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To investigate the effects of seasonal temperatures on the composting of spent pig-manure sawdust litter (spent litter), two sets of experiments were carried out: one during winter, the other during summer. Physicochemical and microbial parameters including temperature, pH, inorganic N, humification indicators (HA and FA), heavy metals (Cu and Zn), total aerobic heterotrophs, ATP content and dehydrogenase activity were measured to understand changes in the spent litter during composting. Results demonstrated that the composting was faster during summer than winter. The spent litter during the summer trial reached maturity at day 56 whereas that of the winter trial was still immature at the end of composting (days 91). Microbial activities during the thermophilic stage of composting were much lower in the winter trial. Values began to increase during the latter part of composting, indicating that the spent litter in this winter trial was biologically unstable and must be further composted to reach full maturity. The changes in the microbial activities of the spent litter during summer or winter reflected the changes in their temperatures and chemical properties. The maturation of the spent litter during summer was accompanied by stabilization of the microbial and chemical properties and a drop in temperature to ambient level. Results of correlation analysis showed that temperature correlated not only with the microbial parameters but also with most of the chemical parameters. These parameters also correlated with each other. Among all the parameters measured, the trend of temperature changes is the simplest and most rapid parameter that can be used to evaluate the maturity of spent litter.  相似文献   

Effects of composting on phytotoxicity of spent pig-manure sawdust litter   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The phytotoxicity of spent pig-manure sawdust litter (spent litter) was evaluated during further composting. Aqueous extracts of the spent litter were prepared by shaking the sample with water (1:10 w/v), and the toxicity of these extracts was determined on relative seed germination, relative root elongation and germination index (GI, a factor of relative seed germination and relative root elongation). The sensitivity of six plant species, namely Brassica parachinensis (Chinese cabbage), Brassica albogalera (Chinese kale), Allium sativum (onion), Cucumis sativus (cucumber), Amaranthus espinosus (Chinese spinach), and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) were compared. The effect of different moisture levels during composting on the phytotoxicity of the spent litter was also examined. Phytotoxicity of the spent litter was only evident during the earlier stage of composting (first 14 days) and, that seed germination and root elongation reached 100% (same as the control) towards the end of the composting. The concentrations of the major inhibitors, water-extractable Cu and Zn, and NH4(+)-N of the spent litter, declined during composting, indicating that these inhibitors were gradually eliminated as composting proceeded. Multiple regression analysis showed that the NH4(+)-N content of the spent litter was the most important chemical factor affecting phytotoxicity of the plant species selected for this study. Relative root elongation and GI were more sensitive indicators of phytotoxicity than seed germination. In the present study, the GI's of all plant species were >80% at day 60, indicating that the spent litter had reached its maturation by day 60. The responses of different plant species to the water-extracts of the spent litter were different. Among the six species, Chinese cabbage and Chinese spinach were the most sensitive species, and tomato and cucumber were the least sensitive species to indicate phytotoxicity of the spent litter. Moisture adjustment during the composting process did not affect the results of the phytotoxicity test.  相似文献   

Composting of vegetable waste in subtropical climates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This experiment examined the possibility of using composting as a method of waste disposal in subtropical countries, such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where temperatures are high and humidity is low. In order to simulate conditions in the UAE, a representative mixture of wastes generated in the UAE was prepared and tested at ambient temperatures resembling those of subtropical countries. The mixture consisted of tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant and grass. The addition of grass (40% of the mixture by weight) adjusted the carbon/nitrogen ratio and the moisture content of the compost to the necessary level for initiating decomposition. To maintain the moisture content of the compost under severe dry hot weather, a saturated insoluble polymer (IP) was added at 20% and 60% concentration (wet weight). The mixture was then composted at three different temperatures. Results showed that the mixture requires about two weeks for stabilisation. High temperature is an advantage to the compost process; at temperatures between 40 and 60°C, the waste mixture (regardless of IP concentration) decomposed quicker than at low temperature (25°C). The addition of 20% saturated IP to the compost increases the moisture content and decomposition rate. It also increases the organic chemical content of the compost, which will be reflected by microbial activity.  相似文献   

在30%的丙酮-水溶液中破碎废弃荧光灯,利用超声聚能效应辅助脱附汞,在有效捕获汞蒸气的同时脱附灯管表面大部分吸附汞。考察了丙酮水溶液浓度(C)、固液比(S/L)、超声时间(t)等因素对废弃荧光灯中汞去除效果的影响。在最佳工艺条件C=30%、S/L=240 g/L、t=30 min下,平均每根荧光灯中汞的去除量达5.028 mg。采用硫化沉淀-混凝-活性炭吸附联合工艺对含汞丙酮-水溶液进行无害化处理,实验结果表明,汞初始浓度为13.79 mg/L的废水,调节pH为2,依次投加硫化钠14.5 mg/L、聚合氯化铝290.9 mg/L、活性炭量90.9 mg/L,出水汞浓度降至26.82μg/L,去除率达99.8%,达到国家排放标准。  相似文献   

废弃荧光灯的回收处理方法及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
废弃荧光灯不加处理或处置不当,会对人类健康产生极大危害.同时其中的有价资源可回收再利用.综述了国内外对废弃荧光灯的回收处理现状,总结了国内外废弃荧光灯的资源回收与处理方法,重点介绍了废弃荧光灯中汞和稀土元素的回收处理研究进展,提出了废弃荧光灯回收处理的相应对策.  相似文献   


An evaluation of the influence and degradation of ground multilayer containers, such as Tetra Brik Aseptic (TBA), in the composting process of municipal solid wastes (MSW) is presented. Two composting piles were formed by mixing, in different proportions, an organic fraction of MSW and TBA material ground as flakes or stripes. Piles were periodically aerated by mechanical mixing. Evolution of the composting was followed by frequent measurements of suitable parameters such as temperature, moisture, ashes, total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen, C/N ratio, pH, conductivity, nutrients, and heavy metals. As expected, aluminum and polyethylene films from TBA were not degraded during the processes, but the cardboard fraction of TBA showed a partial decomposition that was more intense in the material ground as flakes. After two months of curing, the composts were refined and analyzed to determine their nutrient and heavy-metals contents. Despite their poor aesthetic properties, mainly resulting from the presence of little pieces of plastic and aluminum films, the composts contained the required amounts of nutrients; furthermore, their heavymetals content was below the limits proposed by some official European organizations.  相似文献   

Sorption of copper and nickel by spent animal bones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
al-Asheh S  Banat F  Mohai F 《Chemosphere》1999,39(12):2087-2096
Animal bone is able to adsorb copper and nickel ions from their single aqueous solutions. It was noted that a decrease in the sorbent concentration with constant copper or nickel concentration, or an increase in the copper or nickel concentration with a constant sorbent concentration resulted in a higher metal loading per unit weight of the sorbent. Increase in the initial pH of the metal solution resulted in an increase in the metals uptake per unit weight of the sorbent. Freundlich isotherm model was found to be applicable for the experimental data of Cu2+ and Ni2+. The results showed that animals bones can be used for the adsorption of the Cu2+ and Ni2+ with higher affinity toward Cu2+ ions. The new sorbent was able to decrease copper concentration to a limit lower than the limit permitted by the environmental regulations.  相似文献   

废旧镍-镉电池中镍镉的回收方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
废旧镍-镉电池中镍和镉的回收主要有火法冶金和湿法冶金两种处理方法,本文对目前研究状况进行了综述。  相似文献   


In order to make regulations that safeguard food and the environment, an understanding of the fate of transgenes from genetically modified (GM) plants is of crucial importance. A compost experiment including mature transgenic corn plants and seeds of event Bt 176 (Zea mays L.) was conducted to trace the fate of the transgene cryIA(b) during the period of composting. In bin 1, shredded corn plants including seeds were composted above a layer of cow manure and samples from the corn layer were collected at intervals during a 12-month period. The samples were tested for the transgene persistence and microbial counts and also the compost was monitored for temperature. In bin 2, piles of corn seeds, surrounded by sheep manure and straw, were composted for 12 months. A method combining nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and southern hybridization was developed for detection of the transgene in compost. The detection sensitivity was 200 copies of the transgene per gram of dry composted corn material. Composting commenced on day 0, and the transgene was detected in specimens from bin 1 on days 0 and 7 but not on day 14 or thereafter. The transgene in corn seeds was not detectable after 12 months of composting in bin 2. Temperatures in both bins rose to about 50°C within 2 weeks and remained above that temperature for about 3 months, even when the ambient temperature dropped below ?20°C. Extracts from compost were inoculated onto culture plates and then were incubated at 23 to 55°C. Within the first 2 weeks of composting in bin 1, the counts of bacteria incubated at 55°C increased from 3.5 to 7.5 log 10, whereas those incubated at 23°C remained at about 7.5 log 10. The counts of fungi incubated at 45°C increased slightly from 2.5 to 3.1 log10, but those incubated at 23°C decreased from 6.3 to 3.0 log 10. The rapid degradation of the transgene during composting of Bt corn plants suggested that the composting process could be used for safe disposal of transgenic plant wastes.  相似文献   

牛粪堆肥腐殖质的动态变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛粪堆肥实质是有机物质分解的同时形成腐殖质的过程。本研究通过向牛粪中接种发酵微生物进行堆肥,研究分析了总有机碳含量、总腐殖酸、游离腐殖酸和水溶性腐殖酸等的腐殖质物质含量的动态变化。研究结果表明:在牛粪发酵过程中,总有机碳含量呈明显降低趋势,发酵微生物处理下的下降幅度明显大于不接种发酵微生物的处理;总腐殖酸、游离腐殖酸和水溶性腐殖酸含量在发酵前期呈明显的降低趋势,但至发酵腐熟期又逐渐升高。发酵前期,外源微生物的处理,使其下降幅度明显大于不接种外源微生物的处理,但在发酵腐熟期变化不大。  相似文献   

以硝酸溶解废碱性锌锰电池所得溶液为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶法成功地制备出了Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4/SiO2磁性纳米复合材料, 并对制备机理进行了探讨.借助于DTA、TG、XRD、IR、SEM和TEM等手段对制备过程进行检测, 并对产物进行表征.研究表明,先将干凝胶在590 ℃条件下预烧,再在1 120 ℃条件下煅烧可直接合成粒径在20 nm左右具有尖晶石结构的磁性纳米复合材料.  相似文献   

Leaching of copper and zinc from spent antifouling paint particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaching of Cu and Zn from a composite of spent antifouling paint particles, containing about 300 mg g−1 and 110 mg g−1 of the respective metals, was studied in batch experiments. For a given set of simulated environmental conditions, release of Cu was independent of paint particle concentration due to attainment of pseudo-saturation, but Zn was less constrained by solubility effects and release increased with increasing particle concentration. Leaching of Cu increased but Zn decreased with increasing salinity, consistent with mechanisms governing the dissolution of Cu2O in the presence of chloride and Zn acrylates in the presence of seawater cations. Because of complex reaction kinetics and the presence of calcium carbonate in the paint matrix, metal leaching appeared to be greater at 4 °C than 19 °C under many conditions. These findings have important environmental and biological implications regarding the deliberate or inadvertent disposal of antifouling paint residues.  相似文献   

采用机械化学法处理废旧锂电池,选择性地回收金属锂,同时将钴转化为钴铁氧体(CoFe2O4)功能材料,并重点考察了不同供氯体和操作参数对Li回收率和Co转化率的影响。研究发现,共价类的供氯体不适于Li的回收和CoFe2O4的制备,离子类的供氯体具有高的反应活性,不仅可以促进Li的氯化,同时还可以保证Co完整地保留在反应残渣中转化为CoFe2O4。将LiCoO2与Fe粉和NaCl混磨,既可以保证将Li转化为水溶性的盐,又可以在球磨过程中将Co与Fe进行晶格重组,保存在球磨残渣中形成磁性功能材料。确立的最佳操作参数为:m(LiCoO2):m(Fe):m(NaCl)为1:2.5:5,球料比50:1,球磨转速600 r·min-1,时间12 h,此时Li回收率达到92%,Co与Fe保留在残渣中转化为CoFe2O4。对产物的晶相组成、形貌和磁性能进行表征发现,所得CoFe2O4结构紧密,具有良好的磁学性能,饱和磁化强度Ms为56.1 emu·g-1,剩余磁化强度Mr为25.8 emu·g-1,矫顽力Hc为1 165.3 Oe。本研究为废旧锂电池的资源化回收提供了一条清洁环保的新途径。  相似文献   


The emissions of odors and volatile organic compounds produced from a commercial composting operation have been studied using a laboratory-scale composting system. The composting activity of a typical commercial compost feed was followed by monitoring the composting temperature, as well as the respiratory rate. Using a controlled aeration system, the gaseous volatiles produced were tested for odors using the "dilution-to-threshold" method, as well as gas composition, as determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

The results indicated that while there may be a reasonable correlation between the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors, care has to be taken when trying to identify offensive odors with specific chemical species. However, the data obtained suggests that offensive odors formed during commercial composting may be due to sulfurous and nitrogenous compounds, although their concentrations in the compost gases may not be very high.

The major release of VOCs occurred during the first two weeks of composting, after which the gaseous releases fell dramatically as the composting process proceeded and temperatures started to fall.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Spent cathode carbon (SCC) is hazardous waste from the electrolytic aluminum industry due to its high levels of soluble fluoride, while brick-fired...  相似文献   

废铅酸蓄电池铅膏性质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给废旧铅蓄电池铅膏的湿法回收工艺提供理论依据,对湖北金洋冶金股份有限公司破碎分选后的废铅膏进行了XRF、XRD、物理分析及化学分析等,确定了废铅膏的主要成分、理化性质等特性。结果表明,废铅膏粒径细小,碾钵磨细后能过120目的筛下物超过77.4%,这对湿法转化是有利的。废铅膏主要组成为64.5%PbSO4、29.5%PbO2、4.5%PbO、0.8%Pb及其他微量杂质元素,杂质主要包括Fe、Sb和Si等。因此,铅膏湿法处理时应该采取合适的净化工艺。  相似文献   

The work reported indicates that there could be a potential of ground water pollution by NO3-N from turkey facilities built on both sandy and clay soils. At four different depths (30.54, 61.08, 91.62, and 122.16 cm), the NO3-N levels for the clay soil were 1572, 497, 66, and 28 ppm, and those for the sandy soil were 293, 425, 324, and 164 ppm, respectively. No significant P increases were observed but there did exist a significant increase of K in the topsoil for both clay and sandy turkey structures. The results show that swine hoop houses with less than three or four years of age may not pose a threat to groundwater pollution due to the leaching of nutrients. The only dairy feedlot sampled in this study, although it has been used for more than 20 years, did not show leaching of NO3-N and P. However, it did show a significantly elevated concentration of potassium in the topsoil, as compared to the background sample. More sites should be investigated to verify this.  相似文献   

一种酒红色石化碱渣废液,碱浓度为10%,COD值为110 000 mg·L-1,硫化物平均含量为2%,不能直接进行生化处理。向碱渣中加入4.5%浓硫酸中和处理,提取碱渣废液中7.5%的有机物组分,利用NaOH调节废液中过量的酸至中性后,进行电催化氧化处理,处理条件为:电解时间为2 h;电流为300 A;电压为1.47 V;处理量为1 L;极板间距为1.5 cm;吨水电耗为98.0 kW·h-1;电流效率为54.61%。最终出水COD为38 mg·L-1,出水能够实现≤50 mg·L-1的排放标准。  相似文献   

对已有的糠醇生产中产生的废渣回收工艺进行了改进。将糠醛液相加氢生产糠醇产生的废渣于 130℃真空蒸馏回收废渣中的有机混合物 ,经过精馏获得糠醇与糠醛 ;剩余的固体废触媒与纯碱混合 ,经反射炉焙烧、水浸取、掺加石灰除硅、过滤得到铬酸钠水溶液 ;剩下的粗氧化铜经碱溶除铬、溶于硝酸得到硝酸铜溶液 ;将铬酸钠溶液、硝酸铜溶液按一定比例混合 ,加氨水搅拌 ,分离出的沉淀经传统方法焙烧活化、造粒制得新催化剂 ,回用于糠醛液相加氢生产糠醇。有机物、铬组分和铜组分的回收率均在 90 %以上  相似文献   

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