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Large scale dairy operations are common. In many cases the manure is deposited on a paved surface and then removed with a flushing system, after which the solids are separated, the liquid stored in ponds, and eventually the liquid applied on adjacent crop land. Management of liquid manure to maximize the fertilizer value and minimize water quality degradation requires knowledge of the interactive effects of mineralization of organic N (ON) to NH4+, crop uptake of mineral N, and leaching of NO3 on a temporal basis. The purpose of the research was to use the ENVIRO-GRO model to simulate how the amount of applied N, timing of N application, ON mineralization rates, chemical form of N applied, and irrigation uniformity affected (1) yields of corn (Zea mays) in summer and a forage grass in winter in a Mediterranean climate and (2) the amount of NO3 leached below the root zone. This management practice is typical for dairies in the San Joaquin Valley of California. The simulations were conducted for a 10-year period. Steady state conditions, whereby an equivalent amount of N applied in the organic form will be mineralized in a given year, are achieved more rapidly for materials with high mineralization rates. Both timing and total quantity of N application are important in affecting crop yield and potential N leaching. Major conclusions from the simulations are as follows. Frequent low applications are preferred to less frequent higher applications. Increasing the amount of N application increased both the crop yield and the amount of NO3 leached. Increasing irrigation uniformity increased crop yields but had variable effects on the amount of NO3 leached. A winter forage crop following a summer corn crop effectively reduced the leaching of residual soil N following the corn crop.  相似文献   

Within a collaborative project between Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) and Research Center Jfilich (FZJ), nitrogen reduction levels necessary to reach groundwater quality targets in Slovenia were assessed. For this purpose the hydrological model GROWA- DENUZ was coupled with agricultural N balances and applied consistently to the whole territory of Slovenia in a spatial resolution of 100 x 100 m. GROWA was used to determine the water balance in Slovenia for the hydrologic period 1971-2000. Simultaneously, the displaceable N load in soft was assessed from agricultural Slovenian N surpluses for 2011 and the atmospheric N deposition. Subsequently, the DENUZ model was used to assess the nitrate degradation in soil and, in combination with the percolation water rates from the GROWA model, to determine nitrate concentration in the leachate. The areas showing predicted nitrate concentrations in the leachate above the EU groundwater quality standard of 50 mg NO3/L have been identified as priority areas for implementing nitrogen reduction measures. For these "hot spot" areas DENUZ was used in a backward mode to quantify the maximal permissible nitrogen surplus levels in agriculture to guarantee a nitrate concentration in percolation water below 50 mg NO3/L. Model results indicate that additional N reduction measures should be implemented in priority areas rather than area-covering. Research work will directly support the implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive in Slovenia, e.g., by using the maximal permissible nitrogen surplus levels as a framework for the derivation of regionally adapted and hence effective nitrogen reduction measures.  相似文献   

The industrialization of the Paraíba Valley, Brazil has been driven since the 1950s by an intense urbanization process, while municipalities located far from the valley's economic center stagnated. Despite the economic differences and unequal population distribution in the region, the municipalities share similar topographic characteristics with a predominance of hilly terrains. The depletion of the soils' productive capacity after numerous land use cycles without adequate management practices was a common cause of land use abandonment. This research analyzes land use/cover data, environmental policies, census-based data, and interviews with stakeholders, to understand the factors that account for a forest transition in the Paraíba Valley where gains in forest cover more than offset any remaining deforestation. Local conditions, such as topography, land use history, environmental policies, engagement of society in complying with legal regulations, commodity markets, and the action of enforcement agencies, represent dimensions which, combined, have boosted forest transitions.  相似文献   

The great spatial and temporal variability in hydrological conditions and nitrogen(N)processing introduces large uncertainties to the identification of N sources and quantifying N cycles in plain river network regions. By combining isotopic data with chemical and hydrologic measurements, we determined the relative importance of N sources and biogeochemical N processes in the Taige River in the East Plain Region of China. The river was polluted more seriously by anthropogenic inputs in winter than in summer. Manure and urban sewage effluent were the main nitrate(NO-3) sources, with the nitrification of N-containing organic materials serving as another important source of NO-3. In the downstream, with minor variations in hydrological conditions, nitrification played a more important role than assimilation for the decreasing ammonium(NH+4-N) concentrations.The N isotopic enrichment factors(ε) during NH+4utilization ranged from- 13.88‰ in March to- 29.00‰ in July. The ratio of the increase in δ18O and δ15N of river NO-3in the downstream was 1.04 in January and 0.92 in March. This ratio indicated that NO-3assimilation by phytoplankton was responsible for the increasing δ15N and δ18O values of NO-3in winter. The relationships between δ15N of particulate organic nitrogen and isotopic compositions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen indicated that the phytoplankton in the Taige River probably utilized NH+4preferentially and mainly in summer, while in winter, NO-3assimilation by phytoplankton was dominant.  相似文献   

碳达峰能源政策可同时实现减污降碳,带来明显的空气质量改善及人群健康效益.本研究综合利用LEAP模型、WRF-CMAQ模型和BenMAP-CE模型,量化评估了惠州市能源政策和大气污染控制措施对二氧化碳和大气污染物排放、空气质量和人群健康的影响.结果表明, 不实施碳达峰的基准情景下惠州市CO2排放将持续增长,而能源转型能使惠州市在2030年实现碳达峰值6906万t目标,碳减排贡献最大是 电力部门;大气污染末端控制措施叠加能源政策可从源头进一步减少SO2、VOCs、NOx、PM2.5的排放,较基准年2019分别减排4695、44142、38422、12493 t.能源转型情景下惠州市2035年PM2.5年均浓度可以从基准情景的18.25 μg·m-3下降至14.95 μg·m-3,小于世界卫生组织过渡期 第3阶段目标(15 μg·m-3),O3年均浓度也可大幅降低至133.68 μg·m-3;进而得到归因于PM2.5和O3的可避免早逝人数分别为448例(95% CI:143~737)和36例(95% CI:11~61),相对于基准情景获得的人群健康效益为37.88亿元(95% CI:12.37~61.56).  相似文献   

For addressing climate change, public support for changes in policy is needed, as well changes in individual lifestyles. Both of these appear to be intimately related with people’s worldviews. Understanding these worldviews is therefore essential. In order to research and ‘map’ them, we translated the theoretical ‘Integrative Worldview Framework’ (IWF) into an empirical, quantitative approach. We constructed a worldview-scale aiming to distinguish between four major worldviews – labeled traditional, modern, postmodern, and integrative – and explored their interface with opinions and behaviors with respect to climate change. The survey was conducted with representative samples of citizens in the Netherlands and the USA (n = 527 and n = 556). The hypothesized worldviews were found in the data with a reasonable degree of reliability, especially in the Dutch sample. We also found consistent relationships between these worldview-clusters and a range of opinions, political priorities, and behaviors. In both countries postmoderns and integratives displayed significantly more concern about climate change as well as more sustainable behaviors, compared with moderns and traditionals. The implications of these findings for environmental policy and social science are noteworthy.  相似文献   

环境监测工作是环境保护工作的基础工作,在新的形势下,如何做好环境监测工作,是环保工作必须面对的一个重要课题。本文通过总结研究淮北市在环境监测工作中一些富有创造性的做法和所取得的成效,经验,提出了一些有独立见解的工作思路和建议,对广大环保工作者特别是环境监测工作者,有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The paper investigates the scientific knowledge divide in the environmental sciences between developed and developing countries and explores the implications and impacts on both science and policymaking. Quantitative data analysis of more than 6400 scientific papers published in 1993–2003 yield evidence for a growing divide in authorship, publication rates, and location of scientific research in nine environmental journals with high impact factor ratings. In addition to this severe imbalance in publication rates between developed and developing countries, we also find a research bias toward certain eco-climatic zones. More than 80% of papers are published in and about temperate and cold eco-climatic zones. Only 13% of the papers in our study are based on research in the dry sub-tropical and tropical zones, although these eco-climatic zones account for more than 52% of the world's land area. Based on these results, we discuss how the limited empirical source and focus of environmental research undermine the claims of universality of environmental science and what consequences this may have on policymaking processes at different levels. Finally, we briefly explore some short- and long-term strategies to address the knowledge divide.  相似文献   

While new environmental policies and procedures often are developed incrementally, they can also result from crises or other significant events. In situations where policies and procedures are introduced in response to a crisis, questions about the strengths and weaknesses of existing mechanisms, and the extent to which they can be used to address concerns, may be ignored. This paper explores the complexities of introducing new policies and processes where planning systems and procedures already exist. Drinking water source protection policies that are being developed in response to the tragic events in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada serve as the context for the inquiry. Three case study watersheds were selected to reflect the diversity of municipal jurisdictions and water supply systems in Ontario. A content analysis was undertaken on regulatory and non-regulatory policy documents to determine the extent to which they addressed elements of the multi-barrier approach for drinking water safety. Findings from the research reveal considerable evidence of the multi-barrier approach in the policy and guiding documents analyzed. Policy development in response to a crisis can advance progress on the issue of drinking water safety and coincide with emerging governance strategies. Policy effectiveness may be enhanced by considering existing policies as well as contextual and jurisdictional differences.  相似文献   

Coastal zone management is inconceivable without the mobilization and integration of different types of knowledge – that is, without knowledge co-production practices. This article applies the concept of knowledge co-production to analyze the process of emergence, standardization, and enculturation of environmental management systems (EMSs) within port communities in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Moreover, it is a report from the field in which we reflect on the participatory practices conducted to facilitate the knowledge arrangements required to develop EMSs for a group of ports. The article concludes that this type of knowledge arrangement and co-production practices (involving different types of actors and knowledge) might become mandatory in the near future to stabilize the EMS phenomenon in the practices of ports.  相似文献   

太行山低山丘陵区是华北平原地下水补给区,近年来山区农田面积增加,农田过量氮肥投入造成地下水硝酸盐浓度逐年升高,因此,研究典型农田土壤氮淋溶过程对保护补给区地下水具有重要意义.本文以位于太行山低山丘陵区的中国科学院太行山生态试验站冬小麦-夏玉米轮作农田为研究对象,应用根区水质模型(root zone water quality model,RZWQM)对太行山低山丘陵区2015~2016年冬小麦-夏玉米的1个轮作周期内1m土壤剖面水分和硝态氮运移进行模拟.结果表明,土壤硝态氮淋溶主要发生在夏玉米季(雨季),当全年施氮量为300 kg·hm-2时,夏玉米季硝态氮淋失量达到59.9 kg·hm-2,而冬小麦生长季硝态氮淋失量仅为2.12 kg·hm-2.不同施氮量和不同降水年型下玉米季土壤硝态氮淋溶模拟结果表明,当施氮量为0、300和450 kg·hm-2时,2016年(丰水年)极端降水后,玉米季土壤硝态氮潜在淋失量分别为10.5、59.9和136.5 kg·hm-2;当全年施氮量为300 kg·hm-2时,2013(枯水年)、2015(平水年)和2016年(丰水年)玉米季硝态氮淋失量分别占轮作周期总施氮量的9%、10%和20%;当全年施氮量为450 kg·hm-2时,2013(枯水年)、2015(平水年)和2016年(丰水年)玉米季硝态氮淋失量分别占总施氮量的11%、17%和30%,表明大降水事件不仅对地下水形成大量补给,很大程度上也增加了累积在农田土壤中的硝态氮淋溶损失,增加了对区域地下水硝酸盐潜在污染威胁.  相似文献   

IntroductionHongshengChemicalFactoryofXishanCityislocatedintheTaihuLakeBasin(TLB)ofChina.Ithasoneworkshopforproducingacidoidblackandblackbluedyeandacidbrowndye.Thefactoryreleasestwotypesofwastewaterwithvolumeeachfor10t/dduringthefirstandsecondcouplingpr…  相似文献   

To relieve dust pollution in open cut coal mines and reduce the hazards of coal dust pollution to the environment and workers we optimized the synthesis of a dust suppressant by graft copolymerization of environmentally friendly soy protein isolate with methyl methacrylate. This dust suppressant could effectively control dust pollution in open cut coal mines. The optimized conditions for graft copolymerization in this case were determined by a response surface experiment designed with Design-Expert 10 software. Characterization by scanning electron microscopy showed a significant morphology change of the dust suppressant and the generation of a rigid and dense layer on its surface after interacting with coal dust. The layer exhibited good bonding and dust suppression performance. The analysis with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy revealed the appearance of new absorption peaks near 1300, 1072, and 1631 cm−1, demonstrating effective graft copolymerization. The proposed dust suppressant exhibited excellent wind erosion resistance, with a resistance that exceeded 90% at a wind speed of 6.5 m/sec. The successful graft copolymerization and effective bonding and curing of the dust suppressant on coal dust were experimentally verified. This is of great significance to the control of coal dust pollution.  相似文献   

Transdisciplinarity is a demanding paradigm, considered by many in the literature as the way to move forward in terms of science and policy integration. In this paper we present the example of a tailored transdisciplinary (TD) process to tackle a key topic of European policy – the future of agriculture at the regional level. This phased process was followed in seven regions across Europe and involved the co-construction of future visions, engaging both researchers and a range of relevant stakeholders. This paper presents results based on a critical reflection made by researchers and stakeholders in Portugal and Scotland, throughout the participatory process. These results provide insights into the roles and responsibilities of researchers and stakeholders in TD processes. One main conclusion is that accumulated social capital can be essential to initiate and maintain a TD process, and requires a commitment between the research community and the surrounding society. Our analysis demonstrates the challenges of implementing a TD process within the temporal frame/boundaries of a research project and the added value of having transdisciplinarity as part of the long term strategy of a research group, not just one part of a specific project. Not acknowledging this may lead to disappointment and fatigue amongst those connecting with researchers. We also found that researchers position themselves differently in a TD process depending on their soft skills, experience and knowledge about transdisciplinarity; hence we call attention to the need to work more explicitly with these skills in the research environment and to present this concept in an early stage of researcher training, if better transdisciplinarity is to be achieved.  相似文献   

农村新业态发展是激发农村经济活力和推进乡村振兴的重要举措。海南省琼北火山地区传统村落历史悠久、分布面广、资源丰富、形态特异,然而传统古村落发展较为缓慢,产业单一、业态发育不足,农民增收困难。在乡村振兴、国际旅游岛建设及海南自贸试验区建设等战略实施的宏观背景下,琼北火山传统村落迎来农业深度发展和产业融合发展的新机遇。本文以海口永兴镇美孝村为例,运用扎根理论质性研究方法,通过半结构化访谈,广泛采集村民的新业态发展意愿和建议,构建了美孝村新业态发展框架模型,因地制宜提出尊重农户意愿的新业态发展类型,以期为美孝村经济社会转型和琼北火山地区传统村落的新业态发展提供实践参考。  相似文献   

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