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The combination of biomonitoring with standardized grass cultures and deposition monitoring of antimony (Sb), lead (Pb) and 12 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (PAH) was carried out in the conurbation of Munich, Germany in 1993 and resumed at the German-Czech border in 1995. Results from different location types in different areas and years seem to be comparable for Sb and PAH, because relevant background data fit in the same range. Biomonitoring reveals a seasonal course of PAH accumulation. Mean PAH contents are found to be significantly higher in grass cultures at locations along heavily traveled roads, compared to sites in living areas or in a rural background. The traffic related PAH bioaccumulation of both regions fits in the same range, although traffic composition is different and traffic density is ten times smaller at the German-Czech border. Correlation of Pb and Sb bioaccumulation in grass vs. deposition suggested abrasions of brake linings and tires to be one possible emission source. This might be the explanation for the mean contents of Pb and Sb in grass cultures at traffic locations in Munich exceeding those in living or rural areas. Deposition (Bergerhoff method) indicates analogous pollution dynamics in association with traffic. Pb bioaccumulation and deposition along the main roads at the German-Czech border show wider ranges compared to Munich. On the whole, Pb and Sb values at border traffic are found to be lower than those in Munich two years previously.  相似文献   

The greenhouse gases subject to emission reduction commitments under the UN Climate Convention include the fluorinated compounds sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The present study projects the emissions of these gases in Germany over the 1995–2010 period, with and without additional emission abatement efforts In the business-as-usual scenario, total emissions of the three fluorinated gases rise over the 1995–2010 period from 11,1 to 27.4 million tonnes CO2 equivalent. This rise is attributable to 72% to HFCs, used above all for refrigeration and stationary air-conditioning, for mobile air-conditioning, for blowing extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam and for one-component polyurethane (PU) foam. Soundproof glazing is the largest SF6 emission sector. Most PFC emissions come from semiconductor manufacturing and aluminium smelting. The reduction scenario does not achieve a stabilisation of fluorinated gas emissions either. The rate of growth is only slowed, with 11.1 million tonnes CO2 equivalent in 1995 growing to 14.9 million in 2010. The measures proposed to attenuate emissions growth are: mandatory equipment maintenance in refrigeration and stationary air-conditioning, refrigerant substitution of HFCs by CO2 in mobile air-conditioning, partial HFC substitution by CO2 in XPS foam blowing, 95% HFC substitution by flammable hydrocarbons in one-component PU foam. Complete SF6 phase-out is considered to be feasible in soundproof glazing. The PFC emissions of the semiconductor industry can be cut by 85% by new chamber cleaning technologies.  相似文献   

The influence of salinity and temperature on various life processes of Artemia salina (L.) from the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA, was investigated. Hatching rate, hatching success, energetics and metabolism of hatching, growth rate, maturation rate and reproductive rate were measured at all combinations of 4 temperature levels (10°, 15°, 20°, 30°C) and 4 salinity levels (5, 15, 32, 70‰S). Optimal temperature-salinity combinations differ for different life cycle stages and parameters. The hatching rate rises with increased temperature and sinks with increased salinity. Hatching success is optimal at 20°C and 32‰S. Larval growth is best at 30°C and 15‰S; however, the maximum growth is attained at 20°C and 32‰S. Maturation rate, onset of reproduction, interval between clutches as well as the total number of offspring are primarily influenced by temperature, whereas the clutch size is a function of salinity. As the temperature is lowered, the capacity to survive low salinities is decreased. At low temperature, reproduction is only possible at high salinity. The energy consumption of the hatching embryo is primarily determined by the salinity level of the medium and is directly proportional to it. Carbohydrate consumption is under all conditions greatest by weight, but measured by its caloric contribution the relative importance decreases with increased energy drain. Additional energy requirements, particularly during the later stages of hatching, are met by raising fat and protein metabolism, fat being the main energy reserve.  相似文献   

Leachate and groundwater have been investigated at a site contaminated with ammunition residues. The presence of nitroaromatic compounds and their degradation products was investigated by GC-MS-screening methods. Nitro-, amino-nitro-, and amino-aromatic substances of the ?TNT type“ were analyzed along with polar substances such as 3,5-dinitro-o-cresol and 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol. Investigation of these primary metabolites is important for risk assessment and for determining clean-up measures  相似文献   

A mucous gland is described, which is responsible for the production of the slime envelope in scarids and labrids. For this gland the name ‘opercular gland’ is suggested. The gland is developed, to a greater or lesser extent, in most of the genera examined. Morphological and histochemical studies indicate that the form of the gland is characteristic of the genus. Labrids and scarids can be divided, histochemically, into 3 groups: (1) opercular gland secretes only neutral MPS; (2) opercular gland secretes both neutral and weakly acidic MPS; (3) opercular gland secretes neutral MPS, weakly acidic and strongly acidic MPS (the strongly acidic MPS are probably sulphated). Species are found in all 3 groups with granular cells which secrete a tyrosine containing glycoprotein. The fish can be made to produce the mucous envelope by stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system using pilocarpine. It is, therefore, assumed that the gland is controlled by the nervous system. Morphological studies of the gland show that the mucous is normally synthesised only in the evening, i.e. when it is needed; no storage takes place. Continuous light experiments have shown the gland to possess an endogenous rhythm of the same frequency as the fish's activity rhythm. Even those labrids which sleep under sand produce mucous. The average area of the longitudinal section of an opercular gland cell is more than 500 µ2 in those species which produce a complete envelope, and usually somewhat less in the other species examined. The possible importance of the opercular gland in taxonomical and phylogenetical studies is discussed.  相似文献   

This article provides information about a Series dealing with Integrated environmental assessment’ (IEA). We describe the development and the structure of a ‘Graduiertenkolleg’ (interdisciplinary course of study) which has been established in two phases at the University of Kiel from 1996–2002. The central terms ‘integration’, ‘environment’, and ‘assessment’ are discussed. Here, we take a special look at the chances and problems of interdisciplinary cooperation and communication (ecosystem research, jurisprudence, economics, social sciences) with regard to the general subject of IEA as a subject of research and schooling. Finally, we give a short review about the articles in the series.  相似文献   

A slack heap in Saxony serves as an example for the model procedure of evaluation heterogeneous waste sites via sampling as well as statistical and geostatistical data analysis. This paper demonstrates the usefulness of the known regulations for sampling and of the tried and proven geostatistical methods developed for assessing homogeneous wastes and the concornitantly contaminated soil. Emphasized here are the contents of iron and sulfur. Considered in addition are the concentrations of arsenic and the heat loss. To establish a conclusion, the variograms of the original data are used to evaluate the waste site in different directions and at determined depths. With the aid of a spot interpolation, further data can be calculated for additional sites which have not been sampled and can be used consequently for displaying the spatial variability. Finally, the statistical data analysis is applied using the standard methods of random sampling as an alternative to the geostatistical modeling. In this manner, the consequences for the sampling strategy can be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Exhaust fumes of paraffin, beeswax and stearin candles without any further paint or decorative element were analysed for the toxicological important substance classes of PCDD/PCDF, PAH and short chain aldehydes. The candle waxes and wicks were investigated for chlorinated dioxins, furans and some known precursors. Toxicological risk assessment shows that emissions of the investigated candles are much lower than all administrative limitation values — even under “worst case conditions”. Thus, they do not produce a toxicological risk for human health.  相似文献   

G. Apelt 《Marine Biology》1969,4(4):267-325
Copulation and egg-laying of 3 species of marine Convolutidae are compared and analysed in relation to internal structure, settlement behaviour, and habitat. Convoluta convoluta (Abildgaard) inhabits the sea-weed belt, Archaphanostoma agile (Jensen) the uppermost layer of sediments rich in detritus, and Pseudaphanostoma psammophilum Dörjes the mesopsammal. The structure of sexual organs and the mechanisms of sperm transfer are discussed in regard to phylogenetic lines of development. The complete set of hermaphroditic sexual organs and the mutual copulation in c. convoluta are considered to be primitive. The reduction of the female organs, as well as the pronounced differentiation of the male copulatory organs, and the hypodermal sperm injection in A. agile and P. psammophilum are more advanced. In regard to structure and function of its sexual organs, P. psammophilum is extremely well adapted to its habitat. C. convoluta probably deposits the eggs through its pharynx. In A. agile and P. psammophilum egg-laying is associated with a rupture of the body wall. In general, C. convoluta lays 20 to 30 eggs. A. agile 1 to 7 eggs, in a single mass, a few days after copulation, P. psammophilum produces up to 15 single eggs over a period of up to 20 days after the preceding copulation. Among other features, this fact characterizes P. psammophilum as a typical inhabitant of the mesopsammal. While A. agile and P. psammophilum are capable of producing eggs continously, C. convoluta requires more than 14 days before it is again able to release another egg-mass. If kept isolated, A. agile lays eggs extremely rarely; individuals hatched from such eggs do not survive. Three species of acoelous turbellarians could be cultivated successfully at 16° to 18°C; A. agile and P. psam-mophilum were fed with datoms of the genus Nitzschia; Pseudohaplogonaria vacua Dörjes (Haploposthiidae) fed only on A. agile. In order to prevent bacterial infection, 0.25 g/l p-Aminobenzolsulfonacetamide were added to the sea water used as cultivation medium. Embryogenesis of A. agile and P. psammophilum lasts 2 to 5 days, that of P. vacua, 9 to 15 days. On an average, freshly hatched A. agile require 23 days for attaining sexual maturity, P. psammophilum 33 days, and P. vacua 70 days. Normally, A. agile lays 11 to 12 eggs, P. psammophilum 7 to 8 eggs, within 10 days, while P. vacua lays only sporadically (one specimen produces only about 10 eggs within 200 days). These differences in rates of reproduction correspond to respective differences in rates of loss through predation and population densities in the natural environment. A. agile is especially well suited for laboratory experiments; it can be cultured easily, and is characterized by constant production of eggs, and considerable longevity; even after 19 months, cultured A. agile exhibited undiminished vitality. In A. agile, duration of embryogenesis and postlarval development, as well as egg production, were examined at different constant temperatures. The upper lethal temperature of A. agile is 25° to 26°C; egg production is markedly lower at 22°C than at 16° to 18°C; at 16° to 18°C and at 5° to 6°C, rate of propagation is nearly the same, provided that A. agile has been adapted to a constant temperature of 5° to 6°C for a sufficient period of time. Egg production is considerably diminished at 3° to 4°C; it ceases at-1° to +1°C. A. agile is extremely resistant to starvation. Specimens kept without food first resorb their oocytes, then their sexual organs, and finally the greater part of their somatic cells. Of 15 A. agile, 12 survived after 50 days of starvation; the survivors became reduced to the size of newly-hatched young; they attained their normal size again after a feeding period of 30 days. In 13 species of oviparous acoelous turbellarians, development of living embryos was observed until gastrulation (16-cell stage). These observations, on a wide variety of forms, demonstrated that the “Spiral-Duett-Furchung” represents the typical cleavage modus in the Acoela. Examples are provided of the embryogenesis of A. agile and Archocelis macrorhabditis Dörjes. In the two very small species Diopithoporus brachypharyngeus Dörjes and Acoela gen. spec. 2 (200 to 300 μm) which live in sublittoral fine sand, embryonic development occurs inside the parents. In these species, cleavage could be followed clearly only to the 4-cell stage. Particular attention was paid to embryos which developed atypically; the pertinent results allow a re-interpretation of the reports by Bogomolov (1960) and Steinböck (1966) on the embryogenesis of acoelous turbellarians.  相似文献   

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