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江苏省的森林受到了酸沉降不同程度的影响,使森林生产力下降,造成木材直接损失每年可达2840万元人民币,因生态效益下降造成的间接经济损失达26亿元人民币  相似文献   

应用江苏省1988—2002年时序数据,建立环境污染与生态破坏经济损失的宏观估算模型,对影响环境污染与生态破坏的限制因子进行定量分析评价。  相似文献   

植物对酸沉降的净化缓冲作用研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从植物对SO2的吸收作用、森林冠层对湿沉降的缓冲作用以及森林枯枝落叶层对酸沉降的吸收缓冲作用3个方面介绍了国内外在植物对酸沉降的净化缓冲作用方面的研究成果。  相似文献   

酸沉降对森林植物影响过程和机理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章丰要包括如下几方而的内容:(1)概述了酸沉降作用下森林衰退的状况及其相关工作的开展情况;(2)总结了酸沉降对森林植物的影响过程和机理;(3)阐述了酸沉降对森林植物影响研究的模型和临界酸负荷值的确定;(4)探讨了存在的问题和未来值得研究的方向。指山未来的研究方向主要是:酸沉降对森林生态系统的影响机理和森林生态系统对酸沉降的反馈机制;酸沉降对非优势种、稀有种及低等植物的影响;酸沉降与其它环境因子对森林植物的共同影响;酸沉降的监控和预测,建立适合我斟实际情况的研究模型;将常规分析手段和分子生物学技术相结合,加强抗性植物和指示植物的筛选工作;加强受损森林植被的恢复和重建工作;开展酸沉降对森林植被的格局动态及森林演替动态变化研究。  相似文献   

温州红壤的酸沉降临界负荷研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
安俊岭  黄美元 《环境化学》1998,17(2):136-142
本文简要介绍了以碱总量守恒为基础建立的兼能描述钙质与非钙质土壤长期酸化过程的动态模型(LTSAM),并利用该模型讨论了温州红壤的酸沉降临界负荷。结果表明,以硫沉降即酸沉降的硫沉降非酸沉降两观点分别来确定红壤的临界负荷,其值依次为3.91与1.84g·m^-2·a^-1,后者仅是前者的47%,差异显著应加以区别。  相似文献   

我国东部七省生态系统对酸沉降的相对敏感性   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
讨论了影响亚热带生态系统对酸沉隆敏感怀的生态因子,提出了敏感性等级划分的指标体系,根据大量资料编制了我国东部7省1市生态系统对酸沉隆相对敏感性分区图。结果表明,在研究区域内生态系统的敏感性有相当大的差别,极敏感区和敏感区面积占全区总面积的1/3以上。主要分布在福建、浙江、江西3省。  相似文献   

我国对大气酸沉降的研究起自70年代末.以酸雨研究占主导地位。我国酸雨现象区域性、发展性强,在地理上以南方酸性土壤地区为主,在成分上以硫酸盐型酸雨为主;无论是酸度还是频率,酸雨都是极严重的生态环境问题。酸沉降已对农、林生态系统生产产生了严重的破坏效应,但其累积性的环境化学反馈却未引起人们的足够重视。我国酸雨地区以强酸性富铝土壤为主,对大气酸沉降有较大的敏感性。应用β指标还表明,酸沉降可使南方主要土壤因酸化而在30—60年内降低pH一个单位。近年来对酸沉降诱发的土壤酸化研究以模拟降水的土柱试验为主,从pH下降、盐基淋出、Al及重金属移动等方面来提示出酸沉降可能对土壤产生的化学影响。但作为过程化学研究,其案例监测研究的报道尚很少。对于南方严重的酸雨现象,应加强实地动态监测和过程分析,注重Al化学及其对环境的反馈,将酸沉降对生态系统的破坏提高到生态毒理机制上。  相似文献   

植物对酸沉降的净化缓冲作用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从植物对SO2的吸收作用、森林冠层对湿沉降的缓冲作用以及森林枯枝落叶层对酸沉降的吸收缓冲作用3个方面介绍了国内外在植物对酸沉降的净化缓冲作用方面的研究成果。  相似文献   

酸沉降临界负荷计算模式的修正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚小红  周中平 《环境化学》1998,17(4):315-319
酸沉降临界负荷是酸沉降水平的函数,不同酸沉降水平下,矿物风化速率有数量级差别,在因此,酸沉降临界负荷的计算应先使用判别方程计算平衡PH值,然后确定采用何种方法计算,在欧洲可以直接采用动态模式计算临界负荷,是因为其酸沉水平能满足判别方程成立,但在中国大多数情况下不成立。  相似文献   

酸沉降对土壤和水域的酸化影响是土壤环境化学研究前沿的热点问题之一。酸沉降的化学组成对酸性土壤的进一步酸化起着催化剂的作用。在酸雨影响下,SO42-、NO-3、有机阴离子是加速土壤酸化和盐基淋溶损失的主要阴离子,外源H+的进入会加速铝离子水解。自然因素与人为因素导致土壤酸化的实际酸化速率差异表明:HCO3-、RCOO-在土壤剖面中的淋失状况可反映自然土壤的酸化速率,而SO42-和NO-3淋溶产生的质子负荷揭示土壤受人为因素影响的酸化速率。通过计算酸沉降的主要化学成分进入土壤前后的质子负荷平衡,与酸中和容量(ANC)相结合,反映酸沉降加速土壤酸化的进程。  相似文献   

添加植物物料对2种酸性土壤可溶性铝的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在室内培养试验条件下,研究了添加非豆科的油菜秸秆、小麦秸秆、稻草、玉米秸秆和豆科的大豆秸秆、花生秸秆、蚕豆秸秆、紫云英、豌豆秸秆对酸性茶园黄棕壤和红壤可溶性铝总量及其形态的影响.结果表明,黄棕壤除添加油菜秸秆、小麦秸秆和稻草处理外,其余添加植物物料处理土壤可溶性铝总量、总单核铝和3种无机单核铝的含量有不同程度的降低,因为加入这些植物物料均使土壤pH值增大.5种豆科植物物料对黄棕壤pH值的影响大于非豆科植物物料,前者对土壤中3种无机单核铝含量的影响也大于后者.9种植物物料也使红壤pH值有不同程度升高,土壤可溶性铝含量降低,其中4种非豆科植物物料、花生秸秆和蚕豆秸秆处理效果较好.因此,施用植物秸秆能够有效改良土壤酸度,缓解土壤中铝对植物的毒害.总体而言,9种植物物料中花生秸秆增加酸性土壤pH值和降低土壤有毒形态铝含量效果最好.  相似文献   

Changes of Soil Enzyme Activities By Simulated Acid and Nitrogen Deposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of acid and nitrogen depositions on soil microbial activities were studied in a laboratory-based experiment. Five treatments were added to forest soil for five weeks, and soil enzyme activities were determined along with chemical properties. There was little change in pH and nitrogen availability. Dehydrogenase, phosphatase and arylsulphatase activities were decreased by all the acidic treatments compared to the control, while urease activity was increased by the pH 4 treatment. at the same pH treatment, different nitric acid contents induced different urease activities. the results suggest that acid deposition would inhibit microbial activities and that more study is needed to elucidate the impact on nitrogen cycling in forests.  相似文献   

The typical parameters of acid precipitation are evaluated in the forest of Vallombrosa (Tuscan Appennines) during the dry period 1988-89. Individual rain events (dry and wet deposition) were sampled in a clearing of the forest and below the canopy of an evergreen tree as well as a deciduous broadleaf tree.

In atmospheric precipitation the pH values usually vary around 4.4, with neutralization in the hot season due to calcareous material from distant sources. Relatively large concentrations of Pb and Cd are found in rain, but only in a small amount in canopy leachate. Aluminium, manganese and iron are more significantly washed off than Pb and Cd.  相似文献   

The typical parameters of acid precipitation are evaluated in the forest of Vallombrosa (Tuscan Appennines) during the dry period 1988-89. Individual rain events (dry and wet deposition) were sampled in a clearing of the forest and below the canopy of an evergreen tree as well as a deciduous broadleaf tree.

In atmospheric precipitation the pH values usually vary around 4.4, with neutralization in the hot season due to calcareous material from distant sources. Relatively large concentrations of Pb and Cd are found in rain, but only in a small amount in canopy leachate. Aluminium, manganese and iron are more significantly washed off than Pb and Cd.  相似文献   

Samples have been collected from major horizons of 34 podzol profiles distributed throughout Scotland, all developed from granite or granitic tills and under Calluna moorland. the pH in water and calcium chloride pastes, exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity, and extractable aluminium of the soils collected have been measured, and the results studied in relation to reported atmospheric deposition of H+, non-marine sulphur and nitrate. for all horizons, significant positive correlations were found between soil pH and rainfall mean pH, as might be expected when the critical load of H+ deposition is exceeded. Acidifying pollutant deposition also apparently increased soil extractable aluminium concentrations in the B and C horizons. However, exchangeable base cation concentrations tended to increase, rather than decrease, with increasing precipitation acidity. This effect was attributed to increases in biogeochemical cycling of base cations, increases in leaching inputs of base cations from overlying A/E horizon soils, and increases in the inputs of base cations leached from upslope. the results suggest that the simple steady state mass approach to the quantification of critical loads, as often applied, may be an oversimplification.  相似文献   

Samples have been collected from major horizons of 34 podzol profiles distributed throughout Scotland, all developed from granite or granitic tills and under Calluna moorland. the pH in water and calcium chloride pastes, exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity, and extractable aluminium of the soils collected have been measured, and the results studied in relation to reported atmospheric deposition of H+, non-marine sulphur and nitrate. for all horizons, significant positive correlations were found between soil pH and rainfall mean pH, as might be expected when the critical load of H+ deposition is exceeded. Acidifying pollutant deposition also apparently increased soil extractable aluminium concentrations in the B and C horizons. However, exchangeable base cation concentrations tended to increase, rather than decrease, with increasing precipitation acidity. This effect was attributed to increases in biogeochemical cycling of base cations, increases in leaching inputs of base cations from overlying A/E horizon soils, and increases in the inputs of base cations leached from upslope. the results suggest that the simple steady state mass approach to the quantification of critical loads, as often applied, may be an oversimplification.  相似文献   

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