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In this study, 28 lakes were selected from the freshwater resources of the network of man-made lakes throughout the Vojvodina Province and the central part of Serbia. Samples were analyzed for the physicochemicals indicators of the water and nutrients. Most of the values of the chemicals indicators and nutrients of the samples from the Vojvodina Province exceeded the Water Act and Regulations on the Monitoring of Water Quality introduced by the Government of the Republic of Serbia (MWQ) and/or the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water standards. These samples may not be suitable for human consumption. The sample from Lake Me?uvr?je, where the NH4 + concentration was 0.28 mg/L, and the sample from Ovcar Banja, where the total phosphorus (TP) content was 0.15 mg/L with a high total nitrogen (TN) content of 1.21 mg/L, are particularly noteworthy. These high concentrations exceeded the proposed guidelines for safe drinking water; therefore, water from these lakes should be used with care as harmful health effects may occur. The majority of the Serbian lakes are characterized by phosphorus-limited photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Lake restoration projects require substantial monitoring. Primary purposes are to assess a lake problem, determine its causes and design or develop a corrective program. Hundreds of these lake monitoring projects have been initiated in the United States over the past decade. A number of field limnological activities can be improved to make the monitoring results more applicable to the objectives of a project. This paper discusses twenty of the most common limnology procedures that may go awry in applied limnology and makes suggestions, alternatives or improved field and project procedures. Expenditures may be reduced, but more important can be an increased use capability of the information for the scientific and engineering needs of a lake restoration effort.  相似文献   

We studied nine small man-made reservoirs located in different climate regions of Kenya to get an insight into the relationship between phytoplankton community structure and its environment. The investigated ponds form three groups of three reservoirs each found in the rural areas of Machakos district, Mount Kenya region, and Lake Victoria area with varied climatic characteristics. The ponds were sampled in monthly intervals between May 2007 and June 2008 for physicochemical variables including water chemistry, phytoplankton community composition, zooplankton abundance, and bacterial numbers. All ponds were classified as hypertrophic. Seasonal changes were reflected in the phytoplankton pattern, as all ponds showed a community shift after the short dry season in February. Due to high nutrient loads and increased turbidity, Cyanobacteria, which were initially thought to be predominating in all investigated water bodies, were found to play only a minor role except for the Bomet reservoir in Lake Victoria region. Instead, Chloro- and Streptophyta, Dinophyta, and Euglenophyta were abundant in the pelagial. A principal component analysis explained around 85 % of the data variance with four principal components (PCs) interpreted as “location”, “ions”, “zooplankton”, and “particulate matter”. A clear separation of ponds with and without cattle access based on algal species community data was found indicating the need for a sustainable use and regular monitoring program as the local population is largely dependent on these sensitive small-scale ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecoregion, as one type of ecoregions, is a unit of land of relative homogeneity in aquatic ecosystems or in relationships between organisms and their environments. It is the base of establishing the trophic state standard for the lakes and reservoirs, and that of controlling the eutrophication. In this paper, we put forward the principles and assessment index of trophic state divisions for the lakes and reservoirs in China. Based on the assessment index and with the help of spatial analysis of geographic information system, expert judgment and qualitative analysis, we suggest that all the lakes and reservoirs in China be divided into three Level I and six Level II ecoregion divisions. Moreover, the trophic state characteristics of each ecoregion division are summarized.  相似文献   

Adults of the geotrupine beetle Anoplotrupes stercorosus (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae), a common European forest insect species, were used in the role of bio-monitors for mainly man-made radionuclides in a forest environment. Activities of 137Cs, 40K, 238Pu, (239+240)Pu, 90Sr and 241Am were studied. Samples originated from four areas in Poland, two from the north-east and two from the south of the country. The north-eastern areas were previously recognized as the places where hot particle fallout from Chernobyl took place. Results confirmed the differences in the activities between north-eastern and southern locations. Significant correlations were found between activities of 40K and 137Cs, and between activities of plutonium and americium isotopes. An additional study of the concentration of radionuclides within the bodies of beetles showed a general pattern of distribution of radioisotopes in the insect body.  相似文献   

Design of monitoring programs for load estimation is often hampered by the lack of existing chemical data from which to determine patterns of flux variance, which determine the sampling program requirements when loads are to be calculated using flux-dependent models like the Beale Ratio Estimator. In contrast, detailed flow data are generally available for the important tributaries. For pollutants from non-point sources there is often a correlation between flow and pollutant flux. Thus, measures of flow variability might be calibrated to flux variability for well-known watersheds, after which flow variability could be used as a proxy for flux variability to estimate sampling needs for tributaries for which adequate chemical observations are lacking.Three types of measures of flow variability were explored: ratio measures, which are of the form q x/qy, where q xis the flow corresponding to the percentile x, and y=100–x; spread measures, of the form (q x–qy)/qm, where q mis the median flow; and the coefficient of variation of the logs of flows. In the latter, flows are log transformed because flow distributions are often approximately log-normal. Three ratio measures were evaluated, based on the percentiles (10,90), (20,80), and (25,75). The analogous spread measures were also evaluated; the spread measure based on percentiles (25,75) is derived from the commonly used fourth spread of non-parametric statistics. The ratio measures and the spread measures are scale independent, and thus are measures only of the shape of the distribution. The coefficient of variation is also scale independent, but in log space.Values of these measures of flow variability for 120 Great Lakes tributaries are highly intercorrelated, although the relationship is often non-linear. The coefficient of variation of the log of the flows is also well correlated with the coefficient of variation of fluxes of suspended solids, total phosphorus, and chloride, for a smaller set of rivers where the existence of abundant chemical data allows comparison.Tributaries with abnormal distributions often show up as outliers when one measure of flow variability is plotted against another. Several examples are discussed.  相似文献   

Biological elements, including phytoplankton, phytobenthos, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish, are employed by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC as ecological indicators for the assessment of surface waters. The use of primary producers (phytoplankton, phytobenthos and macrophytes) for water quality assessment has a long history, and several methods have been developed worldwide. In this study, we used these three communities to assess the ecological status of five natural lakes located in the Aquitaine region (southwest France). Several biological indices used in lakes from other European countries or in French rivers were employed and compared among the three communities. Each primary producer provided complementary information about the ecological status of the lakes, including the invasiveness of exotic taxa. Regardless of the producer community used, the response to the environment, as reflected by the indices (adequate for each community), was similar: Lakes Cazaux, Lacanau and Hourtin showed the best ecological status and Parentis and Soustons the worst. Phytoplankton diagnosis reflected and integrated unambiguously the water quality of the lakes, as demonstrated by the strong relationships between the phytoplankton index and the trophic status criteria. This community appeared as the best indicator, especially when macrophytes were absent. The methods applied here represent a potential tool for the assessment of the ecological status in the context of WFD, but they need to be refined. We propose modifications for phytobenthos index initially tailored for running waters for adequate use in lentic ecosystems. Indices for the three primary producers should be modified to incorporate exotic species which may provide information on potential biodiversity losses.  相似文献   

The assessment of water vulnerability and pollution hazard traditionally places particular emphasis on the study on groundwaters more than on surface waters. Consequently, a GIS-based Lake Pollution Hazard Index (LPHI) was proposed for assessing and mapping the potential pollution hazard for shallow lakes due to the interaction between the Potential Pollutant Load and the Lake Vulnerability. It includes easily measurable and commonly used parameters: land cover, terrain slope and direction, and soil media. Three shallow lake ecosystems of the southeastern Pampa Plain (Argentina) were chosen to test the usefulness and applicability of this suggested index. Moreover, anthropogenic and natural medium influence on biophysical parameters in these three ecosystems was examined. The evaluation of the LPHI map shows for La Brava and Los Padres lakes the highest pollution hazard (≈30 % with high to very high category) while Nahuel Rucá Lake seems to be the less hazardous water body (just 9.33 % with high LPHI). The increase in LPHI value is attributed to a different loading of pollutants governed by land cover category and/or the exposure to high slopes and influence of slope direction. Dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand values indicate a moderately polluted and eutrophized condition of shallow lake waters, mainly related to moderate agricultural activities and/or cattle production. Obtained information by means of LPHI calculation result useful to perform a local diagnosis of the potential pollution hazard to a freshwater ecosystem in order to implement basic guidelines to improve lake sustainability.  相似文献   

We consider a game where players face environmental constraints. We derive and compare noncooperative, cooperative and umbrella scenarios. In the latter, the players couple their environmental constraints and implement Rosen’s normalized equilibrium. It is shown that the cooperative outcome can be generated as a normalized equilibrium and that the results obtained in the literature do not necessarily generalize to this constrained setting.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from the first two areas covered by the statistically-oriented Québec Spatial Lake Acidity Monitoring Network (RESSALQ). It is used in combination with the existing LRTAP-Québec temporal network, the Québec precipitation sampling network (REPQ) and a dose-effect model (SIGMA/SLAM) in order to assess the global extent of damages related to acidity, to detect changes in water quality, and to measure the effects of wet sulphate deposition reduction and those of sulphate target loadings on lake acidity. Results obtained with this network were also used in combination with data issued from the Eastern Lake Survey, in order to establish the relative acidity and sensitivity status of lakes in Eastern North America. While Florida has the highest proportion of very acidic and very sensitive lakes, Québec has a higher overall proportion of sensitive and acidic lakes compared to other areas of the United States.  相似文献   

An index system developed for Louisiana lakes was based on correlations between measurable water quality parameters and perceived lake quality. Support data was provided by an extensive monitoring program of 30 lakes coordinated with opinion surveys undertaken during summer 1984. Lakes included in the survey ranged from 4 to 735 km2 in surface area with mean depths ranging from 0.5 to 8.0 m. Water quality data indicated most of these lakes are eutrophic, although many have productive fisheries and are considered recreational assets. Perception ratings of fishing quality and its associated water quality were obtained by distributing approximately 1200 surveys to Louisiana Bass Club Associaton members. The ability of Secchi disc transparency, total organic carbon, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a to discriminate between perception classes was examined using probability distributions and multivariate analyses. Secchi disc and total organic carbon best reflected perceived lake conditions; however, these parameters did not provide the discrimination necessary for developing a quantitative risk assessment of lake trophic state. Consequently, an interim lakes index system was developed based on total organic carbon and perceived lake conditions. The developed index system will aid State officials in interpretating and evaluating regularly collected lake quality data, recognizing potential problem areas, and identifying proper management policies for protecting fisheries usage within the State.  相似文献   

Legally protected national parks provide an appropriate substrate for essential long-term study of ecosystem structure and function, and for detecting trends in natural and human-induced stress. The absence of unplanned site manipulation in such areas is especially valuable for such research. Our present research has two major components. The first is the long-term ecosystem-level study of the effects of atmospheric contaminants on ecosystem processes. The overall objective is to evaluate ecosystem aquatic/terrestrial linkages and their role in establishing aquatic ecosystem sensitivity to anthropic atmospheric inputs. Four watershed/lake ecosystems, representative of much of the region's diversity, are under study. Two mature boreal sites on Isle Royale are characterized by first-order perennial surface stream input and lake outflow. Two additional mainland northern hardwood sites, one with shallow soils and one with soils derived from glacial till, are characterized by sensitive aquatic systems. One site is in a private reserve and the other in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Surface outflow is gaged by Parshall flume and stage height recorder. Meteorological stations record variables for estimating evapotranspiration. One-tenth ha plots have been established in all watersheds and three sites have had intensive study of precipitation modification by canopy and forest soil. Five-year mean maximum and minimum lake pH varies from 6.85 to 4.94, Ca2+ from 1070 to 54 eq l-1, K+ from 5.42 to 8.35 eq l-1, NH 4 + from 10.12 to 3.23 eq l-1, HCO 3 sup- from 635 to 24 eq l-1, NO 3 sup- from 3.27 to 1.54 eq l-1, and SO 4 sup2- from 110 to 52.7 eq l-1. The relatively high NO 3 sup- values observed in one lake are the result of stream drainage from a watershed dominated by Alnus rugosa, and another has high seasonal NO 3 sup- inputs during spring runoff. However, owing to periodic winter thaws, significant snowpack release of nutrients generally precedes maximum spring stream runoff. Water chemistry in both sensitive and non-sensitive lakes appears to be primarily reflecting how the conterminous terrestrial system is retaining atmospheric inputs more than the quality of direct lake atmospheric input. This is especially evident for H+, NO 3 sup- and SO 4 sup2- .The second component is the assessment of watershed acidification, SO 4 sup2- output and soil retention across an input gradient. An anthropic deposition gradient provides the opportunity for intersite time-trend analyses as to the effects of inputs. Our study objective was to see if the decreasing west to east input/output values for SO 4 sup2- , noted in small first-order watersheds in national parks from Minnesota to Ohio, might be related to present atmospheric inputs, potential and total soil SO 4 sup2- adsorption, or soil SO 4 sup2- desorption from earlier higher inputs. Precipitation pH ranged from 5.05 at Fernberg, Minnesota to 4.24 at Wooster, Ohio. Minimum and maximum concentrations of NH 4 + , NO 3 sup- , SO 4 sup2- and Cl- were also found at these stations. Stream water concentrations of NO 3 sup- and SO 4 sup2- increase in a similar but sharper gradient. Streams are well buffered. Cation, HCO 3 sup- , NO 3 sup- and especially SO 4 sup2- output increase west to east, but H+ output decreases. At the eastern site stream SO 4 sup2- concentration and output exceed HCO 3 sup- . Potential soil SO 4 sup2- adsorption capacity increases eastward, but this capacity is filled. Crystalline Fe hydrous oxides appear more effective than amorphous Fe hydrous oxides at adsorbing SO 4 sup2- . High anthropic anion inputs, inability of forest soil to adsorb additional inputs and perhaps SO 4 sup2- desorption appear responsible for the replacement of HCO 3 sup- by SO 4 sup2- in stream water. The major cation accompanying SO 4 sup2- is Ca2+.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress—Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

Analysis of water chemistry from a sample of lakes (1300) in Atlantic Canada has indicated that lakes in geologically sensitive portions of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland have been acidified due to the combined effects of natural organic acids and anthropogenically derived mineral acids. Principal component analysis of six measured variables (pH, Ca, Conductance, SO inf4 sup* , Alkalinity, Colour) and one computed variable (Alk/Ca*+Mg*) for each province result in four components which retain at least 89% of the original variability. Cluster analysis of the four principal components resulted in 6 lake groups for New Brunswick and 8 groups for Nova Scotia and 7 groups for Newfoundland. Geographic ordination of these clusters indicates that there is good correspondence between cluster group and the underlying bedrock geology of the region.  相似文献   

Water quality of least-impaired lakes in eastern and southern Arkansas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three-phased study identified one least-impaired (reference) lake for each of four Arkansas lake classifications: three classifications in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) ecoregion and a fourth classification in the South Central Plains (SCP) ecoregion. Water quality at three of the least-impaired lakes generally was comparable and also was comparable to water quality from Kansas and Missouri reference lakes and Texas least-impaired lakes. Water quality of one least-impaired lake in the MAP ecoregion was not as good as water quality in other least-impaired lakes in Arkansas or in the three other states: a probable consequence of all lakes in that classification having a designated use as a source of irrigation water. Chemical and physical conditions for all four lake classifications were at times naturally harsh as limnological characteristics changed temporally. As a consequence of allochthonous organic material, oxbow lakes isolated within watersheds comprised of swamps were susceptible to low dissolved oxygen concentrations to the extent that conditions would be limiting to some aquatic biota. Also, pH in lakes in the SCP ecoregion was <6.0, a level exceeding current Arkansas water-quality standards but typical of black water systems. Water quality of the deepest lakes exceeded that of shallow lakes. N/P ratios and trophic state indices may be less effective for assessing water quality for shallow lakes (<2 m) than for deep lakes because there is an increased exposure of sediment (and associated phosphorus) to disturbance and light in the former.  相似文献   

Changes in SO inf4 sup2- deposition predicted to occur in response to implementation of announced SO2 emission control programs in Canada and the U.S.A. have been used as input to water chemistry models thereby giving an estimate of the changes in lake acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and pH that can be expected from these programs. Eastern Canada has been divided into 22 subregions for the purpose of this analysis. Relative to the current level (1982–86) of SO inf4 sup2- deposition (Scenario 1), the effect of the Canadian SO2 emission control program alone (Scenario 2) is compared to that obtained when controls are implemented throughout North America (Scenarios 3 and 4). SO2 emission reduction will effect a shrinkage of the high wet SO inf4 sup2- deposition field in NE North America such that under Scenario 4 conditions, almost no area will remain in Canada that receives >20 kg ha-1 yr-1. The greatest decrease in deposition and resulting change in lake chemistry occurs in southern Ontario and southwestern Quebec. ANC distributions shift to higher concentrations and the percentage of lakes having pH<6 decreases in these areas. The Atlantic Provinces will obtain only a minor benefit from the control programs, i.e. experiencing only a small decrease in deposition and improvement in water quality. High sensitivity of the terrain in many parts of Atlantic Canada means that large numbers of lakes will remain acidic (i.e. ANC<0) and/or have pH<6 (an important biological threshold) even after full implementation of the current plans for SO2 control in Canada and the U.S.  相似文献   

Using a reference-condition comparison, recovery of benthic invertebrate communities from acidification was assessed in three lakes in Killarney Wilderness Park approximately 40–60 km from the massive metal smelters in Sudbury, Canada. Test site analyses (TSAs) were used to compare the park lakes to 20 reference lakes near Dorset Ontario, 200 km to the east. An extension of a previous survey (1997–2001) of two sensitive mayfly species (Stenonema femoratum and Stenacron interpunctatum) was conducted in one of the lakes. TSA results indicate that the three Killarney lakes remain significantly different from reference condition due primarily to higher abundances of a few acid-tolerant families and the presence of some less abundant sensitive families. Colonization rates differ greatly between the two mayfly species presumably because of competition for available habitat. Overall, this study suggests that early colonizers will gain an advantage to out-compete subsequent arrivals, and these competitive interactions will delay the return of communities to reference condition.  相似文献   

The amounts and forms of potentially mobile phosphorus (P) in surface sediments of Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan lakes were evaluated during winter and summer using a sequential chemical extraction. Five sedimentary P fractions were separately quantified: loosely sorbed P (NH4Cl-P), iron-associated P (BD-P), calcium- bound P (HCl-P), metal oxide bound P (NaOH-P), and residual P (organic and refractory P). The results indicated that the fractional composition of the examined lakes was different while the total P concentrations were approached. The inorganic P in the surface sediment mainly consisted of Ca-P followed by Fe-P in Qarun Lake, while Al-P took the second order in Wadi El-Rayan lakes. The ranks order of the different P extracts were HCl-P > residual-P ≈ NaOH-P > NH4Cl-P > BD-P and residual-P > NH4Cl-P > HCl-P > NaOH-P > BD-P for Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan lakes, respectively.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterial toxins, nodularin and microcystin, are highly efficient inhibitors of cellular protein phosphatases. Toxicity primarily evolves following ingestion of cyanobacterial material or toxins and results in liver and renal pathology. Ingestion is the main route of exposure in the World Health Organizations current risk assessment of nodularin and microcystins. Nasally applied microcystin appears to have a 10-fold higher availability and toxicity than orally ingested toxins, suggesting that aerosolized toxins could represent a major risk for human populations close to lakes with cyanobacterial blooms. In this study, nodularin and microcystin levels in aerosols were assessed using high and low volume air samplers for 4, 12 and 24 h periods at lakes Forsyth and Rotorua (South Island, New Zealand). These lakes were experiencing blooms of Nodularia spumigena and Microcystis sp., respectively. Using the high volume samplers up to 16.2 pg m(-3) of nodularin and 1.8 pg m(-3) of microcystins were detected in the air. Aerosolized nodularin and microcystins do not appear to represent an acute or chronic hazard to humans. The latter was concluded based on calculations using average human air intakes, the highest nodularin or microcystin concentrations measured in the air in this study, and assuming inhalatory toxicities comparable to toxicological data obtained following intraperitoneal applications in mice. However, as the toxin concentrations in the air were calculated over extended sampling periods, peak values may be underestimated. Aerosolized toxins should be considered when developing risk assessments particularly for lakeside populations and recreational users where inhalation of cyanotoxins may be a secondary exposure source to a primary oral exposure.  相似文献   

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