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Acclimation to varying salinities did not affect the preferred temperature of Saratherodon melanotheron, which had a final preferred temperature of 33.5 C. However, fish acclimated to 25 C and 0, 15, and 30 o/oo salinities had lower lethal temperatures of 15, 13, and 15 C, respectively, and an upper lethal temperature of 37 C. The thermal zone of tolerance for fish acclimated in freshwater was 17-35 C, and was not dependent upon acclimation temperatures. Data suggest this species could expand its range in North America.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The final preferred temperature of Oreochromis mossambicus acclimated to freshwater was 32.2 C, which was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower than final preferred temperatures of fish acclimated at 15 o/oo and 30 o/oo salinity. The thermal tolerance zone of Oreochromis mossambicug ranged between 15–37 C and was not affected by acclimation to different salinity levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The sensitivity of streamflow to climate change was investigated in the American, Carson, and Truckee River Basins, California and Nevada. Nine gaging stations were used to represent streamflow in the basins. Annual models were developed by regressing 1961–1991 streamflow data on temperature and precipitation. Climate-change scenarios were used as inputs to the models to determine streamflow sensitivities. Climate-change scenarios were generated from historical time series by modifying mean temperatures by a range of +4°C to—4°C and total precipitation by a range of +25 percent to -25 percent. Results show that streamflow on the warmer, lower west side of the Sierra Nevada generally is more sensitive to temperature and precipitation changes than is streamflow on the colder, higher east side. A 2°C rise in temperature and a 25-percent decrease in precipitation results in stream-flow decreases of 56 percent on the American River and 25 percent on the Carson River. A 2°C decline in temperature and a 25-percent increase in precipitation results in streamflow increases of 102 percent on the American River and 22 percent on the Carson River.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One of the biggest challenges in managing cold water streams in the Midwest is understanding how stream temperature is controlled by the complex interactions among meteorologic processes, channel geometry, and ground water inflow. Inflow of cold ground water, shade provided by riparian vegetation, and channel width are the most important factors controlling summer stream temperatures. A simple screening model was used to quantitatively evaluate the importance of these factors and guide management decisions. The model uses an analytical solution to the heat transport equation to predict steady‐state temperature throughout a stream reach. The model matches field data from four streams in southwestern Wisconsin quite well (typically within 1°C) and helps explain the observed warming and cooling trends along each stream reach. The distribution of ground water inflow throughout a stream reach has an important influence on stream temperature, and springs are especially effective at providing thermal refuge for fish. Although simple, this model provides insight into the importance of ground water and the impact different management strategies, such as planting trees to increase shade, may have on summer stream temperature.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies were conducted to determine the distribution of fish in the New and East Rivers in relation to thermal discharges from Appalachian Power Company's fossil fuel plant at Glen Lyn, Virginia. Over 15,300 specimens representing 41 species were collected with seines, electrogear and rotenone at six sampling locations from February, 1973 to October 1973. Sampling frequency was designed to evaluate the effects of ambient temperature upon preferred temperature. Diversity indices were calculated for each location. There was a slight decrease in the diversity indices for those stations located in the thermal discharge. Condition coefficients calculated for Notropis albeolus Jordan, Notropis rubellus Aqasaiz, Notropis spilopterus Cope, Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque, and Etheostoma blennioides Rafuesque were found to be significantly (p =.05) lower in the thermal discharge for all species tested except E. blennioides. Temperatures were plotted against frequency of capture to determine a particular species temperature selection from field data and indicated that: (1) Some species avoided high temperatures (i.e., Curnpostoma anomalum Rafuesque). (2) Some species were attracted to high temperatures (i.e., Ictalurus punctatus). (3) Some species distribution was not effected by temperatures (i.e., Notropis spilopterus).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A computer model capable of describing the behavior of pH-determining parameters in an impoundment is presented. The steady-state model, based upon principles of water chemistry, applies the complete-mix concept to the routing of the chemical quantities, alkalinity and CO2 acidity. An iterative procedure is used to account for surface mass transfer of carbon dioxide. A fourth-degree polynomial is solved for the hydrogen ion concentration at each point of routed alkalinity and CO2 acidity concentrations. Field data required to verify and apply the model are described, including an example application to the Loyalhanna Creek Reservoir.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Past prices of Colorado-Big Thompson water shares were analyzed using an asset pricing model which incorporated the growth rate in real returns to irrigation water and the value of potential urban water uses. A real growth rate in the returns to irrigation water was estimated at 5.3 percent. Nevertheless, market values for water shares have exceeded capitalized agricultural values since 1969. Historically, urban use potential was heavily discounted, but the implicit discount rate fell rapidly in the last decade. The expectation that water shares will eventually be sold to municipal or industrial consumers now appears to be reflected fully in water prices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Discrete cold water patches within the surface waters of summer warm streams afford potential thermal refuge for cold water fishes during periods of heat stress. This analysis focused on reach scale heterogeneity in water temperatures as influenced by local influx of cooler subsurface waters. Using field thermal probes and recording thermistors, we identified and characterized cold water patches (at least 3°C colder than ambient streamflow temperatures) potentially serving as thermal refugia for cold water fishes. Among 37 study sites within alluvial valleys of the Grande Ronde basin in northeastern Oregon, we identified cold water patches associated with side channels, alcoves, lateral seeps, and floodplain spring brooks. These types differed with regard to within floodplain position, area, spatial thermal range, substrate, and availability of cover for fish. Experimental shading cooled daily maximum temperatures of surface waters within cold water patches 2 to 4°C, indicating a strong influence of riparian vegetation on the expression of cold water patch thermal characteristics. Strong vertical temperature gradients associated with heating of surface layers of cold water patches exposed to solar radiation, superimposed upon vertical gradients in dissolved oxygen, can partially restrict suitable refuge volumes for stream salmonids within cold water patches.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The applicability of the U.S Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) water temperature criteria in evaluating the impact of a thermal discharge from the P. H. Glatfelter Paper Company, Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, is analyzed. A review of the literature relative to 11 temperature Criteria was conducted for six fish species designated by the USEPA as “representative important species” (RIS) of the West Branch Codorus Creek, Susquehanna River drainage. The species were: Notemigonus crysolcucas (golden shiner), Notropis analostanus (satinfin shiner), Rhinichthys atratulus (blacknose dace), Catostomus comme-soni (white sucker), Lepomis gibbosus (pumpkinseed). and Micropterous salmoides (largemouth bass). It was found that by applying only USEPA suggested criteria that a complete evaluation was not satisfactory. Temperature behavior data, specifically preference and avoidance information, coupled with field sampliug was needed to properly assess the effects of the thermal effluent. The final analysis indicated that the thermal discharge of the paper company should have minimal effect on the fish community of Codorus Creek.  相似文献   

本文从器件用热像仪的测温过程、常用公式出发,针对测温条件进行了探讨,对公式里面的指数n的取值进行了推算。认为n可取4,但常数C和指数n的取值与波长范围和温度范围有关,要匹配。同时对IC温度分布的精确测量条件也进行了总结。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Watershed and aquatic ecosystem management requires methods to predict and understand thermal impacts on stream habitat from urbanization. This study evaluates thermal effects of projected urbanization using a modeling framework and considers the biological implications to the fish community. The Stream Network Temperature Model (SNTEMP) was used in combination with the Hydrologic Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) to assess changes in stream thermal habitat under altered stream‐ flow, shade, and channel width associated with low, medium, and high density urban developments in the Back Creek watershed (Roanoke County, Virginia). Flow alteration by the high density development scenario alone caused minimal heating of mean daily summer base flow (mean +0.1°C). However, when flow changes were modeled concurrently with reduced shade and increased channel width, mean daily temperature increased 1°C. Maximum daily temperatures exceeding the state standard (31°C) increased from 1.1 to 7.6 percent of the time using summer 2000 climatic conditions. Model results suggest that additional urban development will alter stream temperature, potentially limiting thermal habitat and shifting the fish community structure from intolerant to tolerant fish species in Back Creek. More research is needed on the sub‐lethal or chronic effects of increased stream temperature regimes on fish, particularly for those species already living in habitats near their upper limits.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The avoidance response of groups of juvenile Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, was evaluated by exposing test species to a range of simultaneous total residual chlorine (TRC) (0.00, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15 mg/L) and elevated temperature (0, 2, 4, and 6°C) conditions simulating power plant discharges. This species was tested at both 15 and 20°C to determine possible effects of acclimation temperature on the avoidance response. These temperatures were selected to represent spring or fall thermal conditions when most East Coast power plant facilities initiate power plant chlorination in the spring or terminate the use of this biocide in the fall. An unbalanced 3-factor factorial design was used to develop response surface avoidance models at 15 and 20°C. The model developed at 15°C showed: (1) an increase in avoidance occurred at all δT conditions as TRC increased from 0.00 to 0.05 mg/L; (2) a greater degree of avoidance occured at TRC concentrations above 0.05 mg/L at all δT conditions; and (3) TRC was the most important term inflencing avoidance. The model for Atlantic menhaden at 20°C showed: 1) avoidance increased with increasing TRC concentration at each δT condition; (2) avoidance did not necessarily increase with increasing δT's at each TRC concentration; (3) greatest avoidance occured at 0°C δT and 0.15 mg/L TRC; and (4) TRC was the most important term influencing avoidance. There was a significant difference (p < 0.00001) between avoidance models at 15 and 20°C. However, when extreme conditions of 0.15 mg/L TRC and 0–6°δT were compared, the degree of avoidance responses (percent time in control area) was similar.  相似文献   

Emitted thermal infrared radiation (TIR, λ= 8 to 14 μm) can be used to measure surface water temperatures (top approximately 100 μm). This study evaluates the accuracy of stream (50 to 500 m wide) and lake (300 to 5,000 m wide) radiant temperatures (15 to 22°C) derived from airborne (MASTER, 5 to 15 m) and satellite (ASTER 90 m, Landsat ETM+ 60 m) TIR images. Applied atmospheric compensations changed water temperatures by ?0.2 to +2.0°C. Atmospheric compensation depended primarily on atmospheric water vapor and temperature, sensor viewing geometry, and water temperature. Agreement between multiple TIR bands (MASTER ‐ 10 bands, ASTER ‐ 5 bands) provided an independent check on recovered temperatures. Compensations improved agreement between image and in situ surface temperatures (from 2.0 to 1.1°C average deviation); however, compensations did not improve agreement between river image temperatures and loggers installed at the stream bed (from 0.6 to 1.6°C average deviation). Analysis of field temperatures suggests that vertical thermal stratification may have caused a systematic difference between instream gage temperatures and corrected image temperatures. As a result, agreement between image temperatures and instream temperatures did not imply that accurate TIR temperatures were recovered. Based on these analyses, practical accuracies for corrected TIR lake and stream surface temperatures are around 1°C.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a brief review of radiation theory as applied to water temperature determinations. Errors introduced in “radiant” temperature measurements due to nonblackness of the water surface and the effects of the atmosphere are included in this discussion. The airborne scanner system is described. Analysis and display of scanner data using the Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing (LARS) display system are discussed. Thermal maps of four sections of the Wabash River are included and points of interest of each map are discussed in the text.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The empirical fit of an annual harmonic function to stream temperature measurements in central New England can be improved by considering a harmonic period of less than 365 days instead of 365 or 366 days. Generalized equations, developed using periodic temperature data from 27 streamflow stations, allow predictions of stream temperature at any site given (1) the mean basin altitude (E), in meters above mean sea level, and (2) station latitude (LAT), in degrees. Stream temperature t, in degrees Celsius, on day number d, in days starting with January 1, is estimated as: in which, M = 31.48 – 0.0025 (E) ? 0.4635 (LAT) with standard error of estimate of 0.62°C, and τ= 1228.88 – 21.01 (LAT) with standard error of estimate of 14.1 days.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: There are increasing concerns in the forestry community about global climate change and variability associated with elevated atmospheric CO2. Changes in precipitation and increases in air temperature could impose additional stress on forests during the next century. For a study site in Carteret County, North Carolina, the General Circulation Model, HADCM2, predicts that by the year 2099, maximum air temperature will increase 1.6 to 1.9°C, minimum temperature will increase 2.5 to 2.8°C, and precipitation will increase 0 to 10 percent compared to the mid‐1990s. These changes vary from season to season. We utilized a forest ecosystem process model, PnET‐II, for studying the potential effects of climate change on drainage outflow, evapotranspiration, leaf area index (LAI) and forest Net Primary Productivity (NPP). This model was first validated with long term drainage and LAI data collected at a 25‐ha mature loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) experimental watershed located in the North Carolina lower coastal plain. The site is flat with poorly drained soils and high groundwater table. Therefore, a high field capacity of 20 cm was used in the simulation to account for the topographic effects. This modeling study suggested that future climate change would cause a significant increase of drainage (6 percent) and forest productivity (2.5 percent). Future studies should consider the biological feedback (i.e., stomata conductance and water use efficiency) to air temperature change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Evaporation is identified as having two additive components: natural evaporation in the absence of wind and forced evaporation in the presence of wind. An evaporation equation is obtained for an open body of water exposed at the atmosphere by conversion of standard horizontal flat plate heat transfer relationships to a mass transfer or evaporation equation. For an average air temperature of 68°F, the final equation for evaporative heat flux is A comparison of numerical values predicted by the above equation is made with evaporation equations deduced from field measurements, and the agreement is favorable. The major differences between this equation and those previously developed are: a) the above equation was derived strictly from standard heat transfer expressions, and b) a dependency of average fetch and air temperature (through transport properties) is shown. This approach establishes the correct dependencies of the field parameters so that future experimental measurements will have a sound theoretical basis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Thornthwaite water balance and combinations of temperature and precipitation changes representing climate change were used to estimate changes in seasonal soil-moisture and runoff in the Delaware River basin. Winter warming may cause a greater proportion of precipitation in the northern part of the basin to fall as rain, which may increase winter runoff and decrease spring and summer runoff. Estimates of total annual runoff indicate that a 5 percent increase in precipitation would be needed to counteract runoff decreases resulting from a warming of 2°C; a 15 percent increase for a warming of 4°C. A warming of 2° to 4°C, without precipitation increases, may cause a 9 to 25 percent decrease in runoff. The general circulation model derived changes in annual runoff ranged from ?39 to +9 percent. Results generally agree with those obtained in studies elsewhere. The changes in runoff agree in direction but differ in magnitude. In this humid temperate climate, where precipitation is evenly distributed over the year, decreases in snow accumulation in the northern part of the basin and increases in evapotranspiration throughout the basin could change the timing of runoff and significantly reduce total annual water availability unless precipitation were to increase concurrently.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Chlorine-temperature interaction studies with various exposure times were conducted on 25–day old larval white perch, Morone Americana, using total residual chlorine (TRC) concentrations of 0.0, 0.15, and 0.30 mg/1 TRC in combination with ΔTs of 2, 6, and 10 C above a base temperature of 18 C. Larval fish were exposed to the chlorine-temperature test conditions for exposure periods of 0.08, 2.0 and 4.0 hours. After each respective exposure period, chlorine concentrations were decayed naturally over a 1.0 to 1.5 hour period to < 0.01 mg/1 TRC; temperatures were decayed over a 4 hour period to 2.0 C above the base temperature. These test conditions were used to simulate chlorine and temperature conditions encountered in power plant discharge canals and near field receiving streams. The interactions of chlorine, ΔT and exposure duration as factors which caused death up to 36 hours after the exposure periods were established by regression model techniques. An initial interaction model showed that ΔT was not a factor which contributed to death. A predictive model for chlorine and exposure duration was constructed which showed that potential impact to larval white perch from chlorine at power facilities with once through cooling systems can be minimized by 1) using short duration exposures (< 1 hour) to chlorine in plants that chlorinate intermittently or 2) by rapid mixing in the receiving stream in plants that chlorinate on a low level (< 0.05 mg/1) continuous basis. Similar considerations should be given to cooling tower blowdown which contain chlorinated water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of the National Assessment of Climate Change, the implications of future climate predictions derived from four global climate models (GCMs) were used to evaluate possible future changes to Pacific Northwest climate, the surface water response of the Columbia River basin, and the ability of the Columbia River reservoir system to meet regional water resources objectives. Two representative GCM simulations from the Hadley Centre (HC) and Max Planck Institute (MPI) were selected from a group of GCM simulations made available via the National Assessment for climate change. From these simulations, quasi-stationary, decadal mean temperature and precipitation changes were used to perturb historical records of precipitation and temperature data to create inferred conditions for 2025, 2045, and 2095. These perturbed records, which represent future climate in the experiments, were used to drive a macro-scale hydrology model of the Columbia River at 1/8 degree resolution. The altered streamflows simulated for each scenario were, in turn, used to drive a reservoir model, from which the ability of the system to meet water resources objectives was determined relative to a simulated hydrologic base case (current climate). Although the two GCM simulations showed somewhat different seasonal patterns for temperature change, in general the simulations show reasonably consistent basin average increases in temperature of about 1.8–2.1°C for 2025, and about 2.3–2.9°C for 2045. The HC simulations predict an annual average temperature increase of about 4.5°C for 2095. Changes in basin averaged winter precipitation range from -1 percent to + 20 percent for the HC and MPI scenarios, and summer precipitation is also variously affected. These changes in climate result in significant increases in winter runoff volumes due to increased winter precipitation and warmer winter temperatures, with resulting reductions in snowpack. Average March 1 basin average snow water equivalents are 75 to 85 percent of the base case for 2025, and 55 to 65 percent of the base case by 2045. By 2045 the reduced snowpack and earlier snow melt, coupled with higher evapotranspiration in early summer, would lead to earlier spring peak flows and reduced runoff volumes from April-September ranging from about 75 percent to 90 percent of the base case. Annual runoff volumes range from 85 percent to 110 percent of the base case in the simulations for 2045. These changes in streamflow create increased competition for water during the spring, summer, and early fall between non-firm energy production, irrigation, instream flow, and recreation. Flood control effectiveness is moderately reduced for most of the scenarios examined, and desirable navigation conditions on the Snake are generally enhanced or unchanged. Current levels of winter-dominated firm energy production are only significantly impacted for the MPI 2045 simulations.  相似文献   

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