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张掖市是国务院划定的SO2污染控制区之一,其SO2污染严重程度居全国前列,本研究以环境空气SO2监测和SO2污染源监测调查为基础,以ATDL模式为模拟手段,对张掖市SO2控制区的污染源进行了解析,分析找出造成该控制区SO2污染的根本原因,从而为制定SO2污染总量控制方案奠定科学基础。  相似文献   

Sulphur dioxide and PM10 levels are investigated in Erzurum during the periods of 1990–2000 heating season to assess air pollution level. For that reason, emissions of sulphur dioxide and particulate matter were calculated by using consumption of fuels and Turkish emission factors. These emission values were evaluated together with air pollution levels, which were measured at six stations in Erzurum atmosphere during 1990–2000 winter periods. Results reveal that in 1990–1994 heating period, there is an increasing trend in the emissions and air pollution levels over Erzurum, and the air quality limits were not met. The daily 24 h limit (short-term limit) was exceeded 127 days in 1992–1993 winter period. The reason for this increase was found to be the switching to use of low-quality fossil fuels instead of cleaner ones. Results also indicated that there was a considerable decrease in emissions of air pollutants and air pollution levels after 1995. This can be explained by the consumption of more high-quality fossil fuels. The correlation coefficient of SO2 with PM10 is obtained as r2 = 0.85, which is a high value supporting the idea that both pollutants are emitted from the same source.  相似文献   

空气质量自动监测二氧化硫不确定度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不确定度是反映某一测量方法,在一定置信概率条件下测量所产生的不确定量。根据测量原理建立数学模型,分析各种不确定度分量的来源,评定标准不确定度,确定合成不确定度和扩展不确定度,通过不确定影响分量的分析,找出影响测量结果的最大不确定度分量,重点控制其分量,保证测量的准确性和精度,同时也可通过重新评估显著性不确定分量,找出方法存在的不足和问题,提出逐步控制不确定分量的步骤和方法,改善测量方法和手段提高测量准确性和精度,不断减少测量的不确定量。  相似文献   

对燃煤电厂的硫平衡进行了研究,同时对如何准确、简便的确定燃煤电厂SO2的排放量进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses SO2 (ppbv) concentration measurements combined with meteorological data (mainly wind speed and direction) for a five-year campaign (1996 to 2000), in a site near an oil refinery plant close to the city of La Plata and surroundings (aprox. 740.000 inh.), considered one of the six most affected cities by air pollution in the country. Since there is no monitoring network in the area, the obtained results should be considered as medium term accumulated data that enables to determine trends by analyzing together gas concentrations and meteorological parameters. Preliminary characterization of the behaviour of the predominant winds of the region in relation with potential atmospheric gas pollutants from seasonal wind roses is possible to carry out from the data. These results are complemented with monthly averaged SO2 measurements. In particular, for year 2000, pollutant roses were determined which enable predictions about contamination emission sources. As a general result we can state that there is a clear increase in annual SO2 concentration and that the selected site should be considered as a key site for future survey monitoring network deployment. Annual SO2 average concentration and prevailing seasonal winds determined in this work, together with the potential health impact of SO2 reveals the need for a comprehensive and systematic study involving particulate matter an other basic pollutant gases.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted around two thermal power plants of India to quantify the changes in foliar elemental concentrations due to emission in a low rainfall tropical area. Sulphur dioxide and particulates were at high levels which may cause serious ecological effects. Emission from the power plants has altered the elemental concentrations in the leaves of evergreen and deciduous plants. The foliar total-S and SO4 2–-S levels were significantly higher in all the plants growing at polluted sites. However, the organic-S content was more or less unaltered. In evergreen plants, the SO4 2–-S content increased gradually from summer through winter, whereas in the deciduous plants there was a higher magnitude of increase after onset of new leaves during summer. With the increasing pollution load, foliar Ca2+ and K+ contents increased, whereas N content decreased. The reduction in N content was greater during summer in evergreen plants and during winter in deciduous plants. The plants growing closer to the power plants accumulated more trace elements (Mn, Fe, Cd, Pb and Ni) as compared to those growing at distant sites. In deciduous plants the leaf fall during winter lowered down the trace element  相似文献   

By extending the method of Stedman (1998), daily dataof atmospheric concentrations of gravimetricPM10, black smoke (BS) and sulphate aerosol (SA)from national networks were analysed to determine thetrends in time of the contribution of different sources of particulate matter to total PM10 measured in central Edinburgh. Since BS is an indicator of combustion-related primary sources of particulate matter, the quantity obtained by subtraction of daily BS from daily PM10 is indicative of the contribution to total PM10 from other primary sources and from secondary aerosol. This PM10-BS statistic was regressed on SA, since SA is an indicator of variation in secondary aerosol source. For Edinburgh, SA is a considerably better indicator of PM10-BS during summer than winter (reflecting the much greater photochemical generation of secondary aerosol in summer) and there is evidence that the contribution of other secondary aerosol (presumably nitrate aerosol) has increased relative to SA between 1992 and 1997. The concentration of non-combustion primary particulate material (marine aerosol, suspended dust) to PM10 in Edinburgh has not changed over this period but is about twice that calculated as the U.K. national average. The increasing input to PM10 from secondary aerosol sources at regional rather than urban scale has important implications for ensuring local air quality compliance. The method should have general applicability to other locations.  相似文献   

定电位电解法测定烟气中SO_2的干扰问题及解决方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟气的含湿量、负压、干扰气体都会对SO2监测数据产生一定干扰,有时甚至会严重偏离实际值。基于定电位电解法测定烟气中SO2的原理,提出采样管设置加热冷凝功能;测试过程注意采样流量变化,当负压超过2.3kPa临时压力时需采取前置抽气泵消除压力;以及计算干扰气体临界浓度,进行软件修正等解决方法。  相似文献   

详细介绍了美国环境空气监测培训课程设置的方法和结构,分析了其在课程的目标规划、内容设计和指导人员自学方面的主要做法,总结出应从监测人员能力和知识要求角度设定培训目标,以技术性实用性内容为主设计课程环节,将指导支持人员自学摆在更突出位置。借鉴美国经验,文章对探索我国环境空气监测培训的课程设置提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

新修订的《环境空气质量标准》对环境空气中的臭氧监测提出了明确的要求,一套有效的臭氧量值传递体系已成为保证中国环境空气臭氧监测数据质量的生命线。为加强中国环境空气臭氧量值传递体系的建设,总结了美国环境空气臭氧量值传递体系及其相关的技术规范体系,简要介绍其臭氧量值传递体系各关键环节的质量控制工作要点,并提出了对中国环境空气臭氧量值传递体系建设的建议。  相似文献   

国控网城市环境空气自动监测点位的监测事权上收后,对监测数据精密度和准确度的定量化评价已成为考核运维公司工作成果、评估国控网数据质量、编制数据质量报告的迫切需求。为加强中国环境空气数据质量核查体系的建设,总结了美国环境空气监测数据质量核查体系及其相关的技术规范,简要介绍其包含的各类核查项目和主要特点,提出了建设中国环境空气数据质量核查体系的建议。  相似文献   

Results from two 'Mussel Watch'-type monitoring programs were compared: the Réseau National d'Observation de la qualité du milieu marin (RNO), the French monitoring network, and the Mussel Watch Project of the U.S. National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program. 80 RNO sites (47 for mussels and 33 for oysters) and 89 NS&T sites (45 for mussels and 44 for oysters) provided a basis for the comparison of median concentrations of commonly measured trace metals (mercury, lead, zinc, cadmium and copper) and organic chemicals. Lower lead and lindane concentrations in the U.S. were explained by their respective history of use. Differences in Zn and Cu, essential elements for both mussels and oysters, could be due to specific internal regulation processes. Higher cadmium concentrations in the U.S. are possibly related to U.S. coastal areas being richer in nutrients or to a lesser use of this element as a general anticorrosive in France. We could not find any plausible explanation for higher mercury concentrations in France. This first attempt of a comparison of national chemical monitoring programs raises the need for deeper understanding of possible contamination sources.  相似文献   

以2020年1月—2021年9月对流层观测仪(TROPOMI)卫星观测资料反演获取的对流层甲醛(HCHO)、二氧化氮(NO2)柱浓度数据为依据,采用统计方法分析了扬州市HCHO和NO2柱浓度的时空分布特征。结果表明,扬州市对流层HCHO、NO2平均柱浓度分别为903.01×1013, 633.77×1013mole/cm2;受太阳紫外辐射影响,HCHO柱浓度变化特征表现为6月最高、1月最低;受气象条件和人为排放强度影响,NO2则表现为1月最高、8月最低。2021年1—9月扬州市对流层HCHO、NO2柱浓度月均值同比2020年分别增长4.0%,40.6%。空间分布特征显示,扬州市对流层HCHO和NO2浓度高值区主要分布在扬州市南部,且浓度高值区域与重点排污企业分布情况较为一致,多为电力供热、工业锅炉、冶金、石化与化工、表面涂层等行业。相关性分析显示,对流层HCHO与气温、臭氧浓度呈显著正相关,而NO2与气温、臭氧浓度呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

针对钢铁企业烧结工段烟气的特点,对可能影响碘量法、定电位电解法SO_2监测结果的因素进行分析,并提出相应的对策。研究表明:定电位电解法受CO干扰较大,根据数学模型修正后,可进行SO_2浓度的快速估算;碘量法受吸收液温度、分析时间等因素影响较大,需要现场监测人员和分析人员严格控制采样和分析条件。  相似文献   

2018年4月至2019年3月对杭州市城区大气中117种挥发性有机物(VOCs)开展了为期一年的手工采样观测,分析了VOCs各组分的浓度特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和二次有机气溶胶(SOA)生成潜势。结果显示,观测期杭州市大气VOCs体积分数均值为(56.72±29.56)×10-9,含氧挥发性有机物(OVOCs)、烷烃和卤代烃是其主要组分,分别占33.86%、30.70%、15.73%。VOCs体积分数前10位的物种为丙烷、甲醛、异丁烷、乙烷、乙酸乙酯、二氯甲烷、正丁烷、丙酮、甲苯和1,2-二氯乙烷。杭州市VOCs的OFP为135.18×10-9,各VOCs组分的OFP贡献为OVOCs(45%)>芳香烃(22%)>烯烃和炔烃(21%)>烷烃(11%)>卤代烃(1%),其中甲醛、乙烯和乙醛是OFP主要贡献者。SOA生成潜势为1.64μg/m3,芳香烃是最重要的SOA前体物。SOA生成潜势最大的5种VOCs物种为甲苯、对/间二甲苯、乙苯、邻二甲苯和苯,因此控制来自机动车尾气和溶剂使用过程中产生的VO...  相似文献   

A combination of multivariate statistical methods including factor analysis, principal component analysis, principal component regression, and multiple linear regression (MLR) were employed to evaluate the influence of seasons on the concentrations of ozone, sulfur (IV) oxide, and oxides of nitrogen in ambient air of Nigerian cities of Lagos and Ilorin. The former city is located in the coastal area, and it is highly congested with a high intensity of marine, vehicular, and industrial activities, and the latter city is a medium size town, located in the central guinea savannah zone of Nigeria. Samples were collected using a high-volume sampler from near the ground at various sites of diverse human and industrial activities, during wet and dry seasons from 2003 to 2006. The PCA reveals three distinct groupings during the day for all data, which is a reflection of different factors contributing to the atmospheric chemistry of these cities. The predicted ozone concentration values by MLR agree fairly well with the measured data. The dependence of ozone on meteorological parameters including relative humidity, air temperature, and sun exposure and the precursor pollutants depends on weather and the anthropogenic activities. The results for the two cities indicate that reduction in the level of NO2 is accompanied by an increase in the level of ozone, suggesting the interconversion between the two via photochemical activity.  相似文献   

饮用水质量与人体健康密切相关.水中所含的铁、锰是人体必需的微量元素,但其含量过多或过少都会对人类的机体代谢产生不利影响.随着经济社会的高速发展,环境污染日益严重,水体污染事件不断出现.从区域地质环境、周边生产状况等方面分析了该地区地下水污染成因,并对饮用井水中铁、锰元素含量过高提出了简易的处理方法.  相似文献   

通过分析新疆准东经济技术开发区各行业的二氧化碳排放量及排放特征,研究新疆准东经济技术开发区碳达峰碳中和的实现路径。分析结果显示,准东经济技术开发区最主要的二氧化碳排放源是化石燃料燃烧,其对二氧化碳排放量的贡献比例在95.2%以上。能源活动二氧化碳排放量占总排放量的98.5%以上;工业生产过程排放的二氧化碳较少,占比在1.5%以下。新疆准东经济技术开发区主要二氧化碳排放行业是煤电、电解铝、煤化工、硅基新材料。在此基础上,结合各行业特点,提出发展园区循环经济、制定低碳行业标准和培育低碳产业等详细对策。  相似文献   

针对在缺少有效二氧化硫低空面源排放清单的情况下,应用SSIM(SourceStrengthInversedModel)模式对SO2低空面源源强的反演功能,完成了天津市蓝天工程改燃措施实施后二氧化硫相对量化改善效果的模拟评估,同时模拟了SO2面源源强改善前后的空间分布,取得了较理想的效果。该模式所解决的污染面源源强核查难点问题,在城市大气环境容量核定中具有通用指导作用。  相似文献   

Norwich is the eastern most city in the United Kingdom. Despite a population of only 100,000 and very little local industry, studies have shown that the city experiences levels of nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particulates and sulphur dioxide exceeding the UK Air Quality Standards. Because of Norwich's situation within a large, predominantly rural area a large non-resident workforce is one factor that contributes to large, often very congested traffic flows. The city's location close to the European mainland also exposes it to polluted airmasses transported from the continent, especially in the case of particulates and ozone. In order to assess the relative contributions of local and regional sources, data from rural and urban monitoring sites are to be used in conjunction with ADMS-Urban and the UK Meteorological Office's NAME model.  相似文献   

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