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Germanic acid was shown to inhibit photosynthetic 14CO2 uptake in marine diatoms. Inhibition was not complete even at concentrations of 20 mg Ge/1 nor in cultures incubated for extended periods of time (up to 24 h). The decrease in photosynthesis due to Ge(OH)4 was independent of the stage of growth of the diatom culture. At 0.5 and 1.0 mg Ge/1, the degree of inhibition was dependent on the concentration of Si(OH)4 in the medium. At 5 and 10 mg Ge/1, inhibition was not affected by Si(OH)4 concentrations as high as those found in the sea-120 g-at Si/1. The effect of Ge(OH)4 on photosynthesis is specific for diatoms; other marine phytoplankton were not inhibited. In mixed cultures of diatoms and marine flagellates, the reduction in 14CO2 fixation upon addition of Ge(OH)4 was used to calculated the proportion of diatom photosynthesis to total photosynthesis, and calculated proportions agreed well with actual proportions. Inhibition by Ge(OH)4 was also used to estimate the percent of diatom photosynthesis in a natural marine community, and this was compared with the diatom portion of the crop. Diatom photosynthesis was higher than one might expect from crop figures, although both diatom photosynthesis and diatom numbers in the crop were low.  相似文献   

Observations on sixth-stage nauplius (pre-cyprid) of the barnacle Balanus eberneus Gould treated with L-proline-3,4-H3 suggest that the cement gland in this stage is a functional organ with considerable biosynthetic activity; the activity of the cement glands in the cyprid similarly treated is relatively low, ceasing gradually during, and completely after, metamorphosis. In the early phases of this stage, the glands become highly vacuolated (degenerate), and disappear completely in 3 days. The origin of the cement apparatus in the newly metamorphosed barnacle is discussed.  相似文献   

Seaweeds belonging to 14 different genera of Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta were analyzed to determine the levels of heavy metals in two areas of the Egyptian Red Sea coast. Among the trace metals analyzed, Mn and Zn showed the highest mass concentrations in the surface seawaters of the two studied areas. However, algae obtained from Suez area had the highest concentrations of the investigated heavy metals than those collected from Mars Alam area. Nevertheless, a high variability of the metal levels occurs among the studied algae and also between the investigated areas. Moreover, Zn was the most abundant metal in the seaweeds of the Suez area, while Pb was predominant in Mars Alam area in red and brown algae. L. farinosa had the highest average concentration factor of Zn in Suez (29161 fold), while it was 20091 fold in E. intestinalis at Mars Alam. The highest value of metal pollution index (MPI) was recoded in L. farinosa (22.0) at Suez. It represents 4.6 fold of that value recorded in L. farinosa at Mars Alam. Among green, brown and red algae in Suez, the highest values of MPI were recorded in Cladophora (mixed sub-species) and H. comuto (18.2 and 18.3), P. pavonia (16.2) and L. farinosa (22.1), respectively; while at Mars Alam, they were recorded in Cladophora (mixed sub-species) (6.6), P. pavonia (3.4) and L. farinosa (4.8), respectively.  相似文献   

Removal of heavy metals by biosorption   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Industrialization and urbanization have resulted in increased releases of toxic heavy metals into the natural environment comprising soils, lakes, rivers, groundwaters and oceans. Research on biosorption of heavy metals has led to the identification of a number of microbial biomass types that are extremely effective in bioconcentrating metals. Biosorption is the binding and concentration of adsorbate from aqueous solutions by certain types of inactive and dead microbial biomass. The novel types of biosorbents presently reviewed are grouped under fungal biomass, biomass of non-living, dried brown marine algae, agricultural wastes and residues, composite chitosan biosorbent prepared by coating chitosan, cellulose-based sorbents and bacterial strains. The reports discussed in this review collectively suggest the promise of biosorption as a novel and green bioremediation technique for heavy metal pollutants from contaminated natural waters and wastewaters.  相似文献   

Accumulation of metals by marine picoplankton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pumping rates in undisturbed suspension-feeding bivalves were measured with a thermistor microflowmeter. Pumping rates are related to the dry weight of Clinocardium nuttallii, Macoma nasuta, Mytilus californianus and Chlamys hastata as the following equations: P=0.85 W0.84, P=0.23 W0.855, P=2.216 W0.715, and P=2.419 W0.943 respectively. Pumping rate and gill area increase at the same rate in C. nuttallii, M. californianus and C. hastata. The pumping rate per unit gill area is highest for C. nuttallii (approximately 0.14 cm3/s/cm2), with intermediate values for M. californianus (0.08 cm3/s/cm2) and C. hastata (0.11 cm3/s/cm2); the lowest rate was found in the deposit-feeder M. nasuta (0.0057 to 0.0089 cm3/s/cm2), which also has the smallest gill to body weight. C. nuttallii has the relatively smallest gill of the suspension feeders and the highest pumping rate per unit gill area. The absolute pumping rates, however, were highest for the filibranchs M. californianus and C. hastata. Indications are given that these differences are the results of different fluid-mechanical/ecological strategies to minimize the cost-benefit ratio.Contribution No. 132 of the Marine Science and Maritime Studies Center, Northeastern University  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Among various remediation technologies, biosorption is promising for the removal of heavy metals from water and wastewater, since in many cases, it is fast,...  相似文献   

The effects of ultraviolet radiation on phytoplankton are usually described as a function of dose (J m–2, weighted appropriately). Experiments conducted in 1988 and 1989 on a marine diatom,Thalassiosira pseudonana (Clone 3H), demonstrate that during lightlimited photosynthesis in visible radiation, the inhibition of photosynthesis by supplemental ultraviolet radiation (principally UV-B: 280 to 320 nm) is a function of irradiance (W m–2) as well as of dose: for equal doses of UV-B, a relatively short exposure to high UV-B irradiance is more damaging to photosynthesis than a longer exposure to lower irradiance. In fact, photoinhibition by UV-B is well described as a monotonic, nonlinear function of irradiance for time scales of 0.5 to 4 h. A nitrate-limited culture was about nine times more sensitive to UV-B than was a nutrient-replete culture, but the kinetics of photoinhibition were similar. These results have some bearing on efforts to describe the effects of ultraviolet radiation on marine primary productivity. Action spectra of photoinhibition by UV can be constructed, but they should only be used to describe photoinhibition for specified time scales. Vertical profiles of relative photoinhibition must be interpreted cautiously because photoinhibition by UV-B is likely to be a function of incubation time and results must therefore be interpreted in the context of vertical mixing.  相似文献   

Seaweeds belonging to 14 different genera of Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta were analysed to determine the levels of heavy metals in two areas of the Egyptian Red Sea coast. Among the trace metals analysed, Mn and Zn showed the highest mass concentrations in the surface sea waters of the two studied areas. However, algae obtained from the Suez area had higher concentrations of the investigated heavy metals than those collect in the Mars Alam area. Nevertheless, a high variability of the metal levels occurs among the studied algae and also between the investigated areas. Moreover, Zn was the most abundant metal in the seaweeds of the Suez area, while Pb was predominant in the Mars Alam area in red and brown algae. Liagora spp. had the highest average concentration factor of Zn in Suez (29 161-fold), while the average concentration factor in Enteromorpha spp. at Mars Alam was 20 091-fold. The highest Metal Pollution Index (MPI) value was recorded in Liagora spp. (22.0) at Suez. This represents a 4.6-fold higher value than that recorded in Liagora spp. at Mars Alam. Among green, brown, and red algae in Suez, the highest values of MPI were recorded in Cladophora spp. and Halimeda spp. (18.2 and 18.3), Padina spp. (16.2), and Liagora spp. (22.1), respectively; while at Mars Alam, the highest values of MPI were recorded in Cladophora spp. (6.6), Padina spp. (3.4) and Liagora spp. (4.8), respectively.  相似文献   

不同改良剂对重金属污染农田水稻产量和重金属吸收的影响   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
探讨了石灰、过磷酸钙和有机物等改良剂的应用对水稻(oryzasativa)产量和重金属吸收的影响。实验共四种处理:T1,对照;T2,石灰(0.25kg·m-2);T3,石灰 过磷酸钙(0.40kg·m-2);T4,石灰 过磷酸钙 有机物(0.90kg·m-2)。叶面喷施的处理方法研究不多,因此结合在水稻的孕穗期喷施KH2PO4(0.3%)溶液研究喷施途径的处理效果。结果显示,T3处理即石灰 过磷酸钙(0.40kg·m-2),对于降低水稻体内的重金属含量效果最好,与对照相比,米中的Pb、Zn和Cd分别下降了61.8%、14.1%和45.1%,同时也使水稻茎叶中的Pb和Zn分别比对照下降8.1%和4.3%。另外,在水稻的叶面喷施KH2PO4溶液将水稻的产量从0.61kg·m-2提高到0.68kg·m-2,并且这种喷施措施也能有效地降低水稻中的重金属含量。  相似文献   

Algal turfs are the major primary producing component on many coral reefs and this production supports higher levels in the complex reef trophic web. Rates of metabolism of algal turfs are related positively to water motion, consistent with limitation by the diffusion of a substance through a boundary layer. Based on engineering mass transfer theory, we hypothesized that photosynthesis of algal turfs is controlled by rates of mass transfer and responses of photosynthesis to increasing flow speed should be predicted by engineering correlations. This hypothesis was tested in ten experiments where photosynthesis was estimated in a flume/respirometer from changes in dissolved oxygen at eight flow speeds between 0.08 and 0.52 m/s. Flow in the flume and over the reef at Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii was estimated using hot-film thermistor and electromagnetic current meters. Rates of photosynthesis were related positively to flow in all experiments and plots of the log of the average Sherwood number (Sh meas) versus log Reynolds number (Re D) for each experiment are lower than predicted for mass transfer through a turbulent boundary layer. Algal turf-covered plates are characterized as hydrodynamically transitional to fully rough surfaces and the lower than predicted slopes suggest that roughness reduces rates of mass transfer. A negative correlation between algal turf biomass and slopes of the log Sh meas−log Re D plots suggests that mass transfer to algal turfs is affected significantly by the physical structure of the algal community. Patterns of photosynthesis based on changes in dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations (DIC) indicate that the flow speed effect is not the result of increased flux of oxygen from the algal turfs, and combined with the short response time to flow speed, suggest that DIC may limit rates of photosynthesis. Although there are differences between flow in the flume and flow over algal turfs on the reef, these results suggest that photosynthesis is controlled, at least in part, by mass transfer. The chemical engineering approach provides a framework to pose further testable hypotheses about how algal canopy height, flow oscillation, turbulence, and substratum roughness may modulate rates of metabolism of coral reef algal turfs.  相似文献   

利用硫杆菌淋滤电镀污泥中的重金属(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从广东云浮硫铁矿矿山酸性废水中分离得一株氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Thiobacillus ferrooxdans),从新兴县含硫化氢温泉中分离得一株氧化硫硫杆菌 (Thiobacillus thiooxidans), 并将其应用于电镀污泥的生物淋滤的研究,该污泥含铬、镍及铜分别为80.74 g/kg自然风干污泥、37.34g/kg自然风干污泥和13.42 g/kg自然风干污泥.利用未经驯化的氧化亚铁硫杆菌和氧化硫硫杆菌,以底物类型、菌液比、初始pH值和污泥浓度为四个因素,设置3个水平进行L9(34)正交实验,得出电镀污泥的最适淋滤条件:污泥浓度0.1%、硫酸亚铁和硫代硫酸钠作底物、菌液比T.f:T.t=:1:1、初始pH值2.0.为了将分离得的两种硫杆菌应用于更高浓度的电镀污泥,对所得菌进行驯化,以提高该菌种的重金属耐性,并应用于高浓度污泥的生物淋滤.经过驯化后的细菌,成功地适应了电镀污泥环境.结合上述最适条件,加入了合适的营养底物及还原剂之后,电镀污泥中的重金属,如铜、镍等,在30℃酸性好氧的环境中,能够在7天内被有效地淋滤出来,混合菌对污泥浓度为0.5%的污泥中铜的滤出率达90%以上,镍的滤出率40%以上;对1%的污泥的淋滤效果较差;对铬的淋滤效果不明显.本文还讨论了两株硫杆菌对高毒性电镀污泥的适应性.即在一定的污泥浓度范围内,氧化亚铁硫杆菌和氧化硫硫杆菌能够氧化底物,并产生硫酸将污泥中的重金属溶解,两株硫杆菌能够加快镍和铜的滤出效率.  相似文献   

Changes in pH as a measure of photosynthesis by marine macroalgae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
L. Axelsson 《Marine Biology》1988,97(2):287-294
An automatically operated method for high precision measurements of steady-state photosynthesis by macroalgae was developed. Changes in pH and oxygen content of seawater passing the algae in a flowthrough system, could be measured with extremely high accuracy over very long periods of time. The method is especially suitable for measurements on flowthrough systems with high rates of water exchanges (i.e. short retention time), and can be used to study exchange processes for marine plants, animals and small ecosystems. Since the same measuring unit is used for several flowthrough chambers, the method is very suitable for comparisons between different species, or between differently pretreated specimens of the same species (e.g. in toxicological studies). The method was used to study the ratio: [oxygen production] to [CO2+H+ uptake] at different light intensities for several macroalgae belonging to different systematic groups and from different habitats. At lower photosynthetic rates this ratio was similar for all of the algae studied (1.17±0.02). For brown algae of the fucacean family, the ratio increased by 0.08 units at higher photosynthetic rates. This increase was thought to be related to the crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)-like strategies connected to these algae. For all other algae studied, the ratio remained constant or decreased slightly (at most by 0.04 units) at higher photosynthetic rates. The relations between the abovementioned ratio and the photosynthetic quotient are discussed on a theoretical basis.  相似文献   

Diel periodicity of photosynthesis in marine phytoplankton   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Short-term changes in photosynthesis were documented for 17 of 24 marine phytoplankton species, representing a range of taxonomic groups. Periodicity in phytoplankton photosynthesis on light-dark cycles (diel periodicity) was widespread but not universal for the species studied. The centric diatoms Lauderia borealis, Ditylum brightwellii, Stephanopyxis turris, Coscinodiscus rex, Chaetoceros gracile, and Biddulphia mobiliensis had strong diel periodicity in photosynthetic capacity (P max). Amplitudes of the daily variations ranged from 2.9 to >50, with maxima in the morning or near midday, and with minima during the dark period, and these variations were not dependent on changes in cell pigmentation. There was some evidence for sustained photosynthetic periodicity in constant conditions in several diatoms, and an endogenous rhythm may have been present. The photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) relationship was time-dependent for representative marine diatoms, with both the initial slope () and the asymptote (P max) of P-I curves exhibiting significant synchronous diel oscillations. Moreover, detailed studies of the amplitude and timing of photosynthetic periodicity for the diatoms L. borealis and D. brightwellii demonstrated large temporal variations in photosynthesis with morning maxima. These P-I oscillations are discussed with reference to models of primary production which use the relationship between photosynthesis and light as a component of predictive equations for phytoplankton growth in the sea.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation technology is regarded as a simple and efficient way to remove heavy metals from contaminated soil. A reasonable disposal of metal hyperaccumulators is always and resource-saving. The a major issue in waste reuse heavy metal-accumulating Cynondon dactylon (L.) was investigated where heavy metals were desorbed by a facile acid-treatment. The result indicated that more than 90% of heavy metals (Zn, Pb and Cu) was extracted from Cynondon daetylon with 0.2 mmol· L^-1 HCl. The plant residue was used to adsorb heavy metals ions. The adsorption fitted the Langmuir isotherm model with the saturation adsorption capacity of 9.5 mg·g^-1 Zn^2+, 36.2 mg·g^-1 Pb2+ and 12.9 mg·g^-1 Cu^2+, and the surface eomplexation and the backfilling of heavy metal imprinting cavities existed simultaneously during the adsorption. The treatment of wastewaters indicated that the plant residue exhibited a high removal rate of 97% for Cu. Also, the material could be recycled. The method offers a new disposal approach for heavy metal hyperaccumulator.  相似文献   

Primary production at Antarctic coastal sites is contributed from sea ice algae, phytoplankton and benthic algae. Oxygen microelectrodes were used to estimate sea ice and benthic primary production at several sites around Casey, a coastal area in eastern Antarctica. Maximum oxygen export from sea ice was 0.95 mmol O2 m−2 h−1 (~11.7 mg C m−2 h−1) while from the sediment it was 6.08 mmol O2 m−2 h−1 (~70.8 mg C m−2 h−1). When the ice was present O2 export from the benthos was either low or negative. Sea ice algae assimilation rates were up to 3.77 mg C (mg Chl-a)−1 h−1 while those from the benthos were up to 1.53 mg C (mg Chl-a)−1 h−1. The contribution of the major components of primary productivity was assessed using fluorometric techniques. When the ice was present approximately 55–65% of total daily primary production occurred in the sea ice with the remainder unequally partitioned between the sediment and the water column. When the ice was absent, the benthos contributed nearly 90% of the primary production.  相似文献   

The aim of this project was to determine both the diurnal changes in photosynthetic activity of Antarctic sea ice algae and also the protective mechanisms they use to mitigate the effects of in situ UV radiation. Changes in the diurnal photosynthetic parameters of fast ice algal communities at McMurdo Sound were measured in situ, using a custom designed monitoring pulse amplitude modulation fluorometer. The sea ice microalgae were able to adapt rapidly to either increasing or decreasing ambient irradiances. ΔF/Fm' values were between 0.2 and 0.51, while Ek varied between 2.1 and 18 μmol photons m-2 s-1. ΔF/Fm', Ek, and relative electron transfer rate (rETR) all varied sequentially over the course of a day. rETR and Ek were highest at midday at the highest irradiances, when there was apparent midday down regulation of photosynthesis, while ΔF/Fm' was highest at midnight. The effects of natural UV radiation on sea ice were examined, but it was not possible to detect the effect of either UVB or UVA and UVB on photosynthesis. This was considered to be largely because of the large spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the under ice community, changing irradiances throughout the day and the relatively small change caused by UV.  相似文献   

Trace amounts of heavy metals have been analysed by electrochemical techniques in ecstasy tablets obtained from different police seizures in Spain. Lead, cadmium, copper and zinc were determined by differential-pulse anodic stripping voltammetry at a hanging mercury drop electrode, whereas nickel and cobalt were determined by adsorptive differential-pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry from their dimethylglyoxime complexes, M(DMG)2. The performance of the procedure was compared with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The procedure was applied to the determination of these elements in nine ecstasy samples, finding that Zn is the element present in the highest concentration, ranging from 0.3 to 200?mg?kg?1, Ni, Cu appear below 15?mg?kg?1 and Pb below 8?mg?kg?1, while Cd and Co levels were always lower than 0.51?mg?kg?1.  相似文献   

Leucothrix mucor, a filamentous marine heterotrophic bacterium, is found in nature primarily as an algal epiphyte. Its distinctive characteristics make it easily recognizable by dir ect light-microscopic examination, and a method was develop ed to quantify natural populations of L. mucor on algae by direct microscopic counts. L. mucor was found to be widely distributed in the intertidal environment, especially in the mid-to-upper intertidal regions. Populations were most abundant on members of Rhodophyta, particularly on the alga Bangia juscopurpurea. The nature of the L. mucor-algal relationship was investigated by choosing an artificial plastic substrate to which L. mucor would attach. The use of the plastic substrate, both alone, and in conjunction with a natural algal host, gave results supporting the conclusion that L. mucor obtains its nutrients for growth from the alga rather than from seawater. Algae in the upper intertidal region may also protect attached L. mucor from desiccation.  相似文献   

表面活性剂对土壤中重金属清洗及有效态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲蛟  罗春秋  丛俏  袁星 《环境化学》2012,31(5):620-624
采用两种常用的表面活性剂-十二烷基苯磺酸钠(阴离子型)、Tween-80(非离子型),对锦州铁合金厂周边Zn、Cd及Pb重金属污染土壤进行化学修复试验,研究两种表面活性剂对重金属Zn、Cd及Pb的去除率及化学形态影响.结果表明,随着表面活性剂浓度的提高,两种表面活性剂对Pb、Cd及Zn的去除作用增强,Tween-80溶液的浓度越高,对重金属的萃取效果越好,对重金属的去除能力大小顺序为Cd>Zn>Pb,最大去除率分别为83.07%、56.78%及42.57%;十二烷基苯磺酸钠在低浓度时对Cd和Pb的去除效果不明显,而对金属Zn的去除效果较好,在0.09 mol.L-1时达到最大值83.86%;与淋溶前土壤中重金属有效态含量相比较,经不同浓度十二烷基苯磺酸钠淋洗后土壤中Cd有效态含量随LAS浓度的升高而先增加后下降,而Pb的有效态含量随十二烷基苯磺酸钠升高而增加;经不同浓度Tween-80淋洗后土壤中Zn及Cd有效态含量都是随Tween-80浓度的升高而先增加后下降,Pb有效态含量随Tween-80升高而下降.  相似文献   

微生物淋滤法去除城市污泥中重金属的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广州市城市污泥作为培养介质,利用以硫代硫酸钠作为生长基质进行生命活动的氧化亚铁硫杆菌(T.f]和氧化硫硫杆菌(T.t)来淋滤去除污泥中的重金属,研究了不同底物含量及不同驯化污泥接菌量对重金属去除效果的影响.结果表明,在无驯化污泥接种的条件下,最佳基质投配率为10 g·L-1;驯化污泥接种培养可以缩短污泥的酸化周期,并且在相同投配比条件下,接种培养较不接种培养的去除效果明显提高.驯化污泥接种量为10%、投配比为7 g·L-1时,污泥中主要超标元素Cu、Zn、Cd和Ni的去除率分别达到67.2%,88.9%,82.4%,和68.4%.同时,处理后污泥中的重金属含量可满足污泥农用的国家标准.  相似文献   

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