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Divergence at gamete recognition loci is hypothesized to result in speciation in broadcast spawning invertebrates. Many gamete recognition loci evolve quickly and show patterns of positive selection, yet the advantage of divergence is rarely known. M7 lysin is a sperm protein in the Mytilus edulis species complex that shows evidence of adaptive evolution. This locus is polymorphic with two distinct clades within Mytilus galloprovincialis, one of which, the D clade, shows the strongest signal of positive selection. We tested whether the geographic patterns in allele frequency were consistent with the hypothesis that positive selection on D clade alleles (G D ) was due to reinforcement. Populations of M. edulis showed little evidence of introgression of G D alleles, but there was no consistent evidence of reproductive character displacement. The lack of consistent patterns expected of reinforcement suggests that another mechanism is likely responsible for the adaptive divergence of M7 lysin.  相似文献   

Hilbish  T. J. 《Marine Biology》1985,85(2):163-169
Feeding rates, patterns of prey selection, and starvation tolerance were investigated for adult males and females of the cyclopoid copepod Corycaeus anglicus collected from the waters of Friday Harbor, Washington, USA. Selection by C. anglicus was determined largely by prey body-size, but was also affected by species and developmental stage. Small developmental stages of all prey species were fed upon at relatively low rates. The small calanoid species Acartia clausii was increasingly vulnerable to predation by C. anglicus as it progressed through successive developmental stages. Larger prey species, Pseudocalanus sp. and Calanus pacificus, were more vulnerable in intermediate stages, the C3 and N6 stages, respectively. Larger and smaller prey were characteristically attacked at different sites on their bodies; however, attack sites fell within a similar range of body widths, 130 to 170 m. Males of Corycaeus anglicus killed a maximum of 1.4 prey d-1 when feeding on the optimally-sized adult females of Acartia clausii, which are approximately equivalent to its own body length. Males fed at approximately double the rates of females. Despite its small size and apparent lack of metabolic stores, this cyclopoid is highly tolerant of starvation conditions. Median survival time without food is at least 2 wk for both males and females. In its predatory behavior, C. anglicus employs an ambush-type strategy and seems to be adapted for infrequent encounters with relatively large prey.Contribution No. 1412 from the School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle  相似文献   

The influence of wave exposure and of tidal height on mussel (Perna perna Linnaeus) population structure (size, density, biomass and adult/juvenile correlations) was examined at 18 sites along the south coast of South Africa. Sites were classified as exposed or sheltered prior to sampling, without reference to the biota, on the basis of aspect, topography and wave regime. A single set of samples was collected from each site during three spring tide cycles. Adult mussels on these shores almost always attach directly to the rocks, and layering of mussels is virtually absent. Shore height always had a strong influence on population structure, but exposure had significant effects only lower on the shore, and almost exclusively on mussel sizes. Principal component analysis (PCA), based on size distribution data for each population, revealed a general upshore decrease in the modal size of the adult cohort. The effects of exposure on size distribution, however, varied with tidal height. PCA separated exposed zones, with larger mussels, from sheltered zones on the low-shore. Farther upshore the two shore types were increasingly confounded. The maximum size of mussels showed a similar pattern, with significant differences (ANOVA, p < 0.05) between exposed and sheltered sites only on the low- and mid-shores. Density was calculated from randomly placed quadrats (i.e. not necessarily from areas of 100% cover) and showed a different pattern. Adult (>15 mm) densities decreased up the shore, with low-, mid- and high-shore zones being significantly different from one another (ANOVA, p < 0.0001; followed by multiple range tests). However, exposure had no significant effect on density, nor was there a significant interaction with zone. Recruit (<15 mm) densities were positively correlated with adult (>15 mm) densities in all zones and for both exposure regimes ( p < 0.05 in all cases), but there was considerable variability and extremely low predictability in these relationships (r 2 generally <0.2). Predictability tended to be greater towards the high-shore, where adults were more clumped. As with density, biomass was not affected by exposure, but decreased upshore as mean size and density decreased. A reduction in the influence of exposure farther upshore may be caused by greater emersion overriding the effects of exposure. The presence of free space within mussel beds and significant correlations between recruit and adult densities suggest that these mussel populations are recruit limited. Received: 7 January 2000 / Accepted: 6 July 2000  相似文献   

Two species of marine mussel, Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis hybridize on the coasts of western Europe. Studies of hybrid mussel populations have shown that natural selection favors M. galloprovincialis-like genotypes within this hybrid zone. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain differential mortality in these populations. This study tests two hypotheses addressing factors of mortality in a population, and describes yearly energy storage and reproductive cycles of these two species and their hybrids. No evidence was found that the two taxa have different overall levels of reproductive effort or parasite infestation. They do, however, have asynchronous spawning periods and divergent energy storage strategies. In the year of this study, 1993, the M. edulis genotypic class spawned as a group in June and July. After spawning, they built up a high level of mantle energy-storage tissues that are probably used for gametogenesis in the following winter and spring. The M. galloprovincialis genotypic group, however, spawned asynchronously, beginning in June and finishing by August, and did not build up high levels of energy-storage tissues in summer. These results add a temporal component to the interpretation of selective forces acting to shape this hybrid zone. Vulnerability of each species to mortality factors may differ because of their divergent reproductive and energy-storage cycles. Received: 15 January 1999 / Accepted: 26 July 2000  相似文献   

The mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is highly invasive worldwide, but displays varying degrees of local and regional coexistence with indigenous mussels through spatial habitat segregation. We investigated the roles of settlement, post-settlement mortality, juvenile growth and recruitment in partial habitat segregation between the invasive M. galloprovincialis and the indigenous mussel Perna perna on the south coast of South Africa. We used two study locations, Plettenberg Bay and Tsitsikamma, 70 km apart, with two sites (separated by 300–400 m) per location, each divided into three vertical zones. There were no significant effects in Tsitsikamma, where daily settlement and monthly recruitment were significantly lower than in Plettenberg Bay. In Plettenberg Bay, settlement (primary and secondary) and recruitment of both species decreased upshore. Post-settlement mortality was measured over two consecutive 6-day periods during a spring tide and a neap tide. For both species mortality was low on the low-shore. High-shore mortality was consistently low for M. galloprovincialis, but increased dramatically for P. perna during spring tide. No data were obtained for growth of P. perna, but juvenile M. galloprovincialis grew more slowly farther upshore. P. perna recruited mainly in spring and summer, with a peak in summer far greater than for M. galloprovincialis. Recruitment of M. galloprovincialis was more protracted, continuing through autumn and winter. Thus local coexistence is due to a combination of pre- and post-recruitment factors differing in importance for each species. P. perna is excluded from the high-shore by recruitment failure (low settlement, high mortality). High survival and slow growth in juveniles may allow large densities of M. galloprovincialis to accumulate there, despite low settlement rates. With no differences between species in settlement or mortality on the low-shore, exclusion of M. galloprovincialis from that zone is likely to be by post-recruitment processes, possibly strengthened by periodic heavy recruitments of P. perna. At larger scales, larval retention and protracted recruitment contribute to the success of M. galloprovincialis at Plettenberg Bay, while recruitment limitation may explain why M. galloprovincialis is less successful at other sites.  相似文献   

Microphallus papillorobustus is a manipulative trematode that induces strong behavioural alterations in the gamaridean amphipod Gammarus insensibilis, making the amphipod more vulnerable to predation by aquatic birds (definitive hosts). Conversely, the sympatric nematode Gammarinema gammari uses Gammarus insensibilis as a habitat and a source of nutrition. We investigated the conflict of interest between these two parasite species by studying the consequences of mixed infection on amphipod behaviour associated with the trematode. In the field, some amphipods infected by the trematode did not display the altered behaviour. These normal amphipods also had more nematodes, suggesting that the nematode overpowered the manipulation of the trematode, a strategy that would prolong the nematode's life. We hypothesize that sabotage of the trematode by the nematode would be an adaptive strategy for the nematode consistent with recent speculation about co-operation and conflict in manipulative parasites. A behavioural test conducted in the laboratory from naturally infected amphipods yielded the same result. However, exposing amphipods to nematodes did not negate or decrease the manipulation exerted by the trematode. Similarly, experimental elimination of nematodes from amphipods did not permit trematodes to manipulate behaviour. These experimental data do not support the hypothesis that the negative association between nematodes and manipulation by the trematode is a result of the "sabotage" hypothesis.  相似文献   

What are the local community consequences of changes in regional species richness and composition? To answer this question we followed the assembly of microarthropod communities in defaunated areas of moss, embedded in a larger moss "region." Regions were created by combining moss from spatially distinct sites, resulting in regional species pools that differed in both microarthropod richness and composition, but not area. Regional effects were less important than seasonality for local richness. Initial differences in regional richness had no direct effect on local species richness at any time along a successional gradient of 0.5-16 months. The structure of the regional pool affected both local richness and local composition, but these effects were seasonally dependent. Local species richness differed substantially between dates along the successional gradient and continued to increase 16 months after assembly began. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first critical test of saturation theory that experimentally manipulates regional richness. Further, our results failed to support the most important mechanisms proposed to explain the local richness-regional richness relationship. The results demonstrate that complicated interactions between assembly time, seasonality, and regional species pools contribute to structuring local species richness and composition in this community.  相似文献   

Satin bowerbird parasites: a test of the bright male hypothesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The number of a common parasite (Cuclotogaster sp.) on male satin bowerbirds was related to male mating success in a test of Hamilton and Zuk's (1982) bright male hypothesis. The data do not show the expected inverse correlation between female mating preferences and the level of parasitic infection of males predicted by that model. Nearly all matings are accomplished by bower-holding males (Borgia 1985a), but the vast majority of these males were uninfected. There were large differences in mating success among the uninfected bower holders, but this could not be explained by between male differences in the level of parasitic infection. From this I conclude that levels of parasitic infection are not now an important direct cause of intermale variation in mating success. The results are, however, consistent with a hypothesis that a low level of infection is indicative of the overall healthy condition of a male. If this is true, it supports the hypothesis that the ability to hold a bower may be an indicator of male condition to females.  相似文献   

Summary In many altricial species including the great tit (Parus major) the intensity of brood defense against predators has been shown to increase with the age of the offspring. This effect has been ascribed amongst others to the young becoming more vulnerable as they age (vulnerability hypothesis). In a great tit population suffering heavy losses from brood depredation by the great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopus major), we rendered first and second broods more vulnerable by artificially enlarging the entrance of the nest hole. Contrary to the vulnerability hypothesis, 16 experimental pairs defended their brood against a dummy great spotted woodpecker less vigorously than did 16 control pairs. Nest concealment behavior potentially compromising active defense was minimized by simultaneous playback of nestling distress calls, thus simulating the act of nest predation. This leaves the brood value hypothesis as an alternative functional explanation of the defense level — age effect. It predicts that parents should defend their brood in proportion to the reproductive value (or some more suitable cohortal equivalent measure) of their offspring. At present, this explanation pertains to one predator species. In first broods, but not in second broods, males defended them more vigorously than did their females. While this parallels previous experiments on brood defense against predators posing a much greater risk to the parents, two functional explanations previously put forward can hardly apply.  相似文献   

Populations of Mercenaria mercenaria (L.) from South Carolina, USA, and M. campechiensis (Gmelin) from the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, USA, were sampled in 1987. The two species differed at all of seven enzyme loci tested, as well as in the thickness of shell ridges and nacre color. The difference in lunule shape was not great, although differences in relative shell width, shell weight, and lunule size make morphometric discrimination between the species possible. Shell ridges, nacre color, and multivariate morphometrics in a sample of clams collected from the Indian River Lagoon on the Atlantic coast of Florida in 1985 do not assort independently. Individuals with thick ridges, white nacre, and/or campechiensis-like morphometrics have significantly different allele frequencies at most enzyme loci from individuals with thin ridges, purple nacre, and/or mercenaria-like morphometrics. The deviations are in the direction predicted from the analysis of the allopatric populations of M. mercenaria and M. campechiensis. M. mercenaria outnumber M. campechiensis in the Indian River sample, but the majority of the clams seem to be hybrids.Contribution No. 235 from South Carolina Marine Resources Center  相似文献   

Avian sibling aggression plays an important role in controlling food distribution among nest mates. The food-amount hypothesis predicts that the amount of food obtained by siblings acts as a proximate cue controlling their level of aggression. The importance of this cue to cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) in Oklahoma was evaluated by studying parental feeding rates, food distribution among nestlings, and nestling aggression in three-chick broods [A-(oldest), B-, and C-chicks]. We compared nests in which siblicide occurred to nests where all three chicks survived (nonsiblicide nests). Relative to nonsiblicide nests, siblicide nests received decreasing amounts of food as the day of siblicide approached. Similarly, aggression levels of all three chicks in siblicide nests increased significantly compared with nonsiblicide nests, with most of the aggressive behavior involving B- and C-chicks. As a result, on a per-day basis, food amount and aggression exhibited a strong, negative correlation, thus providing support for the food-amount hypothesis. Though the total amount of food delivered to siblicide nests declined on the days prior to siblicide, the amount of food received by A-chicks in these nests did not. Relative to nonsiblicide nests, A-chicks in siblicide nests received an increased share (percent of volume) of the food delivered at the expense of C-chicks, with the percent remaining the same for B-chicks. The percentage of food B-chicks received the day after siblicide increased significantly from that received the day before siblicide, with no change occurring in either the amount or percentage of food received by A-chicks; clearly, B-chicks were the beneficiary of their aggressive actions that resulted in the death of C-chicks. We provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that aggression is proximately linked to food amount, possibly by a relatively simple cue such as hunger. Received: 25 November 1994/Accepted after revision: 10 February 1996  相似文献   

Mussel samples were collected from a hybrid mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis and M. edulis) Population at Croyde, southwest England, in January, March and May 1990. The strength of attachment of each mussel to the substrate was measured with a spring balance. A number of diagnostic characters were also recorded. These are shell lengh, width and height, mantle colour and genotype at two allozyme loci, esterase-D and octopine dehydrogenase. Multiple-regression analysis was used to assess the effect of the diagnostic characters on strength of attachment as dependent variable. Mussels possessing the relatively high shells and darker mantle colouration characteristic of M. galloprovincialis had higher values, on average, for strength of attachment than mussels resembling M. edulis. Phenotypically intermediate mussels had intermediate values for strength of attachment. The results suggest an adaptive difference which can account for reports of differential mortality acting in favour of M. galloprovincialiis.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲潮沟湿地植被空间分布对土壤环境的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵欣胜  崔保山  孙涛  贺强 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1855-1861
潮沟在黄河三角洲广泛存在,且分布有多种独特的湿地植被类型。通过设置有代表性的28个样地,获取了植被种类、多度和土壤环境因子数据;并运用双指示物种(TWINSPAN),对黄河三角洲潮沟分布区植被进行了群落类型划分,得出研究区共有7种类型植物群落;同时利用典范对应分析(CCA)阐明了这些植被群落空间分布与土壤环境因子之间的关系,其分析结果显示构成黄河三角洲土壤盐分的主要是Cl-和Na+,距离海洋的远近和土壤含水量共同影响土壤含盐量,盐地碱蓬和中华柽柳分布主要取决于土壤含盐量、Na+含量及距离海洋距离,而各种植被类型的分布与土壤全磷(TP)、全氮(TN)、有机质、Ca2+及Mg2+含量存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

V. Talbot 《Marine Biology》1987,94(4):557-560
Regression analysis on data collected from Port Phillip Bay and Western Port, Australia in 1979 shows that there is a significant equilibrium relationship between total recoverable lead in seawater and its concentrations in the mussel Mytilus edulis (P<0.001). The concentration of lead in seawater should not exceed 1.27 g l-1 if the mussel is not to reach a lead concentration of 2.5 mg kg-1 wet weight, a value frequently used as a food standard for human consumption. When a lead value of 2.5 mg kg-1 wet weight is reached, the concentration factor by mussels for lead from seawater is 1969. The critical value of 1.27 g l-1 could be used as a marine water-quality criterion for lead in waters where mussels are harvested.  相似文献   

In Ireland, mussels on exposed rocky shores constitute an interbreeding mixture of two forms of mussels, the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, and the Mediterranean mussel, M. galloprovincialis. Results from an Irish study in the 1980s, using partially diagnostic allozyme markers, indicated that mussels higher up the shore were more galloprovincialis-like than those lower down. In this study we set out to test two hypotheses: (a) recruits arriving on the shore are composed of genetically distinct cohorts that settle preferentially at different levels on the shore, and maintain genetic distinctiveness into adulthood; (b) recruits are genetically homogeneous, but once settled they diverge genetically over time, due to within-habitat site specific-selection. The diagnostic Me 15/16 DNA marker was used to analyse the genetic composition of newly-settled spat recruiting to artificial substrates, which were placed at two-week intervals from May–October 2002, on the mid- and low shore areas of two exposed sites in Galway Bay. Adult mussels were also collected on each sampling date. Results did not support the preferential settlement hypothesis, i.e., the genetic composition of primary settlers (≤ 500 μm) was similar between tidal heights and shores. Neither was there evidence of post settlement selective mortality, as adults were genetically similar to settling spat. In spat and adults the frequency of the M. galloprovincialis allele was high (0.56–0.80), due to high frequencies of M. galloprovincialis (> 37%) and hybrid (> 33%) genotypes, and correspondingly low frequencies of the M. edulis genotype (< 11%). Adult mussels from a nearby sheltered estuarine site, while significantly different to exposed shore mussels, still had low frequencies of the M. edulis genotype (< 17%), indicating no apparent advantage for the genotype in this environment. There are indications that the genetic composition of mussels may be changing on the Atlantic coasts of Ireland.  相似文献   

In some vertebrate species, parents create a large brood or litter then, in the event of unfavourable ecological conditions, apparently allow the number of offspring to be adaptively reduced through siblicide. But how is sibling aggression regulated so that deaths occur only in unfavourable conditions? One proposed mechanism is brood size-dependent aggression. Two experiments tested for this mechanism by reducing three-chick broods of blue-footed boobies either during or after the period of dominance hierarchy establishment. In neither experiment did aggression of the two eldest and highest ranking chicks decline after removal of the youngest broodmate, in comparison with controls. These results suggest that dominant booby chicks do not become less aggressive to each other after disappearance of their youngest broodmate and that this species does not show brood size dependent aggression. Elder blue-footed booby chicks increase their attacks on broodmates when they receive less food, and this mechanism may be sufficient to tailor brood size to food availability.  相似文献   

Mating behaviour and mating patterns are affected to a large extent by body size in both hermaphrodites and gonochorists. Detailed research on mating patterns, mate choice, pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection in marine pulmonates is wanting, thus warranting more attention as a study system in the future. The simultaneous hermaphroditic limpet Siphonaria capensis (Pulmonata: Basommatophora) shows size-dependent fecundity, and acts as a suitable organism to test the effects of body size on mating patterns, mating success, gender expression and reciprocity in hermaphroditic marine gastropods. We mainly used bootstrap resampling techniques to estimate the effects of different factors on mating patterns. In the populations studied, a strong size-assortative mating pattern was observed, where small-scale spatial distribution of potential mating partners (the mate availability hypothesis) could explain 65% of this pattern, while mate choice and mating constraints explaining the rest. No significant difference in mating success between limpets with different body size was found, even though in one population, the sperm recipients were larger than the non-copulating limpets. Interestingly, we found that intromission was non-reciprocal during copulations. This may mean that this species does not conform to the common rule of reciprocity predicted for hermaphrodites, unless there is sex-role alternation between individuals in a mating pair. The mating partners consisted of similar sized, acting males and females, thus without any indication of the body size determining the gender expression. The matings took place in early mornings only at spring tides and the animals were observed laying egg masses only during neap tides. Since siphonariid limpets possess both a spermatheca and a seminal vesicle, which may have either a sperm storing and/or digestive function, post-copulatory sexual selection (e.g., sperm competition) cannot be dismissed.  相似文献   

Eggs of several brood parasites have thicker and stronger shells than expected for their size. The present study evaluated the puncture resistance hypothesis for the occurrence of thick-shelled eggs in common cuckoos Cuculus canorus by investigating costs of cuckoo egg ejection in four Acrocephalus warblers—the great reed warbler A. arundinaceus, reed warbler A. scirpaceus, marsh warbler A. palustris and sedge warbler A. schoenobaenus. The three latter species all suffered ejection costs, while ejection was not costly in the larger great reed warbler. The occurrence of ejection costs was negatively related to host bill size. In the marsh warbler, we compared ejection costs in naturally parasitized nests and two experimental treatments, in which broods were parasitized artificially with great reed warbler and conspecific eggs. Hosts damaged their own eggs significantly more often when ejecting the thick-shelled cuckoo eggs than when ejecting the similarly sized but thinner-shelled great reed warbler eggs, providing some support for the puncture resistance hypothesis. Ejection of conspecific eggs did not involve any costs. Furthermore, contrary to predictions derived from the laying damage hypothesis, there was no evidence that egg damage was associated with cuckoo egg laying. Hosts damaging their own eggs during ejection were more likely to subsequently desert their clutches than those that did not. The frequency of clutches smeared with the contents of the ejected egg were positively related to the hypothesized difficulty of foreign egg puncturing. Potential advantages of thicker shells in common cuckoo eggs are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary During the nonbreeding season, adult Anna and black-chinned hummingbirds (Calypte anna and Archilochus alexandri) have lower defense costs and more exclusive territories than juveniles. Adult C. anna are victorious over juveniles in aggressive encounters, and tend to monopolize the most temporally predictable resources.Juveniles are more successful than adults at stealing food from territories (the primary alternative to territoriality), presumably because juveniles are less brightly colored. Juveniles have lighter wing disc loading than adults, and consequently should have lower rates of energy expenditure during flight. Reduced flight expenditures may be more important for juveniles because their foraging strategy requires large amounts of flight time. These results support the contention of the asymmetry hypothesis that dominance can result from a contested resource being more valuable to one contestant than to the other.Among juveniles, defence costs are also negatively correlated with age and coloration; amount of conspicucus coloration is negatively correlated with the number of bill striations, an inverse measure of age.  相似文献   

Summary Hamilton and Zuk (1982) suggested that secondary sexual characters evolve because they allow females to assess a potential mate's ability to resist parasites. A prediction of this theory is that the degree of elaboration of secondary sexual characters should be positively correlated with parasite load across species. In support of their hypothesis, Hamilton and Zuk reported a correlation across North American passerine species between haematozoa prevalence and both brightness and song complexity and variety, scored on a subjective six point scale. Here we show that this relationship is confounded by phylogenetic associations. We use quantitative data on song duration, inter-song interval, song continuity, song rate, song versatility, and song and syllable repertoire size for 131 species of European and North American passerines to test the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis. Across species, there are significant negative relationships between haematozoa prevalence and song continuity, contrary to the direction predicted by Hamilton and Zuk. In accordance with their prediction, there is a positive correlation with song versatility. However, these relationships come about through taxonomic associations: within taxa there are no consistent relationships between any of the song variables and haematozoa prevalence. None of the other song variables correlate with haematozoa prevalence. We conclude that there is no evidence of an association between song elaboration and parasites. Offprint requests to: A.F. Read  相似文献   

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