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山地城市环境承载力综合评价与变化特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合山地城市特征和PSR概念模型,构建山地城市环境承载力评价指标体系和评价模型,以重庆市为例进行实证研究。结果表明:1该指标体系能反映山地城市环境承载力的各个方面,评价结果符合重庆市的实际水平;2研究期内,重庆市环境承载力呈现逐步上升态势;3人口增长与经济发展对环境造成的压力与日俱增,但在政府引导措施等因素的作用下,大部分压力指标得到有效控制,状态和响应指标呈现良好发展趋势。  相似文献   

简要介绍了城市热环境的形成因素、机理和危害;基于《成都市城市热岛效应的遥感研究》成果,分析了成都城市热环境所具有的环型特征及其成因;探讨了改善热环境的方法和对策措施。这对于环境保护、城市的可持续发展,建设"世界现代田园城市"等具有现实意义。  相似文献   

齐骥  滕海键 《绿叶》2012,(8):14-21
始于英国的工业革命虽然有力地推进了现代化的步伐与文明的进程,但却引发了严重的城市环境问题。这些问题包括城市空气污染、水体污染、肮脏的卫生状况、杂乱与破烂不堪的城市建筑等。城市中的这些环境问题又衍生了一系列次生环境问题,进而造成了十分严重的后果。英国工业革命期间的城市环境问题既有技术上的成因也有社会方面的因素。英国走的是一条"先污染后治理"的道路,在付出沉重代价后,才认识到问题的严重性并采取了一系列措施,经过很长时间的治理,城市环境才根本改观。英国的教训,应引以为戒。  相似文献   

将大量的含热废水不断的排入水体内,可以使水温升高,影响水质,危害水生物的生长,甚至可导致冰川融化,这就是热污染。大量的含热废水主要来自发电站的冷却水。以原煤为燃料的发电站,通常只有约40%的热能转变为电能,剩余热量则排入大气或随冷却水带走。原子能发电站,需用的冷却水又要比以煤为燃料的发电站多50%以上,排入水体和大气中的余热更多。根据世界能源会议1970年的调查,美国电力工业使用的冷却水约为4.4亿立方米,占全国冷却水总量的4/5,接近全国用水量的1/3。我国情况也是如此,由于发电站的规模不断扩大,数量不断增加,这样使排放的冷却水更为集中,数量猛增。由于以上原因,估计热污染将迅速增加,有人认为热污染将成为未来水污染中最严重的问题之一。  相似文献   

浅谈热污染的主要危害及其防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李维 《青海环境》2006,16(4):177-178
文章围绕热污染这一环境问题,阐述其产生的主要原因,主要危害,指出防治热污染的主要对策。  相似文献   

我国城市绿地景观缓解城市热环境效应的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速城市化过程导致城市热环境问题加剧,而城市绿地景观具有净化空气、吸附粉尘、减弱噪音以及调节温度等多种功能,不仅能改善城市热环境问题,还能提高城市宜居性,丰富城市景观。文章通过总结近20年来国内关于城市绿地景观与热环境效应的研究成果,分别从我国城市绿地景观缓解城市热环境效应的研究现状、方法及进展等方面进行详细阐述并指出其不足之处,突出不同尺度绿地景观与热环境效应分析,为缓解热环境效应带来的环境压力、城市绿地景观规划建设提供科学依据和系统框架。  相似文献   

环境空间管控和环境空间规划是我国城市空间规划体系中的短板,我国亟需建立起一套城市环境空间管控体系,来参与城市空间规划体系的建立,进而彻底扭转城市环境污染被动治理的尴尬局面。构建覆盖城市各领域的环境空间管控体系是城市环境总体规划的主要任务。本文梳理了我国环境空间管控发展现状和问题,从城市环境总体规划的角度,在城市层面构建了由环境功能区划、以生态保护红线为核心的严格管控区以及环境承载调控等手段组成的环境空间管控体系,并以贵阳城市环境总体规划为案例,进行了环境空间管控体系的构建。最后提出了实施城市环境总体规划空间管控的政策建议,保障空间管控体系能够落地和发挥作用。  相似文献   

城市水体黑臭已经成为公众关注的一项重要环境问题。全面消除城市黑臭水体是我国水污染防治工作的一项重要目标,也是改善水生态环境的重要体现。文章分析了我国城市水体黑臭产生的原因,针对原因提出了治理建议,为城市黑臭水体治理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

全世界正处于有史以来最热的2003年,各地纷创高温记录.在印度,已有1500多人热死;中国南京每天有300人中暑.近100年来,整个地球的年平均气温上升了0.6℃以上,而大城市的平均气温上升了2至3℃,全球变暖早已是一个不争的事实.上周,英国气象学家警告说,全球变暖给人类带来的危害并不输于核武器等大规模杀伤性武器.那么,到底是谁让我们的城市变成了烤箱?是人类自己,科学家告诉我们,热污染正严重威胁着我们的生活.  相似文献   

1986年10月,吉林市《城市环境综合整治规划》由市人大九届常委会第二十四次会议通过。一年来,吉林市政府在实施环境综合整治规划中迈出了可喜的第一步。一、制定年度环境综合整治目标及实施计划。吉林市是一个古老的城市,解放后,随着工业的发展市区内的化工、炼油、冶炼、建材业发展较快。除了城市建设历史遗留的问题外,新兴的工业给城市环境保护又增加了新的内容。如何改变城市环境状况?市政府的领导认为,环境保护事业发展到现在,城市环境建设只进行单一治理已经不行了,而必须综合整治,把城市环境建设的规划纳入城市建设总体规划,环境建设和城市  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies were conducted to determine the distribution of fish in the New and East Rivers in relation to thermal discharges from Appalachian Power Company's fossil fuel plant at Glen Lyn, Virginia. Over 15,300 specimens representing 41 species were collected with seines, electrogear and rotenone at six sampling locations from February, 1973 to October 1973. Sampling frequency was designed to evaluate the effects of ambient temperature upon preferred temperature. Diversity indices were calculated for each location. There was a slight decrease in the diversity indices for those stations located in the thermal discharge. Condition coefficients calculated for Notropis albeolus Jordan, Notropis rubellus Aqasaiz, Notropis spilopterus Cope, Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque, and Etheostoma blennioides Rafuesque were found to be significantly (p =.05) lower in the thermal discharge for all species tested except E. blennioides. Temperatures were plotted against frequency of capture to determine a particular species temperature selection from field data and indicated that: (1) Some species avoided high temperatures (i.e., Curnpostoma anomalum Rafuesque). (2) Some species were attracted to high temperatures (i.e., Ictalurus punctatus). (3) Some species distribution was not effected by temperatures (i.e., Notropis spilopterus).  相似文献   

红外热像仪在电子设备热设计检查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张蕊  汪凯蔚 《环境技术》2009,27(2):19-23
在电子设备的研制和设计阶段,热测试与分析是热设计中的重要环节。本文阐述了利用红外热像仪对电子设备关键部位进行热测试,检测电子设备内部温度分布情况,并与设计目标进行比较与纠正,从而达到热设计的最终目的。  相似文献   

某PCBA样品在使用约半年后出现功能失效,该PCBA在封装后进行整体灌胶,将失效样品剥离,发现部分器件直接脱落,通过表面观察、切片分析、EBSD分析、应力分析、热膨胀系数测试等手段对样品进行分析,结果表明:各封装材料存在热失配,且焊点缺陷较多且存在应力集中区,加速焊点的疲劳失效进程,导致PCBA功能失效。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The applicability of the U.S Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) water temperature criteria in evaluating the impact of a thermal discharge from the P. H. Glatfelter Paper Company, Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, is analyzed. A review of the literature relative to 11 temperature Criteria was conducted for six fish species designated by the USEPA as “representative important species” (RIS) of the West Branch Codorus Creek, Susquehanna River drainage. The species were: Notemigonus crysolcucas (golden shiner), Notropis analostanus (satinfin shiner), Rhinichthys atratulus (blacknose dace), Catostomus comme-soni (white sucker), Lepomis gibbosus (pumpkinseed). and Micropterous salmoides (largemouth bass). It was found that by applying only USEPA suggested criteria that a complete evaluation was not satisfactory. Temperature behavior data, specifically preference and avoidance information, coupled with field sampliug was needed to properly assess the effects of the thermal effluent. The final analysis indicated that the thermal discharge of the paper company should have minimal effect on the fish community of Codorus Creek.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In situ and remote sensing techniques for measuring thermal plumes are compared for data taken at the Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant on Lake Michigan for five separate occasions. The in situ method employed a boat whose position was determined with a microwave ranging system. Temperatures at the surface and at various depths were measured with fast response thermistor probes. The remote sensing technique utilized an infrared scanner in the 8 to 14 micron range. Comparison of the plumes indicates good agreement with respect to plume configurations, areas within isotherms and centerline temperature decays for all except one occasion, a calm day characterized by no waves, low wind and ambient current velocities. Robable reasons for disagreement under such ambient conditions are discussed. The inherent advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed in light of the results of the five sets of data. This includes both the data collecting and data analyzing procedures. It is concluded that judicious combination of both methods offers a better picture of thermal plumes than can be obtained by either technique alone.  相似文献   

基于B公司的整车道路耐久试验中水箱的失效模式,综合分析热应力导致的失效机理,结合实车水箱内部实际温度交变幅度和温度交变频率,设计了一种针对水箱热应力失效的新型热循环台架试验方法。试验结果表明本新型热循环试验工况能对失效模式进行很好的复现。通过台架试验,证明了本方法的可行性。  相似文献   

成都市热力景观空间格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
但尚铭  但玻  蒋薇 《四川环境》2011,30(2):53-56
城市热力景观空间格局是城市附属物和城市活动性在热场方面的综合表现。使用2008年11月23日的Landsat5/TM数据,将第6波段反演为亮温,并按温度值的高低把热力景观分为7个类型;借鉴景观生态学的原理和方法,以破碎度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数为评价指标,对成都市三环路内约200km2热力景观空间格局的研究结果表明:5个行政区的热力景观格局指数存在显著差别,如锦江区的破碎度指数最大,为0.924,成华区的最小,为0.559,指数大小与城市热力景观类型的分布特点密切相关。这些结果对于分析和研究城市整体格局、城市规划和环境保护等具有应用意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A national trend over the last 25 years has been to require increasing amounts of biological information on industrial waste discharges. Acquisition of this essential information frequently involves complex assessments. In order to optimize the value of information gathered and to minimize the cost of this information, it is essential that analyses of redundancy be accompanied by the determination of which groups of organisms give the most information relative to a particular problem. Studies of the effect of temperature on the fishes of the New River, Glen Lyn, Virginia, provide us with the opportunity to evaluate the redundancy of information relative to the influence of temperature on fish distribution. Information of this type will be useful in selecting groups of organisms for laboratory temperature preference and avoidance tests. It was shown that the distribution of three genera (Notropis, Micropterus, and Etheostoma) had the highest correlation with the distribution of the total fish fauna and, therefore, provided the most information relative to temperature selection of the New River ichthyofauna. The final temperature preferences of the most abundant species of Notropis and Micropterus were representative of the response of the entire fish community based on the distribution of diversity indices relative to temperature.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water surface temperatures can be obtained from satellite thermal remote sensing. Landsat and other satellites sense emitted thermal infrared radiation on a regular basis over much of the earth's surface. Evaporation is accomplished by the net transport of mass from the water surface to the atmosphere. The evaporative transfer predominantly determines the water surface temperature. Hence, there should be good correlations between evaporation and surface temperatures. Previous investigations on Utah Lake with satellite-derived temperatures and pan- and model-derived evaporation values have produced good correlations. However, more study was required with additional satellite data and evaporation measurements for saltwater conditions. The applicability of this method for estimating evaporation on Utah's Great Salt Lake was of particular interest at this time because of the unprecedented rise of this terminal lake. Satellite thermal data and evaporation data from four different years were obtained for the Great Salt Lake and the surrounding region. More than 350 correlation and linear regression analyses were performed on the temperature and evaporation data. The lake salt concentrations were also factored into the analyses in several different ways. The correlation results were generally very good and a methodology for using satellite-derived water surface temperatures along with salt concentrations was developed to estimate evaporation.  相似文献   

Conventional solar photovoltaic (PV) module converts the light component of solar radiation into electrical power, and heat part is absorbed by module increasing its operating temperature. Combined PV module and heat exchanger generating both electrical and thermal powers is called as hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar system. The paper presents the design of a PV/T collector, made with thin film PV technology and a spiral flow absorber, and a simulation model, developed through the system of several mathematical equations, to evaluate the performance of PV/T water collectors. The effect of various parameters on the thermal and electrical efficiency has been investigated to obtain optimum combination of parameters. Finally, a numerical simulation has been carried out for the daily and annual yield of the proposed PV/T collector, and comparison with a standard PV module is discussed.  相似文献   

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