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Summary Frogs(Rana pipiens) fed on blister beetles (Meloidae) or cantharidin, retain cantharidin systemically. After cessation of feeding, they void the compound relatively quickly. Systemic cantharidin does not protect frogs against ectoparasitic feeding by leeches(Hirudo medicinalis) or predation by snakes(Nerodia sipedon). As suggested by our data, and from reports in the early literature, ingestion of cantharidin-containing frogs can pose a health threat to humans.Paper no. 95 of the seriesDefense Mechanisms of Arthropods; no. 94 is LaMunyon & Eisner, Psyche (in press)  相似文献   

Testis size variation in frogs: testing the alternatives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While sperm competition may be a major factor affecting relative testis size in vertebrates as a whole, additional hypotheses have not been given much attention in frogs. This is important because sperm competition is relatively uncommon in frogs and relative testis size varies in frogs that do not have multiple-male breeding systems. This paper tests two additional hypotheses for differences in relative testis size among frogs: relative clutch size (number of eggs/snout vent length) and androgen level. Testis size was measured in 90 species of frogs belonging to five families. Relative testis size was found to be positively correlated with relative clutch size in species that lack sperm competition. Mean androgen levels of species also positively covaried with relative testis size. However, there was no correlation between relative testis size and level of male agonistic behavior among species, despite other work indicating that testosterone levels are positively correlated with agonistic behavior in at least some species. These findings suggest that a number of factors in addition to sperm competition are important in the evolution of testis size in male frogs. Received: 17 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

Herein we review what is known about the chemical ecology of poison frogs with a focus on dendrobatid poison frogs. While five anuran families are known to have an alkaloid-derived chemical defense, the dendrobatids have been studied in greatest detail and provides chemical ecologists with a complex model system for understanding how chemical defenses operate in real time and may have evolved through evolutionary time. We describe the diversity of alkaloid defenses known from frogs, alkaloid sequestration, biosynthesis and modification, and we review what is known concerning arthropod sources for alkaloids. There is variation in nearly every attribute of the system and we try to describe some of the challenges associated with unraveling the complexities of this model system.  相似文献   

Utilization of energy substrates during calling activity in tropical frogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Calling activity in frogs is energetically demanding to males because they usually perform at or near their physiological capacities. Metabolic fuel for muscle contractions during bouts of aerobic calling activity comes from carbohydrates and lipids that are stored in the trunk muscles. I monitored nightly calling performance in males of seven tropical frog species from two families, Hylidae and Leptodactylidae, and compared levels of glycogen and lipid in the trunk muscles from males collected before and after a three-hour period of calling activity. Trunk muscles from late-evening males in five species had up to 63% less glycogen than the trunk muscles from early-evening males; relatively little depletion was observed in two other species. Overall, glycogen reserves and rates of depletion were highest in species with very high calling rates. It was not possible to measure changes in the relatively large stores of lipid in the trunk muscles after only 3 h of calling. Nevertheless, intramuscular lipid stores probably provide a greater percentage of the energy needed for sound production than glycogen stores, and are largest in species with high calling rates. Received: 7 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 20 July 1997  相似文献   

Photosynthetic and optical properties of the marine chlorophyte Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were studied in response to irradiance fluctuations caused by surface-wave focusing. The experimental conditions simulated the prominent features of the light field (high average irradiance, spectral composition and statistical properties) in the uppermost few meters of the water column under sunny surface conditions. The properties of algae grown under high-frequency fluctuations were compared with control cells grown under constant light at the same average irradiance (800 mol quantam-2s-1). No significant differences were found for a number of parameters, including growth rate, cellular chlorophyll a and pigment ratios, photosynthetic unit size and density of Photosystem I reaction centers, the rate of photosynthesis at the growth irradiance, dark respiration, and in vivo fluorescence of chlorophyll a per cell. Photosynthetic parameters were not affected by whether the incident light for oxygen exchange measurements was fluctuating or constant. This was the case whether the cells had been previously acclimated to either fluctuating or constant irradiance. Such a photosynthetic response indicates that cells are accomplishing a time integration of the fluctuating light. In addition, although D. tertiolecta is capable of dramatically changing its optical properties in response to low or high growth irradiance levels, the refractive index of the cells, the efficiency factors for light absorption and scattering by individual cells, and chlorophyll-specific absorption and scattering coefficients of cell suspensions, were all very similar under high irradiance, whether or not wave focusing was present.Contribution to the program of GIROQ (Groupe Interuniversitaire de Recherches Océanographiques du Québec)  相似文献   

The uptake of cadmium by the Haptophyceae Hymenomonas elongata was studied as regards the energetic processes and Ca‐transport. For this purpose, experiments were carried out in the presence of an uncoupler of the phosphorylation : CCCP and of an inhibitor of calcium channels and also of Ca2+‐ATPase : verapamil. To reduce the number of assays, a factorial experimental design was used, in which all variables:— concentration of Cd in the medium—incubation time and—the presence of the inhibitor, are at two levels. In the absence of inhibitor, Cd uptake was found to vary as a function of metal concentration in the medium and of incubation time. CCCP significantly increased Cd uptake by H. elongata at sufficient incubation time. Therefore Cd uptake seemed linked to an energy‐dependent process, involving an ATPase. Verapamil immediately increased Cd uptake, implying an interaction between Cd and Ca.  相似文献   

Summary During the spawning period, male grass frogs (Rana temporaria L.) frequently produce short and long territorial calls in addition to mating calls. The calls differ in mean pulse number, duration, and pattern of amplitude modulation. Experiments in which recorded natural calls are played back reveal that male grass frogs are capable of discriminating the different conspecific calls. A male frog stimulated by mating calls always responds by producing mating calls in greater numbers (Fig. 3). Territorial calls presented at low intensity also cause an increase in the mating-call rate (Fig. 4), but at high intensity they clicit territorial calls and turning toward the loudspeaker. A combination of short and long territorial calls was especially effective in eliciting the phonotaxis response. As play-back experiments with simulated calls show, the carrier frequency and the pulse repetition rate are particularly important cues for recognition of conspecific calls (Fig. 5). A simulated call with a 400-Hz carrier frequency (the dominant frquency of the mating call) is just as effective as the natural call with the complete frequency spectrum (Fig. 3), whereas a 1100-Hz simulated call is ineffective (Fig. 5). The chief factors in discrimination among the conspecific calls are the call repetition rate and probably the amplitude and frequency modulation. Changes in the duration of the calls had little effect (Fig. 6). The available evidence suggests that the mating call has a reciprocally stimulating action on males in a chorus, whereas the territorial calls experess aggressiveness and give warning to other males.  相似文献   

Nonlinear and irregular population dynamics may arise as a result of phase dependence and coexistence of multiple attractors. Here we explore effects of climate and density in the dynamics of a highly fluctuating population of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) on Svalbard observed over a period of 29 years. Time series analyses revealed that density dependence and the effects of local climate (measured as the degree of ablation [melting] of snow during winter) on numbers were both highly nonlinear: direct negative density dependence was found when the population was growing (Rt > 0) and during phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) characterized by winters with generally high (1979-1995) and low (1996-2007) indices, respectively. A growth-phase-dependent model explained the dynamics of the population best and revealed the influence of density-independent processes on numbers that a linear autoregressive model missed altogether. In particular, the abundance of reindeer was enhanced by ablation during phases of growth (Rt > 0), an observation that contrasts with the view that periods of mild weather in winter are normally deleterious for reindeer owing to icing of the snowpack. Analyses of vital rates corroborated the nonlinearity described in the population time series and showed that both starvation mortality in winter and fecundity were nonlinearly related to fluctuations in density and the level of ablation. The erratic pattern of growth of the population of reindeer in Adventdalen seems, therefore, to result from a combination of the effects of nonlinear density dependence, strong density-dependent mortality, and variable density independence related to ablation in winter.  相似文献   

Summary Wheel-running activity was recorded in male golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) that had been blinded by bilateral enucleation and then kept singly in cages in a continuously darkened cabinet (room 1). In an adjacent cabinet (room 2), sighted male and female hamsters were kept in a 12:12-h light-dark cycle. For time spans varying from 15 to 45 days, two females within their cages were transferred for 3 h each day from room 2 to room 1 at the same time of light-off in room 2. Afterwards, two sighted male hamsters were transferred to room 1 for 3 h each day for 28 days. For the last 70 days of the experiment, all blinded males were transferred permanently to room 2. There were three main results: (1) bilateral enucleation of the males in room 1 had no effect on phase or period of the free-running rhythm; (2) the rhythms of the blinded males were entrained neither by the 3-h daily presence of two females nor after the transfer into room 2; (3) the presence of females usually released activity in the males depending on the circadian phase at which the exposure to females occurred. The masking responses were maximal at the beginning of the activity time, and reached a minor second maximum approximately 9 to 12 h later.  相似文献   

This paper models the dissolved oxygen (DO) dynamics in the Orbetello lagoon as a function of the physico-chemical and ecological system variables, including the submerged vegetation, nutrients, and hydrodynamics. It should be viewed as the concluding sequel to a previous paper describing the dynamics of the lagoon ecosystem [Giusti, E., Marsili-Libelli, S., 2006. An integrated model for the Orbetello lagoon ecosystem, Ecol. Model. 196, 379–394] by introducing the missing DO dynamics. The model considers the oxygen demand originating from the decay of carbonaceous and nitrogenous compounds, as well as photosynthesis and natural reaeration by winds and currents as the oxygen producing processes. With a fixed-parameter set the model could accurately reproduce each single circadian DO cycle, but in the long run it failed to extend this fit and could not accommodate the large DO fluctuations induced by the seasonal variability. In order to enhance the model flexibility, a fuzzy pattern recognition algorithm was designed to classify the circadian DO patterns into four typical behaviours, related to the season, and estimate the corresponding parameters, with the overall model output being a fuzzy combination of these sets. The paper discusses several methods to patch the parameter sets and compares their performance in tracking long-term DO variations. A final assessment of the model validity is obtained by incorporating the whole DO dynamics (model, fuzzy pattern recognition and parameter combination) into the general lagoon model and producing a consistently correct series of DO daily distributions over a yearly cycle. Thus the paper contains both a practical and a methodological aspect. The practical one is the linking of all the lagoon dynamics to the dissolved oxygen kinetics in order to clarify to what extent macroalgae and macrophytes influence the oxygen balance. The methodological aspect consists of extending the validity of short-term models to long time-horizons through a patching technique supported by fuzzy pattern recognition.  相似文献   

Summary Energy stress during the breeding season and relationships between calling activity and growth were investigated in male carpenter frogs, Rana virgatipes. This species has a prolonged breeding season of up to three months in Southern New Jersey. Monthly collections made in 1985 revealed that both dry mass and percent body lipid decreased throughout the breeding season but sharply increased at the end of the breeding season. Observations of free-living males showed that small males were more likely to gain mass than large males during the breeding season. All males gained mass at higher rates after the breeding season. A simultaneous record of calling activity and mass change was obtained for 42 males. Males called on 95% of nights, indicating that they rarely ceased their reproductive activities. Small males tended to have low calling efforts and high growth rates. When the effect of initial mass was removed, growth rate was negatively correlated with calling effort among small males. This is the first demonstration of a direct tradeoff between a reproductive activity and growth in an anuran.  相似文献   

Following disturbance, some aquatic prey species release chemicals that act as a warning cue and increase vigilance in nearby conspecifics. Such disturbance cues evoke consistent low intensity anti-predator responses. In contrast, alarm cues from injured conspecifics often evoke stronger intensity responses in prey animals. In this study, we test the sensory complement hypothesis, which suggests that multiple cues act in an additive or synergistic fashion to provide additional information for risk assessment by prey. In the first experiment, we showed that juvenile rainbow trout pre-exposed to disturbance cues respond to a given concentration of damage-released alarm cues with a higher intensity of response than the trout that were pre-exposed to cues from undisturbed conspecifics. The two cues acted in an additive fashion. In the second experiment, we demonstrated that disturbance cues alone were not enough to elicit a conditioned response to the odour of a novel predator. We also showed that while disturbance cues elicit an increase in the response of trout to alarm cues, this increase does not translate into a stronger learned response to the predator when the predator odour is paired with alarm cues. Future studies should take into account sensory complementation to avoid underestimating the responses of prey to predators.  相似文献   

Relations between optimal yield and abundance in a fluctuating environment and conditions for a conservative level of harvest were obtained for the Fox surplus production model and compared with those for the logistic surplus production model. Environmental variation was included in the optimization of harvest with the Fox surplus production model to obtain a relation in which the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and biomass at the MSY varied as the environment varied. The relation can be applied for management of fisheries at the optimum levels in a fluctuating environment. For both models there is only one maximum sustainable yield under equilibrium conditions, but in a variable environment the maximum sustainable yield and optimum biomass and effort vary as the environment varies. The results were applied to the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) fishery of the Chesapeake Bay. Although several numerical results for the logistic and Fox models were similar, the parameter estimates were different and the Fox model predicted a much larger decrease in population abundance at the MSY. Harvesting at a conservative level with either the Fox model or the logistic model could increase blue crab abundance substantially with little decrease in harvest. At a conservative level of harvest, there is a 20% increase in biomass with a 6% decrease in yield for the logistic model and a 37% increase in biomass with a 9% decrease in yield for the Fox model. Both the Fox and the logistic surplus production models indicate that the blue crab fishery has been consistently over harvested.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of acquired predator recognition in mediating predator–prey interactions, we know little about the specific characteristics that prey use to distinguish predators from non-predators. Recent experiments with mammals and fish indicate that some prey lacking innate predator recognition have the ability to display anti-predator responses upon their first encounter with those predators if they are similar to predators that the prey has recently learned to recognize. This phenomenon is referred to as generalization of predator recognition. In this experiment, we documented for the first time that larval amphibians (woodfrog, Rana sylvatica) have the ability to generalize the recognition of known predators to closely related novel predators. Moreover, we demonstrated that this ability is dependent on the level of risk associated with the known predator. When red-bellied newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster (known predator), was paired with simulated low risk, tadpoles displayed fright responses to newts and novel tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum, but not to novel African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis. However, when the newt was paired with simulated high risk, tadpoles generalized their responses to both tiger salamanders and African clawed frogs. Larval anurans seem to have a wider generalization frame than other animals.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical arguments have claimed that negative relationships between the size and symmetry of secondary sexual traits are indicative of honest signalling of male quality. The patterns of fluctuating asymmetry in beetle horns have been proposed to support the honest signalling hypothesis. Here we examine three assumptions of the hypothesis, (1) that traits are costly to produce; (2) the levels of fluctuating asymmetry are indicative of stress imposed during development; and (3) that males with larger traits should have more symmetrical traits, using the horned beetle, Onthophagus taurus. Experimental manipulations of brood mass were used to manipulate horn size and asymmetry. The development of horns was found to be environmentally determined and costly in terms of delayed development and increased risk of pre-adult mortality. Decreasing resource availability increased relative horn asymmetry. However, horn height was positively related to absolute horn asymmetry. While the results do support the hypothesis that sexual selection on secondary sexual traits should increase levels of fluctuating asymmetry, they provide no support for the notion that the patterns of asymmetry honestly signal male quality. Horns are used in disputes between males and may be indicative of male parental investment. Thus, we conclude that while horn size may be an indication of male quality, the patterns of fluctuating asymmetry are not. Received: 16 December 1996 / Accepted after revision: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

Predators hunting for cryptic prey use search images, but how do prey search for cryptic predators? We address this question using the interaction between bumblebees and the colour-changing crab spider Misumena vatia which can camouflage itself on some flowers. In laboratory experiments, we exposed bumblebees to an array of flowers concealing robotic predators (a trapping mechanism combined with a 3D life-sized model of a crab spider or a circle). Groups of bees were trained to avoid either cryptic yellow spiders or yellow circles (equal area to the spiders) or remained predator naive. The bees were then exposed to a new patch of white flowers containing some cryptic predators (either white spiders, white circles or a mixture of both). We monitored individual foraging choices and used a 3D video tracking system to quantify the bees’ flight behaviour. The bees trained to avoid cryptic spiders, chose 40% fewer spider-harbouring flowers than expected by chance, but were indifferent to cryptic circles. They also aborted a higher proportion of landings on flowers harbouring spiders, ultimately feeding from half as many ‘dangerous’ flowers as naive bees. Previous encounters with cryptic spiders also influenced the flight behaviour of bees in the new flower patch. Experienced bees spent more time inspecting the flowers they chose to reject (both with and without concealed spiders) and scanned from side to side more in front of the flowers to facilitate predator detection. We conclude that bees disentangle shape from colour cues and thus can form a generalised search image for spider shapes, independent of colour.  相似文献   

三峡库区消落带土壤淹水过程中汞的释放及甲基化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探索三峡库区消落带土壤淹水期汞的环境化学行为,利用模拟试验,设置A(15℃,低溶解氧(DO))、B(30℃,低DO)、C(15℃,高DO)3组处理,在人工气候培养箱中进行消落带土壤淹水过程中汞的释放与甲基化特征研究,淹水试验共进行了40 d.结果表明,淹水初期(0—10 d)土壤汞呈释放趋势,A、B、C等3组处理水体中总汞浓度逐渐增加,而土壤中总汞含量相应降低;随淹水时间的延长(10 d),二者达到平衡.淹水后,A、B、C处理上覆水甲基汞浓度随淹水时间的延长而升高,且分别在第15天、第8天、第15天达到峰值,第30天基本达到平衡;土壤甲基汞含量随淹水时间的延长而增高,并在第30天达到平衡,平衡时土壤及上覆水甲基汞浓度规律均表现为BAC.土壤-上覆水系统温度的适当升高利于土壤汞的释放及甲基化;高溶解氧利于土壤汞的释放,低溶解氧则更利于汞的甲基化.  相似文献   

In this study we found many amphibians with bizarre appearances, known as malformations in Pingtung County southern Taiwan. For this investigation we collected frogs inhabiting the Kaoping and Tungkang river watersheds between February 2006 and June 2007. Among the total number of 10,909 normal frogs (i.e., anurans) collected during the investigation period, the Indian rice frogs (Rana limnocharis) account for the greatest number next is the Chinese bullfrog (Rana rugulosa). Of all the 244 captured malformed frogs, the Indian rice frog account for the greatest proportion. These malformed frogs have their main distribution in upstream areas of these two rivers. Our result indicates that the appearance rate of malformed frogs is 1.8% in the upstream reaches of the Kaoping River and 2.6%, and 0.8%, respectively in the upstream and midstream reaches of the Tungkang river. The most-commonly-found malformation is the lack of palms, followed by the lack of appendages, exostosis, and a malformed appendicular. It is, therefore, reasonable to speculate that the causes for the malformation may be related to the increased organic pollutants and agricultural chemicals used in the upstream reaches of these two rivers.  相似文献   

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