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铯-137(~(137)Cs)是滨海核电站液态流出物中主要人工放射性核素和重要监控指标之一,易被水生生物累积,有关核电周边海域内海洋生物的核素富集状况备受关注。通过分析海洋生物富集放射性~(137)Cs的方式、生物富集系数的种群特征、人工放射性核素在生物体内的辐射剂量率状况,结果显示:1)滨海核电周边海域内~(137)Cs的放射性水平较低; 2)海洋生物对于~(137)Cs的富集未呈现显著的种群规律; 3)目前对放射性铯的富集能力较高的生物主要是底栖生物; 4)核电厂周边海域内海洋生物通常未达到可导致电离辐射损伤的辐射剂量率水平。随着滨海核电在我国的大力发展,对能够快速反映环境放射性状况的指示生物的筛选、生物放射性质量安全及其生态健康风险需进一步关注。  相似文献   

核素示踪技术研究作为一种新的土壤侵蚀研究方法,已经在土壤侵蚀研究中获得了极大应用,并在土壤侵蚀的沉积、侵蚀、运移研究上取得许多成果.采用放射性核素作为土壤示踪剂,可以很好的进行流域尺度的范围研究,且可靠性比较高,省时省力.云贵高原在处于我国的西南地区,是我国南方水土流失严重的地区之一.该地区缺乏较长时间的资料积累,仅通过短时间的测定,无法准确估算中长期(约50 a)的平均土壤侵蚀速率.文章应用137Cs示踪技术,并结合土壤有机碳、全氮等土壤化学物质,首次研究了云南省滇池流域土壤侵蚀的强度分异规律.1)山坡不同部位的土壤侵蚀速率大小顺序是:坡中部>坡下部>坡上部,坡位是影响土壤侵蚀的重要因素.2)土壤利用方式上看,非耕地(林地和撂荒地)的侵蚀速率小于耕地的侵蚀速率.同一种土地利用方式下,由于耕作措施与耕作方法的差异,也会直接影响到土壤侵蚀的速率大小.3)从土壤侵蚀模数来看,区域整体上属于轻度侵蚀.土壤平均侵蚀速率为1280.2 t·km-2·a-1,其中耕地的平均土壤侵蚀速率为1672.8 t·km-2·a-1,非耕地土壤平均侵蚀模数为1161.2 t·km-2·a-1.4)虽然是轻度侵蚀,但是随着土壤侵蚀的进行,土壤有机碳、氮等的流失,造成土地退化较为严重,这给当地的生态环境带来直接的危害:滇池土壤淤积,土壤中的有机质、化肥等物质也直接随土壤流入滇池,会导致水体富营养化和水质变差.  相似文献   

为了系统的评价矿区周边土壤-农作物-人体系统中重金属的污染风险,为矿区生态风险的分类治理和农作物安全生产提供科学依据,选择在重庆市黔江区金洞乡主要农耕区采集表层土壤样品321件、水稻和对应根系土样品30套,分析了土壤和水稻中重金属(Cd、Hg、Pb、As和Cr)的含量、土壤中有机质和Mn的含量及土壤pH,利用潜在生态风...  相似文献   

为评估南丹县矿业密集区及其周边区域人群重金属暴露风险,分别采集土壤,蔬菜、玉米、大米和道路灰尘样品分析其As、Pb和Cd含量.结果表明,农田土壤中仅As超过调查区土壤基线值的2.2倍,矿区土壤以及灰尘As、Pb、Cd含量均值分别超过调查区土壤基线值的131.3、6.9、2.9倍和79.5、12.3、43.8倍.参照《食品中污染物限量》(GB 2762—2012),蔬菜和玉米中As、Pb、Cd超标率分别为4.2%、16.7%、38.9%和2.5%、20.0%、22.5%,大米中Pb未超标,As和Cd超标率为27.8%和22.2%.根据HQ值分析得出,通过摄入灰尘和农产品对当地居民造成的健康风险极大,且儿童受到的影响大于成人.  相似文献   

植物对UV-B辐射响应的种内差异及机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了在增强UV -B辐射下植物响应存在的种内差异 ,这些差异主要包括生长发育、形态结构、生理生化以及UV -B吸收物质 (即经UV -B辐射后体内诱导产生的保护物质 )等方面 ,并初步探讨了差异形成的DNA基础 ,从而为今后的植物防护研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

核武器试验、核废料泄漏与核电站事故等造成的放射性污染是全世界关注的热点问题之一。铯-137(137Cs)作为一种半衰期长达30 a、生物毒性大且易进入食物链的放射性核素,在环境中积累后严重威胁生态系统安全和人类健康。笔者详细总结了137Cs在土壤中的分布和吸附行为、植物对137Cs的吸收转运以及137Cs污染土壤的主要修复技术,以期为我国提升放射性污染问题的应对能力提供重要参考。  相似文献   

综述了在增强UV-B辐射下植物响应存在的种内差异,这些差异主要包括生长发育、形态结构、生理生化以及UV-B吸收物质(即经UV-B辐射后体内诱导产生的保护物质)等方面,并初步探讨了差异形成的DNA基础,从而为今后的植物保护研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

雷成琦  钟山  张漓杉  朱婧  韦锃弦 《环境化学》2022,41(5):1629-1638
采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定了浙江某垃圾焚烧厂周边表层土壤样品中镧、铈、镨、钕、钇等15种稀土元素的浓度.利用统计学方法分析稀土元素分布特征,并评价土壤稀土元素的潜在生态风险水平.结果表明,该垃圾焚烧厂周边表层土壤中稀土元素平均浓度范围为0.49—84.51 mg·kg-1,总稀土元素浓度范围为231.21—259.47 mg·kg-1,均高于土壤背景值,而焚烧厂尾气中的稀土元素浓度达到385.73 mg·kg-1.稀土元素的浓度增量分析结果表明,稀土元素的浓度增量趋势与风频分布趋势相似,浓度增量越大的区域其风频越大,两者的相关性系数达到0.928.潜在生态风险指数显示,该垃圾焚烧厂周边土壤中稀土元素的潜在生态风险评价指数值范围为16.67—17.21,风频较小的上风向区域和平行风向1区域处于低生态风险水平,风频较大的下风向区域和平行风向2区域处于中等生态风险水平.垃圾焚烧厂周边土壤中稀土元素累积很可能受到了焚烧厂尾气排放的影响,随着焚烧尾气的持续排放,后期生态风险可能还会增加.  相似文献   

会泽某铅锌矿周边农田土壤重金属生态风险评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陆泗进  王业耀  何立环 《生态环境》2014,(11):1832-1838
为了了解云南会泽某铅锌矿废周边农田土壤中重金属含量及潜在的生态危害程度,利用野外采样与实验室分析相结合的方法,以会泽某铅锌矿周边农田土壤(0-20 cm)为研究对象,分析其中7种的重金属(Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Cu、Zn和Hg)含量,并采用风险评价代码法和Hankanson潜在生态风险指数法评价对重金属污染程度与潜在生态风险进行评价。结果表明:7种重金属都存在超标或污染,其中Pb、As、Cd等的污染较为严重。统计学分析结果表明,Pb、As、Hg、Zn、Cd来源相同,铅锌矿冶炼污染物的排放可能是导致研究区域农田土壤重金属含量升高的主要原因。7种重金属化学形态也不尽相同:在重金属有效态中,Cd的水溶态和可提取态较高(平均值达到31.2%);Pb、Cu和Zn可还原态、可氧化态这两部分含量较高,两部分之和的平均值分别可达到27.9%、30%和27.2%;Hg、As和Cr的残渣态含量较高,平均值分别为90.4%、72.9%和76.8%。风险评价代码评价结果表明,54.4%的样点Cd为高生态风险,45.6%的样点Cd为中度生态风险;100%的样点Zn为中度生态风险;Cu有41.2%的点位属于低生态风险,58.8%的点位属于中度生态风险;As和Pb主要以低生态风险为主(所占比例分别为92.6%和91.8%);Hg主要以无生态风险为主(所占97.1%)。Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法结果表明,7种重金属潜在生态危害大小顺序为:Cd(331)〉Hg(127.5)〉Pb(43.6)〉As(14.9)〉Cu(9.3)〉Zn(2.3)〉Cr(2.1)。7种重金属的综合潜在生态风险指数(RI)的范围为58.2-1839.3。11%的采样点处于轻微生态风险程度,27.1%的采样点处于中等生态风险程度,46.3%的的采样点处于强生态风险程度,15.6%的采样点处于很强的生态风险程度。综上所述,该矿区周边农田土壤受到了严重的重金属污染,由此引起的重金属生态风险不容忽视?  相似文献   

纳米银(Ag NP)因具有良好的抗菌特性被广泛应用于日常消费品中,人体主要通过皮肤接触或口服等方式暴露于Ag NP。为了评价这些抗菌消费品中银对成人的非致癌暴露风险,对市面10种日常抗菌消费品中Ag NP和总银含量进行了调查,并采用美国环保局推荐的皮肤和口部暴露途径的健康风险评估模型来评价含银抗菌消费品引起的皮肤及口部非致癌暴露风险。调查结果表明:4种液态抗菌消费品中检测出Ag NP,含量为0.79~57.89 mg·L~(-1),占其总银含量的8.8%~99.1%。其他厂家标注含有Ag NP的抗菌消费品中则未检测出Ag NP。风险评价结果显示,大多数抗菌消费品的银风险熵为3.6×10-4~6.8×10-1,其中经皮肤暴露的银非致癌风险熵为1.0×10-3~6.8×10-1,经口暴露的银风险熵为3.6×10-4~6.0×10-3,对人体健康不会产生显著风险;然而,其中1种抗菌消费品中银的风险熵上限为0.86,接近于1,存在潜在的非致癌风险。  相似文献   

This study deals with 137Cs dispersion and behaviour in the Aegean and Ionian Sea based on work done during the period 1984-1994, as a brief general review. Sea water, sediment and marine biota were analysed and measured by gamma spectrometry and the activity concentrations of 137Cs were evaluated with consideration to the sources of pollution. According to 137Cs levels the period is distinguished into three sub-periods, the pre-Chernobyl, the early Chernobyl influence and the late Chernobyl influence period. During the early period of the Chernobyl accident the 137Cs levels in the Greek marine environment increased roughly up to an order of magnitude if compared with the pre-accident ones. Since 1988, the late impact of the accident is focused mainly in the North Aegean Sea, at the Dardanelles mouth, due to the Black Sea outflow.  相似文献   

Radionuclide contamination in terrestrial ecosystems has reached a dangerous level. The major artificial radionuclide present in the environment is 137Cs, which is released as a result of weapon production related to atomic projects, accidental explosions of nuclear power plants and other sources, such as reactors, evaporation ponds, liquid storage tanks, and burial grounds. The release of potentially hazardous radionuclides (radiocesium) in recent years has provided the opportunity to conduct multidisciplinary studies on their fate and transport. Radiocesium’s high fission yield and ease of detection made it a prime candidate for early radio-ecological investigations. The facility setting provides a diverse background for the improved understanding of various factors that contribute toward the fate and transfer of radionuclides in the terrestrial ecosystem. In this review, we summarize the significant environmental radiocesium transfer factors to determine the damaging effects of radiocesium on terrestrial ecosystem. It has been found that 137Cs can trace the transport of other radionuclides that have a high affinity for binding to soil particles (silts and clays). Possible remedial methods are also discussed for contaminated terrestrial systems. This review will serve as a guideline for future studies of the fate and transport of 137Cs in terrestrial environments in the wake of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant disaster in 2011.  相似文献   

The aim of the work described here was to investigate the existence of evaporable 137Cscontaining compound(s) in lichen and to suggest a possible way of dealing with a phenomenon during lichen exploitation. A sample of lichen, Cetraria islandica, was submitted to aqueous extraction and the extract was monitored to be 137Cs-radioactive. It was heated according to the experimental schedule and the resulting vapour passed over a layer of activated charcoal. By measuring the decrease in the radioactivity content of the lichen extract after heating and the radioactivity of the adsorbent it was found that a significant amount of the extracted 137Cs could be evaporated and bound to the charcoal adsorbent (40.6%). If not captured, this radiocaesium may lead to air pollution, especially of immediate breathing space.  相似文献   

对华东某微小型铅锌矿点周边农田土壤和植物进行采样调查,结合不同土壤剖面土壤样品,分析、评价其土壤和植物中重金属的污染特征,并探讨蔬菜中重金属对当地居民的潜在健康风险.结果表明,矿点周边土壤受到不同程度的重金属污染,单因子污染指数法评价结果显示镉的污染程度最严重,所采集的11个土壤样品中有1个样点属中度污染,其余均属重度污染.对污染程度最低的剖面土壤进行分析后发现,研究区内较高的土壤重金属含量主要与采矿活动有关,同时也受到土壤母质的影响.研究区内农作物均受到不同程度的镉和铅污染,长期食用当地生产的蔬菜可引起潜在的人体健康风险,种植桑树(Morus alba)是当地污染农田的合理利用模式之一.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in fresh‐water fish (Cyprinus carpio) cultured, in small water tanks, artificially contaminated with radioactive 137Cs (3000 Bq/1) to determine the uptake of 137Cs and its physiological and histological effects in different fish organs.

It was found that 137Cs was located in muscular tissues, gills, head muscles, liver and kidneys. Moderate amounts were found in spleen, eyes, gonads, intestine and urinary bladder. It seems that sorption was of much less importance than ingestion in the uptake of 137Cs. The histological examination in musculature tissue, revealed an acute hyperemia with focal hemorrages which may be due to allergic effects of 137Cs. Hyperemia and focal fatty degeneration of hepatic cells was also noted in the liver which may be due to toxic effects of 137Cs diffused hyperemia has also occurred in the brain and focal degeneration of epithelial cells of renal tubules.  相似文献   

Multiple nuclides commonly occur together and exert toxicity simultaneously, but the difference between single and combined effects of the nuclides is rarely investigated. Epiphytic Tillandsia species are efficient air pollution biomonitors, but rarely used to monitor nuclide contamination. Two Tillandsia species, that is, T. brachycaulos and T. stricta, were chosen to test their capacity to accumulate Cs and Sr. Most plants were able to endure Cs and Sr stress for a long period, which suggested these species could resist toxic elements physiologically and metabolically. With the increasing Cs or Sr concentrations, nuclide contents in both species increased significantly, indicating the potential of Tillandsia species in monitoring nuclide pollutants. However, when the plants were treated with combined nuclides, the content of each ion decreased distinctly compared to those treated with single ion, which suggested Cs and Sr influenced and inhibited each other. In addition, T. brachycaulos seemed more efficient in the uptake of Sr, while T. stricta was more efficient for Cs. Both species accumulated more Sr than Cs at low concentrations, while more Cs than Sr at high concentrations. These results indicated that the uptake of Cs and Sr was related to both the concentrations of the nuclides and the plant species exposed.  相似文献   

为提高植物氮磷钾利用能力,采用盆栽试验研究了不同土壤水分条件下添加硅对紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)茎叶和土壤氮、磷、钾含量的影响.结果表明,土壤含水量为饱和含水量的35%和80%时添加硅对紫花苜蓿生物量没有明显影响,而土壤含水量为饱和含水量的50%和65%时则显著提高了紫花苜蓿生物量(P<0.05);添加硅对紫花苜蓿茎叶内氮含量没有显著影响,但显著提高了茎叶内钾和磷含量(P<0.05);添加硅对土壤全氮、速效氮、全钾和全磷含量没有显著影响,而显著提高了土壤速效磷含量(P<0.05),显著降低了土壤速效钾含量(P<0.05).说明添加硅能够显著增加紫花苜蓿茎叶内磷和钾的积累量,刺激土壤速效磷释放,降低土壤速效钾含量.  相似文献   

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