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Endemic goitre was prevalent in the population of Derbyshire in the UK for many centuries until it declined from the 1930s. A contemporary medical survey showed that endemicity of goitre was particularly higher in the Carboniferous limestone areas of the Derbyshire-Peak District. Unlike classical goitrous areas of the world, where the distribution of goitre has been found to be related to the iodine content in the environment, there is no such relationship reported for the Derbyshire-Peak District area. The present study reviews the presence of endemic goitre in this area with reference to iodine in different environmental media using past and present data. In comparison with the world average values, the iodine contents in the soil and sediment in the Peak District are not deficient, but compared to England, Wales and Scotland averages, these levels are low. As no information on the mobility and bioavailability of iodine of this area is available, a cautious approach is necessary before any assumption is made on the aetiology of endemic goitre. The study also discusses some hypotheses relating to the possible cause of endemic goitre in the limestone areas. Further research needs are suggested depending on the land use and geochemistry of the Peak District to determine the underlying causes of the former endemic goitre in this area.  相似文献   

Endemic goitre was prevalent in the population of Derbyshire in the UK for many centuries until it declined from the 1930s. A contemporary medical survey showed that endemicity of goitre was particularly higher in the Carboniferous limestone areas of the Derbyshire-Peak District. Unlike classical goitrous areas of the world, where the distribution of goitre has been found to be related to the iodine content in the environment, there is no such relationship reported for the Derbyshire-Peak District area. The present study reviews the presence of endemic goitre in this area with reference to iodine in different environmental media using past and present data. In comparison with the world average values, the iodine contents in the soil and sediment in the Peak District are not deficient, but compared to England, Wales and Scotland averages, these levels are low. As no information on the mobility and bioavailability of iodine of this area is available, a cautious approach is necessary before any assumption is made on the aetiology of endemic goitre. The study also discusses some hypotheses relating to the possible cause of endemic goitre in the limestone areas. Further research needs are suggested depending on the land use and geochemistry of the Peak District to determine the underlying causes of the former endemic goitre in this area.  相似文献   

The illusion of environmental iodine deficiency   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of endemic goitre in England and Wales was compared with the distribution of environmental iodine (atmospheric deposition, soil, surface water). Despite a very clear goitre belt through the west of England and Wales there was no patterning in the environmental iodine distribution. A clear seasonal variation in depositional iodine exists, with an unusually high concentration of iodine in March 1997. The temporal variation in iodine concentration is determined at the monthly and not the annual level. The presence of endemic goitre is no indicator of how iodine is distributed in the environment or vice versa!  相似文献   

The geochemistry of iodine — a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iodine has long been recognised as an important element environmentally. Despite this there are many gaps in our knowledge of its geochemistry and even where information is available much of this is based on old data which, in the light of recent data, are suspect.Iodine forms few independent minerals and is unlikely to enter most rock-forming minerals. In igneous rocks its concentration is fairly uniform and averages 0.24 mg/kg. Sedimentary rocks tend to have higher concentrations with average iodine contents of:-recent sediments 5–200 mg/kg, carbonates 2.7 mg/kg, shales 2.3 mg/kg and sandstones 0.8 mg/kg. Organic-rich sediments are particularly enriched in iodine.Soils, generally, are much richer in iodine than the parent rocks with the actual level being decided mainly by soil type and locality. Little soil iodine is water-soluble and much iodine is thought to be associated with organic matter, clays and aluminium and iron oxides. Most iodine in soils is derived from the atmosphere where, in turn, it has been derived from the oceans. Seawater has a mean iodine content of 58 g/L, while non-saline surface waters have lower and very variable levels. Subsurface brines and mineral waters are generally strongly enriched in iodine.Marine plants are frequently enriched in iodine while terrestrial plants have generally low contents. Iodine is essential for all mammals.Consideration of the geochemical cycle of iodine reveals that its transfer from the oceans to the atmosphere is probably the most important process in its geochemistry.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the occurrence, prevalence and contributing factors to the incidence of goitre in Yewa north local government area of Ogun state, southwestern Nigeria. To achieve these objectives, soil, water, and cassava tubers were collected from four villages – Igbogila, Egua, Sawonjo and Imoto and from Lagos (about 250 m to the ocean) as a reference location, in order to determine their iodine concentrations. The results of the analyses indicated a soil mean iodine range of 2.1–5.8 μg g−1; a cassava mean iodine value of 2.3–3.5 μg g−1 and a drinking water mean iodine value of generally <1.0 μg L−1 in all the four villages. These values of iodine in soil and water of the four villages are considered low when compared with the soil iodine value of 7.4 μg g−1 and water iodine value of 6.1 μg L−1 obtained from Lagos. The limestone unit of the study area remains an inhibiting factor in the bioavailability of the iodine because of its alkalinity. Statistical analysis has shown that there was significant difference between iodine concentration in the soils and the drinking water, and a correlation between the soil iodine and organic matter content at p < 0.05. The correlation between soil iodine and granulometric fractions occurred at p < 0.01. Potential goitrogens in the commonly consumed cassava products might also have contributed to the prevalence of goitre in the study area. Both the females and the adults (i.e., less mobile groups) were found to be vulnerable to goitre development in these villages.  相似文献   

This study assesses the distribution of goiter in the Kalutara District, Sri Lanka in order to find causative factors for the occurrence of goiter even after the salt iodization. A questionnaire survey was conducted at the household level and at the same time iodine and selenium levels of the water sources were analyzed. Questionnaire survey results indicated the highest numbers of goiter patients in the northern part where the lowest were found in the southern sector which may be due to the presence of acid sulfate soils. Females were more susceptible and it even showed a transmittance between generations. Average iodine concentrations in subsurface water of goiter endemic regions are 28.25 ± 15.47 μg/L whereas non-goiter regions show identical values at 24.74 ± 18.29 μg/L. Surface water exhibited relatively high values at 30.87 ± 16.13 μg/L. Endemic goiter was reported in some isolated patches where iodine and selenium concentrations low, latter was <10 μg/L. The formation of acid sulfate soils in the marshy lands in Kalutara district may lead to transformation of biological available iodine oxidation into volatile iodine by humic substances, at the same time organic matter rich peaty soil may have strong held of iodine and selenium which again induced by low pH and high temperature were suggested as the instrumental factors in the endemic goiter in Kalutara district. Hence, geochemical features such as soil pH, organic matter and thick lateritic cap in the Kalutara goiter endemic area play a role in controlling the available selenium and iodine for food chain through plant uptake and in water.  相似文献   

Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) are a common health problem prevalent in the wet zone of Sri Lanka with a prevalence of >25 of the population. In comparison, in the dry zone of Sri Lanka IDD occurs in <10 of the population. Seventy soil samples from 14 villages selected on the basis of the incidence of goitre, were collected and analysed for 13 trace elements using ICP-MS. In order to identify any prevailing differences in antecedent chemical environments, soil samples from each pre-selected village were classified into three groups in terms of their geographical location. Among the elements investigated, the total soil concentrations of Rb, Sr, Ba, Mn and Co are lower in the wet zone of Kalutara. In contrast, total soil Rb, Sr, Ba and Mn contents are higher in the dry zone of Anuradhapura. Further soil total Mo and Nb levels are relatively similar in all pre-selected study locations. The high endemic goitre regions (IDD >25 of the population) show low levels of Rb, Sr, Ba, and Mn and higher levels of V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb as compared with moderate and non-goitre areas. Factor analysis was used to exploit the correlation structure present in data and yielded three groups in all cases. This indicated that most transition group elements and iodine are associated with the Mn phase in the low IDD areas whereas iodine shows a high affinity for the organic phase in high IDD regions. The variable distribution of trace elements, therefore, must be due to differences in mobility and capacity for incorporation into the structure of secondary minerals or organic phases.  相似文献   

Erosion of the Edale shales of Derbyshire during the Tertiary and Quaternary has resulted in sediment deposits in and on the underlying karstified limestones. Sorting during sedimentation has generated clay-rich sediments which are uranium enriched due to a clay association of uranium in the shales. Radon production in these sediments is at or close to equilibrium with their uranium content, and their fine grain-size ensures efficient radon release. Such sediments are therefore potent local sources of environmental radon.  相似文献   

Soil and pasture herbage samples from some historical metalliferous mining and smelting areas in England were analysed for As, Sb and Bi by ICP-AES using a hydride generation method after ashing with Mg(NO3)2. The results showed that As, Sb and Bi concentrations in soils were elevated because of their associations with the Pb-Zn mineralisation in Derbyshire and Somerset, and Sn-Cu mineralisation in Cornwall. The distribution of As, Sb and Bi in soils reflected the chemical nature of different mine waste materials, and on a regional basis clearly reflected the geochemistry of the three mineral provinces. Historical smelting and calcination have caused intensive contamination in soils in the immediate vicinity of these activities. Antimony was highly elevated in soils at an old Pb smelter site in Derbyshire. Although the concentrations of As, Sb and Bi were generally low in the pasture herbage samples examined, the concentrations of As and Sb in herbage often reflected those of the corresponding soils. Soil pH had a large effect on the plant uptake of Bi from soils. The pasture herbage contaminated by soil can be an important exposure pathway of these elements to livestock grazing on contaminated land.  相似文献   

为进一步探明酸沉降对森林红壤及生态环境的影响,模拟长沙地区降水酸度及离子组成,采用浸泡试验对两种森林红壤活性铝的释出及土壤理化性质的变化进行了研究。结果表明,模拟酸雨浸泡初期,土壤活性铝的释出量随浸泡次数的增加而增加,原始土壤pH值愈低,活性铝释出愈多;强酸度、高离子浓度(AR4)模拟酸雨对土壤中活性铝的溶出量远大于基础酸雨(AR3)及弱酸、低离子浓度酸雨(AR2)和对照酸雨(AR1)。模拟酸雨酸度愈大,对土壤pH值的影响愈明显,不同土层间,以A层土壤pH值下降最明显,B、C层土壤则下降较小。模拟酸雨模拟浸泡土壤25年后,土壤阳离子交换量均有不同程度下降,有机质含量高,原土壤阳离子交换量大的土壤下降幅度也大。  相似文献   

Garden soil and housedust samples, from households in a Derbyshire village closely associated with historic lead mining, have highly elevated lead levels. Handwipe samples from children also have relatively high lead concentrations suggesting that elevated levels of lead are transferred to the child by the soil-dust-hand-mouth pathway. However, this is not reflected in their blood lead concentrations which are within normal UK ranges and less than predicted by some lead exposure models. SEM analysis of soil grains has revealed that many are composed of pyromorphite [Pb5(PO4)3Cl], a stable soil-lead mineral. This mineral is formed from the weathering of galena [PbS] but it is not clear to what extent weathering has occurred in the soil. Pyromorphite has an extremely low solubility which may contribute to a low human bioavailability of lead in these soils, resulting in the lower than expected blood lead concentrations.  相似文献   

在中国东部花岗岩、玄武岩和石灰岩地区布设91个采样点,采集土壤剖面和母岩样品,测试13种微量元素的含量,研究其纬向分异规律及影响因素。结果表时:(1)土壤微量元素含量顺序为:玄武岩土壤>石灰岩土壤>花岗岩土壤;(2)花岗岩和玄武岩上土壤微量元素含量与母岩接近,石灰岩上土壤微量元素含量远高于母岩;(3)花岗岩上土壤微量元素的含量由北向南呈降低趋势,而玄武岩和石灰岩上土壤微量元素含量由北向南均呈增高趋势,且与游离氧化铁含量的增高同步;(4)微量元素含量与氧化铁含量在玄武岩土壤中的相关性大于这两者在花岗岩土壤中的相关性。  相似文献   

Micronutrient malnutrition is a major health problem in China. According to a national nutritional survey, approximately 24% of all Chinese children suffer from a serious deficiency of iron (Fe) (anemia), while over 50% show a sub-clinical level of zinc (Zn) deficiency. More than 374 million people in China suffer from goiter disease, which is related to iodine (I) deficiency, and approximately 20% of the Chinese population are affected by selenium (Se) deficiency. Micronutrient malnutrition in humans is derived from deficiencies of these elements in soils and foods. In China, approximately 40% of the total land area is deficient in Fe and Zn. Keshan and Kaschin-Beck diseases always appear in regions where the soil content of Se in low. The soil–plant system is instrumental to human nutrition and forms the basis of the “food chain” in which there is micronutrient cycling, resulting in an ecologically sound and sustainable flow of micronutrients. Soil-plant system strategies that have been adopted to improve human micronutrient nutrition mainly include: (1) exploiting micronutrient-dense crop genotypes by studying the physiology and genetics of micronutrient flow from soils to the edible parts of crops; (2) improving micronutrient bioavailability through a better knowledge of the mechanisms of the enhancers’ production and accumulation in edible parts and its regulation through soil-plant system; (3) improving our knowledge of the relationship between the content and bioavailability of micronutrients in soils and those in edible crop products for better human nutrition; (4) developing special micronutrient fertilizers and integrated nutrient management technologies for increasing both the density of the micronutrients in the edible parts of plants and their bioavailability to humans.  相似文献   

Radioactive iodide (125I) is used as a tracer to investigate the fate and transport of iodine in soil under various leaching conditions as well as the dynamic transfer in a soil–plant (Chinese cabbage) system. Results show that both soils (the paddy soil and the sandy soil) exhibit strong retention capability, with the paddy soil being slightly stronger. Most iodine is retained by soils, especially in the top 10 cm, and the highest concentration occurs at the top most section of the soil columns. Leaching with 1–2 pore volume water does not change this pattern of vertical distributions. Early breakthrough and long tailing are two features observed in the leaching experiments. Because of the relatively low peak concentration, the early breakthrough is really not an environmental concern of contamination to groundwater. The long tailing implies that the retained iodine is undergoing slow but steady release and the soils can provide a low but stable level of mobile iodine after a short period. The enrichment factors of 125I in different plant tissues are ranked as: root > stem > petiole > leaf, and the 125I distribution in the young leaves is obviously higher than that in the old ones. The concentrations of 125I in soil and Chinese cabbage can be simulated with a dual-chamber model very well. The biogeochemical behaviors of iodine in the soil-cabbage system show that cultivating iodized cabbage is an environmentally friendly and effective technique to eliminate iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). Planting vegetables such as cabbage on the 129I-contaminated soil could be a good remediation technique worthy of consideration.  相似文献   

The effects of agricultural improvement by cultivation, re-seeding, lime and fertiliser additions on the soil solution chemistry of acid podzolic soils have been investigated in a field experiment in a mid-Wales catchment. the treatment resulted in an increase in the pH, alkalinity and calcium content of soil waters from the surface, organic-rich horizon. in the year following treatment, soil waters in the mineral horizons became more acid and had higher aluminium concentrations than observed at the control site. This response is ascribed to soil water acidification resulting from increased nitrification rates following liming and cultivation. in subsequent years, soil water acidity in these lower horizons was neutralised by lime-rich water percolating from the surface. No changes in stream water acidity and calcium content were observed in the catchment containing the area of agriculturally improved soils. This suggests that the selective treatment of moorland catchments to improve agricultural productivity may not always be accompanied by amelioration of acid stream water.  相似文献   

North Derbyshire is designated a Radon Affected Area by the National Radiological Protection Board of Great Britain since more than 1% of the housing stock is estimated to have radon levels in excess of the 200 Bq m-3 Action Level. Enhanced radon emissions associated with geological faults make knowledge of their position important in relation to any potential residential or industrial development. A general survey of radionuclides present in the soils of north Derbyshire and their relationship to the underlying geology highlighted the difficulty of identifying the position of geological faults in the field. Using gamma-ray spectroscopy of soil samples the activity of three 238U decay series radionuclides (226Ra, 214Pb and 214Bi), which were taken as evidence of the presence of 222Rn which occurs in the same decay series, was measured to indicate the position of a fault by enhanced activity. The results also provided some evidence of the source of radon emitted at the fault. A comparison of this methodology with the more conventional soil gas analysis method is made.  相似文献   

A correlation between the selenium concentration in wool and blood erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity (GSHPx) from sheep in W. Derbyshire, a high selenium area and N. Wales and Romney Marsh, low/marginal selenium areas is reported.Soil and herbage selenium concentrations were significantly correlated with wool selenium levels and GSHPx activity.A significant difference was found between wool selenium concentrations and between GSHPx activities from sheep in W. Derbyshire and those animals sampled in N. Wales and Romney Marsh. 90% of wool samples from the low/marginal areas gave concentrations below 0.125 g Se/g. 6.125 g Se/g wool is suggested as a threshold value for selenium in wool from sheep grazing low/marginal areas.Seasonal peaks in wool selenium concentrations and GSHPx activities are found in March and June respectively. Supplementary feeds, which contain added selenium, given to livestock during the winter season may be responsible for these seasonal differences.GSHPx activity data reported in this study records higher sheep selenium levels than those reported in the 1979 survey by Andersonet al. This increase is attributed to the addition since 1979 of selenium to feeds and drenches.Wool is proposed as an accurate and less costly measure of sheep selenium status.  相似文献   

Geophagy or deliberate ingestion of soils was observed among Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in the Udawalwe National Park, Sri Lanka, for several years. The geochemical and mineralogical composition of the clayey soil layers which are purposefully selected and eaten by elephants in the park were studied, in order to identify the possible reasons for elephant geophagy. The concentrations of major and trace elements were determined by means of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in 21 soil samples from eight geophagic sites and six soil samples collected from four non-geophagic sites. The mineralogical composition of selected soil samples was investigated using X-ray diffractometry (XRD). These geochemical analyses revealed that geophagic soils in the study areas are deeply weathered and that most of the elements are leached from the soil layers under extreme weathering conditions. The XRD data showed that the soils of the area consisted mainly quartz, feldspar, and the clay minerals kaolinite, Fe-rich illite, and smectite. Although no significant geochemical differences were identified between geophagic and non-geophagic soils, a clear difference was observed in their clay mineralogical content. Soils eaten by elephants are richer in kaolinite and illite than non-geophagic soils, which contain a higher amount of smectite. It is suggested that elephants in Udawalawe National Park ingest soils mainly not to supplement the mineral contents of their forage but to detoxify unpalatable compounds in their diet.  相似文献   

New data on Se-deficiency in Yugoslavia are presented. The results include Se contents of soils, cereal crops and garlic grown in the investigated soils, and human serum and scalp hair from several towns and regions in this country. All data indicate a serious Se-deficiency. Analyses of human tissues show a very low Se-status of the Yugoslav population. In some regions, Se contents of garlic, grains and human serum and hair are approaching those in the low-selenium zone in China. It is assumed that the very low Se-status of the human population could be a risk factor for the endemic nephropathy and the urinary tract tumours in endemic areas.Originally presented at the 8th Meeting of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, University of Reading, England (April 1990) (Volume 13, No.2 (1991) of this journal) and subsequently submitted as a volunteered paper.  相似文献   

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