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基于能值理论的中国矿业城市发展程度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿业城市是我国城市的重要组成部分,其发展程度评价与分析一直是矿业可持续发展领域的研究热点之一。如何运用科学合理的评价理论和指标体系,对矿业城市的发展程度进行评价分析,进而指导矿业城市发展显得尤为重要。本文以能值理论为基础,将其方法、基本步骤和评价指标引入到矿业城市发展评价中,提出了矿业城市发展程度的能值分析方法,建立了能值分析步骤,即通过对矿业城市进行系统的分析,构建中国矿业城市发展的能值评价指标体系,计算各个矿业城市的能值指标值,进而对不同类型的矿业城市及其与其他区域之间的能值指标值进行对比分析,有效地解决了传统评价方法在不同类型矿业城市及与其他区域之间不易进行发展对比评价的缺陷。最后通过收集整理中国矿业城市2006年度发展数据,运用能值分析方法计算其能值指标值,对其发展程度进行对比分析,从而表明该评价方法是可行的,同时也为我国制定矿业城市可持续发展策略提供科学指导。  相似文献   

目前,中国煤炭城市普遍面临城市产业结构迫切需要转型、城市生态环境问题严重、城市人口就业形势严重等挑战。在低价高硫煤资源丰富、石油和天然气资源缺乏、经济发展水平适中、产业结构亟待调整的典型地区实施以多联产为支撑点的“合成气城市”规划,是这类煤炭城市实现经济、社会、环境、资源相互协调的可持续发展之路。本文初步探讨了“合成气城市”规划研究的内容,并以山东省济宁市是为例分析了实施“合成气城市规划”的收益。  相似文献   

发展非主业经营 ,进行产业替代 ,实现二次创业是矿业企业持续发展的必然选择。同时 ,与矿业经济密切联系的城市经济通过结构调整 ,实施产业结构多元化和城市经济一体化是实现矿业城市可持续发展和持久繁荣的普遍规律。本文通过对山东省矿业城市的实证研究证实了上述结论。  相似文献   

Cities based on mining are distinctive from other cities in China. Their heavy dependence on minerals, a relatively undiversified industrial structure, seriously damaged ecological environment and the rather low degree of openness have all reduced their competitiveness, and severely constrained and hindered their sustainable development. In this paper the authors will study mining-based cities from the perspective of sustainable development, first by having a critical review of their features, and then by researching into strategic options to support their sustainable development.  相似文献   


Cities based on mining are distinctive from other cities in China. Their heavy dependence on minerals, a relatively undiversified industrial structure, seriously damaged ecological environment and the rather low degree of openness have all reduced their competitiveness, and severely constrained and hindered their sustainable development. In this paper the authors will study mining-based cities from the perspective of sustainable development, first by having a critical review of their features, and then by researching into strategic options to support their sustainable development.  相似文献   

中国资源型城市循环经济发展水平的聚类实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于粗放型的发展模式受到严格限制,资源型城市的发展普遍面临严峻困境,发展循环经济,是资源型城市实现可持续发展的必然途径.对资源型城市循环经济发展水平进行计量实证研究,找出其发展共性和差异具有很强的现实意义和理论价值.通过构建资源型城市循环经济发展评价指标体系,收集涵盖全国34个典型资源型城市、17个资源枯竭城市的39个地级资源型城市和参照城市北京的22个原始指标数据,用功能互补的因子分析和聚类分析进行实证研究:首先用因子分析法对原始数据进行分析,用得到的8个因子代替原来的22个指标,进一步进行K-means聚类分析,对资源型城市的循环经济发展水平做了较为完整的评价,结果显示:资源型城市循环经济发展整体水平不高,循环经济发展理念有待深入,东营、克拉玛依等城市经济发展状况很好,为循环经济发展提供了良好的经济基础,晋城在循环经济的某些领域取得了较好的效果,白山的循环经济发展水平相对最低.  相似文献   

agglomeration of the Yangtze Delta (UAYD), one of the most developed regions of China, has witnessed an increasing prevalence in building ecological cities when the ecological cities are pursued by many modern cities, and great achievements have been made in this regard. It is inevitable, however, that certain problems exist during the construction of ecological city, which include but not limited to non-harmonious development of urban complex ecosystem, and the difficulty in quantifying eco-city construction or incomplete quantification in assessing the con- structiori of present and future eco-city. Based on the analysis on social-economic conditions and regional conditions of the UAYD, this paper attempts to set up an index system of eco-cities combining with local characteristics, and to adopt the indices of eco-city, urban harmony, and eco-city colligate to evaluate the ecological level, urban harmonious development and eco-city construction of cities within the UAYD. Results indicate that among 15 cities in UAYD, Suzhou City ranks the highest in terms of eco-city construction, whereas Nantong ranks relatively lower; sustainable eco-city construction is possible only when cities are developed in every respect of harmony.  相似文献   

资源型城市可持续发展能力的演变与调控   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
作为特殊的经济区,资源型城市的衰落与振兴日益成为社会关注的热点。本文从分析资源型城市可持续发展能力入手,论述了资源型城市发展能力的成长阶段及演变特征,提出了资源城市可持续发展能力调控的模式和途径。  相似文献   

在当前我国城市化进程和西部大开发的时代背景中,历史文化名城阆中具有一定的代表性,集中地凸现着历史遗产保护与城市发展的矛盾冲突。本文通过对阆中的实地调研,结合可持续发展观,提出了以可持续发展思想为基础的历史文化名城可持续发展的理念。通过分析历史文化名城可持续发展内涵,构建了阆中可持续发展模式,并从保护、经营、传承三方面总结了可持续发展策略。  相似文献   


Agglomeration of the Yangtze Delta (UAYD), one of the most developed regions of China, has witnessed an increasing prevalence in building ecological cities when the ecological cities are pursued by many modern cities, and great achievements have been made in this regard. It is inevitable, however, that certain problems exist during the construction of ecological city, which include but not limited to non-harmonious development of urban complex ecosystem, and the difficulty in quantifying eco-city construction or incomplete quantification in assessing the construction of present and future eco-city. Based on the analysis on social-economic conditions and regional conditions of the UAYD, this paper attempts to set up an index system of eco-cities combining with local characteristics, and to adopt the indices of eco-city, urban harmony, and eco-city colligate to evaluate the ecological level, urban harmonious development and eco-city construction of cities within the UAYD. Results indicate that among 15 cities in UAYD, Suzhou City ranks the highest in terms of eco-city construction, whereas Nantong ranks relatively lower; sustainable eco-city construction is possible only when cities are developed in every respect of harmony.  相似文献   

中国低碳城市发展模式与行动策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设低碳城市是促进节能减排和经济社会持续发展的重要战略举措,成为未来城市发展的重要导向和路径选择.从低碳城市发展重要性和紧迫性入手,在立足基本国情的基础上设计了低碳城市发展愿景.结合城市化快速推进预期和经济社会发展需求,分阶段提出了低碳城市发展目标.从总体模式、指导理念、基本思路、主要领域等对我国低碳城市发展模式进行了构想.在此基础上,提出我国低碳城市发展的实施步骤和行动策略.研究认为,我国低碳城市发展模式应选择“C”模式,以低碳发展为主导方向,以节能减排为发展方式,以低碳生产和低碳生活为主要方法.按照控源、减碳、增汇的基本思路,依靠理念创新、技术创新和制度创新,在低碳产业、低碳能源、低碳技术以及低碳生活等领域,通过构建低碳城市规划理论框架、建立低碳城市评价标准和体系、加快相关政策规章与制度建设、开展城市碳交易试点以及加强监督指导等措施,立足国情、统筹兼顾,分步骤、分阶段有序推进低碳城市发展.  相似文献   

资源型城市产业协同机会和能力评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国资源型城市在建设过程中为国家发展提供了大量的能源和原材料,但随着资源的耗费和受经济体制改革等因素的影响,资源型城市的发展遇到了前所未有的挑战.关注资源型城市的产业协同发展可以为资源型城市的可持续发展提供有益的借鉴.但如何发现并开展资源型城市产业协同项目尚缺乏有效的方法和途径.本文在重点关注开展产业协同影响要素的基础上,借鉴澳大利亚奎纳纳地区的产业协同实践和产业协同能力评价模型,通过国外产业协同机会确认模型的介绍,结合澳大利亚奎纳纳地区的三个产韭协同实践案例,分别介绍伴生产品协同和基本生产资料协同两种产业协同的主要实现方式.通过产业协同实现地区和产业的可持续发展.其主要的影响因素包括可行的技术、可靠的企业和运行许可.这些模型运用到实践均可促进我国资源型城市的良好发展.  相似文献   

Urban agglomeration of the Yangtze Delta (UAYD), one of the most developed regions of China, has witnessed an increasing prevalence in building ecological cities when the ecological cities are pursued by many modem cities, and great achievements have been made in this regard. It is inevitable, however, that certain problems exist during the construction of ecological city, which include but not limited to non-harmonious development of urban complex ecosystem, and the difficulty in quantifying eco-city construction or incomplete quantification in assessing the construction of present and future eco-city. Based on the analysis on social-economic conditions and regional conditions of the UAYD, this paper attempts to set up an index system of eco-cities combining with local characteristics, and to adopt the indices of eco-city, urban harmony, and eco-city colligate to evaluate the ecological level, urban harmonious development and eco-city construction of cities within the UAYD. Results indicate that among 15 cities in UAYD, Suzhou City ranks the highest in terms of eco-city construction, whereas Nantong ranks relatively lower; sustainable eco-city construction is possible only when cities are developed in every respect of harmony.  相似文献   

长三角城市群生态城市建设定量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江三角洲是我国发育最为成熟的城市聚集区,随着城市发展主流趋势--生态城市的日益兴起,区内各城市相继开展了生态城市建设,并取得了相当的成效。但是在生态城市建设过程中还不可避免地存在着城市复合生态系统不协调发展、生态城市建设程度难以定量以及片面定量的问题。试从长三角城市群社会经济和地域情况入手,构建具有地方特色的生态城市建设指标体系,并采用城市生态指数、城市协调度指数和生态城市综合指数来分别衡量长三角城市群内各城市的生态化水平、城市协调发展水平和生态城市建设程度。结果表明:(1)长三角城市群15个城市中,苏州生态城市建设程度较好,而南通则略差;(2)只有城市的全面协调发展,才能建成可持续发展的生态城市。  相似文献   

Resource-based cities face vital economic, social, and environmental problems during their industrial transformation. Urban industrial structure is a traditional primary industrial pattern, which is resource-based and resource-intensive economy with low level technology and efficiency. They encounter tremendous pressure of unemployment and social security. Resources of such cities are on the verge of extinction, in addition, the environmental pollution and ecological conditions are becoming worse. The cities have significant institutional issues and their innovation capacity is inadequate. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out strategic innovations to realize the successful economic transformation of resource-based cities. The strategic innovations include innovation of development goals, equalization of social welfare, sustainable economic development, coordinative development between eco-environment and socioeconomy, and circular economy development strategies optimizing diversified industrial structures. In addition, forming eco-industrial system and changing traditional growth pattern, strategy of resource and industrial substitution and supplement, scientific and technological innovation strategy —late-comer's advantages of development of new high-tech ecocity development strategy and innovation of institutional mechanism and systems.  相似文献   

Natural environment is fragile and harsh in Western China where rich energy and mineral resources are endowed,enabling energy and mining development to become a pillar industry of the regions socioeconomic development This paper identified the key issues and challenges faced by eco-environment as a result of energy and mining development in Western China.We argued mat mining and energy development have caused various environmental problems,and that environmental degradation is increasingly prominent in Western China,hence,we request coordinated resource development and environmental protection for sustainable development in this region.Based on the above recognitions,this paper put forward relevant policy recommendations:promoting green development vigorously and developing new green energy;formulating and enforcing environmental protection laws and regulations,improving ecological compensation mechanism;establishing green threshold;strengthening integration between western resource-based cities and coastal region to get rid of the"resource curse";improving energy and mineral resources development stakeholders’involvement;coordinating resource taxes and local development funds;and strengthening independent third-party supervision in the whole process of energy and mining development  相似文献   

城市可持续发展的综合评价   总被引:55,自引:5,他引:50  
本文从可持续发展概念出发,建立了城市的发展持续度、发展协调度和发展水平综合评价的指标体系,应用模糊综合评价法和层次分析法,对乌鲁木齐市、新疆、全国城市可持续发展进行了定量评价,并确定了可持续发展目标伍,为城市可持续发展评价理论研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

近年来我国掀起了一股低碳城市建设热潮。但在这股热潮背后,还有许多尚不明晰的问题需要理性思考。围绕低碳城市相关议题,开展了如下5方面工作:①解读低碳城市概念,指出低碳城市建设是一个多目标问题,要以低碳经济为基础,并实现经济发展、生态环境保护、居民生活水平提高等目标的共赢;②概括低碳城市评价指标,指出针对指标还没有建立明确的标准;③从城市规划、低碳政策、生态产业、可持续能源、绿色交通等方面总结了保定、上海、吉林、杭州等城市的低碳建设途径;④分析城市低碳发展现状水平评价结果,指出低碳城市建设还有很大的提升空间;⑤最终在分析低碳城市建设尚存不足的基础上,提出今后需深化认识的几个问题,如不能因低碳而放弃其它城市发展目标,低碳城市建设要因地制宜,低碳城市是一项长期、复杂的系统工程,需各领域专家通力协作,需从系统规划、阶段性方案实施、实施后评估与修订等环节进行全生命周期跟踪管理。希望这些思考能对我国低碳城市建设的顺利推进起到积极作用。  相似文献   

Environmental restoration of Minamata: new thinking brings new advances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the idea of environmental restoration and the creation of sustainable cities of industry and culture by spotlighting how the city of Minamata, Japan, which was severely affected by environmental damage, is rejuvenating itself by means of a unique strategy based on a new way of thinking and the fostering of human resources. Taking its lead from the concept of environmental capacity building, this paper focuses on environmental restoration as (1) a mending process for the social environment and human relationships, (2) a strategy of actor participation, particularly citizen participation, in environmental restoration, and (3) a role for human resource development.  相似文献   

有色金属资源城市经济转型发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对有色金属产业特点的分析,及对当前资源型城市经济转型的回顾,认为有色金属资源型实现主导产业由依赖矿产资源的采掘和治炼业向后续加工产业的转变,是有色金属资源型城市转型的战略选择,发展有色金属新材料与深加工产业是逐步摆脱资源有限性对经济发展制约的有效途径,文章还阐述了发展有色金属新材料与深加工产业应处理几个问题:①要争取国家政策的支持;②要一手抓有色金属新材料,一手抓有色金属产品的深加工;③要统筹兼顾有色金属新材料与深加工产业和其它接统产业的发展;④要不断强化产品质量意识和品牌效应;⑤要处理好“人”的问题。  相似文献   

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