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ABSTRACT: A method is presented for predicting base flow using easily measured, or estimated, hydrogeologic parameters. A mathematical model based upon the theory of subsurface flow to parallel drains is applied to a small watershed in Oklahoma. An example of model application is presented for a five-year period of record from this small watershed. Three years of data are used to calibrate the model, and two years of data are used for model validation. Hydrographs of observed and predicted base flow are presented for the five-year period of record. We concluded from this limited application of the model, on a small watershed, that the modeling techniques discussed herein were valid and should be tested for longer time periods on a larger watershed to determine their general applicability.  相似文献   

The main focus of this study was to compare the Grey model and several artificial neural network (ANN) models for real time flood forecasting, including a comparison of the models for various lead times (ranging from one to six hours). For hydrological applications, the Grey model has the advantage that it can easily be used in forecasting without assuming that forecast storm events exhibit the same stochastic characteristics as the storm events themselves. The major advantage of an ANN in rainfall‐runoff modeling is that there is no requirement for any prior assumptions regarding the processes involved. The Grey model and three ANN models were applied to a 2,509 km2 watershed in the Republic of Korea to compare the results for real time flood forecasting with from one to six hours of lead time. The fifth‐order Grey model and the ANN models with the optimal network architectures, represented by ANN1004 (34 input nodes, 21 hidden nodes, and 1 output node), ANN1010 (40 input nodes, 25 hidden nodes, and 1 output node), and ANN1004T (14 input nodes, 21 hidden nodes, and 1 output node), were adopted to evaluate the effects of time lags and differences between area mean and point rainfall. The Grey model and the ANN models, which provided reliable forecasts with one to six hours of lead time, were calibrated and their datasets validated. The results showed that the Grey model and the ANN1010 model achieved the highest level of performance in forecasting runoff for one to six lead hours. The ANN model architectures (ANN1004 and ANN1010) that used point rainfall data performed better than the model that used mean rainfall data (ANN1004T) in the real time forecasting. The selected models thus appear to be a useful tool for flood forecasting in Korea.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The simple, empirical degree-day approach for calculating snowmelt and runoff from mountain basins has been in use for more than 60 years. It is frequently suggested that the degree-day method be replaced by the more physically-based energy balance approach. The degree-day approach, however, maintains its popularity, applicability, and effectiveness. It is shown that the degree-day method is reliable for computing total snowmelt depths for periods of a week to the entire snowmelt season. It can also be used for daily snowmelt depths when utilized in connection with an adequate snowmelt runoff model for computing the basin runoff. The degree-day ratio is shown to vary seasonally as opposed to being constant as is often assumed. Additionally, in order to evaluate the degree-day ratio correctly, the changing snow cover extent in a basin during the snowmelt season must be taken into account. It is also possible to combine the degree-day approach with a radiation component so that short time interval (<24 hours) computations of snowmelt depth can be made. When snowmelt input is transformed to basin output (runoff) by a snowmelt runoff model, there is little difference between the degree-day approach and a radiation-based approach. This is fortuitous because the physically-based energy balance models will not soon displace the degree-day methods because of their excessive data requirements.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper deals with the subject of applying different types of systems analysis tools to water quantity studies of multireservoir networks of increasing degrees of complexity. The object is to show how each tool can be used, modified and combined with other tools to solve specific problems and to indicate the degrees of complexity at which more sophisticated tools should be applied. Firstly, several applications and limitations of linear programming and dynamic programming are discussed. Secondly, it is shown that mass curve analysis is useful, can be extended to serve in computing reservoir rules for conventional multireservoir simulation models, and can be applied in conjunction with either historic or generated sequences of hydrologic input data. Thirdly, extended and limiting features of conventional time-interval-by-time-interval multireservoir simulation models are analyzed. And fourthly, a two-model series for problems which defy analysis by more basic tools is described in detail, the first model using network analysis (Out-of-Kilter Algorithm) for all space and time arcs simultaneously and providing data for the second general-purpose model using network analysis each time interval. The importance of efficient computer procedures is stressed. The background for the paper includes systems analysis of water availability and hydro-thermal power studies carried out during the past six years in that part of Canada lying between the Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountain Divide.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is developing a river forecast system for the Nile River in Egypt. The river forecast system operates on scientific work stations using hydrometeorological models and software to predict inflows into the high Aswan Dam and forecast flow hydrographs at selected gaging locations above the dam The Nile Forecasting System (NFS) utilizes satellite imagery from the METEOSAT satellite as the input to the forecast system. Satellite imagery is used to estimate precipitation over the Blue Nile Basin using five different techniques. Observed precipitation data and climatic statistics are used to improve precipitation estimation. Precipitation data for grid locations are input to a distributed water balance model, a hill slope routing model, and a channel routing model. A customized Geographic Information System (GIS) was developed to show political boundaries, rivers, terrain elevation, and gaging network. The GIS was used to develop hydrologic parameters for the basin and is used for multiple display features.  相似文献   

Accurate input data for leaching models are expensive and difficult to obtain which may lead to the use of "general" non-site-specific input data. This study investigated the effect of using different quality data on model outputs. Three models of varying complexity, GLEAMS, LEACHM, and HYDRUS-2D, were used to simulate pesticide leaching at a field trial near Hamilton, New Zealand, on an allophanic silt loam using input data of varying quality. Each model was run for four different pesticides (hexazinone, procymidone, picloram and triclopyr); three different sets of pesticide sorption and degradation parameters (i.e., site optimized, laboratory derived, and sourced from the USDA Pesticide Properties Database); and three different sets of soil physical data of varying quality (i.e., site specific, regional database, and particle size distribution data). We found that the selection of site-optimized pesticide sorption (Koc) and degradation parameters (half-life), compared to the use of more general database derived values, had significantly more impact than the quality of the soil input data used, but interestingly also more impact than the choice of the models. Models run with pesticide sorption and degradation parameters derived from observed solute concentrations data provided simulation outputs with goodness-of-fit values closest to optimum, followed by laboratory-derived parameters, with the USDA parameters providing the least accurate simulations. In general, when using pesticide sorption and degradation parameters optimized from site solute concentrations, the more complex models (LEACHM and HYDRUS-2D) were more accurate. However, when using USDA database derived parameters, all models performed about equally.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A spatial decision support system (SDSS) was developed to assess agricultural nonpoint source (NPS) pollution using an NPS pollution model and geographic information systems (GIS). With minimal user interaction, the SDSS assists with extracting the input parameters for a distributed parameter NPS pollution model from user-supplied GIS base layers. Thus, significant amounts of time, labor, and expertise can be saved. Further, the SDSS assists with visualizing and analyzing the output of the NPS pollution simulations. Capabilities of the visualization component include displays of sediment, nutrient, and runoff movement from a watershed. The input and output interface techniques/algorithms used to develop the SDSS, along with an example application of the SDSS, are described.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Non-point source pollution cuntinues to be an important environmental and water quality management problem. For the moat part, analysis of non-point source pollution in watersheds has depended on the use of distributed models to identify potential problem areas and to assess the effectiveness of alternative management practices. To effectively use these models for watershed water quality management, users depend on integrated geographic information systems (GIS)-based interfaces for input/output data management. However, existing interfaces are ad-hoc and the utility of GIS is limited to organization of input data and display of output data. A highly interactive water quality modeling interface that utilizes the functional components and analytical capability of GIS is highly desirable. This paper describes the tight coupling of the Agricultural Non-point Source (AGNPS) water quality model and ARC/INFO GIS software to provide an interactive hybrid modeling environment for evaluation of non-point source pollution in a watershed. The modeling environment is designed to generate AGNPS input parameters from user-specified GIS coverages, create AGNPS input data files, control AGNPS model simulations, and extract and organize AGNPS model output data for display. An example application involving the estimation of pesticide loading in a southern Iowa agricultural watershed demonstrates the capability of the modeling environment. Compared with traditional methods of watershed water quality modeling using the AGNPS model or other ad-hoc interfaces between a distributed model and GIS, the interactive modeling environment system is efficient and significantly reduces the task of watershed analysis using tightly coupled GIS databases and distributed models.  相似文献   

Abstract: The concern about water quality in inland water bodies such as lakes and reservoirs has been increasing. Owing to the complexity associated with field collection of water quality samples and subsequent laboratory analyses, scientists and researchers have employed remote sensing techniques for water quality information retrieval. Due to the limitations of linear regression methods, many researchers have employed the artificial neural network (ANN) technique to decorrelate satellite data in order to assess water quality. In this paper, we propose a method that establishes the output sensitivity toward changes in the individual input reflectance channels while modeling water quality from remote sensing data collected by Landsat thematic mapper (TM). From the sensitivity, a hypothesis about the importance of each band can be made and used as a guideline to select appropriate input variables (band combination) for ANN models based on the principle of parsimony for water quality retrieval. The approach is illustrated through a case study of Beaver Reservoir in Arkansas, USA. The results of the case study are highly promising and validate the input selection procedure outlined in this paper. The results indicate that this approach could significantly reduce the effort and computational time required to develop an ANN water quality model.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are being used increasingly as a method of preparing, analyzing, and displaying data for watershed analysis and modeling. Although GIS technology is a powerful tool for integrating and analyzing watershed characteristics, the initial preparation of the necessary database is often a time consuming and costly endeavor. This demonstration project assesses the viability of creating a cost-effective spatial database for urban stormwater modeling from existing digital and hard-copy data sources. The GIS was used to provide input parameters to the Source Loading and Management Model (SLANM), an empirical urban stormwater quality model. Land use characteristics, drainage boundaries, and soils information were geocoded and referenced to a base data layer consisting of transportation features. GIS overlay and data manipulation capabilities were utilized to preprocess the input data for the model. Model output was analyzed through postprocessing by GIS, and results were compared to a similar recent modeling study of the same watershed. The project, undertaken for a small urban watershed located in Plymouth, Minnesota, successfully demonstrates that the use of GIS in stormwater management can allow even small communities to reap the benefits of stormwater quality modeling.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent developments in the numerical solution of the governing partial differential equations for overland and channel flow should make possible physically based models which predict runoff from ungaged streams. However, these models, which represent the watershed by sets of intersecting planes, are complex and require much computer time. Parametric models exist that have the advantage of being relatively simple, and once calibrated are inexpensive to use and require limited data input. In this study, a procedure was developed for calibrating a parametric model against a physically based model, utilizing base areas of one acre and one square mile, with the expectation that base areas can be combined to model real watersheds. Simulation experiments with the physically based model showed that, for the one-acre base area, the dominant parameter (cell storage ratio, K) related to the slope and friction of the planes, whereas for one square-mile areas, the dominant parameters (K plus a lag factor, L) relate to channel properties. These parameters decreased exponentially as rainfall intensity increased.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Over the past several years, input/output models have been used increasingly as decisionmaking aids in the design of lake restoration activities because they provide an approximation of the link between nutrient influx and lake trophic status. To evaluate the applicability of these models as design tools, a study was conducted in which “before” and “after” data were obtained for 25 lakes which experienced reductions in nutrient inflow, and comparisons were made of observed and predicted changes in lake conditions. Three input/output models were used as predictive tools to describe lake response: those reported by Dillon and Rigler (1974) and by Vollenweider (1975, 1976). Based on described trophic states of oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic, it was found that all three models yielded accurate predictions for at least 70 percent of the study lakes. The model of Vollenweider (1976) performed slightly better than the other two (80 percent correct) on the data set studied.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Chowan River system consists of three rivers in southeast Virginia that form two confluences before flowing into Albermarle Sound in North Carolina. A computer program was written to simulate flows through the river system to determine flow rates, velocities, and depths. The output of the flow program was input into a second program that calculated the concentrations of BOD5, COD, DO, and four nitrogen parameters (organic, ammonia, nitrite-nitrate and algal-N). Measured field data were used to calibrate the model. The effect of reducing the concentration of nutrients from overland runoff on algal concentrations at the mouth of the river was studied. The program was also run to simulate the water quality of the watershed in a primitive condition, in which the watershed was assumed to consist only of forests. The results of the computer program indicate that the major changes in the water quality of the river are simulated satisfactorily. The program can be used to assess the impact of any management scheme to improve water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In this study the estimation of parameters in water quality models represented by linear first order partial differential equations is investigated. Two sets of simulated input-output data, one with input noise and the other with output measurement error, were used. The parameters were estimated by a gradient technique (Bard's method) and a pattern search technique. The results indicate that the output measurement error significantly affects the values of parameter estimates as compared to the noise added to the input. Bard's method consistently gave results with a smaller sum of square value.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A common framework for the analysis of water resources systems is the input-parameter-output representation. The system, described by its parameters, is driven by inputs and responds with outputs. To calibrate (estimate the parameters) models of these systems requires data on both inputs and outputs, both of which are subject to random errors. When one is uncertain as to whether the predominant source of error is associated with inputs or outputs, uncertainty also exists as to the correct specification of a calibration criterion. This paper develops and analyzes two alternative least squares criteria for calibrating a numerical water quality model. The first criterion assumes that errors are associated with inputs while the second assumes output errors. Statistical properties of the resulting estimators are examined under conditions of pure input or output error and mixed error conditions from a theoretical perspective and then using simulated results from a series of Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Complex hydrologic models, designed for simulating larger watersheds, require a huge amount of input data. Most of these models use spatially distributed data as inputs. Spatial data can be aggregated or disaggregated for use as input to a model, which can impact model outputs. Although, it is efficient to minimize data redundancy by aggregating the spatial data, upscaling reduces the detail/resolution of input information and increases model uncertainty. On the other hand, a large number of model inputs with high degrees of disaggregation take more computer time and space to process. Hence, a balance between striving for a maximum level of aggregation and a minimum level of information loss has to be achieved. This study presents a definition of an appropriate level of discretization, derived by establishing a relationship between a model's efficiency and the number of subwater‐sheds modeled. An entropy based statistical approach/tool called Subwatershed Spatial Analysis Tool (SUSAT) was developed to find an objective choice of an appropriate level of discretization. The new approach/tool was applied to three watersheds, each representing different hydrologic conditions, using a hydrologic model. Coefficients of efficiency and entropy estimated at different levels of discretization were used to validate the success of the new approach.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The U.S. Geological Survey modular, three-dimensional, finite-difference, ground-water flow model, commonly called MODFLOW, has been modified so that it can read and write files used by a geographic information system (GIS). The modified model program is called MODFLOWARC. The design of MODFLOWARC parallels the design of the ground-water flow model program MODFLOW. The names of the variables, modules, and submodules used to explain the operations of MODFLOWARC were derived from the names used in MODFLOW. During the data input phase, MODFLOWARC reads array control records similar to the original control records of MODFLOW, except an additional variable is added. This additional variable is the name of the computer files containing array data in GIS format. Data output is achieved by setting record/input flags and by supplying a variable that is the name of the directory where the output data will be recorded. The modifications to MODFLOW were minimized so that MODFLOWARC will operate on an existing ground-water flow model without modifying array control records.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic temperature model for a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system. The proposed model overcomes the complexity of conventional models using first-order expressions consisting of load current and ambient temperature. The proposed model also incorporates a PEMFC cooling system, which depends upon the temperature difference between events. A dynamic algorithm is developed to detect load changing events and calculate instantaneous PEMFC temperature variations. The parameters of the model are extracted by employing the lightning search algorithm (LSA). The temperature characteristics of the NEXA 1.2 kW PEMFC system are experimentally studied to validate model performance. The results show that the proposed model output and the temperature data obtained from experiments for linear and abrupt changes in PEMFC load current are in agreement. The root-mean-square error between the model output and experimental results is less than 0.9. Moreover, the proposed model outperforms the conventional models and provides advantages such as simplicity and adaptability for low and high sampling data rates of input variables, namely, load current and ambient temperature. The model is not only helpful for simulations but also suitable for dynamic real-time controllers and emulators.  相似文献   

Integrated smelter-refineries play an important role in the recovery of multiple metals from complex primary and secondary materials, and hence in closing metals cycles. Processes in these facilities are strongly interconnected, dynamic, and multifunctional, which challenges a typical representation in life cycle assessment (LCA). This is especially true when LCA is applied to calculate the environmental profile of single metals products.This study examines methodological requirements for assessing complex co-product systems using attributional LCA through a static, gate-to-gate inventory model that quantifies the environmental impacts of each of the metal products of an integrated precious metals smelter-refinery. The model is based on a large number of subprocesses and is formulated using detailed industry data, which allows quantification of the sensitivity of the results with respect to allocation rationales and the data collection period.The results within one impact category vary strongly among metals (up to four orders of magnitude for copper compared to rhodium). Moving from mass- to value-based allocation changes the result for a given metal by up to two orders of magnitude. If value-based allocation is used, the selected reference year for metals prices influences the results by up to a factor of two.Allocation rationales are critically analyzed, and it is shown that none reflect the business model or other system drivers. While the model is focused on quantifying environmental impacts of metal outputs, the actual process is economically driven to efficiently treat a continuously changing feed mix. The complexity of a smelter-refinery cannot be captured by static, attributional inventory models, which is why the choice of allocation rationale remains arbitrary. Instead, marginal, parameterized models are needed; however, such models are substantially more time and data intensive and require disclosure of more detailed, process specific data.  相似文献   

Remotely sensed variables such as land cover type and snow-cover extent can currently be used directly and effectively in a few specific hydrologic models. Regression models can also be developed using physiographic and snow-cover data to permit estimation of discharge characteristics over extended periods such as a season or year. Most models, however, are not of an appropriate design to readily accept as input the various types of remote sensing parameters that can be obtained now or in the future. Because this new technology has the potential for producing hydrologic data that has significant information content on an areal basis, both inexpensively and repetitively, effort should be devoted now to either modifying existing models or developing new models that can use these data. Minor modifications would at least allow the remote sensing data to be used in an ancillary way to update the model state variables, whereas major structural modifications or new models would permit direct input of the data through remote sensing compatible algorithms. Although current remote sensing inputs to hydrologic models employ only visible and near infrared data, model modification or development should accommodate microwave and thermal infrared data that will be more widely available in the future.  相似文献   

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