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Different strategies of multivariate analysis of metals concentrations (Mn, Fe, Ni, V, Co, Cu, Cd, Hg, Pb, Na, K) in mussel samples from different spanish markets are used to interpret a data base and identify differences between species and origin of the samples. Principal Component Analysis and Potential curves are applied to properly classify unknown samples from representative mussels samples (Mytilus edulis and Perna canaliculus). Also, Principal Components Analysis is used as display method to visualize the relation between the variables and objects of interest.  相似文献   

对以再生水为补给水源的通惠河进行水质监测,采用模糊综合评价的方法总体评价了通惠河的水质状况,综合评价结果表明,高碑店污水处理厂处理排放人河道的水质达到Ⅱ类水平,对通惠河的污染起到了一定的缓解作用。引入多元统计分析的方法:(1)空间聚类模型将通惠河水质类型分为两类,并具体分析了两种类型的水质18个参数的差别。分析发现第1类水体的主要污染物为硝态氮、亚硝态氮引起的氮污染、磷污染等工业污染,而第2类水体的污染主要以生活污水带来的有机污染为主。(2)运用因子分析解析通惠河的污染来源——主要来源于点源排放的污水产生的氨氮、硝态氮和有机污染。为保持再生水水质,需要对水质差的污染区设立重点监测点并控制偷排现象。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of dry and wet deposition on forest trees (Picea abies [L.] Karst.), the LIS-Essen is operating an Open-Top Chamber Field Station within an area where novel forest decline has been prevalent since 1982. Chambers are ventilated with either ambient or charcoal-filtered air and receive either natural or artificial rain, the latter being prepared by natural rain and distilled water in ratio 1:10. Besides deposition data, acquired above and below the tree crowns as well as via lysimeters of soil percolates, various parameters describing vitality of trees are measured. To obtain a persuading representation of total parameters and their interdependencies, a multivariate graphical cluster analysis has been performed by use of Chernoff-Flury faces. Interdependencies of vitality parameters are more easily recognizable in this multivariate picture than in usually applied binary correlation diagrams.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc were measured in hair, kidney, liver, lung and muscle tissue of wood mice captured along a pollution gradient. We found positive relationships between cadmium concentrations in hair and all internal tissues. Hair lead concentrations were positively correlated with lead contents in kidney and liver. Age had a significant effect on cadmium accumulation in all tissues and hair. Apart from a very weak relationship between zinc concentrations in hair and liver, no significant relation between copper or zinc content in hair and any of the internal organs was observed. In summary, our observations suggest that hair of wood mice can be used for monitoring exposure to non-essential metals like cadmium and lead, but not to homeostatically regulated metals such as copper or zinc.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses (MA) are applied to discriminate air masses near the extra-tropical tropopause in a north Atlantic cut-off low (COL) case, using the Measurement of OZone and water vapour by five Airbus In-service airCraft data. Different MA, such as hierarchical clustering methods (HCM) and K-means clustering and the linear and quadratic discriminant analyses are tested and compared. The resulting methodology is based on the successive use of the principal component analysis, HCM with average linkage and K-means clustering, and finally the linear discriminant analysis. It is found that these tools result in a much better discrimination between air masses than the classical selection criteria. From a study based on data selected during seven isobaric flights (230 hPa) crossing the same COL in June 1995, the MA method allows to obtain the physical and chemical structure of the COL and surrounding air masses, and the identification of air mass directly linked to the stratosphere–troposphere exchanges (STE). This air mass corresponds to a mixed zone between stratosphere and troposphere near the jet stream, with intermediate values and weak gradients of ozone, potential temperature and humidity (the tropopause is poorly defined). These STE air masses could not have been found objectively with classical discrimination criteria. A possible hypothesis to explain these STE is the dynamics associated with strong convection beneath and around the southern side of the COL.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to establish a new indicator for fecal pollution of river sediment using a sensitive detection method for urobilin. Urobilin contained in sediment was extracted with an alkaline buffer solution. The suitable buffer solution for extraction of urobilin consisted of 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 10.0) containing 0.1 m sodium chloride. The ratio of sediment to buffer was 1:10. The distribution of urobilin in river sediment was studied by this method. The amount of urobilin in the river sediment of Tokyo (urban) and the Miura peninsula (rural) area was surveyed. Large quantities of urobilin were detected in the sediments of the urban rivers, but it was scarce in the rural rivers. Urobilin showed a higher content in sediment than in water. Urobilin in river sediment is distributed in large amounts in the lower reaches, where the water is polluted with domestic sewage and industrial waste, but is scarce in the upper streams. The amount of urobilin decreases to the lower layers.  相似文献   

The current study uses resampling to investigate the impacts of cyclic seasonal behavior on 1- and 5-year period means composed from seasonal mean values in the presence of missing data. This is an empirical study using complete years of seasonal monitoring data collected in the eastern US and extracted from the clean air status and trends network (CASTNET) dry and the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) wet deposition data archives. Estimators of period means with missing seasonal data are determined using means of the non-missing values as estimates of the missing data. Estimates are evaluated in terms of 95% inclusion intervals (e.g., estimates are within ±X% of the true value ⩾95% of the time). For dry deposition, missing transition seasons (i.e., spring or fall) usually yield estimates of annual means that are within ±20% of the true annual mean ⩾95% of the time. Missing summers or winters usually have larger impacts on estimates of annual means of dry deposited species than missing transition seasons. A missing summer has the largest impact on estimates of annual means of dry deposition for all constituents, except SO2, where winter is especially important. For wet deposition, a missing season yields estimates of annual means that are within ±30% of the true annual mean ⩾95% of the time. A missing summer has the largest impact on estimates of annual means of wet deposition for all constituents, except NH4+, where spring and fall are important. A strategy requiring at least 3 years of seasonal representation for three seasons with the fourth season having at least two seasonal values, yields estimates of wet deposition that are within ±17% of the true 5-year means ⩾95% of the time for all species. Corresponding confidence statements for dry deposition results are considerably stronger, with estimates that are within ±10% of the true 5-year mean ⩾95% of the time.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Uranium (U) is a highly toxic radioactive element and limited to < 30 μg/L in drinking water by the World Health Organization. In this...  相似文献   

缓冲带在农业非点源污染防治中的应用   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
论述了缓冲带防治非点源污染的机理和效果,分析了影响缓冲带功能的各个因素。缓冲带能有效地控制土壤与土壤养分的流失,其建设与管理在整个生态环境建设中具有重要地位,目前国内外的研究主要集中于缓冲带对径流中营养物质氮和磷的吸收上,对较大区域环境水质影响的研究不曾多见。为达到防治非点源污染的更好效果,应对缓冲带的设计及各种缓冲带合理配置与布局作更深入的研究,并要与水土保持措施相结合。  相似文献   

The origin of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contamination in bulk atmospheric deposition at two sites of the Seine estuary, one urban and one industrial, has been investigated. The PAH profiles indicate that PAHs mainly have a pyrolytic origin, both in urban and industrial areas. PAH sources vary during the year with an increase of high molecular weight PAH proportions (especially for carcinogenic PAHs) in winter, that means an increase of combustion processes such as domestic heating. Ratios of indicator PAHs (FTH/FTH+PYR and IcdP/IcdP+BghiP) confirm the pyrolytic origin of PAHs. In summer, ratios show the presence of industrial sources. In addition to these two methods, a factor analysis/multiple linear regression model was applied and gave an approximation of PAH source apportionment. PAH were found to be associated predominantly with emissions from road traffic (gasoline and diesel), that accounts for 17-34%. Domestic heating is a very important PAH source in urban areas and accounts for up to 85% of PAHs in winter. Industrial emissions (refineries...) account for 25% in the industrial area in summer. Each is an identified source category for the region and these results are consistent with fly-ashes identified by scanning electron microscopy. This study demonstrates that a combination of source identification methods is a far more efficient than one method alone.  相似文献   

Green roofs as a means of pollution abatement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Green roofs involve growing vegetation on rooftops and are one tool that can help mitigate the negative effects of pollution. This review encompasses published research to date on how green roofs can help mitigate pollution, how green roof materials influence the magnitude of these benefits, and suggests future research directions. The discussion concentrates on how green roofs influence air pollution, carbon dioxide emissions, carbon sequestration, longevity of roofing membranes that result in fewer roofing materials in landfills, water quality of stormwater runoff, and noise pollution. Suggestions for future directions for research include plant selection, development of improved growing substrates, urban rooftop agriculture, water quality of runoff, supplemental irrigation, the use of grey water, air pollution, carbon sequestration, effects on human health, combining green roofs with complementary related technologies, and economics and policy issues.  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) were determined in river sediments collected at the Ave river basin (Portugal) to obtain a general classification scenery of the pollution in this highly polluted region. Multivariate data analysis techniques of clustering, principal components and eigenvector projections were used in this classification. Five general areas with different polluting characteristics were detected and several individual heavy metal concentration abnormalities were detected in restricted areas. A good correlation between the overall metal contamination determined by multivariate analysis and metal pollution indexes for all sampling stations was obtained. Some preliminary experiments showed that the metal concentrations normalised to the volatile matter content in the sediment fraction with grain size <63 microm seems to be an adequate method for assessing metal pollution.  相似文献   

餐饮业油烟污染及治理技术浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
餐饮业油烟污染空气 ,影响人体健康 ,应引起高度重视。治理技术设备主要有静电法、过滤法和洗涤法等方法 ,各种设备各有其优点和缺点 ,要不断创新完善 ,尽快使餐饮业油烟达标排放  相似文献   

底泥对河流的二次污染浅析   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:39  
根据底冲中污染物质累积和释放过程和底泥对河流二次污染的机理,运用适用的模式和苏州河的实测资料,可得到二次污染BOD和COD的年释放量,以及增加上覆河上的BOD和COD浓度。由此认为,对于底泥污染严重的河流,疏浚是必不可少的,其目的在于清除或隔绝黑富集层上覆河上的二次污染。  相似文献   

Interactive graphic techniques and the “one-way splitting algorithm” have been used in analysing a number of data sets connected to air pollution problems. The combination of these methods seems to offer an easy and convenient way to extract information from data in analytical chemistry.  相似文献   

The paper-making process can produce large amounts of wastewater (WW) with high particulate and dissolved organic loads. Generally, in developed countries, stringent international regulations for environmental protection require pulp and paper mill WW to be treated to reduce the organic load prior to discharge into the receiving environment. This can be achieved by primary and secondary treatments involving both chemical and biological processes. These processes result in complex changes in the nature of the organic material, as some components are mineralised and others are transformed. In this study, changes in the nature of organics through different stages of secondary treatment of pulp and paper mill WW were followed using three advanced characterisation techniques: solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, pyrolysis-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (py-GCMS) and high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). Each technique provided a different perspective on the changes that occurred. To compare the different chemical perspectives in terms of the degree of similarity/difference between samples, we employed non-metric multidimensional scaling. Results indicate that NMR and HPSEC provided strongly correlated perspectives, with 86 % of the discrimination between the organic samples common to both techniques. Conversely, py-GCMS was found to provide a unique, and thus complementary, perspective.  相似文献   

The paper deals with application of different statistical methods like cluster and principal components analysis (PCA), partial least squares (PLSs) modeling. These approaches are an efficient tool in achieving better understanding about the contamination of two gulf regions in Black Sea. As objects of the study, a collection of marine sediment samples from Varna and Bourgas "hot spots" gulf areas are used. In the present case the use of cluster and PCA make it possible to separate three zones of the marine environment with different levels of pollution by interpretation of the sediment analysis (Bourgas gulf, Varna gulf and lake buffer zone). Further, the extraction of four latent factors offers a specific interpretation of the possible pollution sources and separates natural from anthropogenic factors, the latter originating from contamination by chemical, oil refinery and steel-work enterprises. Finally, the PLSs modeling gives a better opportunity in predicting contaminant concentration on tracer (or tracers) element as compared to the one-dimensional approach of the baseline models. The results of the study are important not only in local aspect as they allow quick response in finding solutions and decision making but also in broader sense as a useful environmetrical methodology.  相似文献   

Hourly precipitation data from 89 first-order National Weather Service stations in the northeastern United States are used to define seasonal storm (wet-period) and dry-period statistics. Mean values of regional storm and dry-period duration and of precipitation rates for storms and precipitation events for each season are calculated. Frequency distributions of regional storm and dry period duration allow comparison of seasonal variations and characteristics. Such statistics serve as input parameters for studies and models developed to provide a better understanding of the deposition of acidic pollutants by precipitation.  相似文献   

The Joint Danube Survey (JDS)--a comprehensive monitoring survey to assess the environmental pollution status of the river Danube--was carried out in 2001. Samples were taken at 74 positions along the river from Neu-Ulm (River-km 2589) down to the Danube Delta at the Black Sea (River-km 0) and in 24 main tributaries and anabranches. Besides other biological and chemical parameters, concentrations of Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, and Zn were determined in sediments and suspended solids. Lowest heavy metal concentrations were measured around River-km 1800. After an increase down to River-km 1000 (the Irongate Reservoir), a constant level or a slight decrease could be found down to and in the Danube Delta. Very high element concentrations were determined at only a few stations of the river Danube and in some tributaries. An evaluation of the pollution status of the river was carried out by enrichment factors (EFs) calculated using adapted background concentrations of heavy metals. Except single sampling sites and some tributaries, the pollution of the river Danube by As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn can be regarded as rather low. However, elevated concentrations of Cd were found in both investigated matrices, particularly in the lower stretch of the river Danube beginning at the Irongate.  相似文献   

Time-series analysis of air pollution environmental levels involves the identification of long-term variation in the mean (trend) and of cyclical or periodic components. A model based on a stepwise approach to time-series analysis was applied to the daily average concentrations of strong acidity (SA) and black smoke (BS) in the Oporto area, using an available computer program. Each step is completed by a correlation analysis of the residuals, allowing the identification of an optimal structure with a residual white noise. A periodic component with harmonics defined through “peaks” of concentration on week middle days and “troughs” on weekends was observed. SA concentration behaviour can be related with industrial activities, mainly through fossil-fuel burning in discontinuous working cycles. The observed evolution for BS is most probably related with weekly patterns of motor traffic, with observed minimum values during weekends. The periodic components represent, on the average, about 5% of the total variance for the SA series and 15% for the BS series. However, the weekly cycles are predominant in the SA series, representing on the average 75% of the periodic variance, against 46% for the BS series. Statistically significant higher frequency (≈2–4 day) periodic components were observed for both pollutant indicators and for all collection sites analysed. This may be due to synoptic weather variations of minimum and maximum daily temperature and precipitation, which show similar periods in the study area.  相似文献   

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