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神农架风景资源特色研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神农架山势雄伟,亚热带与温带叠置的气候条件孕育了丰富多姿的自然景观,其风景资源具有神、奇、珍、幽四大特色。其中以神秘的原始森林和珍稀的野生动植物资源最具魅力。  相似文献   

The present study used temporal remote sensing data for 1990, 2001 and 2006 to assess spatio-temporal patterns of forest cover changes in Shiwalik range of the Himalaya, Dehradun forest division. Forests are innately associated to human well-being. However, with the increasing anthropogenic activities, deforestation has increased. Quantitative change analysis of the forest cover for the past two decades provides valuable insight into the forest conservation vis-à-vis anthropogenic activities in the region. Spatio-temporal datasets along with biotic and abiotic variables provide opportunities to model the forest cover change further. The present study investigates forest cover change and predicts status of forest cover in the Dehradun forest division. Land Change Modeller (LCM) was used to predict status of forest cover for 2010 and 2015 using current disturbance scenarios. Comparing actual LULC of 2006 with the predicted LULC of 2006 validated change prediction model and agreement was 61.03%. The forested areas are getting degraded due to anthropogenic activities, but deforestation/degradation does not contribute much in expanding urban area. Agricultural areas and fallow lands are the main contributors to increased urban area. The study demonstrates the potential of geospatial tools to understand spatio-temporal forest cover change and generate the future scenarios.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions developing at the boundary of windfall- and fire-damaged forest biocenoses at different stages of progressive succession have a positive effect on the total abundance of rodents, but the role of ecotone in forming the structure of their microhabitats is ambiguous. The complex of biotic and abiotic conditions in the ecotone has a positive influence on the size of shrub coverage area and the abundance of saplings, whereas the influence of the edge effect on other microhabitat parameters (namely, herbaceous and moss coverage) is negative or neutral.  相似文献   

Main trends in the formation of biotopic complexes of bumblebees in the northern taiga zone are analyzed. It is proposed that Eurasian forest species of bumblebees (Bombus (Th.) schrencki, B. (Mg.) consobrinus, etc.) are coadaptively connected with entomophilous plant species belonging to the synusia of Eurosiberian riverine-mountain meadow tall herbage, with the numbers of species in both biotic groups (pollinating insects and plants) and their abundance being greater in the landscape characterized by a high degree of karstification. In the biotopic bumblebee complex of a large river valley, the relative abundance of forest bumblebee species is 2.5–5.3 times lower than in other complexes, whereas that of meadow species is two orders of magnitude higher due to favorable thermal conditions and a large number of habitats with mesophilic herbage and legumes. Each of the distinct ecogeographic groups of bumblebees and the corresponding synusiae (each comprising entomophilous plants of different taxonomic groups) appear to be coadapted. This is probably a result of the diffuse coevolution of pollinators and plants belonging to the genetically unified biota.  相似文献   

This study investigates consequences of future changes to the provision of ecosystem services (ES) in the Romanian Carpathians. Two 2040 forest management scenarios were compared, using two indicators to describe the gains and losses of ES. Changes in landslide regulation potential were defined as changes to landslide susceptibility. High nature value grasslands characterized biodiversity support. The business as usual scenario results in a 8% lower loss of landslide regulation potential compared to the alternative scenario. It also results in a 29% higher regional net gain of landslide regulation potential. Both scenarios result in the loss of biodiversity support due to their prevalent transition of forest expansion. This type of information is crucial for informing decision makers on the locations of potential gains and losses of future development.  相似文献   

国家级重点生态功能区是国家重要的生态安全屏障,是保障生态系统稳定的重要区域,生态系统生产总值(GEP)是生态系统为人类福祉和经济社会可持续发展提供的产品与服务价值的总和。核算重点生态功能区县生态系统生产总值(GEP)不仅为揭示区域生态系统为人类福祉和经济社会发展贡献提供了新的手段,同时为完善限制开发区市县政府考核机制和离任审计提供了新的科学方法。本文以国家级重点生态功能区县——阿尔山市为例,运用市场价值法、影子工程法、替代成本法及旅游费用法等研究方法,对阿尔山市生态系统产品提供、调节服务、文化服务3大类11项服务功能进行核算,结果表明:(1)2014年,阿尔山市生态系统生产总值539.88亿元,就生态系统服务类别而言,调节服务价值最高,占88.44%;文化服务价值占8.72%;产品提供价值占2.83%。(2)就不同生态系统服务类型而言,气候调节功能价值最大,占45.33%;固碳释氧价值、水源涵养价值、洪水调蓄价值次之。(3)就不同生态系统类型而言,由大到小排序,森林湿地草地灌丛农田。其中,森林生态系统生产总值最高,占61.99%;湿地次之,占32.44%。  相似文献   

Structural characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in mountain watercourses of different sizes have been studied in the Upper Ob basin. It has been found that species richness, diversity of zoobenthos, and most biotic indices in the background areas increase in the series from the smallest watercourses to large rivers. On the contrary, the values of the above parameters in areas polluted with mercury has proved to decrease, thereby indicating a significant transformation of the benthic communities. Approaches are proposed to select reference indices for assessing the ecological state of watercourses in the basin with regard to the size of the river, the structure of benthic communities, and variability of biotic indices along the background cross sections.  相似文献   

To study potential consequences of climate-induced changes in the biotic disturbance regime at regional to national scale we integrated a model of Ips typographus (L. Scol. Col.) damages into the large-scale forest scenario model EFISCEN. A two-stage multivariate statistical meta-model was used to upscale stand level damages by bark beetles as simulated in the hybrid forest patch model PICUS v1.41. Comparing EFISCEN simulations including the new bark beetle disturbance module against a 15-year damage time series for Austria showed good agreement at province level (R2 between 0.496 and 0.802). A scenario analysis of climate change impacts on bark beetle-induced damages in Austria’s Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] forests resulted in a strong increase in damages (from 1.33 Mm3 a−1, period 1990–2004, to 4.46 Mm3 a−1, period 2095–2099). Studying two adaptive management strategies (species change) revealed a considerable time-lag between the start of adaptation measures and a decrease in simulated damages by bark beetles.  相似文献   

Ensuring forest protection and the delivery of forest ecosystem services is a central aim of the European Union’s biodiversity strategy for 2020. Therefore, accurate modelling and mapping of ecosystem services as well as of biodiversity conservation value is an important asset in support of spatial planning and policy implementation. The objectives of this study were to analyse the provision of the multiple ecosystem services under two forestation scenarios (eucalyptus/pine vs. oak) at the watershed scale and to evaluate their possible trade-offs with the biodiversity conservation value. The Vez watershed, in northwest Portugal, was used as case study area, in which soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) was applied to simulate the provision of hydrological services, biomass and carbon storage services. Biodiversity conservation value was based on nature protection regimes and on expert judgement applied to a land cover map. Results indicated large provision of ecosystem services in the high and low mountain sub-basins. The overall performance for water quantity and timing is better under the shrubland and oak forest scenarios, when compared to the eucalyptus/pine forest scenario, which perform better for flood regulation and erosion control services, especially in the low mountain sub-basin. The current shrubland dominated cover also shows good performance for the control of soil erosion. The oak scenario is the one with less trade-offs between forest services and biodiversity conservation. Results highlight SWAT as an effective tool for modelling and mapping ecosystem services generated at the watershed scale, thereby contributing to improve the options for land management.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to structural analysis of biotic communities, based on the data on species abundances, do not take into account phylogenetic relationships between these species. We propose a new approach to studying the scaling (scale dependence) of phylogenetic diversity by means of multifractal analysis in which the moments of phylogenetic diversity are used. The results of applying this approach to small mammal communities of Nizhny Novgorod region of the Volga Basin has shown that phylogenetic diversity scaling complies with the power law, which is indicative of the self-similarity of these communities. The multifractal spectra of phylogenetic diversity scaling markedly differ from the spectra of species diversity scaling, providing evidence that the proposed approach can provide novel information on the structure of biotic communities.  相似文献   

天保、退耕工程与环境可持续发展的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
天然林保护、退耕还林还草工程是人类生存哲学的革新,是可持续发展思维方式的具体实践。其目的在于改善人类生存环境,达到人和环境的协调统一,实现人类与环境的可持续发展。探讨了两大工程顺利推进并充分发挥生态效益的因素:(1)加强生态文明建设;(2)坚持生态效益优先原则;(3)加强恢复生态学基础理论研究,制定科学的工程评估和监测标准;(4)建立和完善生态补偿机制;(5)完善工程机构建设;(6)完善生态环境保护的法律、法规及办法。  相似文献   

At the national scale, forest cover in Guatemala declined at an annual rate of 1.2% during the past quarter century because of settlement that removed primary forests in the northern region of the country; however, the majority of the population of Guatemala still resides in the densely populated central highlands and has extracted timber and fuelwood from adjacent forests for centuries. Using baseline data recorded in 1987 and 1996, this article reexamined the sustainability of a municipal-communal pine forest in San José La Arada, a municipality in eastern Guatemala. The pine forest declined from the period 1987 to 1996 because of overextraction of timber and fuelwood. Forest structure and forest use were reexamined from the period 1996 to 2007 to test the hypothesis that the forest continued to decline. Forest characteristics such as stand density, basal area, tree height, and evidence of forest use were measured to replicate the procedures from previous work at the study area. To understand changes in forest structure and forest use in the context of the rise in remittances and the introduction of decentralized forest governance that emerged since 1996, a household survey was conducted in two adjacent villages. Forest structure improved from 1996 to 2007. From 1996 to 2007, forest characteristics such as stand density, basal area, tree height, and forest regeneration improved and evidence of forest use decreased in the municipal-communal pine forest. The influence of large amounts of remittances from the United States and other regions of Guatemala to households in the adjacent villages and the decentralization of forest governance largely explains the shift toward forest sustainability in San José La Arada.  相似文献   


Chinese forest resources have become very scarce in the face of rapid economic growth demand, while the reform of collective forest right system is in full swing across the country. It will directly affect the regeneration level of forest resources and the diverse ecological value functions. In this article, the mainstream model paradigm of forest economics, that is, the basic framework of the Faustmann model and its evolution process are made in a more detailed explanation, especially the extended model including considered silvicultural effort, tax subsidies, risk dynamic management, and forest regeneration factors are made in more detailed explanations. This article concludes with the future further research directions of forest economics, including the design of dynamic models that includes considered uneven-aged forest management, non-timber goods and services, dynamic forest models. The research reflects the general trend of interdisciplinary and cross-border.  相似文献   

基于六期Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI影像数据,利用生态系统服务功能评估规范及GIS空间统计方法,对三峡库区1990~2015年间森林生态系统服务价值动态变化进行分析。结果表明:三峡库区森林面积与森林覆盖率逐年增加,森林面积增长率71.04%,森林覆盖率由31.27%增加到53.48%。库区整体的森林类型结构比较稳定,表现为针叶林>混交林>灌木林>阔叶林。时间上,三峡库区森林生态系统服务价值呈上升趋势,具体表现为快-慢-快的增长特征。三峡库区单位面积森林生态系统服务价值在总体增长趋势下出现局部负增长趋势,各森林类型的单位面积价值与三峡库区整体的单位面积价值有着相同的变化趋势,均表现为增加-减少-增加的变化特征。三峡库区各类型服务价值的贡献表现为:涵养水源>固碳释氧>生物多样性保护>保育土壤>净化大气环境>积累营养物质>森林防护。空间上,1990~2015年,三峡库区森林生态系统服务价值的地域分布大致以巫溪至武隆一线为界,呈现出东南高、西北低的特征。1990~2015年三峡库区森林生态系统服务价值变化幅度呈现出“西增加快,东增趋缓”的格局特点。  相似文献   

分析我国各省森林公园旅游产业竞争力演变及其影响因素,有助于为处于不同发展阶段和不同发展水平的省份提供产业竞争力方面的指导。首先构建我国港澳台外31省(市、自治区)森林公园的旅游产业竞争力指标体系,然后计算各省旅游产业竞争力得分并分析其时空演变特征,最后采用分位数回归研究影响森林公园旅游产业竞争力空间差异的主要因素。结果表明:中国森林公园旅游产业平均竞争力值较低,区域差异较大,呈现东部向中西部递减的状态;2004~2014年期间西部各省森林公园旅游产业竞争力进步较小,主要原因是受到“短板效应”的制约,表现为西部各省在产业效益方面与东、中部省份存在较大差距;中国的森林公园存在东北和东南两个高层次旅游产业竞争力集聚中心,并存在逐渐向周边地区扩散,带动周边省份提升发展的趋势;回归表明,国家扶持力度、管理投入、资源禀赋、经济基础、品牌效应和交通便利性会在不同分位点上对各省森林公园旅游产业竞争力产生影响。森林公园旅游产业竞争力在不同分位点上影响因素的差异为有针对性的提高各地区竞争力提供了良好的参考。  相似文献   

我国森林资源资产产权制度存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
森林资源概念向森林资源资产概念的演进是可持续发展的客观要求,是人与自然关系逐渐从单纯索取向相互依存转变的实际表现。对森林资源资产产权制度的研究,对于优化森林资源资产配置,实现林业可持续发展具有极其重要的意义。研究认为我国森林资源资产产权制度的问题主要存在于产权意识、产权界定、产权管理和产权制度评价体系等方面上。在对其深层次原因和加剧“三农”问题严重性的负面影响作出分析的基础上,提出解决我国森林资源资产产权制度存在问题的对策:提高行为主体的产权意识和生态意识;重新对森林资源资产产权进行科学和系统的界定;明确森林资源资产产权主体的责权利边界;建立新型的适应社会主义市场经济发展要求的森林资源资产产权管理体制;健全森林资源资产产权变动管理制度;建立森林资源资产补偿机制;建立森林资源资产产权制度的动态评价体系。  相似文献   

Main stages in the development of forest ecosystems on the lower plateau of the Volga Upland in the Holocene have been reconstructed by analyzing palynological assemblages from peat deposits. It was established that the steppe cenosis dominated from 12000 to 8500 years ago, forest and steppe communities were equally dominant further up to 6000 years ago, mainly forest communities were dominant up to 3200 years ago, and then domination again passed to forest-steppe landscapes with a predominance of steppe communities.  相似文献   

Typologically identical (dwarf birch-herb-dwarf shrub-moss) open and closed larch forests growing on the same altitudinal transect have proved to differ in the structural-functional organization of lower vegetation layers. Coverage, general species composition, and species richness of the herb-dwarf shrub layer are higher in the open forest than in the closed forest. Correlations between individual species of vascular plants weaken upon transition from the open to the closed forest. Conversely, the coverage of the lichen-moss layer increases in the closed forest, which contributes to its role as a factor of selection of vascular plant species against the background of the prevailing influence of the tree layer.  相似文献   

Chinese forest resources have become very scarce in the face of rapid economic growth demand, while the reform of collective forest right system is in full swing across the country. It will directly affect the regeneration level of forest resources and the diverse ecological value functions. In this article, the mainstream model paradigm of forest economics, that is, the basic framework of the Faustmann model and its evolution process are made in a more detailed explanation, especially the extended model in...  相似文献   


Mountain forest areas are key for providing a wide range of ecosystem services and are hot spots for land use change processes, in particular, increase in forest cover at the expense of mountain pastures and meadows. Mountain forest systems in eastern and western Europe have likely similar future socio-economic situations but significantly different socio-economic history. Using a scenario-based land use modelling approach (Dyna-CLUE framework) we model three scenarios (trend, liberalisation and self-sufficiency) of future land use in the Polish Carpathians and the Swiss Alps, focussing on forest cover change. We find that forest cover increase can be expected to continue in European mountainous regions under all likely scenarios, limited only by relatively strict policy interventions. Biophysical factors, rather than socio-economic ones, are key for defining the suitability for, and therefore likely locations of future forest cover, but land use legacy plays a very important role in the spatial patterns of future forest cover, particularly in eastern Europe.


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