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Delhi is one of the many megacities struggling with punishing levels of pollution from industrial, residential, and transportation sources. Over the years, pollution abatement in Delhi has become an important constituent of state policies. In the past one decade a lot of policies and regulations have been implemented which have had a noticeable effect on pollution levels. In this context, air quality models provide a powerful tool to study the impact of development plans on the expected air pollution levels and thus aid the regulating and planning authorities in decision-making process. In air quality modeling, emissions in the modeling domain at regular interval are one of the most important inputs. From the annual emission data of over a decade (1990–2000), emission inventory is prepared for the megacity Delhi. Four criteria pollutants namely, CO, SO2, PM, and NO x are considered and a gridded emission inventory over Delhi has been prepared taking into account land use pattern, population density, traffic density, industrial areas, etc. A top down approach is used for this purpose. Emission isopleths are drawn and annual emission patterns are discussed mainly for the years 1990, 1996 and 2000. Primary and secondary areas of emission hotspots are identified and emission variations discussed during the study period. Validation of estimated values is desired from the available data. There is a direct relationship of pollution levels and emission strength in a given area. Hence, an attempt has been made to validate the emission inventory for all criteria pollutants by analyzing emissions in various sampling zones with the ambient pollution levels. For validation purpose, the geographical region encompassing the study area (Delhi) has been divided into seven emission zones as per the air quality monitoring stations using Voronoi polygon concept. Dispersion modeling is also used for continuous elevated sources to have the contributing emissions at the ground level to facilitate validation. A good correlation between emission estimates and concentration has been found. Correlation coefficient of 0.82, 0.77, 0.58 and 0.68 for CO, SO2, PM and NO x respectively shows a reasonably satisfactory performance of the present estimates.  相似文献   

为研究新冠肺炎疫情期间冀南地区空气质量变化规律,明确防疫管控措施对空气质量的具体影响及大气污染物排放特征,笔者综合分析了研究区域的常规监测数据和部分大气超级站的PM2.5组分数据。结果表明:疫情防控重点区域石家庄市、邢台市空气质量整体好转,细颗粒物和一次排放气态污染物浓度下降明显,PM2.5来源中燃煤、生物质燃烧源占比上升,机动车尾气源占比下降,体现出交通管制、企业限产和道路工地扬尘管理等环保措施的有效性。疫情防控高风险区域石家庄市藁城区出现了明显的NO2浓度降低、PM2.5污染好转现象,而O3浓度显著升高成为新的特征污染物。结果显示,藁城区综合防疫管控举措对本地一次排放污染物起到了明显抑制作用。疫情防控核心区域藁城区增村镇因实行最严格的封村、限行、停产等措施,人为污染源排放"触底",6项监测指标中除O3浓度同比、环比均大幅度升高外,其他污染物浓度全时段降低,SO2和CO昼夜差距缩小,环境质量明显优于周边乡镇。分析认为大规模持续化学消杀可能对O3浓度升高有影响,此问题需要进一步探讨。  相似文献   

对比分析法在环境空气质量预报业务中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析京津冀及周边区域环境空气质量预报的实际案例,从实时监测、污染源、大气条件以及数值预报模拟4个方面阐述了对比分析法在空气质量预报业务中的应用,帮助预报员比较类似污染源排放条件下的大气条件变化或者类似大气条件下的污染源变化,以便进一步开展量化分析。研究结果显示:利用时间同比、空间比较和大气条件对比的分析方法,能够判断在类似污染源排放和相似大气条件下,主要污染物的浓度水平、重污染发生、影响范围、持续时间、严重程度等污染特征以及污染物的水平传输影响等;采用污染源变化对比分析法,能够获得在类似大气条件下,污染源排放的减少或剧增对主要污染物浓度水平的影响程度;通过数值预报模式结果对比分析,能够获得在类似的污染源排放条件下,大气环流形势的稳定程度和变化情况,从而判断其对污染物浓度水平的影响。对比分析法是开展京津冀及周边区域环境空气质量预报业务中的重要环节,有利于持续提高空气质量预报的准确率,供全国空气质量预报员开展辖区空气质量预报时参考。  相似文献   

北京市建筑施工裸地的空间分布及扬尘效应   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
北京市作为中国典型的快速城市化大城市之一,大规模的城市建设使得城市内部存在大量的建筑施工裸地,工地扬尘效应造成了严重的大气颗粒物污染。以北京市平原区为研究区,首先利用高分辨率卫星数据反演了建筑施工裸地的空间分布格局,在此基础上,结合建筑施工裸地的扬尘排放因子,在空间上定量分析建筑施工裸地的扬尘效应。结果显示,2012年全市平原区建筑施工裸地总面积为140.77 km2,主要分布在城市核心区向外拓展的城乡过渡带。建筑施工裸地的扬尘效应分析中发现北京市平原区建筑施工裸地中TSP、PM10和PM2.5的排放量分别是31.53、16.66、9.16万吨,并且这些污染物的排放量在城市发展新区与功能拓展区中较高,生态涵养发展区较小。以北京市的建筑施工裸地为例,示范了以遥感为技术手段结合污染排放因子的城市内部典型面源污染的监测和污染排放定量化,为今后面源污染的快速准确监测开辟了新的研究思路。  相似文献   

对南通市区2022年4月初因疫情防控采取全区域静态管理期间的空气质量进行分析,以气象参数、臭氧前体物VOCs和NOx作为分析对象。结果表明:此次污染过程的主导因素是高温、强辐射、低湿和偏南风的气象条件。南通市区处于VOCs控制区,高温、强辐射使得VOCs挥发性增强,浓度升高。偏南方向的苏通园区和能达公园VOCs浓度较高且升幅较大,源解析结果表明这2个点位涂料溶剂使用占比升幅更高,既容易受附近石化和储油库影响,也容易受偏南风向的污染输送影响。据初步统计,静态管理期间南通市区停工数量为80%左右,污染期间NO2浓度高值区主要分布在沿江一带,长江南岸的张家港和常熟地区存在多家高排放企业,在偏南风下,张家港和常熟的污染物极易输送至南通市区。基于空气质量模型WRF-CAMx的O3和PM2.5来源解析结果显示,静态管理期间外来输送明显,占比为68.7%~84.7%。污染期间的船舶排放和二次转化贡献也不容忽视。建议南通市应重点加强工业、油气挥发和涂料溶剂源减排,同时加强区域联防联控,以便进一步改善空气质量。  相似文献   

多年来,临汾市多次名列我国生态环境部公布的空气质量最差的重点城市之列,对其大气污染的时间分布特征和潜在源区进行分析对其环境管理与污染防治具有重要意义。利用2015—2019年临汾市5个国控空气环境质量监测站点的6种空气污染物(SO2、NO2、CO、O3、PM2.5和PM10)浓度数据和气象观测数据,使用HYSPLIT模型研究了该市空气污染物的时间变化特征、轨迹输送特征和可能的来源。结果表明,PM2.5和PM10的年均浓度均超过了《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)Ⅱ级标准,SO2仅在2016—2017年超过该标准,其余3种污染物的年均浓度均低于该标准。6种污染物2015—2019年的月均浓度的变化特征表现为O3浓度呈以6、7月为中心的近似正态分布,SO2、NO2和CO以及PM2.5和PM10浓...  相似文献   

利用AQI和PM_(2. 5)质量浓度、地面气象要素、NCEP、ERSST_V3、GBL等资料,对2016年12月29日至2017年1月5日洞庭湖区一次重度空气污染过程成因进行了分析。结果表明,静稳天气形势下的累积效应和本地持续升温、降压、增湿、小风导致污染物浓度不断增加。本地风速与雨量对污染物浓度产生显著影响。降温前风速明显加大,有利于污染物快速扩散。湿度增加有利于污染物吸湿性增长,但高湿易引起降水有利于污染物的湿清除。此次重度空气污染过程中大气稳定度为中性或稳定,14:00混合层高度逐渐降低且重度空气污染日降至100 m以下。污染物空间分布与主导风向和污染通道密切相关。气流后向轨迹分析表明,洞庭湖区各地气流来源和影响路径差异明显,且存在大范围区域性同步污染现象。北方外来污染源是洞庭湖区重要的污染面源,本地工业污染排放点源和地理条件也是洞庭湖区空气污染物空间分布差异的重要因素。  相似文献   

应用数据统计和ArcGIS对北方重工业城市唐山地区2014年14个县(区)18个空气自动监测站的数据进行时空分布特征分析,监测的污染物为PM_(10)、SO_2、NO_2、PM_(2.5)、O_3、CO共6项。利用ArcGIS对各个自动监测站污染物数据建立网格模型,采用反距离权重法分别对年均、采暖期、非采暖期的环境空气质量综合指数和6项污染因子浓度的空间分布进行估算,直观比较了污染物在不同时期内的空间分布状况。结果表明,空气质量时间分布较为明显,非采暖期明显好于采暖期。同时,计算出每个网格单元污染指数的标准偏差,结合气象气候、地形地势、工业发展等情况,分析得出北部山区、市中心区附近区域空气质量波动较大。为区域大气污染有针对性的综合防治、联防联控及污染物区域削减计划打下数据基础。  相似文献   

基于南充市主城区6项大气污染物浓度数据,研究了2014-2020年南充市的空气质量指数、空气质量指数等级和首要污染物的时序分布。结果表明:随着大气污染防治的开展,南充市大气污染物浓度逐渐下降,出现首要污染物的天数逐年减少,空气质量逐步提高。受污染物节律性影响,空气质量呈现明显的季节差异,冬季空气质量最差,春季次之,夏季污染相对较轻,秋季最轻。首要污染物类型的季节分布特征表现为冬季出现首要污染物天数最多,春季和夏季次之,秋季最少。春、秋、冬季以PM2.5污染为主,夏季以O3污染为主。从全年来看,与O3相比,PM2.5对空气质量的影响更为突出。在持续控制大气污染物排放总量的同时,精细化协同管控细颗粒物、氮氧化物、挥发性有机物和二氧化硫排放将有助于现阶段的大气污染防治。  相似文献   

对环境空气质量的客观评价能真实反映环境管理成效。复杂的大气污染形势和评价体系的不完善对环境空气质量评价工作提出了新的要求。就目前国内外环境质量标准不健全、评价体系不完善等主要问题进行了简要探析,探讨了MEG法在典型高原山地工业园区有机污染物综合评价中的应用,针对MEG法为核心建立的评价体系得到了单点位主要污染因子,找出了不同点位污染程度,对国内当下环境空气质量评价现状,提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

Delhi is an instructive location for studying the impact of air pollution since it is a rapidly expanding centre of government, trade commerce and industry. We have made an attempt to (1) determine the association between environmental pollution and respiratory morbidity in Delhi for the period 1998–2004, (2) assess the impact on hospital admission of the implementation of recent governmental regulations and (3) calculate the relative risk of hospitalization due to respiratory ailments caused by air pollutants. Seven hospitals from different parts of Delhi were selected. The pollution profiles of these areas were assessed and subsequently Poisson regression model was performed for the patient population. There was a remarkable decrease in monthly average concentration of sulphur dioxide (from 17.9 to 11.1 μg m−3) and increase in monthly average concentration of nitrogen dioxide (from 34.2 to 49.1 μg m−3) after the newly introduced regulations. Particulates were observed to have marginal fall in their concentration but still remained above the permissible limits. Gaseous pollutants, in spite of being at a level lower than the permissible level, showed more consistent significant association with respiratory admissions. The relative risks of hospitalization due to respiratory diseases were in the range of 1.07–2.82 in residential cum commercial areas. Comparative study of pre and post new stringent governmental regulation showed significant positive association of NO2 with respiratory disorders in southern (RR: 1.10; CI: 1.09–1.12) and northern regions (RR: 1.33; CI: 1.27–1.39), both mixed use areas. In spite of the improvement in the air quality, the associated health effects were found to be substantial.  相似文献   

以广州省控工业污染源排放的气态污染物(SO2、NOx为主要研究对象,通过中尺度气象模式MM5与空气质量模式CALPUFF耦合,模拟11月典型气象条件下, SO2和NOx的扩散传输过程,研究其时空分布特征,并分析省控工业污染源排放对特定区域(主要针对2010年亚运场馆)空气质量的影响。结果表明,主要受典型风速的影响,SO2和NOx浓度具有明显的时空分布不均匀性。浓度高峰值主要出现在晚间至凌晨时段,而浓度低峰值主要出现在白天至中午时段。受污染源分布、排放高度和风向的影响,荔湾区和越秀区污染物浓度较高,且在广州西南部形成较明显的污染带;且这些省控污染源对南沙体育馆空气质量有较大影响。 研究结果对广州空气污染来源分析具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

Environmental management has evolved from a vertical command and control management model to a more collaborative one. A series of public administration studies take the field of environmental policy as an important background for understanding collaborative governance, yet the theoretical and empirical study of environmental collaborative governance is relatively under-developed. This article begins to fill the research lacuna through the investigation of air pollution collaborative governance practice in Jing-Jin-Ji and surrounding areas. Based on the panel data of 58 regional cities from January 2016 to March 2019, a difference in difference quasi-natural experiment design is employed to explore the effect of environmental collaboration under Chinese authoritarian regime. The analysis shows that environmental collaboration has a positive impact on air quality and exhibits different effects on primary and secondary pollutants. Specifically, it has a greater influence on the emission reduction of NO2 compared to SO2 and CO, the positive effects of environmental collaboration on PM2.5 and PM10 pollutants are significant, and there is no statistically positive impact on O3 control. The time trend effect of environmental collaboration varies among pollutants, it presents positive effects on air quality improvement and secondary pollutant control (e.g., PM2.5, PM10) after the fourth month, the mitigation effect of environmental collaboration on primary pollutants represented by NO2 is more significant and constant in the sixth month. However, the time trend effect of environmental collaboration has gradually weakened. This paper concludes with discussions on the direction and implications of improving the performance and sustainability of environmental collaboration in China.  相似文献   

Sulphur dioxide and PM10 levels are investigated in Erzurum during the periods of 1990–2000 heating season to assess air pollution level. For that reason, emissions of sulphur dioxide and particulate matter were calculated by using consumption of fuels and Turkish emission factors. These emission values were evaluated together with air pollution levels, which were measured at six stations in Erzurum atmosphere during 1990–2000 winter periods. Results reveal that in 1990–1994 heating period, there is an increasing trend in the emissions and air pollution levels over Erzurum, and the air quality limits were not met. The daily 24 h limit (short-term limit) was exceeded 127 days in 1992–1993 winter period. The reason for this increase was found to be the switching to use of low-quality fossil fuels instead of cleaner ones. Results also indicated that there was a considerable decrease in emissions of air pollutants and air pollution levels after 1995. This can be explained by the consumption of more high-quality fossil fuels. The correlation coefficient of SO2 with PM10 is obtained as r2 = 0.85, which is a high value supporting the idea that both pollutants are emitted from the same source.  相似文献   

"十二五"以来中国先后颁布了一系列大气污染防治政策并实施相应的大气污染治理措施以提高环境空气质量。为研究西藏自治区"十二五"(2011-2015年)和"十三五"(2016 -2020年)时期环境空气质量变化状况,评估大气污染防治措施实施效果,笔者对2011-2020年西藏自治区7个城市(地区)主要大气污染物浓度和优良天数比例变化进行分析。结果表明:随着一系列大气污染防治措施的实施,西藏自治区环境空气质量显著提升,与"十二五"时期相比,"十三五"时期西藏自治区年平均优良天数比例由97.5%±2.0%提升至99.3%±0.4%,SO2、 NO2、 PM10、 PM2.5浓度年均值和CO 浓度第95百分位数均呈下降趋势,其中CO、PM10和PM2.5浓度下降幅度较大,O3日最大8h滑动平均值第90百分位数略有上升。西藏自治区环境空气质量与人口、经济发展程度呈负相关关系。受污染源排放、气象条件和区域传输等因素影响,西藏自治区O3浓度春、夏季较高,而其余污染物浓度冬季较高。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the air pollution situation in an urban area in southwestern Luxembourg and to simulate annual NO2 and PM10 concentrations in response to changes in meteorological conditions and emissions using a Gaussian dispersion model. Simulations are carried out for the years 1998–2006. Emission scenarios related to road transport and nonindustrial combustion are performed in order to predict changes of air pollution levels. Road transport is by far the most important local emission source in the study area. Scenarios with more stringent emission standards for vehicles, less traffic, and fewer heavy-duty vehicles lead to reductions of NOx and primary PM10 emissions. As a result, the annual NO2 concentrations are decreasing in most parts of the study area and are below the European annual limit value of 40 μg?m?3. In contrast, a scenario with increased use of wood pellets for domestic heating shows an increase in urban PM10 concentration. The year-to-year variability of meteorological conditions accounts for the same magnitude of absolute NO2 and PM10 concentration changes as the emission scenarios. The comparison with measurements located in the study area shows that the model is able to predict urban-scale annual average air pollution. The proposed application results show that the model can be appropriate for policy-driven air quality management and planning queries.  相似文献   

选取典型工业区,汇总了恶臭污染的突发性、排放不规律、夜间高值显著等特征,分析了由化学特性、物质种类和监控要求等带来的恶臭污染监测难点。根据信访投诉、地理特点和大气扩散规律,提出构建工业区恶臭污染自动监控体系。在恶臭污染排放特征分析基础上,筛选优控污染物,优选适用在线监测技术,建设边界监控为主、园区监测为辅的专业化、自动化大气特征污染监测系统,通过统一联网和平台,统一质控和规范,建立预警监测信息平台。在实际构建与应用的过程中,探索了分级管理、多方合作的运行机制,为工业区恶臭污染分析评估、污染溯源和控制提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

Urban air pollution has emerged as an acute problem in recent years because of its detrimental effects on health and living conditions. The research presented here aims at attaining a better understanding of phenomena associated with atmospheric pollution, and in particular with aerosol particles. The specific goal was to develop a form of air quality modelling which can forecast urban air quality for the next day using airborne pollutant, meteorological and timing variables.Hourly airborne pollutant and meteorological averages collected during the years 1995–1997 were analysed in order to identify air quality episodes having typical and the most probable combinations of air pollutant and meteorological variables. This modelling was done using the Self-Organising Map (SOM) algorithm, Sammon's mapping and fuzzy distance metrics. The clusters of data that were found were characterised by statistics. Several overlapping Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) models were then applied to the clustered data, each of which represented one pollution episode. The actual levels for individual pollutants could then be calculated using a combination of the MLP models which were appropriate in that situation.The analysis phase of the modelling gave clear and intuitive results regarding air quality in the area where the data had been collected. The resulting forecast showed that the modelling of gaseous pollutants is more reliable than that of the particles.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing concern given to air quality in urban and industrial areas in recent years, particular emphasis on regulation, control, and reduction of air pollutant emissions is still necessary to fully characterize the chain emissions–air quality–exposure–dose–health effects, for specific sources. The Estarreja region was selected as a case study because it has one of the largest chemical industrial complexes in Portugal that has been recently expanded, together with a growing urban area with an interesting location in the Portuguese coastland and crossed by important road traffic and rail national networks. This work presents the first air quality assessment for the region concerning pollutant emissions and meteorological and air quality monitoring data analysis, over the period 2000–2009. This assessment also includes a detailed investigation and characterization of past air pollution episodes for the most problematic pollutants: ozone and PM10. The contribution of different emission sources and meteorological conditions to these episodes is investigated. The stagnant meteorological conditions associated with local emissions, namely industrial activity and road traffic, are the major contributors to the air quality degradation over the study region. A set of measures to improve air quality—regarding ozone and PM10 levels—is proposed as an air quality management strategy for the study region.  相似文献   

研究采用空气质量指数法对2014—2018年洛阳市大气污染变化特征进行了分析,构建了空气污染物浓度的影响指标体系,采用灰色关联法研究了空气污染物浓度与影响因子之间的关联度,得到了影响空气污染物浓度的主要指标因子,并提出了改善洛阳市空气质量的措施。结果表明:洛阳市空气质量指数类别主要为良和轻度污染。2014—2018年空气质量为优良的天数主要出现在春季、夏季和秋季,重度污染和严重污染主要出现在冬季。2018年PM10、PM2.5、NO2、SO2和CO这5项污染物浓度随时间变化呈"V"型,污染主要集中在1—5月和11—12月。O3浓度随时间变化呈倒"V"型,污染主要集中在4—9月。研究期内PM2.5、PM10和O3是主要污染物。市区总人口、工业(综合)能源消耗量、人均生产总值、城市机动车总数、城市房屋施工面积、人均公园绿地面积、建成区绿化覆盖率和一般工业固体废物产生量等8项指标因子与PM2.5、PM10和O3的浓度表现出高关联度或较高关联度。  相似文献   

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