the deviation of ground water heads from the monthly target specified by a 2‐in‐10‐year frequency. When the forecasted water level is lower than the target, the control system computes spatially‐varied pumping reduction rates as a recommendation for ground water users. The proposed control system was tested using hypothetical droughts. The simulation result revealed that the estimated pumping reduction rates are highly variable in space, strongly supporting the idea of spatial forecasting and controlling of ground water levels as opposed to a lumped water use restriction method used previously in the model area.  相似文献   

A ground water development project in the northern part of Thailand was appraised by means of benefit-cost analysis. This is the first project in Thailand to develop ground water for irrigation purposes and it is also the first project which made use of an underground PVC pipe water distribution system. Results indicate that the project is economically feasible. In comparing different water distribution systems, it is also found that distribution by means of underground PVC pipes is more economical compared to an open ditch system if the life of the latter is relatively short and the rates of inflation are high.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: While most inquiries into improving the efficiency of ground water allocation have focused upon various schemes involving centralized management, recently the focus has shifted towards exploring private property solutions to these problems. However, most of these studies, when modeling ground water use, have equated behavior under private property to that under common property conditions. This leads to the possibly mistaken conclusion that private property rights do not promote more efficient ground water use, because these models assume that producers ignore the future effects of current pumping. This paper attempts to correct this deficiency by formally modeling ground water use under common property, central management, and private property scenarios. Moreover, there are many ways that property rights can be defined over ground water, some establishing more exclusivity over the resource than others. Four specifications of property rights are analyzed for their likely effects on allocative efficiency: full stock-flow, partial stock-flow, limited stock-flow, and pure flow rights.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water supplies in Arizona are becoming increasingly limited because municipal, industrial, and agricultural consumption depletes ground water reserves by three million acre-feet annually. Additional demands are being created by electric power generation, particularly in northeastern Arizona where ground water pumpage is expected to escalate by sixfold during the next 10 years. The results of a study to determine the ease and feasibility of using satellite imagery as a tool in exploring for new sources of ground water are reported. Lineaments detected on Landsat images of two sites were mapped and correlated with well data in the two study areas by means of well centered grid model. The correlations developed between lineament density and water well data in the two study sites support the hypothesis that a relationship exists between regional geologic structure and the presence of ground water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Public awareness of the importance of protecting the nation's water supplies is growing. Recent studies have shown a substantial increase in the perceived value of protecting water supplies for future use. In the Northeast, much of the water supply comes from ground water. This paper examines three test cases, each with different approaches for using geographic information systems (GIS) for ground water protection planning. In Wellfleet, Massachusetts, build-out scenarios were used to support regulatory and land acquisition decisions for siting a public water supply well. In Hadley, Massachusetts, the focus was on a decision support model for septic suitability assessment in support of regulatory efforts and infrastructure expansion. For Cortland County, New York, an interactive graphic user interface was created to facilitate the manipulation and recombination of a large volume of data by county officials to target ground water pollution prevention efforts. As personal computers become more powerful and inexpensive, and GIS data become more readily available, community and county governments are turning to GIS as a tool for developing comprehensive resource protection plans. Once appropriate data are input, a GIS can effectively and efficiently be used to derive outcomes of various land use plans and regulations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water level data at 16 ground water wells and two sea water gauging stations, coupled with barometric measurements in an alluvial plain in the central‐west region of Taiwan, are analyzed using spectral analysis in the time and frequency domains. The semi‐diurnal component from water level station is observed to be the most noticeable signal while the diurnal component is the less distinct signal recorded at the water level stations. Both semidiurnal and diurnal components are coupled with atmospheric pressure measurements. From the atmospheric pressure data, spectral analysis indicates that both the raw and the pressure adjusted water levels are almost in phase and retain the same amplitude in this area. It implies that the effect of pressure variations is not significant for the sea water and ground water level nearby; the astronomical tidal components, as expected, are the main factor causing fluctuation of ocean water and ground water levels in the Choshuihsi alluvial plain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper summarizes contemporary water management issues as recognized by 19 U.S. organizations. Only the issues are identified herein. Individual organization stands are not presented. Most suggestions for action are those of the author. Addresses of all organizations whose documents were reviewed are included in the Reference section so that those desiring to learn more about an organization's stand can readily make contact.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the United States, millions of dollars are currently spent to monitor water quality for a whole suite of organic compounds. However, results of several surveys conducted in the past decade indicate that only a few pesticides occur in a small proportion of wells. Screening methods based on historical evidence of contamination patterns and knowledge of the locales will have significant potential to reduce these costs and effectively identify contamination problems. In this paper, the economics of utilizing two screening methods, sequential analysis and sample compositing, in the design of monitoring strategies is captured In the form of mathematical models and illustrated for a state-level monitoring program. When the two methods are adopted, the total analytical cost to conclusively identify contaminated wells in a network of 4,000 wells is shown to range from $12,500 to $1,575,000 depending on the extent of contamination. In contrast, the total analytical cost of a conventional program where all the wells in the network are sampled and tested for a standard suite of pesticides at a cost of $250/sample is one million dollars. Given such wide range in costs, it is prudent to incorporate the screening concepts presented in this paper in the development of cost-effective monitoring programs.  相似文献   

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