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“四荒”资源的开发与管理段兴勤,叶洪伦(武隆县国土局,武隆648500)搞好“四荒”资源的开发利用,对贫困山区脱贫致富奔小康有着重要现实意义。为了避免盲目开发对资源造成新的破坏,必须对“四荒”资源进行综合有序地管理;因此对资源的开发提出了新的管理要求...  相似文献   

我国“四荒”资源的成因及其开发潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“四荒”是指可资农业利用而目前尚未开发的土地和水面,包括荒山、荒地、荒滩和荒水。人为开发利用不当是我国“四荒”资源的主要成因。“四荒”资源按其适宜性可分为宜农、宜园、宜林、宜牧、宜水产养殖5种类型,都有一定规模的开发潜力。  相似文献   

为了合理开发利用农业后备资源,射洪县根据国家、省、市农业区划委员会的部署,以“县级农业综合开发后备资源调查评价大纲”为依据,结合射洪县人多地少、后备资源贫乏的实际,组织了农、林、水、牧、土等7个部门共50多人,组成了1个总体组、9个子课题组,历时6个月,完成了以乡为基本单元的“四低、四荒”资源汇总表11个、中低产田土类型分布图、荒山荒地资源分布和适宜性评价图、分乡耕地粮食年亩产图等,查清了射洪县  相似文献   

“四荒地”的开发利用是农业生态环境建设的重要手段和实现农业产业化的重要内容。林业科技成果的配套应用是开发荒山、荒沙、荒地、荒滩地的必然选择,经济、法律和行政手段的综合运用是发展生态经济,实现农业可持续发展的根本保证。  相似文献   

青龙满族自治县被列为河北省桃林口水库上游重点治理区,境内大量“四荒”资源闲置浪费。该县立足县情,制定优惠政策,强化管理,因地制宜地开发这些资源,取得显著成效,其做法值得推广和借鉴。  相似文献   

《资源开发与保护》杂志今天与广大读者见面了,这个杂志是资源开发与保护方面的学术性和普及性相结合的刊物。它的方针任务是:在马列主义、毛泽东思想指导下,贯彻党和国家有关方针政策,“古为今用、洋为中用、百花齐放、百家争鸣”,进行有关资源调查、合理开发利用及保护等方面的学术交流,普及和宣传有关资源科学和技术知识,为促进资源开发、综合利用与保护工作的发展服务。  相似文献   

咸宁市桂花旅游资源开发利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对咸宁市桂花旅游资源开发利用条件的分析评价,提出咸宁市旅游业的发展应以开发其特有的优势资源“桂花”为先导,并结合其它旅游资源的开发配置,逐步形成集桂花观赏、文化、娱乐、科研、生态及商品生产为一体的桂花旅游资源发展模式。  相似文献   

论新疆水资源合理开发利用与水环境保护   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
根据新疆“三水”资源的形成背景与时空分布特征,提出合理开发利用“三水”资源与水环境保护的积极举措,促使水环境质量与生态环境质量的提高;贯彻开发与节约并举;遵循在开发中保护,在保护中开发的总原则。实施开源节流,确保水资源的永续利用。  相似文献   

作为资源开发型城市,特定的资源禀赋特色、特定的历史条件决定了攀枝花市建设初期“先生产后牛活”特定的开发建设模式,城市规划缺乏科学布局,城市环保基础设施薄弱,也形成了独具特色的资源粗放型原始开发利用模式。这‘过程既是资源掠夺式发展的过程,也是“输出资源、留下污染”的过程。攀枝花市以科学发展观为指导,树立“抓环保就是抓发展,抓发展必须抓环保”、“以环保优化发展”理念,借助创模平台,努力建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,通过4年的探索,走出了一条经济发展与环境保护并蘑,资源循环利用的可持续发展科学发展之路。  相似文献   

本区人口、土地和环境的矛盾尤为尖锐,土地生产力水平低,今后除严格法制人口增长外.还必须从内涵和外延上对农业资源进行充分合理的开发利用,提高土地生产力。本文在分析黄土高原区“低荒”资源数量的基础上,探讨了其成因和开发对策。  相似文献   

荒山荒地是我省农业的重要后备,本文将主要探讨这部分资源的开发利用及其原则和方向,为发展农业寻求新的途径与措施。  相似文献   

浙江永嘉县楠溪江流域是典型的“耕读文化”分布区,具有巨大的旅游开发价值,但目前流域内旅游开发力度不够、开发方式单一、开发效益较低。其中有管理体制问题、资金问题和如何协调开发与保护关系问题,但最核心的问题是没有找到将地方旅游资源转换为具体旅游项目或旅游产品较好的方式,特别是由于“耕读文化”的抽象性、隐含性及具体存在形式的零散性,开发时比其它旅游资源的难度更大。基于楠溪江旅游开发这一核心问题,从旅游项目策划、产品开发角度探讨了楠溪江“耕读文化”的旅游开发。  相似文献   

资源化治理糖厂"三废"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
充分利用蔗糖厂的条件,采取"以废治废"和资源化系列技术治理蔗糖厂"三废",引入清洁生产概念,将污染物治理的产物全部转化为可就地使用的农肥,形成蔗糖业的良性循环,有效促进了蔗糖业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Ground flora trampling studies: Five years after closure   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Trampling as an ecological factor is a major concern of the management of park, forest, nature preserves, and wilderness areas as recreational resources. Of particular importance to the management concept of carrying capacity is the relative resistance of native plant communities, to trampling and the resilience or the capacity of impacted communities to recover. This information can be used by management to establish seasonal use limits to prevent irreversible degradation of these resources. The purpose of this study was to follow the recolonizaton of experimental trail surfaces barren of vegetative cover and hiked at three levels of use intensity. Results of this study indicate that soil compaction as measured by soil penetration resistance increased progressively with use level while the total number of species, species diversity, and dominant index scores declined. A major finding was that the greatest degree of change occurred at the first level of hiking, indicating that major floristic measures were most affected by the least amount of hiking. Recolonization of impacted areas that received 100 trampling passes as measured by plant cover, dominant indices, floristic dissimilarity, and species diversity was similar to areas receiving four and eight times more trampling, despite major differences in soil penetration resistance. These data suggest limited use delivered at one time can be as damaging as increasing levels of use delivered at over time.  相似文献   

Summary To solve environmental problems a vast amount of manpower, material and financial resources has been spent. Some people consider that this is necessary, and a reasonable price which human beings must pay for development, especially industrialisation. Maybe it is true. But can people solve the environmental problems of developing countries better when they have learned the experiences and lessons of developed countries? One possible way is proposed in this paper, which makes a special reference to the real situation in China. The fundamental idea is to develop and apply appropriate technologies in the phase of national industrialisation. This will help developing countries to achieve desired environmental effects more economically. The appropriate technologies mentioned in the paper are of two kinds: appropriate industrial production technologies and appropriate environmental technologies. The development of the former will help to reduce environmental pollution and other problems caused by industrialisation. The development of the latter will enable developing countries to keep an acceptable environmental quality within a controlled cost. In the paper the definition of appropriate technologies is clarified, and the criteria for the selection and evaluation of appropriate technologies are proposed. The possibility of a realisation of developing the economy and protecting the environment at same time is then analysed. The conclusion is that development and application of appropriate technologies is an optimal strategy when the real conditions of developing countries like China are considered. Finally, some of the initial appropriate environmental technologies which should be developed are suggested.Professor Ranjie Hou has recently been working as a Research Fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Karlsrube University, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

Land Degradation on Barren Hills: A Case Study in Northeast Vietnam   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The term "barren hills" has been a keyword for land degradation in the uplands of Vietnam for over a decade. Nevertheless, the "barren" land is still not adequately ecologically characterized. In this work, we analyze land use-induced changes in vegetation and soil properties along a sequence of barren hills types formed on one physiotope. The study is undertaken in the Bac Kan province, one of the poorest upland regions where livestock plays an important role. A transition from an old-growth laurel forest to a sparse manmade grassland is characterized by a total of 177 species, rapid species turnover, and discrete dominants, and an overwhelming effect of disturbance history on both soil and vegetation patterning. Land degradation is most apparent in land use-induced maintenance of arrested successions, and the regeneration course is shifted towards drier formations. We hypothesize a conceptual model as an aid to understanding the process of early fallow differentiation in response to the patterned, fine-scale disturbances. The larger-scale implications of the observed trends in regeneration potentials deviation, and, in particular, the effect of water buffaloes in halting fallow successions, are discussed.  相似文献   

古代"海上丝绸之路"沟通了亚欧两大洲,留下了无数的遗迹和传说.在分析"海上丝绸之路"的历史及其特色旅游资源的基础上,提出了开发海上旅游资源的重要意义.  相似文献   

极具开发潜力的热带水果——番荔枝   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了番荔枝的基本生物特性、食用价值及药用开发价值,并提出了简单有效的保鲜加工方法,这为消费者常年提供营养美味的热带水果-番荔枝成为可能,同时也为热带、亚热带区域种植、加工番荔枝提供了一条有价值的开发途径。  相似文献   

湖南西部民俗旅游资源丰富,系统开发和保护民俗旅游资源、有效整合、形成合力、促进旅游业的发展是构筑湖南西部黄金旅游区的基石。分析了民俗、民俗旅游资源与民俗文化的概念和内涵,以及湖南西部民俗旅游资源的结构及其特征,提出了湖南西部民俗旅游开发和保护的原则、模式和措施。  相似文献   

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