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A polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE) method was employed to estimate the contamination sources of human enteroviruses and understand how their dominant strains vary in a wastewater treatment and reclamation system consisting of sewage collection, wastewater treatment with membrane bioreactor and open lakes for reclaimed water storage and reuse. After PCR–DGGE using a selected primer set targeting enteroviruses, phylogenetic analysis of acquired enterovirus gene sequences was performed. Enteroviruses identified from the septic tank were much more diverse than those from grey water and kitchen wastewater. Several unique types of enterovirus different from those in wastewater samples were dominant in a biological wastewater treatment unit. Membrane filtration followed by chlorination was proved effective for physically eliminating enteroviruses; however, secondary contamination likely occurred as the reclaimed water was stored in artificial lakes. Enterovirus 71 (EV71), a hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) viral pathogen, was detected mainly from the artificial lakes, implying that wastewater effluent was not the contamination source of EV71 and that there were unidentified non-point sources of the contamination with the HFMD viral pathogen in the reclaimed water stored in the artificial lakes. The PCR–DGGE targeting enteroviruses provided robust evidence about viral contamination sources in the wastewater treatment and reclamation system.  相似文献   

This paper reports the methodology and results of an one-way coupling of the E3 Model at the Global level (E3MG) model to the global atmospheric chemistry model, p-TOMCAT, to assess the effects on the concentrations of atmospheric gases over Mexico of a low-GHG scenario compared to an alternative reference case with higher use of fossil fuels. The paper covers the data and methods, changes in atmospheric gas concentrations, the macroeconomic effects of the policies, and the outcome for pollution. The results suggest that in the conditions of underemployment in Mexico, substantial investment in low-carbon technologies, such as electric vehicles, heat pumps and geo-thermal power, could improve employment prospects, maintain growth, as well as reduce some of the risks associated with prospective falls in oil revenues. The concentrations of low-level ozone, both for Mexico-only and global decarbonisation scenarios relative to the original reference case, show appreciable reductions, sufficient to bring concentrations close to the WHO guideline levels. An indication is given of the potential scale of the benefits on human health in Mexico City.  相似文献   

The conventional tannery effluents treatment is not established in order to obtain water in such a quality, that it could be reused in the same process. This study was carried out in order to evaluate the electrochemical treatment of tannery effluents. The photoelectrochemical oxidation and the electrodialysis were applied in these effluents. The obtained results indicated a remarkable removal efficiency of more than 98.5% for all ion species present in effluents. It is noticeable that the effluent treated with combined PEO–ED techniques presents very similar values for the same parameter as the ones presented by normal feed water.  相似文献   

Tropospheric ozone (O3) pollution is increasing in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region despite a significant decline in atmospheric fine aerosol particles (PM2.5) in recent years. However, the intrinsic reason for the elevation of the regional O3 is still unclear. In this study, we analyzed the spatio-temporal variations of tropospheric O3 and relevant pollutants (PM2.5, NO2, and CO) in the BTH region based on monitoring data from the China Ministry of Ecology and Environment during the period of 2014–2019. The results showed that summertime O3 concentrations were constant in Beijing (BJ, 0.06 µg/(m3•year)) but increased significantly in Tianjin (TJ, 9.09 µg/(m3•year)) and Hebei (HB, 6.06 µg/(m3•year)). Distinct O3 trends between Beijing and other cities in BTH could not be attributed to the significant decrease in PM2.5 (from -5.08 to -6.32 µg/(m3•year)) and CO (from -0.053 to -0.090 mg/(m3•year)) because their decreasing rates were approximately the same in all the cities. The relatively stable O3 concentrations during the investigating period in BJ may be attributed to a faster decreasing rate of NO2 (BJ: -2.55 µg/(m3•year); TJ: -1.16 µg/(m3•year); HB: -1.34 µg/(m3•year)), indicating that the continued reduction of NOx will be an effective mitigation strategy for reducing regional O3 pollution. Significant positive correlations were found between daily maximum 8 hr average (MDA8) O3 concentrations and vehicle population and highway freight transportation in HB. Therefore, we speculate that the increase in rural NOx emissions due to the increase in vehicle emissions in the vast rural areas around HB greatly accelerates regional O3 formation, accounting for the significant increasing trends of O3 in HB.  相似文献   

Most probable number (MPN) and colony-forming unit (CFU) estimates of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) concentration are common measures of water quality in aquatic environments. Thus, FIB intensively monitored in Yeongsan Watershed in an attempt to compare two di erent methods and to develop a statistical model to convert from CFU to MPN estimates or vice versa. As a result, the significant di erence was found in the MPN and CFU estimates. The enumerated Escherichia coli concentrations in MPN are greater than those in CFU, except for the measurement in winter. Especially in fall, E. coli concentrations in MPN are one order of magnitude greater than that in CFU. Contrarily, enterococci bacteria in MPN are lower than those in CFU. However, in general, a strongly positive relationship are found between MPN and CFU estimates. Therefore, the statistical models were developed, and showed the reasonable converting FIB concentrations from CFU estimates to MPN estimates. We expect this study will provide preliminary information towards future research on whether di erent analysis methods may result in di erent water quality standard violation frequencies for the same water sample.  相似文献   

 General anaesthetics exhibit a relatively close relationship between their pharmacological potency and their lipid solubility and may thus act by non-specific perturbation of biomembranes. However, more recent data on anaesthetic action suggests that inhalational drugs such as halothane bind directly to hydrophobic protein domains, thereby modulating important receptor functions. In support of this protein theory of anaesthetic action our native gel analysis presented here shows that halothane induces oligomerization of the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (RyR) 1 Ca2+–release channel, but not its cardiac RyR-2 isoform. Thus, inhalational anaesthetics are not only able to influence protein-protein interactions directly but also appear to differentiate between protein isoforms and/or configurations. This suggests that distinct peptide binding sites exist for these pharmacological agents. In addition, similar mutations in the RyR-2 isoform, which would trigger an episode of malignant hyperthermia in skeletal muscle fibres via abnormal RyR-1 isoforms, would probably not induce an increase in cardiac Ca2+–release upon administration of halothane. Received: 26 March 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 26 August 1999  相似文献   

Ecological construction and restoration for sustainable development are now a driving paradigm. It is increasingly recognized that ecological principles, especially landscape ecology theory, are not only necessary but also essential to maintain the long-term sustainability worldwide. Key landscape ecology principles--element,structure and process, dynamics, heterogeneity, hierarchies, connectivity, place and time were reviewed, and use Beijing area as a case study to illustrate how these principles might be applied to ecological construction and restoration, to eventually achieve sustainability. An example to more effectively incorporate the ecological principles in sustainable planning in China was presented.  相似文献   

Why is it that sometimes small droughts trigger serious crop losses while in other cases even large droughts do not have such a major effect? In this paper, we identify socio-economic indicators associated with sensitivity and resilience to drought for each of China's main grain crops (rice, wheat and corn). Provincial harvest and rainfall data (1961–2001) are used to calculate an annual “crop-drought vulnerability index”. We separate “sensitive cases” (where significant harvest losses occurred in years with only minor droughts) and “resilient cases” (where harvest losses were minimal despite there being a major drought) and explore the socio-economic characteristics of these different situations. Results show that sensitive cases were particularly common in economically poor landlocked provinces and in wealthy coastal areas that have a limited land base. In such “sensitive cases”, the size of the rural population and the quantity of agricultural inputs were negatively correlated with drought vulnerability, while for resilient cases, vulnerability was negatively correlated with the abundance of land. This leads us to propose a series of drought-vulnerability typologies based on the extent to which land, labour, capital, agricultural technology, and infrastructure buffer or exacerbate the effect of a drought event.  相似文献   

Chitosan–metal complexes have been widely studied in wastewater treatment, but there are still various factors in complex preparation which are collectively responsible for improving the adsorption capacity need to be further studied. Thus, this study investigates the factors affecting the adsorption ability of chitosan–metal complex adsorbents, including various kinds of metal centers, different metal salts and crosslinking degree. The results show that the chitosan–Fe( Ⅲ) complex prepared by sulfate salts exhibited the best adsorption efficiency(100%) for various dyes in very short time duration(10 min), and its maximum adsorption capacity achieved 349.22 mg/g. The anion of the metal salt which was used in preparation played an important role to enhance the adsorption ability of chitosan–metal complex. SO_4~(2-) ions not only had the effect of crosslinking through electrostatic interaction with amine group of chitosan polymer, but also could facilitate the chelation of metal ions with chitosan polymer during the synthesis process.Additionally, the p H sensitivity and the sensitivity of ionic environment for chitosan–metal complex were analyzed. We hope that these factors affecting the adsorption of the chitosan–metal complex can help not only in optimizing its use but also in designing new chitosan–metal based complexes.  相似文献   

A series of CeO_2–ZrO_2–WO_3(CZW)catalysts prepared by a hydrothermal synthesis method showed excellent catalytic activity for selective catalytic reduction(SCR)of NO with NH_3 over a wide temperature of 150–550°C.The effect of hydrothermal treatment of CZW catalysts on SCR activity was investigated in the presence of 10% H_2O.The fresh catalyst showed above 90% NO_x conversion at 201–459°C,which is applicable to diesel exhaust NO_x purification(200–440°C).The SCR activity results indicated that hydrothermal aging decreased the SCR activity of CZW at low temperatures(below 300°C),while the activity was notably enhanced at high temperature(above 450°C).The aged CZW catalyst(hydrothermal aging at 700°C for 8 hr)showed almost 80% NO_x conversion at 229–550°C,while the V_2O_5–WO_3/TiO_2 catalyst presented above 80% NO_x conversion at 308–370°C.The effect of structural changes,acidity,and redox properties of CZW on the SCR activity was investigated.The results indicated that the excellent hydrothermal stability of CZW was mainly due to the CeO_2–ZrO_2 solid solution,amorphous WO_3 phase and optimal acidity.In addition,the formation of WO_3 clusters increased in size as the hydrothermal aging temperature increased,resulting in the collapse of structure,which could further affect the acidity and redox properties.  相似文献   

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