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应用系统动力学原理构建了规划环评中水资源承载力的理论模型;并在吸收PSR(Pressure-State-Response)和DSR(Driving-State-Response)模型分析方法基础上,采用"目标-准则(系统)-指标"的框架模式,构建了规划环评中水资源承载力的指标体系,并提出了计算模型,最后将一整套技术程序及方法应用于广州市南沙区发展规划环境影响评价中水资源承载力分析,验证其实用性及可行性,最终为决策者调整及优化规划方案提供强有力的科学依据。  相似文献   

研究水资源承载力对促进区域水资源的合理开发和保证经济可持续发展具有十分重要的作用.文章采用模糊综合评价方法,以水资源利用率、降水量、人均占有水量和生态用水量作为评价因素,首次对黄土高原水资源承载力进行了大尺度综合评价,并建立灰色拓扑预测模型对其动态变化进行预测,在此基础上提出了黄土高原水资源可持续利用对策.结果表明:黄土高原四省水资源承载力在1994-2004年间总体上呈缓慢上升趋势,水资源开发潜力呈微弱增大趋势;但值得注意的是,黄土高原水资源开发已有一定规模,其水环境仍十分脆弱,需要进一步作好节水和水资源的保护工作.  相似文献   

研究了人类社会对水资源的消耗、对自然生态环境的影响以及该影响的量化方法和量化指标,将生态足迹法引入区域水资源承载力系统,构建珠海市水资源生态承载力计算模型,分析计算水资源供给对区域经济社会发展的生态承载力,并对该地区的水资源生态承载力进行生态盈亏和敏感性评价.结果表明,总体上珠海市水资源系统呈现生态亏损,亏损率为37%,水资源生态承载呈现超载现象,珠海市城市化进程中流动人口增长对区域水资源的生态承载压力较大.研究结果还表明,将生态足迹模型运用到地区水资源承载力中具有较高的可信度,对地方尺度具有适用性.  相似文献   

快速城市化地区典型村镇水资源承载力及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着乡村振兴战略深入推进,村镇建设正处于社会经济高质量发展转型时期。为研究村镇在快速城市化进程中经济社会发展与水资源承载力之间的关系,以南京市江宁街道为研究区,采用组合赋权法识别村镇水资源承载力关键影响因素,从空间管控、水资源利用、生态环境治理、生活宜居和经济发展5个层面构建评价指标体系,并采用主成分分析法开展水资源承载力评价研究。结果表明,2013—2018年研究区村镇水资源承载力水平存在波动,但整体呈现上升趋势,生态环境治理水平、空间管控和经济社会发展为研究区村镇水资源承载力主要影响因素,水资源利用水平是保障村镇水资源承载力的重要方面。该研究成果可为同类村镇在城市化进程中实现经济社会与水资源协调发展提供参考。  相似文献   

本文以辽宁省重工业城市本溪市为例,运用指数评价模型,进行城市工业用水变化情况分析;同时采用系统动力学模型,预测城市水资源系统发展趋势。在此基础上,探讨水资源承载力的定量表示,提出可比较的区域不同策略的水资源承载力,从而为制定水资源的经济发展决策提供理论依据。  相似文献   

资源环境承载力与区域可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实施"可持续发展战略"是世界各国的发展共识。可持续发展理念的核心是经济发展、资源保护和生态环境保护相协调统一。资源环境承载力是制定可持续发展战略规划的基础。只有准确衡量区域的资源环境承载力,才能从整体上以承载力为约束对国土空间进行科学规划,引导社会经济活动在资源节约、环境保护的基础上科学发展,从而实现区域的可持续发展。文章综述了与区域可持续发展密切相关的四大类资源承载力(包括土地资源、水资源、能源资源和生物资源承载力)和两大类环境承载力(包括空气环境和水环境承载力)的重要性。在综合我国国家标准文件和研究论文的基础上,总结了四大类资源承载力和两大类环境承载力的主要评价指标和评价标准。更进一步,结合我国的资源承载力和可持续发展的研究和实践现状,从研究内容和指标体系构建两方面着眼,指出应尽快制定符合我国国情的评价标准和综合评价体系,并通过简化评价过程来提高资源环境承载力评价的可操作性。  相似文献   

基于ARIMA模型的辽河流域生态足迹动态模拟与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将能值与生态足迹理论相结合,引入能量折算系数,通过能值密度构建能值-生态足迹模型,并应用此模型对辽河流域2001—2010年生态承载力和生态足迹进行计算。生态承载力计算主要是自然生态承载力和本地产品产出承载力,其中自然生态承载力主要考虑可更新资源的承载力,本地产品产出承载力主要包括生物资源产出承载力和工业产品产出承载力。生态足迹的计算主要包括消费足迹和污染足迹,消费足迹主要测算生物资源消费、能源消费和水资源消费足迹。污染足迹主要测算废气和生活废水、工业废水对自然生态系统带来的负荷。测算结果表明:2001—2010年辽河流域人均生态承载力和人均生态足迹均有所增加,但是生态足迹的增长速度远远大于生态承载力,致使流域内自2001与2009年生态略有盈余外,其余年份均出现生态赤字,处于不可持续发展状态。以能值-生态足迹模型测算结果为基础,基于EViews采用自回归综合移动平均模型(ARIMA),对流域内10年的生态足迹和生态承载力进行动态模拟。首先通过ADF与PP单位根检验时间序列的平稳性;其次分析序列的自相关函数图和偏自相关函数,初步确定AR和MA的阶次;再根据R2、AIC及SC准则,进行模型参数估计并诊断分析;最后确定最佳模拟模型。以ARIMA模型预测2011—2015年辽河流域生态足迹和生态承载力的演变趋势。预测结果表明,人均生态足迹在未来5年内会继续呈直线式增长,到2015年达到7.387 8 hm2,是2001年的2.16倍;而人均生态承载力在2011年之后开始下降,生态赤字继续扩大,到2015年增长到-4.167 67,约为2005年的10倍,流域内不可持续发展形势会更加恶化。最后提出辽河流域生态安全建设的对策。能值-生态足迹模型测算结果与实地调研基本相符,较真实反映了辽河流域可持续发展状况。基于ARIMA模型模拟预测结果可为未来流域开发和建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文明确了水资源综合承载力的定义和研究意义。研究中按照可持续发展的思路,根据邹城市水资源条件和开发状况,建立由供水系统和需水系统及其组成或承载对象构成的评价指标体系;利用人口与经济组成的多目标评价模型研究邹城市水资源的承载力,计算确定出2015年邹城市在人口增长速度不高于5%的情况下,水资源能够承载的经济最佳增长速度在9%左右。  相似文献   

生态承载力研究进展   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
从生态承载力角度研究区域资源-生态-环境问题,是当今生态学、地理学和经济学等学科研究的热点与前沿领域之一。在调研现有研究成果基础上,阐述了承载力的起源、演化与发展以及国内外研究进展,对生态承载力的概念、研究方法、研究趋势及其与可持续发展的关系等进行了评述。生态承载力内涵可以概括为“特定时间、特定生态系统自我维持、自我调节的能力,资源与环境子系统对人类社会系统可持续发展的一种支持能力以及生态系统所能持续支撑的一定发展程度的社会经济规模和具有一定生活水平的人口数量”。今后生态承载力研究的发展方向是:研究对象趋向多元化,研究领域呈现交叉综合趋势;生态脆弱带将继续成为研究的热点地区;研究重点将继续向动态模拟化方向发展;新方法、新技术手段将不断应用于生态承载力研究。  相似文献   

本文在对曹老集示范良种场种养加复合生态系统进行全面调查和系统分析的基础上,明确系统发展指导思想及各业发展方向,调整生态位,增加食物链,完善生态农业模式;采用动态仿真模型作为主模型,结合有关经济预测模型、目标规划模型,对农场自然和社会、经济资源进行全面规划,优化系统结构,建立生态农业系统发展诸方案;实施方案经两年初步运行,系统生产力增强,生态经济效益显著。  相似文献   

• Impact of urban development on water system is assessed with carrying capacity. • Impacts on both water resource quantity and environmental quality are involved. • Multi-objective optimization revealing system trade-off facilitate the regulation. • Efficiency, scale and structure of urban development are regulated in two stages. • A roadmap approaching more sustainable development is provided for the case city. Environmental impact assessments and subsequent regulation measures of urban development plans are critical to human progress toward sustainability, since these plans set the scale and structure targets of future socioeconomic development. A three-step methodology for assessing and optimizing an urban development plan focusing on its impacts on the water system was developed. The methodology first predicted the pressure on the water system caused by implementation of the plan under distinct scenarios, then compared the pressure with the carrying capacity threshold to verify the system status; finally, a multi-objective optimization method was used to propose regulation solutions. The methodology enabled evaluation of the water system carrying state, taking socioeconomic development uncertainties into account, and multiple sets of improvement measures under different decisionmaker preferences were generated. The methodology was applied in the case of Zhoushan city in South-east China. The assessment results showed that overloading problems occurred in 11 out of the 13 zones in Zhoushan, with the potential pressure varying from 1.1 to 18.3 times the carrying capacity. As a basic regulation measure, an environmental efficiency upgrade could relieve the overloading in 4 zones and reduce 9%‒63% of the pressure. The optimization of industrial development showed that the pressure could be controlled under the carrying capacity threshold if the planned scale was reduced by 24% and the industrial structure was transformed. Various regulation schemes including a more suitable scale and structure with necessary efficiency standards are provided for decisionmakers that can help the case city approach a more sustainable development pattern.  相似文献   

The ecological footprint (EF) is a method for measuring sustainable development through ecological impact. A methodology is presented for predicting urban ecological footprints. Urban energy use and natural resource consumption were analyzed to calculate an EF based on land type (arable, pasture, forest, fossil energy land, built-up area and water area) and consumption (food, housing, transportation, goods, services and waste). The result was then compared with the local ecological carrying capacity to develop criteria for sustainable ecological footprints. Case studies of four cities in China (Guangzhou, Ningbo, Suzhou and Yangzhou) illustrate the urban EF approach. The time series of EF in a case study of Guangzhou for 1991–2001 was analyzed and the consumption–land-use matrix of urban EF was established. The results show that the cities are ecologically unsustainable, with average ecological conflicts per capita of more than 2 ha. The urban EF method is useful to measure urban sustainable development and provides policy proposals for decision-making. However, the EF method still has limitations and weaknesses.  相似文献   

生态市是实现城市社会—经济—自然可持续发展的一种模式和过程。以山东省济宁市为例,提出了济宁生态市建设的战略措施。从资源型城市的产业生态转型、水体和矿山的自然生态修复和孔孟文化的人文生态振兴3方面提出了建设目标;建设框架包括自生型生态环境、竞争型循环经济和共生型和谐社会。主导产业和循环经济建设要促进传统农业和矿山开采型产业向静脉产业、阳光产业、物流产业、文化产业和旅游产业的生态转型;从水资源、水环境、水生态、水景观、水安全和水文化建设几方面提出了水资源保护与水环境治理的综合措施;最后提出了济宁市煤矿塌陷区的生态修复对策和生态文化建设策略。  相似文献   

天目湖水环境现状及生态旅游可持续发展对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
天目湖是江苏省开发建设的重点旅游风景区之一,然而旅游业的蓬勃发展也造成了天目湖的水环境的巨大破坏。文章根据对天目湖的全湖周年水质观测以及相关的历史资料的分析,在阐述天目湖水环境现状、旅游资源的优势的基础上,提出天目湖生态旅游可持续发展的对策与建议:良好的水质是天目湖持续发展生态旅游的首要条件;明确划定天目湖水源保护区的范围;因地制宜发展具有地方特色的旅游产业;增强污水处理能力,实施截污工程;恢复植被,控制氮磷的入湖量;养殖业适度发展;加强生态旅游资源开发利用中的保护与管理。  相似文献   

生态城市是一类具有经济高产生态高效的产业、系统负责社会和谐的文化、结构健康生命力强的景观的行政单元.其建设目标是通过规划、设计、管理和建设生态景观、生态产业和生态文化来实现结构耦合的合理、代谢过程的平衡和功能的可持续性.生态城市是以生态经济学、系统工程学为理论基础,通过改变生产方式、消费行为和决策手段,实现在当地生态系统承载能力范围内可持续的、健康的人类生态过程.体制整合、科技孵化、企业投资、公众参与和政府引导是生态城市发展的基本方法.清洁生产和生态产业是生态城市建设的关键.在搞好技术和管理的同时,怎样在局地和区域生态系统尺度上整合生产、消费和还原功能,建设一类和谐的生态景观,企业的空间和城市尺度应予以充分的重视.  相似文献   

Abstract: Tropical conservation has seen a convergence between conservation projects and rural development, with both approaches promoting participation of local people in sustainable resource use. But there is a discord between rural development and sustainable use of wildlife. Implementing more sustainable use of wildlife usually means decreased economic benefits for rural people, especially over the short term. In contrast, rural-development projects are often mandated to generate income for rural people over the short term. We examined this dilemma through an integrated economic and harvest analysis of the costs associated with converting unsustainable hunting to more sustainable hunting in the Peruvian Amazon. Our analysis suggests that a change in hunting practice would have significant economic costs for rural people and would result in a 36% decrease in the economic benefits they derive from wildlife hunting. In contrast, converting unsustainable hunting to more sustainable hunting would have little effect on meat markets in the urban center of Iquitos, Peru, with markets losing only 3.6% of their economic value. There would be no economic costs for the international pelt trade. If rural-development projects absorb the short-term economic costs, they can help people convert unsustainable wildlife use to more sustainable use and assist rural people in realizing the long-term benefits of more sustainable hunting. But many rural-development projects would need to change their mandate for short-term income generation to incorporate the realities of sustainability.  相似文献   

Freshwater is the lifeline of a city. Shortages in urban water supply and ecological losses occur when freshwater supply capacity and demand are imbalanced. Therefore, systematic research on the risk of freshwater consumption in urban areas is urgently demanded. A scientific understanding of the risk of urban water consumption will contribute to the efficient use of freshwater resources and ensure the stability and sustainable development of cities. Taking Xiamen City as the study area, we evaluated the ecological risk of freshwater consumption scenarios in the years 2020 and 2030 using a multilevel characterization method for urban ecological risk, stepwise regression analysis, and a gray prediction model. The results of our evaluation show that freshwater consumption in Xiamen is highly correlated with the total population, the crop acreage, the proportion of secondary industry, and the treatment rate of domestic sewage. In the 2020 and 2030 scenarios, freshwater consumption in Xiamen City is predicted to increase. Meanwhile, with the construction of water conservancy facilities, the supply capacity of freshwater in Xiamen City will be greatly improved. Therefore, the ecological impacts of freshwater consumption in the 2020 and 2030 scenarios were at the middle and low levels. In this study, the validity of the multilevel characterization method described herein for urban ecological risk has been confirmed. However, calculation of scenario probability is a difficult problem in the framework of this method, and future research should address this issue.  相似文献   

Increasing growth in the aquaculture industry demands ecosystem-based techniques for management if that growth is to be ecologically sustainable and promote equity among users of the ecosystems in which it occurs. Models of carrying capacity can be used to responsibly limit the growth of aquaculture in increasingly crowded coastal areas. Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA is one such crowded coastal region experiencing a rapid increase in bivalve aquaculture. An ecosystem mass-balance model was used to calculate the ecological carrying capacity of bivalve aquaculture. Cultured oyster biomass is currently at 0.47 t km−2 and could be increased 625 times without exceeding the ecological carrying capacity of 297 t km−2. This translates to approximately 38,950 t of harvested cultured oysters annually which is 4 times the total estimated annual harvest of finfish. This potential for growth is due to the high primary productivity and large energy throughput to detritus of this ecosystem. Shellfish aquaculture has potential for continued growth and is unlikely to become food limited due, in part, to the large detritus pool.  相似文献   

区域生态安全:概念及评价理论基础   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
借鉴国内外的研究成果,提出区域生态安全的概念是指在一定时空范围内,在自然及人类活动的干扰下,区域内生态环境条件以及所面临的生态环境问题不对人类生存和持续发展构成威胁,并且自然-经济-社会复合生态系统的脆弱性能够不断得到改善的状态。指出生态安全评价是一个多学科交叉的研究领域,其评价理论基础涉及可持续发展理论、生态系统服务功能理论、生态承载力理论、时空论和系统工程论等;生态安全是可持续发展的基础,两者具有内涵和目标的一致性;区域生态安全研究的目的就是平衡人类的自然资源利用与生存环境质量需求的矛盾,保证生态系统在持续安全的状态下提供服务;应用生态承载力的研究成果有助于补充和完善生态安全评价。区域生态安全评价强调研究对象的时空性和研究方法的系统性。多学科整合能更好地指导区域生态安全评价。  相似文献   

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