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以秦皇岛市2011—2015年的噪声监测资料为依据,对"十二五"期间秦皇岛市声环境质量现状、变化趋势进行分析。分析结果表明:"十二五"期间秦皇岛市区域声环境和道路交通声环境质量为较好,功能区声环境昼夜全部达标;影响秦皇岛市环境噪声源主要为社会生活噪声、交通噪声等。提出了合理城区布局、使用新型隔声材料、加大宣传教育、严格环境执法等噪声污染防治对策。  相似文献   

河北省加大环境噪声污染防治力度,首次采取协调联动机制解决噪声扰民问题,改善城乡声环境质量。加大交通、施工、工业、生活4个重点噪声污染防治力度,提出逐步建立民用建筑隔声质量验收制度,实施建筑声环境质量状况告知制度。城市环保部门应于2011年底完成重点噪声污染源确定工作,每年限期治理一批噪声超标的重点企业。  相似文献   

以北戴河2018年声环境监测数据为依据,对北戴河旅游旺季(7月—8月)声环境质量状况进行了分析。结果表明:2018年北戴河旅游旺季声环境昼间等效声级符合声环境2类功能区标准比例为36.8%,夜间等效声级符合声环境2类功能区标准比例(27.1%),较2017年有所提高。7月中旬到8月中旬等效声级明显出现波峰。影响声环境质量的主要因素有社会生活噪声、交通噪声和自然环境噪声等。应通过加强城市交通噪声控制、强化社会生活噪声管理力度、完善机制、加强宣传教育、加强公众参与等防治措施改善声环境质量。  相似文献   

目前,人们对生态住宅的认识还处于探索和研究阶段,但已根据现实情况制定出了一系列标准。首先生态住宅要按照生态学的要求实现环境优化,使物质能量良性循环;其次,住宅要完全采用无毒无害的天然材料建造,还要具有隔热功能,有利于实行供暖、供热水一体化;最后,要尽量减少废物的排放。对人居住的小环境而言,生态住宅必须符合以下条件:尽量使用污染小、可循环利用的绿色建材。对室内环境质量的要求是:室内的空气质量、热环境、光环境和声环境必须满足居住者健康舒适的要求。生态住宅的认证瑞典、丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威五国实施了统一的北欧环境…  相似文献   

为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法》,防治噪声污染,保障城乡居民正常生活、工作和学习的声环境质量,制定本标准。本标准规定了五类声环境功能区的环境噪声限值及测量方法。本标准适用于声环境质量评价与管理。机场周围区域受飞机通过(起飞、降落、低空飞越)噪声的影响,不适用于本标准。  相似文献   

许晶  肖金  廖岳华 《四川环境》2010,29(5):54-57
本文以2000~2009年湖南省主要城市声环境质量监测数据为基础,统计分析了10年来湖南省城市声环境质量状况与变化趋势。结果表明,2000~2009年湖南省城市声环境质量虽然得到逐年改善,但是2009年监测的城市主次干道中,有25.96%的路段等效声级超过70dB(A);所监测的约2880个城市区域噪声测点中,有36.42%的测点等效声级超过55dB(A)的标准限值;长沙、株洲、湘潭和岳阳等城市4类功能区夜间噪声超标现象较为普遍,湖南省城市环境噪声污染治理值得重视。  相似文献   

为完成北京市“十二五”城市区域的主要声污染防治工作目标,全面提高北京市声环境质量水平,科学预测区域内在“十二五”期间噪声污染水平和发展趋势,本文以北京市某典型区域作为研究对象,在收集大量相关资料与实测历史噪声数据的基础上,运用指数平滑法与灰色模型GM(1,1)对所选定研究区域的噪声污染水平与发展趋势进行预测与分析。研究结果表明:运用指数平滑法与灰色模型对研究区域声环境噪声污染预测是可行的,北京市在“十二五”期间声环境质量水平符合《声环境质量标准》(GB3096—2008)中的一类区域标准。  相似文献   

在分析研究近年来各省(区、市)发布的生态环境状况公报、简报及环境质量报告书等材料过程中,发现部分省(区、市)存在使用GB 3096—2008《声环境质量标准》中4a类功能区标准限值评价道路交通声环境监测结果的现象。通过研究相关标准规范及有关文献材料,结合某市道路交通声环境监测工作实际,从评价对象、监测位置、结果评价3个方面剖析研判,阐明使用GB 3096—2008《声环境质量标准》标准限值评价道路交通声环境监测结果是使用标准失当,并就此展开讨论,提出修改完善的建议。  相似文献   

采用Cadna/A噪声预测软件模拟石化建设项目声环境影响,分别预测厂内和厂界噪声值。依据模拟结果,厂界处噪声超标,通过噪声优化设计,提出降噪解决措施,在不改变工艺流程设计和设备选型的情况下,依据噪声源的频谱特性、噪声强度及所处位置,可采取隔声、消声、吸声、隔振、阻尼减震等噪声治理措施。对降噪后厂区现场实测,结果满足GB 3096-2008《声环境质量标准》、GB 12348-2008《工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准》、GB Z1-2010《工业企业设计卫生标准》、GBZ 2.2-2007《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值第2部分:物理因素》等。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国噪声污染防治法》自2022年6月5日起施行,对开发商提出了制度规定可操作性极强的、以隔声降噪标准为依据的、附带有明确法律责任的闭环管理要求。文章列出了《中华人民共和国噪声污染防治法》提出的具体要求和相应的法规条文,并就法律及相关技术问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Residential satisfaction is a significant topic in environmental psychology yet there is little research on residential satisfaction among elders. This research aims to identify the cognitive structure of residential satisfaction of elderly persons living in their own dwellings and to identify demographic and psychological variables related to this residential satisfaction. One hundred and three participants, ranging in age from 72 to 86 years old and living at home in the central France, answered (a) a purpose-developed questionnaire to measure their residential satisfaction, (b) an environmental quality questionnaire aimed at evaluating both the physical and social environments, and (c) several psychological variables including: the ESV, a French adaptation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale which examines the general well-being of aging people; and three single well-being items assessing financial well-being, perceived health, and perception of oneself as active. The results indicated that in this sample, residential satisfaction corresponds to a four-dimension structure organized by physical location rather than psychological or behavioral aspects. The four components were the local area, access to services, relations with neighbors, and the home itself. Satisfaction with each component was related to different predictors, supporting the idea that elders hold complex and nuanced views of their homes and neighborhoods.  相似文献   

2016年,中国国务院印发《土壤污染防治行动计划》(简称《土十条》),明确提出对农用地土壤实施分类管理,按照污染程度划分为优先保护类、安全利用类和严格管控类;对建设用地要防范新增污染,针对疑似污染地块,开展土壤环境状况调查评估,保障地块安全再利用;以影响农产品质量和人居环境安全的突出环境问题为重点,制定土壤污染治理与修复规划,组织开展治理与修复。实施严格的土壤环境质量保护、污染土壤的风险管控、高风险污染土壤的治理与修复是落实《土十条》的重要任务,也是建设我国土壤环境监管制度的重要内容。土壤环境标准是实施土壤环境管理的重要依据。本文基于《土十条》重要任务以及当前及今后一段时期国家土壤环境管理需求,以土壤环境管理需求为导向,探讨提出了包括土壤环境质量保护标准值、土壤环境风险管控标准值、污染土壤修复标准值的土壤环境标准值体系,可望为国家土壤环境标准体系的建立和标准制修订方法的发展提供技术参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the water consumption patterns for different types of residential dwellings and areas in Adelaide, Australia. The method uses datasets regularly collected and maintained by a number of organizations to allow water consumption patterns to be analyzed and examined over time. The results suggest that water consumption varies between different types of residential dwellings, and areas, and that using metropolitan averages to measure national consumption patterns can be misleading. Importantly, the results suggest that per capita consumption is not significantly different between different types of dwellings. The ability to analyze water consumption patterns at the local level would enable planners and managers to better target initiatives aimed at reducing water consumption, and would also give planners a new tool to assess planning and environmental policies.  相似文献   


Boston Chinatown is a community that grapples with a constant pressure from the downtown area to build new and larger buildings. The effort to preserve the residential aspect of Chinatown has used data analysis in recent years by forming partnerships with academics. This has allowed for more sophisticated studies of traffic injuries, scientific surveys of residents about environmental health, the measurement of noise levels and the construction of physical and electronic mapping of data. While not the only factor contributing to the community's efforts to question the role of development, these data have added useful tools that reduce, but do not eliminate, the disparity between what the community brings to discussions about the environmental impact of development and what the developers have at their disposal.  相似文献   

Boston Chinatown is a community that grapples with a constant pressure from the downtown area to build new and larger buildings. The effort to preserve the residential aspect of Chinatown has used data analysis in recent years by forming partnerships with academics. This has allowed for more sophisticated studies of traffic injuries, scientific surveys of residents about environmental health, the measurement of noise levels and the construction of physical and electronic mapping of data. While not the only factor contributing to the community's efforts to question the role of development, these data have added useful tools that reduce, but do not eliminate, the disparity between what the community brings to discussions about the environmental impact of development and what the developers have at their disposal.  相似文献   

以中原城市群强市-新乡市为例,介绍城市环境噪声的声源构成主要以工业噪声和社会生活噪声为主。随着城镇化规模的扩大,近年来的噪声监测值总体呈下降趋势,但道路交通噪声和社会生活噪声有增高趋势。结合声环境质量现状,提出了合理规划功能区布局、加强声环境管理、利用城市绿地降低噪声、提高单体建筑规划设计水平等改善对策措施。  相似文献   

This Φ Ψ study of environmental equity uses secondary quantitative data to analyze socioeconomic disparities in environmental conditions in the Rijnmond region of the Netherlands. The disparities of selected environmental indicators—exposure to traffic noise (road, rail, and air), NO2, external safety risks, and the availability of public green space—are analyzed both separately and in combination. Not only exposures to environmental burdens (“bads”) were investigated, but also access to environmental benefits (“goods”). Additionally, we held interviews and reviewed documents to grasp the mechanisms underlying the environmental equity situation, with an emphasis on the role of public policy. Environmental equity is not a priority in public policy for the greater Rotterdam region known as the Rijnmond region, yet environmental standards have been established to provide a minimum environmental quality to all local residents. In general, environmental quality has improved in this region, and the accumulation of negative environmental outcomes (“bads”) has been limited. However, environmental standards for road traffic noise and NO2 are being exceeded, probably because of the pressure on space and the traffic intensity. We found an association of environmental “bads” with income for rail traffic noise and availability of public green space. In the absence of regulation, positive environmental outcomes (“goods”) are mainly left up to market forces. Consequently, higher-income groups generally have more access to environmental “goods” than lower-income groups.  相似文献   

何洋  陈戈  陈智寅 《四川环境》2021,40(1):143-150
以四川省某高速公路沿线的居民噪声投诉案件为例,开展了敏感点声环境质量现状及既有声屏障措施效果调查分析,并采用文献调研及Cadna/A软件建模计算的方法,分别从噪声源、噪声传播途径、敏感建筑物三个层次进行了敏感点降噪措施改善研究,研究结果可为高速公路营运单位解决实际噪声扰民问题提供技术支撑,研究过程及方法可供类似项目参考...  相似文献   

Noise is an important pollutant of environment causing various health hazards. In the present study, ambient noise levels were measured in two different areas within Jaisalmer city viz., commercial and residential area, on festive day and non-festive day (after) of Diwali. The results of noise level monitoring revealed the fact that due to higher amount of firecrackers on Diwali festival noise level was enhanced. The average equivalent noise level was increased from 61.94?dB to 72?dB (A) and 64.68?dB to 73.74?dB (A) on festive day, respectively, in selected residential and commercial areas, where noise was 30 and 13.44?% higher than standards of Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi for residential and commercial areas, respectively.  相似文献   

李剑 《四川环境》2010,29(4):120-124,138
公路经营企业应对道路交通噪声污染损害承担环境侵权责任。污染损害可归责的程度应以医学观察的可证明性为界限,在违法性和损害事实考量中,环境标准均非所问。公路经营企业的责任形式主要包括排除危害和赔偿损失。基于环境侵权的利益衡量原则,一般不宜直接判令采取公路关闭或改道等形式排除危害,而应适用设置隔声屏障、种植绿化林带、进行交通管制等调和性的"部分排除侵害"责任形式。在"先有路后有房"情景下,公路经营企业是否承担责任因受害人迁入公害时主观方面的不同而不同。受害人明知或已经预见到有遭受噪声污染的危险,且无正当理由而自愿、故意承受危险致害者,公路经营企业得根据自甘冒险原则请求拒绝排除危害、免除赔偿或减少赔偿额。  相似文献   

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