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In this study, an integrated fuzzy-stochastic linear programming model is developed and applied to municipal solid waste management. Methods of chance-constrained programming and fuzzy linear programming are incorporated within a general interval-parameter mixed-integer linear programming framework. It improves upon the existing optimization methods with advantages in uncertainty reflection, data availability, and computational requirement. The model can be used for answering questions related to types, times and sites of solid waste management practices, with the objective of minimizing system costs over the planning horizon. The model can effectively reflect dynamic, interactive, and uncertain characteristics of municipal waste management systems. In its solution process, the model is transformed into two deterministic submodels, corresponding to upper and lower bounds of the desired objective function values under a given significance level, based on an interactive algorithm. Results of the method's application to a hypothetical case indicate that reasonable outputs have been obtained. It demonstrates the practical applicability of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

In this study, an interval-parameter fuzzy-stochastic two-stage programming (IFSTP) approach is developed for irrigation planning within an agriculture system under multiple uncertainties. A concept of the distribution with fuzzy-interval probability (DFIP) is defined to address multiple uncertainties expressed as integration of intervals, fuzzy sets, and probability distributions. IFSTP integrates the interval programming, two-stage stochastic programming, and fuzzy-stochastic programming within a general optimization framework. IFSTP incorporates the pre-regulated water resources management policies directly into its optimization process to analyze various policy scenarios; each scenario has different economic penalty when the promised amounts are not delivered. IFSTP is applied to an irrigation planning in a water resources management system. Solutions from IFSTP provide desired water allocation patterns, which maximize both the system’s benefits and feasibility. The results indicate that reasonable solutions are generated for objective function values and decision variables; thus, a number of decision alternatives can be generated under different levels of stream flows.  相似文献   

In this study, an inexact fuzzy-robust two-stage programming (IFRTSP) method is developed for tackling multiple forms of uncertainties that can be expressed as discrete intervals, probabilistic distributions and/or fuzzy membership functions. The model can reflect economic penalties of corrective measures against any infeasibilities arising due to a particular realization of system uncertainties. Moreover, the fuzzy decision space can be delimited into a more robust one with the uncertainties being specified through dimensional enlargement of the original fuzzy constraints. A management problem in terms of regional air pollution control has been studied to illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach. Results indicate that useful solutions for planning the air quality management practices have been generated. They can help decision makers identify desired pollution-abatement strategy with minimized system cost and maximized environmental efficiency.  相似文献   

An interval-parameter fuzzy-stochastic semi-infinite mixed-integer linear programming (IFSSIP) method is developed for waste management under uncertainties. The IFSSIP method integrates the fuzzy programming, chance-constrained programming, integer programming and interval semi-infinite programming within a general optimization framework. The model is applied to a waste management system with three disposal facilities, three municipalities, and three periods. Compared with the previous methods, IFSSIP have two major advantages. One is that it can help generate solutions for the stable ranges of the decision variables and objective function value under fuzzy satisfaction degree and different levels of probability of violating constraints, which are informative and flexible for solution users to interpret/justify. The other is that IFSSIP can not only handle uncertainties through constructing fuzzy and random parameter, but also reflect dynamic features of the system conditions through interval function of time over the planning horizon. By comparing IFSSIP with interval-parameter mixed-integer linear semi-infinite programming and parametric programming, the IFSSIP method is more reasonable than others.  相似文献   

Economic development, variation in weather patterns and natural disasters focus attention on the management of water resources. This paper reviews the literature on the development of mathematical programming models for water resource management under uncertainty between 2010 and 2017. A systematic search of the academic literature identified 448 journal articles on water resource management for examination. Bibliometric analysis is employed to investigate the methods that researchers are currently using to address this problem and to identify recent trends in research in the area. The research reveals that stochastic dynamic programming and multistage stochastic programming are the methods most commonly applied. Water resource allocation, climate change, water quality and agricultural irrigation are amongst the most frequently discussed topics in the literature. A more detailed examination of the literature on each of these topics is included. The findings suggest that there is a need for mathematical programming models of large-scale water systems that deal with uncertainty and multiobjectives in an effective and computationally efficient way.  相似文献   


The management of end-of-life vehicles conserves natural resources, provides economic benefits, and reduces water, air, and soil pollution. Sound management of end-of-life vehicles is vitally important worldwide thus requiring sophisticated decision-making tools for optimizing its efficiency and reducing system risk. This paper proposes an interval-parameter conditional value-at-risk two-stage stochastic programming model for management of end-of-life vehicles. A case study is conducted in order to demonstrate the usefulness of the developed model. The model is able to provide the trade-offs between the expected profit and system risk. It can effectively control risk at extremely disadvantageous availability levels of end-of-life vehicles. The formulated model can produce optimal solutions under predetermined decision-making risk preferences and confidence levels. It can simultaneously determine the optimal long-term allocation targets of end-of-life vehicles and reusable parts as well as capital investment, production planning, and logistics management decisions within a multi-period planning horizon. The proposed model can efficiently handle uncertainties expressed as interval values and probability distributions. It is able to provide valuable insights into the effects of uncertainties. Compared to the available models, the resulting solutions are far more robust.



We propose a novel framework for the economic assessment of environmental policy. Our main point of departure from existing work is the adoption of a satisficing, as opposed to optimizing, modeling approach. Along these lines, we place primary emphasis on the extent to which different policies meet a set of goals at a specific future date instead of their performance vis-a-vis some intertemporal objective function. Consistent to the nature of environmental policymaking, our model takes explicit account of model uncertainty. To this end, the decision criterion we propose is an analog of the well-known success-probability criterion adapted to settings characterized by model uncertainty. We apply our criterion to the climate-change context and the probability distributions constructed by Drouet et al. (2015) linking carbon budgets to future consumption. Insights from computational geometry facilitate computations considerably and allow for the efficient application of the model in high-dimensional settings.


Value-focused thinking, a decision analysis technique, is used to produce a multiple-objective model that captures a site's municipal solid waste (MSW) management goals, objectives, and concerns in order to facilitate the evaluation of competing strategies. The model ranks competing MSW alternatives based on how well they meet the decision maker's strategic objective, a 20-year compliant MSW system. Sensitivity analysis is incorporated in the model to assess and illustrate the effects of changes in model objective weights and changes in model parameters. Overall, the model provides decision-makers with a decision tool to make a better decision when choosing a new MSW management strategy. The entire process is applied to a case study using Earekson Air Station, a remote U.S. Air Force installation.  相似文献   

固体废物加工产物属于产品的条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借鉴欧盟、经济合作与发展组织、美国提出的固体废物加工产物属于产品需要满足的条件,结合《固体废物鉴别导则(试行)》中鉴别固体废物加工产物不属于固体废物而属于产品时最常用的因素,提出固体废物加工产物属于产品需要同时满足的3个条件,即符合国家、地方或行业通用的产品质量标准,符合国家污染控制标准,以及生产工艺过程和相应设施通过环境影响评价及建设项目竣工环境保护验收,为固体废物加工产物的固体废物监管和鉴别提供参考。  相似文献   

Energy-related activities contribute a major portion of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere. In this study, a dual-interval multi-stage stochastic programming model for the planning of integrated energy-environment systems (DMSP-IEES) model is developed for integrated energy-environment systems management, in which issues of GHG-emission mitigation can be reflected throughout the process of energy systems planning. By integrating methodologies of interval linear programming (when numbers are described as interval values without distribution information), dual-interval programming (when lower and upper bounds of interval values are not available as deterministic values but as discrete intervals), and multi-stage stochastic programming, the DMSP-IEES model is capable of dealing with uncertainties expressed as discrete intervals, dual intervals, and probability distributions within a multi-stage context. Decision alternatives can also be generated through analysis of the single- and dual-interval solutions according to projected applicable conditions. A case study is provided for demonstrating the applicability of the developed methodology. The results indicate that the developed model can tackle the dual uncertainties and the dynamic complexities in the energy-environment management systems through a multi-layer scenario tree. In addition, it can reflect the interactions among multiple system components and the associated trade-offs.  相似文献   

基于GPS、GPRS、GIS地理3G综合技术,设计城市固体废物综合监管系统,实现对固体废物从收集到再利用全过程的监督管理。该系统由申报信息系统、地面控制系统、处置保障系统、综合分析系统、应急指挥系统和线上“淘宝”系统组成,在固体废物收集站点采集的数据上传至综合分析系统,经分析与匹配后相关信息发布在线上“淘宝”交易平台,平台为买卖双方提供资源配置方案,也为管理部门的宏观调控提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

我国危险废物经营单位监测中的技术问题和建议   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
根据2007—2013年对持环保部发证的危险废物经营单位开展监督性监测的实际情况和工作经验,从关注焚烧企业的二口恶英监测、加强危险废物企业日常监测、开展危险废物鉴别技术方法研究等方面,探讨我国危险废物监测技术上现存的主要问题和发展方向,对今后全国各省自行组织危险废物许可证的审核和监督性监测等相关工作给出了建议。  相似文献   

In developing countries, several old municipal solid waste dumps (unlined landfills) exist adjacent to large cities, releasing contaminants to the underlying aquifer, thus posing the hazard of groundwater contamination. These uncontrolled waste dumps need to be prioritized in terms of the groundwater contamination hazard posed by them, so that necessary control and remedial measures can be undertaken in a phased manner. This paper presents a time-dependent system for evaluating groundwater contamination hazard rating of municipal solid waste dumps. The system is based on source–pathway–receptor relationships and evaluates the relative value of hazard posed by a site over its entire leaching life, on a scale of 0–1,000. The system parameters have been selected based on literature and expert opinions. The Delphi technique is used to derive the relative importance weights of the system parameters. The proposed system is compared with six selected existing hazard rating systems. The comparison, made by way of score range analysis, shows that the proposed system exhibits a much wider range of hazard scores for various scenarios of site conditions, and hence the proposed system is more sensitive to varied site conditions. The application of different systems to six municipal solid waste dumps located in four cities of India shows that, whereas the existing systems individually produce clustered scores and return the same rank to more than one site, the proposed system produces significantly varying scores and return different ranks to different sites. This demonstrates that the proposed system improves decision making and makes a better basis for prioritization of municipal solid waste dumps for adopting control and remedial measures.  相似文献   

外向型经济地区经济发达、城镇化水平高、外来人口众多,使得农村环境问题日益突出。通过对典型外向型经济地区昆山市全部行政村发放调查表并结合经验系数法,调查和统计了外向型经济地区农村固废的产生种类、产生量和处置状况。统计分析结果显示,外向型经济地区农村的主要固体废弃物为生活垃圾、农业固废、禽畜粪便和农村企业固废。根据这些污染状况,提出了农村固废处置的管理对策。  相似文献   

基于已完成的112例进口含金属物料的固体废物鉴别实践,系统地介绍了进口含金属物料的申报品名及各品名所占比例,种类及各种类的特征、固体废物鉴别关键方法和每种鉴别结果所占比例,其中申报品名主要为矿石(砂),所占比例为51.8%;鉴别结果主要为冶炼渣,所占比例为37.5%。提出对于进口的含金属物料,通过测量主要成分和含量、最主要金属元素及典型重金属元素的含量、物相组成、矿相组成,对于极细的粉末等特殊物料,还需要粒度分析等辅助试验,确定其产生来源。如果确定属于金属冶炼过程中产生的副产物、污染控制设施或环境治理过程中产生的物料、含金属废料简单加工处理产物、矿物采选过程中产生的废弃物,那么鉴别物料属于固体废物。  相似文献   

This paper presents a Decision Support System (DSS) approach developed in the context of the Copernicus project entitled System for Water Monitoring and Sustainable Management based on Ground Stations and Satellite Images (WATERMAN). The main objective of WATERMAN is the monitoring and management of the Strymon River in the Southern Balkans. The specific DSS integrates the main components of WATERMAN and helps the decision maker to monitor the Strymon region; to control and forecast the quantity and quality of the river water; as well as to make objective decisions about the state of the water based on data provided by radio computers, earth stations and satellite images processed by mathematical and statistical models and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).  相似文献   

以福建省某化工危险废物处理工程为例,研究固态危废焚烧处置设施的技术性能。工程采用高温涡流燃烧+二燃室+水冷除尘器+急冷塔+干式吸附+布袋除尘+喷淋吸附+雾水分离工艺,设计处理量为100 kg/h。研究结果表明:在测试工况下,二燃室温度为(1 149.6±13.4)℃;烟气在炉膛的平均停留时间为(5.35±0.12)s,燃烧效率为99.97%;萘与CCl4的焚毁去除率分别为99.996%与99.991%,热灼减率为3.3%;焚烧设施的技术性能达到《危险废物焚烧污染控制标准》(GB 18484—2020)的要求;二噁英的排放值为0.007 6 ngTEQ/m3,HF和CO的排放值分别为1.21 mg/m3和72.8 mg/m3,烟气排放达标。  相似文献   

浅议现代垃圾填埋场的大气污染及监测分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
造成垃圾填埋场大气污染的两大类污染物,其对环境、人体、动植物、器物和材料都有一定的危害,文章针对现代垃圾填埋场的大气环境污染,以硫化氢、氨、甲硫醇等重点大气污染因子为监测对象,结合实践总结了一部分垃圾填埋场的大气污染监测方案,包括布点原则、采样频率和时间、采样方法和分析技术,该监测方案可为现代垃圾填埋场的大气污染监测提供参考.  相似文献   

通过对苏州市固体废物安全自动监控系统的建立背景、构建目标、系统概述、总体设计等方面的内容进行阐述,说明了苏州市固体废物安全自动监控系统.可以为各级环保部门提供科学、准确的基础数据和决策依据,是提升环境监测监管的必经之路.  相似文献   

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