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2014年3月28日,环境保护部联合中宣部、中央文明办、教育部、共青团中央、全国妇联等六部委联合召开了《全国环境宣传教育行动纲要(2011—2015年)》部际联席会暨全国生态文明宣传教育工作绩效评估试点工作会议。此次会议的亮点就是作为全国生态文明宣传教育工作绩效评估试点的吉林、上海、山东、河南、湖北、广西、四川、甘肃等8个试点省(区、市)第一次亮相。他们按照《全国生态文明宣传教育工作绩效评估办法和标准(试行)》,分别从能力建设、生态文明宣传、生态文明教育、宣教效果、特色创新等方面对自己的试点工作进行了总结汇报并进行了自我评分。他们的实践为全国生态文明宣传教育工作绩效评估工作在全国各地全面铺开,起到了很好的探索和示范作用。为了让大家更好地了解《全国环境宣传教育行动纲要(2011—2015年)》和全国生态文明宣传教育工作绩效评估试点工作,本刊将陆续刊登全国环境教育先进省市的开展情况。作为开篇,本期将会上8个试点地区的发言予以摘登,以飨读者。  相似文献   

胡顺高 《环境教育》2013,(Z1):67-68
实践证明,生态文明理论是推动企业科学发展的重要思想,建设生态文明是贯彻以人为本理念的必然要求和重要体现。党的十八大指出"建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。面对资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势,必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。"建设生态文明,是实现我国经济社会全面协调可  相似文献   

十七大提出建设生态文明的奋斗目标,具有极其重大的意义.生态保护在建设生态文明中具有保护生存条件、保障生态安全、保护自然资源及生产力、保障可持续发展、促进生态文明观念在全社会牢固树立等重要作用.因此,生态保护是建设生态文明的物质基础、实现生态现代化的前提、建设生态道德的重要载体.  相似文献   

黄娟  喻继军 《绿叶》2012,(7):97-102
建设生态文明必须有相应的产业结构,与生态文明相适应的产业结构必然呼唤文化产业发展。因其资源消耗低、环境污染少、生态影响小等鲜明特征,文化产业是生态文明的产业基础。在发展文化产业的过程中,既要看到发展文化产业是建设生态文明的重要途径,也要看到建设生态文明是发展文化产业的重要方向,文化产业发展必须实现生态化发展。发展以生态文化旅游、生态文化建筑、生态文化演艺等为代表的生态文化产业,是文化产业与生态文明的最佳结合。  相似文献   

科学认识、恰当定位并正确处理生态文明与物质文明、精神文明、政治文明之间的关系,包括三个方面的内容一,生态文明是物质文明持续健康发展的必要前提和必然选择;二,生态文明是精神文明建设的必备内容和有效载体;三,生态文明是政治文明日益完善的重要体现和艰巨任务.生态文明建设与物质文明建设、精神文明建设和政治文明建设相辅相成,缺一不可,要全面推进四种文明的建设,使其协调发展,从而真正实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标.  相似文献   

当前生态文明指标体系研究和实践中,一方面生态文明指标体系和生态文明指数构建方法不尽相同,另一方面刻意追求统一的指标体系而忽视了不同行政层级间的差异性,对层级间指标衔接等问题缺乏考虑。依照生态文明内涵以及十八大尤其是十八届三中全会关于生态文明建设尤其是生态文明考核指标要求,提出各行政层级构建“橄榄型”生态文明建设指标框架体系。该指标体系强调国家的顶层宏观引导作用,并以市县级生态文明建设指标体系为基础,向上构建省级生态文明建设指标体系,向下构建乡镇级生态文明建设指标体系,体现“国家—省—市县—乡镇”之间的整体性、衔接性、协调性,真正反映生态文明建设是“自上而下引导力”和“自下而上推动力”的合力作用的结果,服务于我国生态文明建设的持续开展和长效管理。  相似文献   

余谋昌 《绿叶》2014,(2):11-17
生态文明是人类新文明,它由社会全面转型实现。价值观作为世界观的核心,对社会转型起先导和决定性作用。人类中心主义是工业文明的核心价值观。从工业文明社会向生态文明社会转变,首先是核心价值观的转型——突破人类中心主义,确立人与自然和谐的价值观,用以指导生态文明建设,从而实现人与自然的生态和解、人与人的社会和解,建设和谐社会。  相似文献   

生态文明本质上是一种协调发展的和谐性的文明。建设生态文明是马克思主义所要建立的新社会的内在要求,是人类对如何实现与自然界之间的协调与稳定做出的新结论。生态文明建设是一个复杂的、系统的工程,自然生态、精神生态和社会生态是生态文明的三个核心维度。  相似文献   

在当前我国大力推进生态文明建设的背景下,水利类高校加强生态水文化建设具有重要意义。生态文明视阈下的水利类高校水文化建设内涵是在传统的以精神水文化、物质水文化、制度水文化为主要内容的水文化建设中融入生态文明的先进理念,实现生态水文化的传承和传播,推进水利现代化建设和生态文明建设。  相似文献   

许敏娟 《绿色视野》2013,(10):44-47
党的十八大报告指出:"建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。面对资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势,必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。"十八大报告将推进生态文明建设独立成篇集中论述,系统地提出了今后5年大力推进生态文明建设的总体要求,把经济、政治、文化、社会、生态"五位一体"作为中国  相似文献   

Realizing an effectiveness revolution in environmental management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The environmental movement of the 20(th) century has evolved into a large, diverse and well-financed global community that is increasingly required to prove its worth. Though the environmental sector collects and uses data to determine the status of ecological and social systems, the effectiveness of the programs and policies it uses to affect this status remains largely untested. As governments and donor institutions insist on greater transparency, accountability and evidence of what works and what does not, much is being learned from other fields (e.g. health services, education, international development) and increasingly sophisticated approaches are emerging to manage effectiveness. For example, program evaluation, adaptive management, and systematic review provide frameworks and methods to collect and use information to measure and improve performance. However, the critical data and collaborations necessary for an effectiveness revolution are marginalized by technical, cultural and political obstacles. Learning from other fields, the environmental sector must exploit key leverage points, such as flows of information and self-organization, to overcome impediments and create incentives to initiate and realize an era of effectiveness in environmental management.  相似文献   

污染源大数据是环保大数据的重要组成部分,然而在以环境管理制度为基础的污染源数据管理过程中,一直存在制度衔接不流畅、数据不共享等诸多问题。本文调研考察了现有各项环境管理制度的衔接情况,提出以排污许可制度为核心,通过与其他环境管理制度有效衔接,实现环境管理的各个环节的有效覆盖。通过SWOT分析法对基于"一证式"改革的环境管理制度优化方案的可行性和必要性进行了深入分析,并以排污许可证为核心,设计企业环境管理信息系统框架。试生产与竣工环保验收实效不足,可转为企业自行备案;将环评审批结论纳入排污许可证,可大幅度减轻企业相关环境管理业务人员的负担。环境管理制度的优化必须建立在部门职能转变与整合之上;同时,还必须获得国家层面的立法与行政的支持;社会舆论的关注与支持也将推动环境管理制度优化的进程。以排污许可证管理为核心的信息系统框架可以有效实现污染源排放信息整合共享。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of changing nutrient inputs through land use management, waste water treatment, or effluent diversion are not clear, and managers are discovering that decisions which were effective in reversing eutrophication for one lake are often unsuccessful when applied to another. Simple empirical relationships are often used to predict the impact of management decisions. Errors in estimation could result in either substantial costs for overdesign or failure to meet desired eutrophication levels. This paper presents and illustrates a methodology to evaluate the impact of land use and water resource management decisions on lake eutrophication. The problems of worth of additional information, and uncertainty of estimates were handled within a cost-effectiveness framework. The probability of exceeding a critical level of eutrophication was considered as a measure of effectiveness. The cost criterion is the expected value of opportunity costs, costs of analysis and costs of additional information. Uncertainty analysis techniques were used to estimate the effectiveness of various management alternatives. Bayesian methods can be utilized to determine the worth of additional information. The methodology was applied to Beseck Lake, Connecticut, and the cost and effectiveness measures estimated for a number of land management alternatives. Worth of additional information was not determined in this initial effort in uncertainty analysis for lake eutrophication management.  相似文献   

This paper explains briefly the conceptual framework of an ecosystem-based multiple-use forest management planning focusing on biodiversity conservation and participation. Some results from a case study were documented to realize the implementation of the concept. A strong liaison between the related institutions and major stakeholders and the effective use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) are necessary. Effective participation is evident only with the involvement of enthusiastic and skillful stakeholders. A case study of ??neada, Turkey, supported the idea that participation as communication has better possibilities to promote multiple-use forest management than participation as information gathering. Primary challenges relate to the effectiveness of conservation program, availability of coherent biodiversity data, capacity building; awareness, training, and common understanding of biodiversity and protected area concept; coordination among the related institutions and stakeholders; and willingness and enthusiasm of authorities to accept and implement the concept.  相似文献   

Environmental planners and managers face unique challenges understanding and documenting the effectiveness of programs that rely on voluntary actions by private landowners. Programs, such as those aimed at reducing nonpoint source pollution or improving habitat, intend to reach those goals by persuading landowners to adopt behaviors and management practices consistent with environmental restoration and protection. Our purpose with this paper is to identify barriers for improving voluntary environmental management programs and ways to overcome them. We first draw upon insights regarding data, learning, and adaptation from the adaptive management and performance management literatures, describing three key issues: overcoming information constraints, structural limitations, and organizational culture. Although these lessons are applicable to a variety of voluntary environmental management programs, we then present the issues in the context of on-going research for nonpoint source water quality pollution. We end the discussion by highlighting important elements for advancing voluntary program efforts.  相似文献   

This study proposes a model linking firm motivations for seeking ISO 14001 certification to the effectiveness of three major components of an environmental management system (EMS)--environmental policy, the assessment of environmental aspect and impacts, and management review. The relationship of these EMS components with a self-reported measure of environmental performance is also examined. From a sample of 29 ISO 14001 certified facilities in Hong Kong (of 71 total certifications at the time the data was collected), it was found that motivations to enhance firm reputation are positively related to perceptions of the effectiveness of the policy statement. Motivations for reputation enhancement and cost reduction were positively related to perceptions of EMS effectiveness in assessing environmental aspects and impacts. The effectiveness of the methodology for identifying environmental aspects and impacts was also found to be positively related to improved environmental performance.  相似文献   

采取多种措施,诸如强化监督和考核,保持设施完整性,加强项目现场安全管理、交通安全管理、消防安全管理,加强职业健康、环境保护以及防恐和安全保卫工作等,以实现HSE和防恐安全目标。达到HSE管理的最佳绩效,实现以人为本,和谐管理。  相似文献   

将企业供应链管理理论引入到职业教育研究,指出供应链能够降低校企合作的交易成本、机会成本和管理成本,而实现上述功能必须以树立集成化供应链管理观念、构建校企合作的激励与利益协调机制、搭建校企合作的网络信息平台、重组高职院校组织结构与流程为条件。  相似文献   

崇明生态岛建设对科技创新的路径选择提出了很高的要求。崇明岛的生态科技创新,在解决资源、能源、环境等一系列与生态系统密切相关的问题中,发挥了重要的支撑和保障作用。在分析崇明生态岛建设过程中科技发展现状的基础上,提出了崇明生态岛建设中,利用科技创新规划生态建设和环境保护的思路:生态城镇的发展进程必须遵循生态学原则,重点发展低碳经济战略,节能减排,发展生态岛环境保护与资源循环利用技术体系。此外,还提出了崇明生态岛在新农村建设过程及生态文明建设中亟待解决的一些问题,进而使科技创新推动崇明岛生态建设的发展,实现人与自然的和谐。  相似文献   

Although environmental management in Turkey is evolving, its performance needs to be assessed in terms of the extent to which polluters and dischargers are complying with their legal obligations. In spite of this necessity, however, not a single study evaluating the effectiveness of command-and-control strategy of environmental management has been conducted. It is for this reason that it was decided to conduct an analysis of the impact of environmental legislation on a major industrial area in Turkey. Accordingly, Turkish environmental legislation was analyzed, and all relevant obligations and responsibilities of industry are identified. Based upon this appraisal, a questionnaire was prepared and used to conduct interviews in Tuzla, Istanbul. From the results, it can be concluded that environmental compliance performance of industry is low. The total of 92 parameters has been questioned. Fifty-three parameters have been found as satisfactory compliance, whereas 26 parameters have been classified as partial compliance and 13 as unsatisfactory compliance. The most important reason for inadequate performance is the lack of an effective national and local environmental compliance management system. The other leading reasons are found to be low-level environmental consciousness of the people, absence of environmental management system at the sites, inadequacies in environmental subsidies, and insufficiencies in public environmental infrastructure. Four recommendations are made to increase the effectiveness of compliance management: establishing an effective environmental compliance management system, accelerating public investment for environmental infrastructure, developing financial subsidies and incentive schemes for environmental investments, and encouraging voluntary initiatives.  相似文献   

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