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This study evaluated the filtration of engineered nanoparticles of fullerene and copper oxide (CuO) from water by using surface-modified microsized filters. The surfaces of microsized filters of cellulose acetate and glass fibers were coated with cationic and anionic surfactants to give them positively and negatively charged surfaces, respectively. Uncoated microfilters removed 30 % of a fullerene suspension, while no nanosized CuO suspension was removed. Cationic surfactant-coated filters enhanced the removal efficiency up to 70 % for the fullerene suspension, while the anionic surfactant-coated filters could not remove fullerene at all. The positively charged filters with cationic surfactant coating could easily adsorb negatively charged fullerenes on their surfaces. However, none of the surfactant-coated filters removed the CuO nanoparticles because the nanoparticles were not affected by the electrical charge of the filtration medium. The Hamaker constants of nanoparticles interacting with the filter materials in water were calculated to study these interactions. The Hamaker constant of fullerene interacting with cellulose acetate in water, 4.68E???21 J, was higher than that of interacting with quartz in water, 2.59E???21 J. However, the Hamaker constants of CuO interacting with quartz and cellulose acetate in water were both negative values, implying repulsive van der Waals interactions. The curves of potential energy of interaction between nanoparticles and the various filter media implied that the nanoparticles were very stable in water, and so, natural deposition of nanoparticles on the filters would not occur. Therefore, electrical bonding and hydrophobic interactions were the forces dominating fullerene removal by positively charged filters.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to identify the sources of copper loads in surface urban waters using principal component analysis under the aquatic parameters data evaluation approach. Water samples from the Irai and Iguacu rivers were collected monthly during a 12-month period at two points located upstream and downstream of a metropolitan region. pH, total alkalinity, dissolved chloride, total suspended solids, dissolved organic matter, total recoverable copper, temperature, and precipitation data provided some reliable information concerning the characteristics and water quality of both rivers. Principal component analysis indicated seasonal and spatial effects on copper concentration and loads in both environments. During the rainy season, non-point sources such as urban run-off are believed to be the major source of copper in both cases. In contrast, during the lower precipitation period, the discharge of raw sewage seems to be the primary source of copper to the Iguacu River, which also exhibited higher total metal concentrations.  相似文献   

The adsorption of metals from aqueous solutions of Pb2+, Zn2+ and Mg2+ on naturally occurring pyrolusite have been studied. The chemical stability of the pyrolusite has been determined in NaOH, H2SO4, HNO3, HCl, NaCl and NK4Cl solutions of various concentrations. Adsorption of the metal ions followed the order Pb2+>Zn2+>Cd2+.The maximum adsorption of Pb2+ (100%) occurred at pH 7. the relation between the amount of Pb2+ adsorbed per unit weight of pyrolusite and the concentration of Pb2+ at equilibrium follows the Freundlich adsorption isotherm.The efficiency of pyrolusite has been demonstrated by removing lead from synthetic waste water. 100% and 96% removal of lead have been achieved from synthetic waste water containing 5 mg l–1 and 120 mg l–1 of Pb2+ respectively at pH 7. The results of these studies suggest that pyrolusite might provide an economical method for the removal of lead from industrial waste water.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to develop a novel wet-scrubbing process using Fe(VI) for the simultaneous removal of gaseous NO and SO(2). The oxidation of SO(2) and NO with Fe(VI) was studied in aqueous solution at alkaline pH (9.0-11.0). A stoichiometric molar ratio for NO and SO(2) oxidation with Fe(VI) was determined to be nearly 3.0. Sulfate and nitrate was identified as final products by ion chromatography from the reaction at pH 9.0-11.0. The feasibility of simultaneous removal of multiple gas pollutants with the continuous feeding of ferrate in lab-scale was investigated from the view of industrial application. It was found that the removal efficiency of NO and SO(2) was enhanced with the increase of Fe(VI) concentration, more than 90% NO removal efficiency and 100% SO(2) removal efficiency were achieved by wet-scrubbing process using Fe(VI) at room temperature and ambient atmosphere. The results demonstrate that Fe(VI) could be an effective wet-scrubbing agent for the simultaneous removal of NO and SO(2).  相似文献   

The adsorption behavior of natural Jordanian zeolites with respect to Cd(2 + ), Cu(2 + ), Pb(2 + ), and Zn(2 + ) was studied in order to consider its application to purity metal finishing drinking and waste water samples under different conditions such as zeolite particle size, ionic strength and initial metal ion concentration. In the present work, a new method was developed to remove the heavy metal by using a glass column as the one that used in column chromatography and to make a comparative between the batch experiment and column experiment by using natural Jordanian zeolite as adsorbent and some heavy metals as adsorbate. The column method was used using different metal ions concentrations ranged from 5 to 20 mg/L with average particle size of zeolite ranged between 90 and 350 mum, and ionic strength ranged from 0.01 to 0.05. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used for analysis of these heavy metal ions, the results obtained in this study indicated that zeolitic tuff is an efficient ion exchanger for removing heavy metals, in particular the fine particle sizes of zeolite at pH 6, whereas, no clear effect of low ionic strength values is noticed on the removal process. Equilibrium modeling of the removal showed that the adsorption of Cd(2 + ), Cu(2 + ), Pb(2 + ), and Zn(2 + ) were fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Kaganer-Radushkevich (DKR). The sorption energy E determined in the DKR equation (9.129, 10.000, 10.541, and 11.180 kJ/mol for Zn(2 + ), Cu(2 + ), Cd(2 + ) and Pb(2 + ) respectively) which revealed the nature of the ion-exchange mechanism.  相似文献   

In the field of industrial hygiene, besides the necessity of monitoring phosphine with direct reading apparatus to prevent accidents, there is a need for a method of sampling and analysing phosphine to control workers' exposure. The use of filters impregnated with silver nitrate to collect arsine, phosphine and stibine in workplace air has been described in the literature. Having previously chosen this type of filter to collect arsine, we studied its characteristics for phosphine capture. A filter impregnated with sodium carbonate was used both as a prefilter to collect the particles and to trap arsenic trioxide. After dissolving the silver compounds in nitric acid, ICP emission spectrometry was used to carry out the analysis. This article describes the comparative sampling we performed in a microelectronic laboratory and in a fumigation chamber (130 samples) to determine the concentration of AgNO3 impregnation solution to be used, the detection limit of the method and the retention capacity of the impregnated filters. Interference with other gases reacting with silver nitrate was studied and the storage time for sampled filters and analysis solutions was checked. The detection limit of the adopted method is better than 1 microg per filter, and the retention capacity exceeds 300 microg per filter. The problem of how to sample phosphine when H2S, NH3, or HCl is present has been solved, but the problem of sampling phosphine in atmospheres where acetylene evolves remains. Sampled filters and filter solutions are stable for more than three months at ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Arid and semi-arid shrublands have significant biological and economical values and have been experiencing dramatic changes due to human activities. In California, California sage scrub (CSS) is one of the most endangered plant communities in the US and requires close monitoring in order to conserve this important biological resource. We investigate the utility of remote-sensing approaches—object-based image analysis applied to pansharpened QuickBird imagery (QBPS/OBIA) and multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) applied to SPOT imagery (SPOT/MESMA)—for estimating fractional cover of true shrub, subshrub, herb, and bare ground within CSS communities of southern California. We also explore the effectiveness of life-form cover maps for assessing CSS conditions. Overall and combined shrub cover (i.e., true shrub and subshrub) were estimated more accurately using QBPS/OBIA (mean absolute error or MAE, 8.9 %) than SPOT/MESMA (MAE, 11.4 %). Life-form cover from QBPS/OBIA at a 25?×?25 m grid cell size seems most desirable for assessing CSS because of its higher accuracy and spatial detail in cover estimates and amenability to extracting other vegetation information (e.g., size, shape, and density of shrub patches). Maps derived from SPOT/MESMA at a 50?×?50 m scale are effective for retrospective analysis of life-form cover change because their comparable accuracies to QBPS/OBIA and availability of SPOT archives data dating back to the mid-1980s. The framework in this study can be applied to other physiognomically comparable shrubland communities.  相似文献   

The waste slurry generated in fertilizer plants in India has been converted into a cheap carbonaceous adsorbent material. The prepared adsorbent has been characterised and used for the removal of lead and chromium metals. The kinetics of adsorption and the extent of adsorption at equilibrium are dependent on the physical and chemical characteristics of the adsorbate, adsorbent and experimental system. Results of laboratory scale studies conducted to delineate the effect of such parameters on the kinetics of adsorption of metal ions are reported. Parameters evaluated include: hydronium ion concentration, temperature, initial adsorbate concentration, size of adsorbent, and amount of adsorbent. On the basis of these studies the various physical parameters such as effective diffusion coefficient, activation energies and entropy of activation are evaluated, as these provide some information regarding the mechanistic aspects. Mass transfer coefficient values suggest a rapid transport of the adsorbate from bulk to solid phase.  相似文献   

In this work, two N/S-containing chelating agents 2-(4-methoxybenzylideneamino)thiophenol (2-4-MBAT) and 2-(4-chlorobenzylideneamino) benzenethiol (2-4-CBABT) were synthesized as new sorbents and were used for preconcentration of Zn(2+) and Cu(2+) ions in food and vegetable samples. In the proposed procedure, the trace amount of Zn(2+) and Cu(2+) ions from 250?mL of sample solution at pH?=?5.0 was preconcentrated by 1?g of activated carbon (AC) loaded with 15?mg of 2-4-MBAT and 2-4-CBABT separately. The breakthrough volumes (maximum sample volume that their metal ions quantitatively can be enriched) for solid-phase extraction (SPE) procedure based on the AC modified with 2-4-MBAT and 2-4-CBABT were 800 and 750?mL, respectively. The sorbed Zn(2+) and Cu(2+) ions were efficiently eluted by 8?mL of 4?mol?L(-1) HNO(3) and preconcentration factor of 112.5 and 93.7 and experimental enhancement factor of 30 and 35 ions were obtained for Zn(2+) and Cu(2+), respectively. The application of this enrichment procedure allowed the extraction of trace metal ions with recoveries exceeding of 90%.  相似文献   

A zonation technique for sediment samples based upon contaminant ratios of a series of samples is described. The technique is based on the fact that sediment samples of common origin will tend to have similar ratios of concentrations of trace pollutants such as heavy metals, PCBs, etc., despite dilution by variable amounts of inert materials such as silica or calcite. Comparison of these ratios between individual samples yields a matrix of similarity coefficients, which are then analyzed by a hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis procedure. Sediment samples of similar origin will tend to group together in a single cluster, whereas samples influence by unique factors such as transport patterns or proximity to point source discharges will appear as separate individual clusters. The results of application of this methodology to Great Lakes samples from Hamilton Harbour and Port Hope are presented.  相似文献   

对铜的 3条谱线 (2 49.2 nm、2 61 .4nm,3 2 4.8nm ) ,铅的 2条谱线 (2 83 .3 nm、2 1 7.0 1 nm )以及锌的 2条谱线(3 0 7.6nm、2 1 3 .9nm ) ,共 7条谱线的灵敏度、检测限、线性范围进行了归纳性总结 ,并对多种共存元素可能存在的干扰情况进行了研究 ,认为利用元素不同分析谱线的分析灵敏度差异 ,根据被测元素在样品消解液中含量 ,选择合适的谱线进行分析 ,既降低工作强度 ,又能获得满意结果  相似文献   

A proper water quality monitoring design is required in a watershed, particularly in a water resource protected area. As numerous factors can influence the water quality monitoring design, this study applies multiple criteria analysis to evaluate the suitability of the water quality monitoring design in the Taipei Water Resource Domain (TWRD) in northern Taiwan. Seven criteria, which comprise percentage of farmland area, percentage of built-up area, amount of non-point source pollution, green cover ratio, landslide area ratio, ratio of over-utilization on hillsides, and density of water quality monitoring stations, are selected in the multiple criteria analysis. The criteria are normalized and weighted. The weighted method is applied to score the subbasins. The density of water quality stations needs to be increased in priority in the subbasins with a higher score. The fuzzy theory is utilized to prioritize the need for a higher density of water quality monitoring stations. The results show that the need for more water quality stations in subbasin 2 in the Bei-Shih Creek Basin is much higher than those in the other subbasins. Furthermore, the existing water quality station in subbasin 2 requires maintenance. It is recommended that new water quality stations be built in subbasin 2.  相似文献   

An ultrasonic bath and an ultrasonic probe have been used to develop rapid versions of the three-stage Community Bureau of Reference (BCR, now the Standards, Measurement and Testing Programme) sequential extraction procedure. The effect of the ultrasonic treatments on the extraction of copper, iron, manganese and zinc from a sewage sludge-amended soil has been assessed. Recoveries similar to those of conventional shaking (i.e., conventional value, +/- 30%) could generally be obtained for copper, manganese and zinc, but not for the important matrix element iron. With the use of compromise sonication conditions, steps 1, 2 and 3 of the sequential extraction (excluding the hydrogen peroxide digestion in step 3, which was not performed with sonication) could be completed in 3, 5 and 1 min, respectively, using the ultrasonic probe, and in 3, 1 and 1 h, respectively, using the bath. The extraction procedures developed using the soil performed well when applied to lake sediment BCR CRM 601. Analyte partitioning was generally similar to that obtained with mechanical shaking, and overall metal recoveries were 84-98% of those obtained with the conventional BCR protocol, except for copper extracted with the probe (74%). Poorer performance (analyte recoveries, 58-104%) was obtained when the methods were applied to an intertidal sediment. This highlights the difficulty of developing a version of the BCR extraction, with ultrasonic assistance, which gives a performance equivalent to conventional shaking when applied to different substrates.  相似文献   

The concept of time stability has been widely used in the design and assessment of monitoring networks of soil moisture, as well as in hydrological studies, because it is as a technique that allows identifying of particular locations having the property of representing mean values of soil moisture in the field. In this work, we assess the effect of time stability calculations as new information is added and how time stability calculations are affected at shorter periods, subsampled from the original time series, containing different amounts of precipitation. In doing so, we defined two experiments to explore the time stability behavior. The first experiment sequentially adds new data to the previous time series to investigate the long-term influence of new data in the results. The second experiment applies a windowing approach, taking sequential subsamples from the entire time series to investigate the influence of short-term changes associated with the precipitation in each window. Our results from an operating network (seven monitoring points equipped with four sensors each in a 2-ha blueberry field) show that as information is added to the time series, there are changes in the location of the most stable point (MSP), and that taking the moving 21-day windows, it is clear that most of the variability of soil water content changes is associated with both the amount and intensity of rainfall. The changes of the MSP over each window depend on the amount of water entering the soil and the previous state of the soil water content. For our case study, the upper strata are proxies for hourly to daily changes in soil water content, while the deeper strata are proxies for medium-range stored water. Thus, different locations and depths are representative of processes at different time scales. This situation must be taken into account when water management depends on soil water content values from fixed locations.  相似文献   

Activated carbon treatment of drinking water is used to remove natural organic matter (NOM) precursors that lead to the formation of disinfection byproducts. The innate hydrophobic nature and macromolecular size of NOM render it amenable to sorption by activated carbon. Batch equilibrium and minicolumn breakthrough adsorption studies were performed using granular activated carbon to treat NOM-contaminated water. Ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectroscopy and flow field-flow fractionation analysis using tandem diode-array and fluorescence detectors were used to monitor the activated carbon sorption of NOM. Using these techniques, it was possible to study activated carbon adsorption properties of UV absorbing, fluorescing and nonfluorescing, polyelectrolytic macromolecules fractionated from the total macromolecular and nonmacromolecular composition of NOM. Adsorption isotherms were constructed at pH 6 and pH 9. Data were described by the traditional and modified Freundlich models. Activated carbon capacity and adsorbability were compared among fractionated molecular subsets of fulvic and humic acids. Preferential adsorption (or adsorptive fractionation) of polyelectrolytic, fluorescing fulvic and humic macromolecules on activated carbon was observed. The significance of observing preferential adsorption on activated carbon of fluorescing macromolecular components relative to nonfluorescing components is that this phenomenon changes the composition of dissolved organic matter remaining in equilibrium in the aqueous phase relative to the composition that existed in the aqueous phase prior to adsorption. Likewise, it changes the composition of dissolved organic matter remaining in equilibrium in the aqueous phase relative to the adsorbed phase. This research increases our understanding of NOM interactions with activated carbon which may lead to improved methods of potable water production.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoon ecosystems are vulnerable to eutrophication, which leads to the accumulation of nutrients from the surrounding watershed over the long term. However, there is a lack of information about methods that could accurate quantify this problem in rapidly developed countries. Therefore, various statistical methods such as cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA), partial least square (PLS), principal component regression (PCR), and ordinary least squares regression (OLS) were used in this study to estimate total organic matter content in sediments (TOM) using other parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), biological oxygen demand (BOD), phosphate (PO4), total phosphorus (TP), salinity, and water depth along a 3-km transect in the Gomishan Lagoon (Iran). Results indicated that nutrient concentration and the dissolved oxygen gradient were the most significant parameters in the lagoon water quality heterogeneity. Additionally, anoxia at the bottom of the lagoon in sediments and re-suspension of the sediments were the main factors affecting internal nutrient loading. To validate the models, R2, RMSECV, and RPDCV were used. The PLS model was stronger than the other models. Also, classification analysis of the Gomishan Lagoon identified two hydrological zones: (i) a North Zone characterized by higher water exchange, higher dissolved oxygen and lower salinity and nutrients, and (ii) a Central and South Zone with high residence time, higher nutrient concentrations, lower dissolved oxygen, and higher salinity. A recommendation for the management of coastal lagoons, specifically the Gomishan Lagoon, to decrease or eliminate nutrient loadings is discussed and should be transferred to policy makers, the scientific community, and local inhabitants.  相似文献   

An index of biotic integrity and species richness were used to assess changes in the Presque Isle Bay watershed fish community before and after the elimination of combined sewer overflows (CSOs). The fish community was sampled with a backpack electrofisher in 2011 at 12 stream locations on 4 tributaries of Presque Isle Bay, Erie County, Pennsylvania. All sites were previously sampled in 2001. Significant increases in species richness and index of biotic integrity (IBI) scores were observed in 2011 compared to 2001. The significant increases in species richness and IBI scores occurred following the elimination of 10 CSOs to Garrison Run, 7 CSOs to Cascade Creek, and 37 CSOs to Mill Creek. Despite the increased richness and IBI scores, the fish community remains in poor condition, which may be related to the highly urbanized land use of the watershed. Urban land uses comprise 77 % of the Presque Isle Bay watershed, and in both 2011 and 2001, the watershed as a whole did not meet warm-water habitat criteria. It is unlikely that the fish community will continue to recover without addressing urbanization throughout the watershed.  相似文献   

In this research, probable arsenic contamination in drinking water in the city of Ardabil was studied in 163 samples during four seasons. In each season, sampling was carried out randomly in the study area. Results were analyzed statistically applying SPSS 19 software, and the data was also modeled by Arc GIS 10.1 software. The maximum permissible arsenic concentration in drinking water defined by the World Health Organization and Iranian national standard is 10 μg/L. Statistical analysis showed 75, 88, 47, and 69% of samples in autumn, winter, spring, and summer, respectively, had concentrations higher than the national standard. The mean concentrations of arsenic in autumn, winter, spring, and summer were 19.89, 15.9, 10.87, and 14.6 μg/L, respectively, and the overall average in all samples through the year was 15.32 μg/L. Although GIS outputs indicated that the concentration distribution profiles changed in four consecutive seasons, variance analysis of the results showed that statistically there is no significant difference in arsenic levels in four seasons.  相似文献   

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