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Uncertainties and novel prospects in the study of the soil carbon dynamics   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Wang Y  Hsieh YP 《Chemosphere》2002,49(8):791-804
Establishment of the Kyoto Protocol has resulted in an effort to look towards living biomass and soils for carbon sequestration. In order for carbon credits to be meaningful, sustained carbon sequestration for decades or longer is required. It has been speculated that improved land management could result in sequestration of a substantial amount of carbon in soils within several decades and therefore can be an important option in reducing atmospheric CO2 concentration. However, evaluation of soil carbon sources and sinks is difficult because the dynamics of soil carbon storage and release is complex and still not well understood. There has been rapid development of quantitative techniques over the past two decades for measuring the component fluxes of the global carbon cycle and for studying the soil carbon cycle. Most significant development in the soil carbon cycle study is the application of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) in radiocarbon measurements. This has made it possible to unravel rates of carbon cycling in soils, by studying natural levels of radiocarbon in soil organic matter and soil CO2. Despite the advances in the study of the soil carbon cycle in the recent decades, tremendous uncertainties exist in the sizes and turnover times of soil carbon pools. The uncertainties result from lack of standard methods and incomplete understanding of soil organic carbon dynamics, compounded by natural variability in soil carbon and carbon isotopic content even within the same ecosystem. Many fundamental questions concerning the dynamics of the soil carbon cycle have yet to be answered. This paper reviews and synthesizes the isotopic approaches to the study of the soil carbon cycle. We will focus on uncertainties and limitations associated with these approaches and point out areas where more research is needed to improve our understanding of this important component of the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Vegetated buffer strips (VBSs) are widely encouraged as a cost-effective strategy to address phosphorus (P) pollution associated with agricultural...  相似文献   

Guenther A 《Chemosphere》2002,47(8):837-844
From November 1998 to October 2000, measurements of soil respiration were performed on the Spanish plateau for two patches of non-irrigated barley, one managed with conventional tillage (CT) and the other with reduced tillage (RT). Soil CO2 flux showed seasonal variation on both patches, with an increase from March to October, peaking in May, and a decrease during the winter period by a factor of around 2. The mean value for both combined years was 2.03 and 1.70 micromol m(-2) S(-1), in the CT and RT patches, respectively. In order to analyse the influence of RT on soil CO2 flux, two tests were performed. The first one was the Kruskal-Wallis test to compare whether the differences between the medians in both patches were statistically significant. The results obtained revealed statistically significant differences during the second year, at a 85% and 95% significance level, use being made of annual data and that recorded during the period of maximum interest, March-October, respectively. The decrease in soil respiration in the RT patch was around 24%. The second test was aimed at describing and comparing the influence of soil temperature on soil CO2 flux. By using the data of both patches recorded during the first year, an empirical equation on 10-cm soil temperature was fitted and tested on the data corresponding to the second year in each of the patches. Then, a comparison between the medians of the differences between the estimated and observed values was again performed by means of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The over-prediction of the model in the RT patch, statistically significant at a 90% significance level, was roughly 23%, confirming again the decrease in soil respiration one year after this agricultural management practice had been implemented.  相似文献   

The ocean plays a central role in the global carbon cycle being by far the largest active reservoir. Atmospheric CO2 level depends on the CO2concentration in the ocean surface layer, which is relatively low compared to mean oceanic values due to biological and physical carbon pumps. Although the ocean may take up much of the carbon released by the increased burning of fossil fuels, this capacity is limited because of the chemical buffering and a mismatch in time scales (oceanic mixing is much slower than anthropogenic perturbations).  相似文献   

Holocene biomass burning and global dynamics of the carbon cycle   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Fire regimes have changed during the Holocene due to changes in climate, vegetation, and in human practices. Here, we hypothesise that changes in fire regime may have affected the global CO2 concentration in the atmosphere through the Holocene. Our data are based on quantitative reconstructions of biomass burning deduced from stratified charcoal records from Europe, and South-, Central- and North America, and Oceania to test the fire-carbon release hypothesis. In Europe the significant increase of fire activity is dated approximately 6000 cal. yr ago. In north-eastern North America burning activity was greatest before 7500 years ago, very low between 7500-3000 years, and has been increasing since 3000 years ago. In tropical America, the pattern is more complex and apparently latitudinally zonal. Maximum burning occurred in the southern Amazon basin and in Central America during the middle Holocene, and during the last 2000 years in the northern Amazon basin. In Oceania, biomass burning has decreased since a maximum 5000 years ago. Biomass burning has broadly increased in the Northern and Southern hemispheres throughout the second half of the Holocene associated with changes in climate and human practices. Global fire indices parallel the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration recorded in Antarctic ice cores. Future issues on carbon dynamics relatively to biomass burning are discussed to improve the quantitative reconstructions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a brief overview is presented of natural gas as a fuel resource with subsequent carbon capture and re-use as a means to facilitate reduction and eventual elimination of man-made carbon emissions. A particular focus is shale gas and, to a lesser extent, methane hydrates, with the former believed to provide the most reasonable alternative as a transitional fuel toward a low-carbon future. An emphasis is placed on the gradual elimination of fossil resource usage as a fuel over the coming 35 to 85 years and its eventual replacement with renewable resources and nuclear power. Furthermore, it is proposed that synthesis of chemical feedstocks from recycled carbon dioxide and hydrogen-rich materials should be undertaken for specific applications in the transport sector which require access to high energy density fuels. To achieve the latter, carbon dioxide capture is imperative and possible synthetic routes for chemical feedstock production are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

张媛  谢天  王美娥 《环境工程学报》2020,14(5):1343-1353
小尺度水平上土壤污染物累积特征不仅与人们的生活直接相关,与社区环境管理和园林规划也有密切联系。选择北京市五环内具有不同植被格局(围绕式、行列式、混合式和群点式)的典型居民区为研究对象,通过小区内绿地的多点布点,调查分析表层土壤中的7种重金属元素(Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、Mn)和16种优先控制多环芳烃(PAHs)的浓度;探究小尺度水平上,植被格局对绿地土壤重金属及多环芳烃累积的影响。结果表明:Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb为主要的重金属污染物;居民区土壤中,16种多环芳烃总量(Σ16PAHs)的浓度为88.1~2 844 μg·kg−1,其主要来源于煤炭燃烧而非石油及其产物燃烧;行列式植被格局的绿地土壤中,主要重金属和PAHs污染物的浓度分布较为分散,高浓度污染物也往往出现在该类植被格局的土壤中;而群点式植被格局土壤中,主要重金属污染物以及本地指示性多环芳烃Ant、BaA和BaP的浓度中位值都较其他3种植被格局低。对行列式植被格局的小区进行土壤质量调查时,需要采集较多的样品数量才能获得代表性污染物浓度;同时,行列式植被格局有利于对污染物的截获,使绿地土壤起到吸纳污染物的作用,而群点式植被格局的绿地土壤环境质量较好,但是不利于发挥吸纳污染物的生态功能。  相似文献   

The authors used a global High Resolution Biosphere Model (HRBM), consisting of a biome model and a carbon cycle model, to estimate the changes of carbon storage in the major pools of the terrestrial biosphere from 18 000 BP to present. The climate change data to drive the biosphere for 18 000 BP were derived from an Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Using the AGCM anomalies interpolated to a 0.5 degrees grid, the HRBM data base of the present climate was recalculated for 18 000 BP. The most important processes which influenced the carbon storage include (1) climate-induced changes in biospheric processes and vegetation distribution, (2) the CO(2) fertilization effect, (3) the inundation of lowland areas resulting from the sea level rise of 100 m. Two scenarios were investigated. The first scenario, which ignored the CO(2) fertilization effect, led to total carbon losses from the terrestrial biosphere of -460 x 10(9) t. Scenario 2, which assumed that the model formulation of the CO(2) fertilization effect as used for preindustrial to present could be extrapolated to the glacial 200 microl litre(-1) (ppmv, parts per million per volume), gave a carbon fixation in the terrestrial biosphere of +213 x 10(9) t. The two scenarios were compared with CO(2) concentration data and isotopic ratios from air in ice cores. The results of Scenario 1 are not in agreement with the data. Scenario 2 gives realistic delta(13)C shifts in the atmosphere but the biospheric carbon storage at the end of the glacial period seems too large. The authors suggest that the low atmospheric CO(2) concentration may have favoured the C-4 plants in ice age vegetation types. As a consequence the influence of the low CO(2) concentration was eventually reduced and the glacial carbon storage in vegetation, litter, and soil was increased.  相似文献   

Agricultural ecosystems have the potential to sequester carbon in soils by altering agricultural management practices (i.e. tillage practice, cover crops, and crop rotation) and using agricultural inputs (i.e. fertilizers and irrigation) more efficiently. Changes in agricultural practices can also cause changes in CO2 emissions associated with these practices. In order to account for changes in net CO2 emissions, and thereby estimate the overall impact of carbon sequestration initiatives on the atmospheric CO2 pool, we use a methodology for full carbon cycle analysis of agricultural ecosystems. The analysis accounts for changes in carbon sequestration and emission rates with time, and results in values representing a change in net carbon flux. Comparison among values of net carbon flux for two or more systems, using the initial system as a baseline value, results in a value for relative net carbon flux. Some results from using the full carbon cycle methodology, along with US national average values for agricultural inputs, indicate that the net carbon flux averaged over all crops following conversion from conventional tillage to no-till is -189 kg C ha(-1) year(-1) (a negative value indicates net transfer of carbon from the atmosphere). The relative net carbon flux, using conventional tillage as the baseline, is -371 kg C ha(-1) year(-1), which represents the total atmospheric CO2 reduction caused by changing tillage practices. The methodology used here illustrates the importance of (1) delineating system boundaries, (2) including CO2 emissions associated with sequestration initiatives in the accounting process, and (3) comparing the new management practices associated with sequestration initiatives with the original management practices to obtain the true impact of sequestration projects on the atmospheric CO2 pool.  相似文献   

The projected doubling of current levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO(2)]) during the next century along with increases in other radiatively active gases have led to predictions of increases in global air temperature and shifts in precipitation patterns. Additionally, stratospheric ozone depletion may result in increased ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation incident at the Earth's surface in some areas. Since these changes in the Earth's atmosphere may have profound effects on vegetation, the objectives of this paper are to summarize some of the recent research on plant responses to [CO(2)], temperature and UV-B radiation. Elevated [CO(2)] increases photosynthesis and usually results in increased biomass, and seed yield. The magnitude of these increases and the specific photosynthetic response depends on the plant species, and are strongly influenced by other environmental factors including temperature, light level, and the availability of water and nutrients. While elevated [CO(2)] reduces transpiration and increases photosynthetic water-use efficiency, increasing air temperature can result in greater water use, accelerated plant developmental rate, and shortened growth duration. Experiments on UV-B radiation exposure have demonstrated a wide range of photobiological responses among plants with decreases in photosynthesis and plant growth among more sensitive species. Although a few studies have addressed the interactive effects of [CO(2)] and temperature on plants, information on the effects of UV-B radiation at elevated [CO(2)] is scarce. Since [CO(2)], temperature and UV-B radiation may increase concurrently, more research is needed to determine plant responses to the interactive effects of these environmental variables.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - India’s sustainable development goals consist of higher economic growth through large investments on the one hand and ambitious carbon emission...  相似文献   

The biosphere is a major pool in the global carbon cycle; its response to climatic change is therefore of great importance. We developed a 5 degrees x 5 degrees longitude-latitude resolution model of the biosphere in which the global distributions of the major biospheric variables, i.e. the vegetation types and the main carbon pools and fluxes, are determined from climatic variables. We defined nine major broad vegetation types: perennial ice, desert and semi-desert, tundra, coniferous forest, temperate deciduous forest, grassland and shrubland, savannah, seasonal tropical forest and evergreen tropical forest. Their geographical repartition is parameterized using correlations between observed vegetation type, precipitation and biotemperature distributions. The model computes as a function of climate and vegetation type, the variables related to the continental biospheric carbon cycle, i.e. the carbon pools such as the phytomass, the litter and the soil organic carbon; and carbon fluxes such as net primary production, litter production and heterotrophic respiration. The modeled present-day biosphere is in good agreement with observation. The model is used to investigate the response of the terrestrial biosphere to climatic changes as predicted by different General Circulation Models (GCM). In particular, the impact on the biosphere of climatic conditions corresponding to the last glacial climate (LGM), 18 000 years ago, is investigated. Comparison with results from present-day climate simulations shows the high sensitivity of the geographical distribution of vegetation types and carbon content as well as biospheric trace gases emissions to climatic changes. The general trend for LGM compared to the present is an increase in low density vegetation types (tundra, desert, grassland) to the detriment of forested areas, in tropical as well as in other regions. Consequently, the biospheric activity (carbon fluxes and trace gases emissions) was reduced.  相似文献   

Plastic greenhouse vegetable cultivation (PGVC) has played a vital role in increasing incomes of farmers and expanded dramatically in last several decades. However, carbon budget after conversion from conventional vegetable cultivation (CVC) to PGVC has been poorly quantified. A full carbon cycle analysis was used to estimate the net carbon flux from PGVC systems based on the combination of data from both field observations and literatures. Carbon fixation was evaluated at two pre-selected locations in China. Results suggest that: (1) the carbon sink of PGVC is 1.21 and 1.23 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for temperate and subtropical area, respectively; (2) the conversion from CVC to PGVC could substantially enhance carbon sink potential by 8.6 times in the temperate area and by 1.3 times in the subtropical area; (3) the expansion of PGVC usage could enhance the potential carbon sink of arable land in China overall.  相似文献   

Estimates of the emissions of ammonia have previously concentrated on animal husbandry sources from agricultural systems. Animal husbandry sources still constitute the major fraction of emissions of ammonia, but we have also considered the potential magnitude of other 'minor' sources, which may include coal combustion, waste incineration, road vehicles, sewage treatment plants, fertiliser manufacture and application, vegetation senescence and crop emissions, domestic pets, and human sources. Where possible, a provisional estimate of UK emissions from each of these sources is given. It is concluded that the potential magnitude of emissions from these 'minor' sources may make a significant contribution to the total emissions of ammonia to the atmosphere. On the basis of the available data, and the application of a range of emission factors to the UK situation, an additional annual emission potential lying in the range of approximately 80-140 ktonne year(-1) over and above that from animal husbandry has been calculated. The uncertainties in the emission estimates and instances in which a better resolution of sources is required are discussed. The emission factors used for animals in various inventories are reviewed and applied to the main UK agricultural animal populations. By using this approach, estimates of emissions from these sources range between 113 and 647 ktonne year(-1), which illustrates the uncertainties involved. It is suggested that our knowledge of the sources of ammonia, and their distribution, is far from complete.  相似文献   


The green innovations, environmental policies, and carbon taxes are the tools to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the mitigation process. This study is intended to examine the impact of innovation, carbon pricing (CTAX), environmental policies (EP), and energy consumption (ECON) on PM2.5 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission for Central-Eastern European countries. The panel effect during 2000–2018 is tested using a dynamic panel data model while the Granger causality approach obtains country-related outcomes. The outcomes reveal that eco-friendly innovations have a more profound effect on carbon mitigation. Environmental policies reduce emissions by 2.7% in the short run and 17.4% in the long run. Similarly, CTAX mitigates GHG emissions by 8.6% in the short-run and PM2.5 by 0.9% and 5.7% in the short and long run. However, urbanization, energy consumption and trade openness are the leading polluters in the region. The main findings remain dominant in the country-specific results and find unidirectional and bidirectional causality evidence among variables. The research concludes that green innovations and strict environmental policy can lead towards achieving sustainable development goals using carbon taxes as a tool on the way.

Graphical abstract

Additions of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) compounds constitute one of the major classes of air pollutants of significance to human health and the environment. Reliance on wet deposition measurements alone can lead to considerable underestimates (by 40-60%) of the total (wet + dry) atmospheric N deposition. In addition, wet deposition of N are about 20% of the levels that are lost due to volatilization (primarily ammonia). Nevertheless, in the agricultural sectors of the Mississippi River basins, farm management practices, and recycling of N within cropping systems clearly outweigh the contributions of atmospheric deposition. As opposed to native vegetation and forests, there are no records of the negative effects of atmospheric N deposition on crop yield. Similarly, field studies on the interactions of atmospheric N compounds with the incidence and spread of pathogens does not permit any generalizations. Nitrogen applied as fertilizer affects disease probably more by its effect on the plant growth than by its effects on pathogens. In contrast, atmospheric nitrogen dioxide appears to be a stimulant of aphid performance. Under conditions of heavy weed infestation, N fertilization stimulates weed growth and competitiveness, rather than crop yield.  相似文献   

Tareq SM  Tanoue E  Tsuji H  Tanaka N  Ohta K 《Chemosphere》2005,59(11):1655-1665
Evidence of changing vegetation in the tropical wetland (Rawa Danau, west Java, Indonesia) over the past 7428 years is illustrated by elemental (soot) carbon (EC) and n-alkane composition of sedimentary geolipids. In this study, vegetation changes and relevant controlling factors (e.g. forest fire and climate change) were documented on a decadal to centennial scale. The n-alkane composition that changes with depth might record changes in sources of organic matter (OM) in the wetland. The presence of EC (0.01–0.24% of organic carbon: OC) during late (0–1700 cal. year BP) and mid (3500–4500 cal. year BP) Holocene (at depths 0–50 cm, and 160–210 cm) indicated that large-scale forest fires severely affected the tropical vegetation. The hydrocarbon indices (CPI: carbon preference index, MCN: mean carbon number, and HVI: hydrocarbon vegetation index) significantly correlated with one another while a comparison of EC profile with the profiles of hydrocarbon indices indicated that n-alkane composition of the geolipid in lake sediment could record signatures of changes in catchment vegetation. Forest fire and vegetation changes might be related to regional climatic shifts relating to ENSO activity as well as being influenced by human influences.  相似文献   

Zhou M  Lei L 《Chemosphere》2006,65(7):1197-1203
Three-phase electrochemical reactor is still far from concerned in wastewater treatment in order to improve electrochemical treatment efficiency especially when the concentrations of organic pollutants are relatively low. This paper presents a novel process integrated electrocatalysis and activated carbon (AC) adsorption in a fluidization mode for p-nitrophenol (PNP) abatement, with special attention on probing the role of AC. Sparged by external gas (e.g., O(2)), the electrochemical reactor is actually a three-phase (gas, liquid, solid) reactor. By this one-step integrated process, the treatment efficiency was significantly promoted where PNP of initial concentration 150 mg l(-1) could be completely removed in no more than 30 min and it kept good performance for five consecutive runs, showing potential application for environmental remediation. In the integrated process, AC is in a dynamic state of adsorption and in situ electrochemical regeneration by the attack of electrogenerated hydroxyl radical on organic pollutants. When oxygen is sparged into the process, hydrogen peroxide can be formed by cathodic reduction and then decomposed by catalytic reaction on AC, which further promotes organic pollutants degradation.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Recently, the Japanese government has announced the national objective of turning the economy of Japan carbon–neutral by 2050. This...  相似文献   

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