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This study compared the use of sentinel species- and community-based field approaches for assessing the biological status of fish living in a river receiving pulp and paper mill effluents. Three approaches were compared. Two approaches used sentinel species. One of these involved an internal/external examination of the fish that leads to the calculation of a fish health assessment index (HAI) and the other involved biochemical measurements of hepatic mixed function oxidase (MFO) activity and plasma steroid levels. The third approach characterized the fish community structure according to an index of biotic integrity (IBI). The comparison focused on how the methods respond to the hypothesis that recent process modifications/effluent treatment changes, resulting in demonstrable improvements in effluent quality, have beneficial effects on fish. Neither of the approaches using sentinel fish indicated clear mill-related influences either before or after the process modifications/effluent treatment changes. There was no evidence of depressed plasma steroids and increased MFO activity in fish frequently associated with mill effluent exposure in previous studies. While the HAI was higher at stations downstream from two mills, this could not be linked to effluent exposure alone. In contrast, the study of community structure showed a substantial improvement in fish assemblages at all the mill sites.  相似文献   

Toxicity of the combined effluent as well as effluents from different production units of BAPACO, a Vietnamese bleached kraft integrated pulp and paper mill, was studied using three ecotoxicological tests: Microtox, the micro-alga, Selenastrum capricornutum, and the duckweed, Lemna aequinoctialis. Physico-chemical characteristics of the effluents were also analyzed. Due to unstable operating conditions of the mill, a number of samples taken at different monitoring periods from each effluent were tested, in order to get statistically reliable ranges and averages of toxicity characteristics. For the mill combined effluent, it was found that the micro-algae were the most sensitive followed by Microtox bacteria, while duckweed was not sensitive. Microtox tests showed that the bleaching filtrate from the chlorination stage (C-stage) was the most toxic among all effluents in the mill. The combined effluent from the bleaching plant contributed the largest TEF (Toxicity Emission Factor) to the toxicity balance of the whole BAPACO combined effluent. A less-than-additive mode of toxicity was obtained. In spite of high pollution loads, e.g. BOD, COD, SS, to the Red River, the toxicity of the effluent was considered to be low. However, during periods of low river water sublethal toxic effects on the biota may be expected.  相似文献   

We determined the potentially algal-available P (P(aa)) in pulp and paper mill effluents by two bioassay techniques (a dual-culture assay and a batch approach) and compared it with chemically analysed P (total P, total dissolved P, reactive P, dissolved reactive P and dissolved hydrolysable P). The mean P(aa) given by the dual-culture assay was within a 40% range of that given by the batch approach. The P(aa) obtained by both bioassays differed from total P. Dissolved reactive P appeared to be the most readily available chemical P fraction, but other P fractions also contributed to P(aa). The analysis of reactive P, which involves direct staining of an unfiltered sample, best approximated the P(aa) given by the dual-culture assay (relative error 9%). The results suggest that assessment of eutrophying effluent P can be improved by analysing simple chemical P fractions in wastewater. The fractions to be analysed, however, may be site specific.  相似文献   

The goal was to determine dissolution potency of betulinol and wood sterols (WSs) from pulp and paper mill-contaminated sediments and the current stratification for assessment the load due to potential erosion in the river-like watercourse. Both compounds are wood extractives, which may be toxic to benthos and fish. This research continues a study in which other wood extractives, resin acids and their derivative, retene, were analysed. Sediments were collected from 1, 3.5, 12, 15, and 33 km downstream from the pulp and paper mills, and from 2 upstream reference sites. The dissolution potency into sediment–water elutriates (1?+?4?v/v) was studied by two agitation times and temperatures. The vertical amounts of extractives were determined from the uppermost 20 cm of sediment. The amounts of extractives potentially released were estimated from the sediment layers 0–2 and 2–5 cm by using spatial interpolation. According to the interpolation, the total amount of betulinol and β-sitosterol was calculated as kg/ha in the whole sediment area. Significant concentrations of betulinol (1,666 μg/g, dw) and WSs (2,886 μg/g, dw) were measured from the sediments. According spatial interpolation, the highest calculated amount of betulinol (4,726 kg/ha) and that of the most abundant WS, β-sitosterol (3,571 kg/ha), were in the lake where the effluents were discharged. In the dissolution experiment, the highest concentration of betulinol in sediment (0–10 cm) and elutriate was 412 μg/g (dw) and 165 μg/l, respectively. For WSs, concentrations were 768 μg/g (dw) in sediment and 273 μg/l in elutriate. In a worst-case scenario, betulinol may be desorbed to water in concentrations which are hazardous to aquatic animals. Instead WSs are not a risk in this study area. The amount of desorption varied depending on the concentration of contaminants in sediment, the nature of disturbance, and the sediment organic carbon content.  相似文献   

To better understand the relationships between pulp manufacturing processes and mixed function oxidase (MFO) enzyme induction in fish, a practical and standardized exposure procedure is required. This study was undertaken to develop a laboratory-based exposure procedure to quantify the relative MFO induction potencies of different types of pulp and paper mill effluents. One major consideration in developing the procedure was to ensure that the protocol was practical so that tests could be performed in a short time, with small volumes of effluents and using simple experimental conditions. A series of concentration-response and time-course experiments were conducted to find the minimum time and effluent concentration which could distinguish the ability of different effluents to cause significant MFO induction in rainbow trout in the laboratory. Experiments were also conducted to determine the effects of biotic and abiotic factors such as loading density, fish size and feeding regime. This study showed that the exposure of rainbow trout in the laboratory to 10% concentration of secondary-treated effluent for 96 h caused significant increases in hepatic MFO activity. The magnitude of MFO induction was comparable to other field and laboratory observations. While fish size, loading density and feeding regime were found to affect the test results, consistent responses within a laboratory using this protocol are possible, provided that these factors are standardized. Therefore, the short-term exposure approach described in this paper could be a relevant tool for assessing the ability of different types of pulp and paper mill effluents to cause MFO induction in fish.  相似文献   

Biosolids produced from pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment have excellent properties as soil conditioners, but often contain high levels of Escherichia coli. E. coli are commonly used as indicators of fecal contamination and health hazard; therefore, their presence in biosolids causes concern and has lead to restrictions in land-spreading. The objectives of this study were to determine the following: (1) if E. coli from the biosolids of a wastewater-free pulp and paper mill were enteric pathogens, and (2) if other waterborne microbial pathogens were present. E. coli were screened for heat-labile and heat-stable enterotoxin and verocytotoxin virulence genes using a polymerase chain reaction. Ten isolates were also screened for invasion-associated locus and invasion plasmid antigen H genes. None of the 120 isolates carried these genes. Tests for seven other microbial pathogens were negative. Effluents and biosolids from this mill do not contain common microbial pathogens and are unlikely to pose a health hazard.  相似文献   

The presence of 26 congeners of polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs) was investigated in salmon from three locations in Finland. In addition to salmon, one chlorophenol wood preservative (Ky-5) and one fly ash sample were analyzed for PCDEs. Concentrations of PCDE congeners in salmon muscle measured by high resolution gas chromatography/low resolution mass spectrometry ranged from < 0.02 to 2.4 ng/g fresh weight. The major components of tetra- to octachlorinated PCDEs in salmon were one TeCDE (22′44′-), two PeCDEs (22′44′5- and 23′44′5-) and three HxCDEs (22′44′56′-, 22′44′55′- and 22′344′5-). The Baltic salmon caught from the Simojoki River had higher levels of PCDEs than the Atlantic salmon from the Tenojoki River or salmon from Lake Saimaa in South-Finland. Same PCDE congeners which were abundant in the wood preservative were also detected in salmon, whereas PCDE congeners in the fly ash were different from those in salmon or in Ky-5.  相似文献   

Garg A  Mishra IM  Chand S 《Chemosphere》2007,66(9):1799-1805
In the present study, catalytic wet oxidation (CWO) was investigated for the destruction of organic pollutants in the thermally pretreated effluent from a pulp and paper mill under moderate temperature and pressure conditions. The thermal pretreatment studies were conducted at atmospheric pressure and 368K using copper sulfate as a catalyst. The thermal pretreatment reduced COD by about 61%. The filtrate of the thermal pretreatment step was used at pH 8.0 for CWO at 383-443K temperature and a total pressure of 0.85MPa for 4h. Catalysts used for the reaction include copper sulfate, 5% CuO/95% activated carbon, 60% CuO/40% MnO(2), and 60% CuO/40% CeO(2). Maximum COD reduction was found to be 89% during CWO step using 5% CuO/95% activated carbon with a catalyst loading of 8gl(-1) at 443K and 0.85MPa total pressure. Overall COD reduction for the pretreatment and the CWO was found to be 96%. Besides this, 60% CuO/40% CeO(2) catalyst also exhibited the similar activity as that of obtained with 5% CuO/95% activated carbon catalyst at 423K temperature and 0.85MPa total pressure. The pH of the solution during the experimental runs decreases initially due to the formation of carboxylic acid and then increases due to the decomposition of acids.  相似文献   

The pulp and paper industry generates large volume of wastewater that adversely affects water resources. Lignin derived macromolecular compounds, similar to natural humic substances, are the main waste products in the pulp mill effluents. The UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopies were used to assess the effect of solar exposition on fulvic acids from a kraft pulp mill effluent. Solar irradiation of the solutions of these fulvic acids caused solution acidification and decay both in the UV-Vis absorbance and in the fluorescence. This decay was not the same for the whole spectra but pointed to the selective photodegradation of lignin typical structures. Furthermore, by sequential ultrafiltration it was found that during irradiation, the high-molecular weight fractions were destroyed and low-molecular-weight constituents, potentially more able to penetrate the cell membranes of living organisms were formed. Photodegradation of macromolecular organic matter from a kraft pulp mill effluent may be a key process occurring in natural waters that modifies the physicochemical properties of such effluents.  相似文献   

Samples of whole effluent and effluent suspended solids from a kraft pulp mill and sediments and biota from Jackfish Bay, Lake Superior were analyzed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs) and dibenzofurans (CDFs). Tetra-CDFs (4CDF) were consistently detected in whole effluent at levels ranging between 0.3 and 1.3 ng/L. Effluent suspended solids also contained 4CDFs as well as traces of 4CDD, 5CDF, 8CDF and 8CDD. The horizontal sediment distribution suggests that the effluent was the only active source of 4CDF in the area but that 8CDD originated from a more general source such as the atmosphere. An abrupt appearance of 4CDF in the more recent sections of a core profile taken in the bay suggests that an operational change at the pulp mill resulted in the formation of 4CDFs in the mill effluent some time after 1973. Moderate values of 4CDF and low values of 4CDD were found in samples of the shrimp confirming the presence of an active source of 4CDF in Jackfish Bay.  相似文献   

Potential human and wildlife exposures to TCDD in landspread pulp and paper mill sludge in the State of Maine were evaluated by means of a human health and an ecological risk assessment methodology. The highest historical concentrations of TCDD reported for these sludges do not present a risk to American woodcock, selected as an indicator species for this analysis. Concentrations of TCDD as high as 50 ppt in soil are not likely to produce adverse effects in the embryonic/hatchling stage of the woodcock. This soil concentration of TCDD does not present a significant risk to sportsmen and their families that may consume birds which inhabit these sites.  相似文献   

On-site measurement of methanethiol (CH3SH) was performed for three years on ships and cars near a pulp and paper plant standing on the shore of Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia, to investigate the behavior and impact of atmospheric CH3SH emitted from a point source. Despite its strong odor, there are few reports on atmospheric CH3SH, while many investigations have been carried out on dimethyl sulfide (DMS). In this work, CH3SH and DMS were measured every 15 min by a recently developed automated instrument based on single column trapping/separation and chemiluminescence measurement. Hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and ozone were also measured simultaneously by individual instruments. Of these sulfur compounds, CH3SH was dominant and its concentration sometimes reached several tens of ppbv. The concentration of CH3SH was high at night, because of the lack of photodecomposition and local winds from the mountain to the lake. Such time variation was marked in the summer. The CH3SH level decreased significantly downwind, while decreases in concentrations of other compounds such as DMS and SO2 were relatively small. From these temporal and spatial variations, the behavior of CH3SH is described in this paper. The impact of CH3SH near the Siberian big sources is discussed with the presented data.  相似文献   

Higher ozone concentrations east of southern Lake Michigan compared to west of the lake were used to test hypotheses about injury and growth effects on two plant species. We measured approximately 1000 black cherry trees and over 3000 milkweed stems from 1999 to 2001 for this purpose. Black cherry branch elongation and milkweed growth and pod formation were significantly higher west of Lake Michigan while ozone injury was greater east of Lake Michigan. Using classification and regression tree (CART) analyses we determined that departures from normal precipitation, soil nitrogen and ozone exposure/peak hourly concentrations were the most important variables affecting cherry branch elongation, and milkweed stem height and pod formation. The effects of ozone were not consistently comparable with the effects of soil nutrients, weather, insect or disease injury, and depended on species. Ozone SUM06 exposures greater than 13 ppm-h decreased cherry branch elongation 18%; peak 1-h exposures greater than 93 ppb reduced milkweed stem height 13%; and peak 1-h concentrations greater than 98 ppb reduced pod formation 11% in milkweed.  相似文献   

Khan RA  Payne JF 《Chemosphere》2002,46(2):235-239
EROD (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase) activity was determined in winter flounder, a sediment-inhabiting and non-migratory fish species, living near a pulp and paper mill in Newfoundland in relation to temperature, gender, sexual maturity, and lesions in the liver. Samples of liver were taken from fish captured by SCUBA divers at 0 degrees C, 5 degrees C and 16 degrees C. Enzymic activity was detected in fish living only above 0 degrees C. Adult males and juvenile fish had higher levels of EROD activity than prespawning females at 5 degrees C. Macrophage aggregates only or occurring simultaneously with bile ductule hyperplasia and clear cell foci in the liver, did not impair EROD activity but necrosis had a negative effect. Results from this study indicate the importance of water temperature, gender, sexual maturity and liver pathology in assessing EROD activity of fish in biomonitoring programs.  相似文献   

The results of a study designed to quantify the levels of PCDD/Fs in boiler and control device ashes resulting from burning sludge of bleached mill origin, admixed with bark, are summarized.  相似文献   

Comprehensive surveys conducted at 5-yr intervals were used to estimate sulfur dioxide (SO,) and nitrogen oxides (NO.) emissions from U.S. pulp and paper mills for 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. Over the 25-yr period, paper production increased by 50%, whereas total SO, emissions declined by 60% to 340,000 short tons (t) and total NO, emissions decreased approximately 15% to 230,000 t. The downward emission trends resulted from a combination of factors, including reductions in oil and coal use, steadily declining fuel sulfur content, lower pulp and paper production in recent years, increased use of flue gas desulfurization systems on boilers, growing use of combustion modifications and add-on control systems to reduce boiler and gas turbine NO, emissions, and improvements in kraft recovery furnace operations.  相似文献   

The paper-making process can produce large amounts of wastewater (WW) with high particulate and dissolved organic loads. Generally, in developed countries, stringent international regulations for environmental protection require pulp and paper mill WW to be treated to reduce the organic load prior to discharge into the receiving environment. This can be achieved by primary and secondary treatments involving both chemical and biological processes. These processes result in complex changes in the nature of the organic material, as some components are mineralised and others are transformed. In this study, changes in the nature of organics through different stages of secondary treatment of pulp and paper mill WW were followed using three advanced characterisation techniques: solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, pyrolysis-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (py-GCMS) and high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). Each technique provided a different perspective on the changes that occurred. To compare the different chemical perspectives in terms of the degree of similarity/difference between samples, we employed non-metric multidimensional scaling. Results indicate that NMR and HPSEC provided strongly correlated perspectives, with 86 % of the discrimination between the organic samples common to both techniques. Conversely, py-GCMS was found to provide a unique, and thus complementary, perspective.  相似文献   

Acidification can affect aquatic organisms directly through hydrogen ion toxicity, and indirectly through disrupted food web dynamics and altered abiotic conditions. Field populations from selected taxa were studied during the Little Rock Lake whole-basin acidification experiment to illustrate patterns whose timing suggests direct (i.e. immediate) or indirect (i.e. delayed or non-uniform) responses to pH change. As the treatment basin was acidified to pH 5.6, 5.2 and 4.7, immediate changes consistent with a direct pH response were observed for species representing several trophic levels. For other taxa (e.g. littoral invertebrates associated with filamentous algal mats, several species of pelagic zooplankton), indirect mechanisms induced by food web changes were more likely explanations for abundance patterns. The results presented here suggest that the responses of aquatic ecosystems to acidification involve a complex interplay between direct pH effects and subsequent indirect interactions.  相似文献   

Organic pollutants, especially polychlorinated hydrocarbons, phenols, guaiacols and catechols have been studied by analyses of snow samples from North Pole, May 1984. All of these pollutants were below the limit of determination which was estimated to be as fallout 0.1–0.05 μg/m2 for individual compounds. For comparison, snow samples from Central Finland and South Finland 1983–1985 also showed non-detectable levels of chlorinated hydrocarbons but well measurable levels of chlorophenol compounds which were significantly higher at urban (heavy traffic) than rural and higher at South than Central Finnish places, respectively. One sample from Lapland, North Finland 1985, however, had no measurable amounts of chlorophenols like the North Pole sample.  相似文献   

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