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Hemocytes are main blood components of bivalves playing important roles in toxicological and immune responses. Consequently, a study on these cells may be useful to understand the invertebrate immunological systems. The aim of the present study was to find the best antiaggregant solution, based on its capacity of preserving the natural morphology and viability of hemocytes from the freshwater bivalves, Anodonta cygnea, Unio delphinus, and Corbicula fluminea. Hemocytes from the three species were collected and maintained in different antiaggregant solutions, i.e., ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), EDTA-citrate, modified Alsever solution (MAS), N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), NEM-NaCl, and heparin. The cell morphology and viability were analyzed periodically with light microscopy techniques. Between these assays with various antiaggregant solutions, the best results were obtained with NEM at a concentration of 0.05 mol·L?1. It is also shown that, as expected, the osmolarity of the antiaggregant solutions plays a very important role in cell viability. Based on this study, NEM at 0.05 mol·L?1 was considered an adequate antiaggregant solution for future research on immunological and toxicological responses and other physiological studies of freshwater bivalve hemocytes.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of the biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationship requires adequate understanding of the interactions among species in a community. Effects of species diversity on ecosystem functioning are usually considered more pronounced with increasing functional dissimilarity, although species within functional groups may also perform non-identical functions and interact with each other. Here we present results of a laboratory experimental study aimed at elucidating whether interspecific interactions among species within a single nematode trophic group, bacterivores, (1) affect population development and community structure, and (2) depend on food availability. We studied the population growth of Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina, a rhabditid nematode known to favour very high food densities when in monoculture, and of Diplolaimelloides meyli and D. oschei, congeneric Monhysteridae known to perform better in monocultures at intermediate food availability. Both Diplolaimelloides species showed significantly different patterns of food-density dependence in combination culture compared to monoculture. At very high food availability, the rhabditid nematode facilitated growth of both monhysterid species, probably as a result of down-regulation of bacterial density. At the lowest food availabilities, the presence of even low numbers of monhysterid nematodes lead to exclusion of the rhabditid, which at such low food availability has a very inefficient food uptake. At intermediate food availabilities, abundances of both Diplolaimelloides species were strongly depressed in the combination culture, as a result of food depletion by the rhabditid, indirect inhibitory interactions between the two congeneric species, or both. The complexity of the species interactions render predictions on the outcome and functional consequences of changes in within-trophic-group diversity highly problematic.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated the significant role of colloidal microparticles or macromolecules in the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals in aquatic environments. In this study, the influences of different colloidal organic carbon (COC) concentrations, colloidal sizes and colloidal origins (estuarine vs coastal) on the bioavailability of two trace metals (Cr and Fe) to the green mussel Perna viridis and the clam Ruditapes philippinarum were examined under laboratory conditions. Natural colloids were isolated by cross-flow ultrafiltration and were radiclabeled with 59Fe and 51Cr before being exposed to the mussels and clams. The uptake of colloid-bound Cr and Fe was compared with the uptake of low molecular weight complexed metals (<1 kDa). Both natural colloid-bound Cr and Fe were bioavailable to the green mussels and clams. The uptake of both colloidal Cr and Fe by the two bivalves was much higher than that of their counterparts in a low molecular weight fraction, implying that colloidal binding enhanced considerably the bioavailability of Cr and Fe to the bivalves. The magnitude to which Cr uptake was enhanced, due to its binding with colloids, was much greater than that of Fe. There was no significant difference in the measured dry weight concentration factor of the metals between the two COC concentrations. Similarly, the COC concentration did not influence metal uptake when all the experiments were considered together. There was generally no major difference in the metal bioavailability between the two different sizes of colloids isolated from the coastal waters (1–10 kDa and 10 kDa-0.2 μm), whereas metals bound with the larger size colloids isolated from the estuarine waters were more bioavailable than metals bound with the smaller size colloids. The bioavailability of Cr and Fe bound with the colloids from estuarine waters was generally lower than those bound with colloids from the coastal waters. This study demonstrated that the geochemical properties of colloids (origin) and the chemical properties of metals are critical in affecting the bioavailability of colloid-bound metals to marine bivalves. Published online: 21 June 2002  相似文献   

3种人工草地不同植被覆盖度实地测量方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植被覆盖度是植被垂直投影面积占统计区域面积百分比;理想覆盖度实地测量方法耗时短,工具简单,结果准确,受人为因素影响小.以结缕草(Zoysia japonica)、白三叶(Trifolium repens)和雀稗(Paspalum thunbergii)人工草地为研究对象,以照相法测量值为参考,比较样线法、目估法、样针法...  相似文献   

The intensity of available light is important in determining how well a diurnal animal can distinguish color. Primates with different types of color vision may exhibit behaviors that maximize visual contrast during critical activities such as feeding. We hypothesized that (1) trichromatic taxa will feed in a wide range of light conditions because color constancy permits stabilized color appearance across changes in illumination, and (2) that taxa with a high proportion of dichromatic individuals will tend to feed at higher light levels to increase color contrast. We recorded light levels during feeding bouts of seven primate taxa with varying degrees of color vision: the dichromatic Lemur catta, two polymorphic species, Propithecus v. verreauxi and Ateles geoffroyi, and the routine trichromats, Alouatta palliata, Colobus guereza, Piliocolobus badius, and Cercopithecus ascanius. Results were equivocal for our hypotheses. While routinely trichromatic taxa used varying light levels, the pattern of results did not differ from the dichromatic Lemur catta. However, polymorphic taxa not only sought the highest light, but females, which are the only individuals in polymorphic taxa that can be trichromatic, fed in higher light levels than males when eating non-green foods. This result is consistent with selection operating to maintain a balanced polymorphism in these taxa, though the connection between light levels and color vision type for the females is unclear. Our results further suggest that trichromatic vision may afford a selective advantage because it permits foraging under a greater range of light levels.  相似文献   

All bivalves investigated (Astarte borealis, Astarte elliptica, Macoma calcarea, Cyprina islandica, Macoma baltica, Cardium lamarcki) are dioecious. The mean egg-diameters were determined by a series of measurements for 6 bivalves and compared with data from other authors. M. calcarea does not have a direct non-pelagic larval development as previously assumed, but probably produces pelagic planktotrophic larvae. The arctic species exhibit no modification of their mode of development in the boreal area. The boreal forms spawn over a relatively short period in spring and summer. The arctic forms revealed, over long periods, ripe eggs and sperms. Apparently they begin to spawn in winter or early spring. This extension and shift of the spawning season represents adaptation of the Aretic species to the specific conditions of the Baltic Sea. The number of eggs laid by the most important bivalves were determined and correlated with the larval ecology and length of generation time.  相似文献   

Long ZT  Bruno JF  Duffy JE 《Ecology》2007,88(11):2821-2829
Biodiversity may enhance productivity either because diverse communities more often contain productive species (selection effects) or because they show greater complementarity in resource use. Our understanding of how these effects influence community production comes almost entirely from studies of plants. To test whether previous results apply to higher trophic levels, we first used simulations to derive expected contributions of selection and complementarity to production in competitive assemblages defined by either neutral interactions, dominance, or a trade-off between growth and competitive ability. The three types of simulated assemblages exhibited distinct interaction signatures when diversity effects were partitioned into selection and complementarity components. We then compared these signatures to those of experimental marine communities. Diversity influenced production in fundamentally different ways in assemblages of macroalgae, characterized by growth-competition trade-offs, vs. in herbivores, characterized by dominance. Forecasting the effects of changing biodiversity in multitrophic ecosystems will require recognizing that the mechanism by which diversity influences functioning can vary among trophic levels in the same food web.  相似文献   

Functional peculiarities of pelagic communities from temperate and tropical zones of the ocean have been investigated in terms of food-web interrelations and balance sheets of matter and energy of the major populations and ecological groupings. Ranging from temperate or epiplankton ecosystems to tropical oceanic or deepwater ones, as well as from upwelling zones to stable oceanic oligotrophic regions, the following regular changes in the communities' main functional indices have been established: (1) enlargement of the food spectrum, omnivorousness and predatory activity; (2) reduction of rations and rates of organic matter accumulation in the lower heterotrophic levels with simultaneous increase of energy expenditure; (3) increased trophic complexity and stability of communities. Epiplanktonic systems of low stability proved to be richer and commercially more profitable.  相似文献   

水体生态系统对不同浓度水平苯酚污染的急性毒性响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对浙江某地苯酚泄漏事件,结合实地监测和实验室研究,探索苯酚的水体污染化学行为对水体生态系统的影响和急性毒性效应.本研究选取水生生态系统中明亮发光杆菌T3、优势藻四尾栅藻Scenedesmus quadricauda以及模式鱼斑马鱼Brachydanio rerio为研究对象,探索水体中生产者、消费者及分解者等整个生态系统对不同苯酚浓度胁迫下的生态响应.结果表明,水生生物对苯酚污染浓度的生态响应差异显著,虽然苯酚对发光细菌、四尾栅藻及鱼体都具有一定的毒性影响,但四尾栅藻抑制率与苯酚浓度之间并没有良好的线性关系.发光细菌的相对发光率与苯酚浓度的关系表明,0.2—25 mg.L-1苯酚浓度对水体会产生低毒作用,而30—100 mg.L-1苯酚浓度对水体会产生中毒作用.苯酚对四尾栅藻的影响主要表现为光合作用的暗反应破坏,高浓度苯酚处理组中四尾栅藻会将残余苯酚浓度作为自身碳源而短暂地促进其生长.斑马鱼在苯酚浓度高于15 mg.L-1时,会发生体重下降、死亡率上升、呼吸急促、游动迅速以及导致水质变坏等现象,并且在100 mg.L-1苯酚浓度处理下,鱼体内富集大量苯酚,通过食物链进而对人类健康产生影响.  相似文献   

Oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) seed was reared on five rations of Isochrysis galbana Parke: 10, 30, 100, 200 and 300 cells l-1, in an open-flow system. Physiological parameters such as clearance, ingestion, absorption and respiration rates were measured, and the scope for growth (SFG) calculated from these parameters was compared with actual growth over 20 d. Actual growth was negligible at 10 cells l-1 (daily maintenance ration=2.5% organic wt) and maximum (growth rate=13.64 d-1) at 200 cells l-1 (daily ration=43% organic wt), which also supported the maximum gross and net growth efficiencies (K 1=50%, K 2=85%). Ingestion rate was directly correlated to cell concentration up to maximum of 100 cells l-1, but further increases failed to support higher ingestions. Absorption efficiency decreased with increasing algal concentration from 95% down to 60%. Due to the costs of growth, respiration rate significantly increased when food was added above maintenance levels; however, metabolic costs associated with feeding activity were undetectable. The scope for growth calculated from these physiological parameters agreed with the long-term growth performance, validating the physiological energetics method as a valuable tool for predicting long-term growth performance under constant environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Feeding rates of five captive red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) were measured when they were foraging alone, and in flocks of two or four on three seed dispersion patterns. On the most strongly clumped seed dispersion, individuals had higher mean feeding rates and the smallest probability of starvation when in flocks of two than when alone or in flocks of four. Individuals in flocks of four had higher feeding rates on the weakly clumped seed dispersion than on the uniform and more clumped seed dispersions; there were no food finding benefits gained from flocking on the uniform seed dispersion and aggression increased as food became more clumped. Most recent work has assumed that flocking results in higher feeding rates only because time spent vigilant is reduced. Crossbills, however, did not visit more cones per unit time as flock size increased, as would be expected if less time was spent vigilant. Thus, any reductions in vigilance as flock size increased were countered by increases in other behaviours, such as those related to aggression. Consequently, the higher mean feeding rates of crossbills in flocks than when solitary is not attributable to reduced vigilance. The increase in mean and the decline in variance of feeding rates occurred because crossbills in flocks found good patches earlier, and possible by spending less time assessing poor patches.  相似文献   

Gut-evacuation rates were compared for feeding and non-feeding Calanus marshallae collected near Yaquina Bay, Oregon (44°37N; 124°04W) from June 1986 through May 1987. Evacuation rates were measured at four concentrations of Thalassiosira weissflogii from the decline of gut-pigment fluorescence following transfer of copepods to filtered seawater and from the loss of cells labelled with 68-germanium, a radioactive analog of silicon. There was no significant difference between gut-evacuation rates of feeding and non-feeding copepods over both short-term (20 min) and long-term (90 min) evacuation times. Furthermore there was no difference between rates obtained using either pigment or 68Ge as tracers of gut food-passage. These results are discussed in the light of possible dilution of tracer in the guts of feeding copepods due to mixing with unlabelled food. Gut-evacuation rates measured at food concentrations ranging from 500 to 4000 cells ml-1 were not significantly different, regardless of the technique employed.  相似文献   

It was observed that food restriction significantly increase gonadal development for about two months indicating that hypothalamo hypophyseal gonadal axis becomes more sensitive to feeding stress during the early breeding period than the other reproductive phases. Normal testicular development was also not seen in the spotted munia in which food was restricted for two times each of 3 hour duration, despite the fact that daily food consumption was not significantly less (only by 6.60%) compared to the control group. This suggests that daily restriction in feeding for a longer period (total 6 h or more) may also alter the reproductive function in wild birds.  相似文献   

Alcyonium paessleri and Clavularia frankliniana are numerically abundant soft corals in the nearshore (12 to 33 m depth) benthic communities of eastern McMurdo Sound. They are much less abundant in western McMurdo Sound where a third species, Gersemia antarctica, co-occurs in low numbers. The body tissues of these three species are comprised mainly of organic material (53 to 70% dry wt), which is primarily dervied from NaOH-soluble protein and refractory material. The energetic contents of the whole-body tissues of A. paessleri, C. frankliniana and G. antarctica are 15.9, 17.3, and 14.5 kJ g-1 dry wt, respectively. The mean biomass per individual is 1.81, 0.008, and 45 g dry wt for each respective species. Based on population densities of 7.3, 1337.3, and 0.04 soft corals m-2 for A. paessleri, C. frankliniana and G. antarctica, respectively, the population energetic densities are estimated to be 210.1, 185.1, and 26.1 kJ m-2. Despite the relatively rich energetic content of the tissue and apparent vulnerability to predators, very little predation occurs on these soft corals. Two potential predators, the antarctic sea stars Perknaster fuscus and Odontaster validus, exhibited significant chemotactic defensive tube-foot retractions to hexane, chloroform, methanol, and aqueous methanol extracts of each soft coral. In addition, wholebody tissue of each soft coral was rejected by the demersal fish Pseudotrematomus bernacchii and the cryopelagic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki. In contrast, whole soft-coral tissues sequentially extracted in four increasingly polar solvents were readily ingested by these antarctic fishes, indicating that sclerites do not play a significant role in deterring predators. Our results indicate that these antarctic soft corals contain bioactive compounds which deter common predatory seastars and fishes.  相似文献   

A. D. Onyia 《Marine Biology》1973,22(4):371-378
Previous literature on the biology of the threadfin Galeoides decadactylus (Bloch, 1795) and the different methods of food analysis are reviewed. Against this back-ground, new results obtained on food and feeding habit are presented. All specimens sampled belong to the first 2-year classes (Longhurst, 1965). Fishes of the same length are shown to have a wide range of weight, attributable to the effect of spawning and sex change; G. decadactylus is a protandrous hermaphrodite (Longhurst, 1965). Feeding intensities and condition factors are generally high, and show a direct relationship with the size and, consequently, sex, of the fish. The comparatively low percentage of empty stomachs recorded is attributable to the rather more favourable feeding conditions existing in inshore waters where the fishes were caught. G. decadactylus feeds mainly on small seasonally alternating varieties of crustaceans and young fish. Analysis of the composition of the fish food reconciles the apparently contradictory results obtained by Monod (1927), Cadenat (1954) and Longhurst (1957, 1960). The absence of certain common demersal food items such as mud and cephalopods in the stomach of G. decadactylus leads to the conclusion that the fish is selective in its feeding habits.  相似文献   

The study of heavy metals’ redistribution between different fractions allows to know their bioavailability and mobility in soils. Soil samples were collected from a lead mine in Hamadan provinces, NW Iran. In a factorial experiment soil was treated with cow, sheep and poultry manures (20?g?kg?1 soil) separately and incubated near field capacity at 10°C and 37°C. An untreated soil (as control) was also incubated at the same temperatures. After 0 and 120 days, a sequential extraction scheme was used to fractionate Pb of incubated samples into soluble-exchangeable (Sol-Exch), organic matter associated (AOM), carbonates associated (ACar), and residual (Res) forms. Soil Pb in Sol-Exch and AOM fractions were increased by manure application significantly. The AOM and ACar forms of Pb were higher in soils treated with the manures and incubated in lower temperature. In contrast, the Sol-Exch and Res chemical forms of Pb were higher in the soils incubated at 37°C. These results may be related to the higher calcium carbonate dissolution and organic matter decomposition because of better biological activity in the soils incubated in higher temperature. The increase of the Res fraction (stable form) in this condition may resulted in lower toxicity and mobility in soil environment.  相似文献   

Microbial food partitioning by three species of benthic copepods   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Using radioactively labeled bacteria and photoautotrophs in undisturbed sediment cores, we show that three cooccurring species of benthic copepods feed on different microbial food sources in their natural environment. Specifically, Thompsonula hyaenae feeds on photoautotrophs, Halicyclops coulli feeds on bacteria, and Zausodes arenicolus feeds on both photoautotrophs and bacteria. Species of benthic copepods feed differently from one another in the field, and meiofaunal species' distributions could be influenced by distributions of their preferred microbial food.  相似文献   

We studied the demographic responses of Ceriodaphnia dubia exposed to copper at 3 different levels (0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 mg l(-1)) and at 4 exposure periods (3, 6, 12 and 24 hr) in addition to controls (without the heavy metal). The tested levels of Cu concentration and the chosen periods of exposure affected some demographic variables (average lifespan, gross and net reproductive rates and generation time). Depending on the heavy metal concentration and the period of exposure, the average lifespan of C. dubia varied from 18 to 24 day Net reproductive rates (NRR) ranged from 50 to 80 offspring per female per lifespan, while the rate of population increase (r) varied from 0.30 to 0.34 per day Though gross reproductive rates (especially at low and intermediate copper levels and shorter duration of exposure) showed significantly higher values than controls, both NRR and r were either unaffected or decreased. It is therefore necessary to regulate the release of untreated industrial effluents containing copper into freshwater ecosystems. Our study thus highlights the importance of including, not only toxicant concentrations but also exposure time, in ecotoxicological evaluations.  相似文献   

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