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A recent United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Expert Panel on Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) Source Remediation concluded that the decision‐making process for implementing source depletion is hampered by quantitative uncertainties and that few useful predictive tools are currently available for evaluating the benefits. This article provides a new planning‐level approach to aid the process. Four simple mass balance models were used to provide estimates of the reduction in the remediation time frame (RTF) for a given amount of source depletion: step function, linear decay, first‐order decay, and compound. As a shared framework for assessment, all models use the time required to remediate groundwater concentrations below a particular threshold (e.g., goal concentration or mass discharge rate) as a metric. This value is of interest in terms of providing (1) absolute RTF estimates in years as a function of current mass discharge rate, current source mass, the remediation goal, and the source‐ reduction factor, and (2) relative RTF estimates as a fraction of the remediation time frame for monitored natural attenuation (MNA). Because the latter is a function of the remediation goal and the remaining fraction (RF) of mass following remediation, the relative RTF can be a valuable aid in the decision to proceed with source depletion or to use a long‐term containment or MNA approach. Design curves and examples illustrate the nonlinear relationship between the fraction of mass remaining following source depletion and the reduction in the RTF in the three decay‐based models. For an example case where 70 percent of the mass was removed by source depletion and the remediation goal (Cg/C0) was input as 0.01, the improvement in the RTF (relative to MNA) ranged from a 70 percent reduction (step function model) to a 21 percent reduction (compound model). Because empirical and process knowledge support the appropriateness of decay‐based models, the efficiency of source depletion in reducing the RTF is likely to be low at most sites (i.e., the percentage reduction in RTF will be much lower than the percentage of the mass that is removed by a source‐depletion project). Overall, the anticipated use of this planning model is in guiding the decision‐making process by quantifying the relative relationship between RTF and source depletion using commonly available site data. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Following years of progress in designing and executing cleanups of contaminants at waste sites, the U.S. Air Force, state regulatory groups, and others are crafting methods to evaluate broader considerations of risk in remedial decisions. Integrating worker and climate risks into remediation efforts may confer significant benefits, but challenges exist to identifying, assessing, and accounting for them in the remedial process. For sites where future risk posed by contamination far exceeds the risk posed to workers who may be exposed to the contaminants during the remedial process, limiting the range of decision inputs to those presented by the site conditions made sense and provided a net benefit to human health and the environment. There are other sites, however, where future risk posed by the in situ contamination are at levels comparable to the real risks posed to workers, ecology, and even emerging concerns about climate change. For these sites, a net risk reduction cannot be assumed to be a result of remedial action, challenging the remedial community to develop new approaches to ensure positive results. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many Superfund/hazardous chemical sites include waterbodies whose sediments contain hazardous chemicals. With the need to assess, rank, and remediate contaminated sediments at such sites, as well as in other waterways, regulators seek a simple, quantitative assessment approach that feeds easily into a decision‐making scheme. Numeric, co‐occurrence‐based “sediment quality guidelines” have emerged with the appearance of administrative simplicity. However, the very foundation of the co‐occurrence approach, based on the total concentrations of a chemical(s) in sediment, is technically invalid; its application relies on additional technically invalid presumptions. Use of technically invalid evaluation approaches renders any assessment of the significance of sediment contamination unreliable. This article reviews the technical roots and assumptions of the co‐occurrence‐based SQGs, the fundamental flaws in the rationale behind their development and application, and their misapplication for sediment quality evaluation. It also reviews concepts and approaches for the more reliable evaluation, ranking, and cleanup assessment of contaminated sediments at Superfund sites and elsewhere. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Research and field experience from the past 15 years has allowed remediation professionals to purposefully design injection‐based remediation systems with a high potential for success. Industry professionals can now claim a number of achievements that were unthinkable just a few years ago: (1) we have demonstrated that maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) can be achieved for multiple contaminants; (2) we have successfully targeted dense nonaqueous‐phase liquid (DNAPL) source zones; (3) we have expanded our understanding of injection hydraulics to treat large plumes; and (4) we have collected sufficient data on rates of treatment to be more predictive regarding outcomes. The next decade will continue to evolve the design and execution of these types of systems for application to more complex problems. At this point on the timeline, questions regarding the mechanisms of treatment have largely been addressed, allowing a shift in focus to operational enhancements. Specific operational insights arising from the body of work to date that arguably will continue to shape and influence the design and execution of injection‐based remediation systems include: (1) the fact that delivery does not always equal distribution, (2) treatment optimization requires aquifer tuning, and (3) life‐cycle costs can be reduced with remedy‐optimized investigation. The number of examples that support these concepts and their ramifications to future technology refinement is already increasing, demonstrating how the refinements that can be made around these areas of focus will enhance our ability to effectively tackle larger and more complicated plumes, and do so with maximum efficiency. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

While ecologists have used food‐web models to understand how ecosystems function, the potential role of integrated food‐web and population‐based models in environmental monitoring and decision making has been ignored. Sound ecological principles should be integrated with state‐of‐the‐art monitoring and management practices. This article presents the ways in which population‐based models can answer basic ecological questions necessary for decision making about remediation and restoration, and for monitoring to ensure long‐term stewardship. Discussed are the uses of food‐web and population‐based models for understanding the movement of chemicals through different trophic levels. Three examples, including global warming, tributyltin, and monomethylmercury scenarios, are presented to illustrate how such models are useful. The responses of the component parts varies, depending on parameters such as birth, death, and respiration, as well as feeding rates, predator‐prey rates, and uptake and elimination rates. There are several different models available for decision making, with different levels of complexity, based on the specific hypothesis or question being asked and the amount of current information available. Therefore, it is recommended to use deterministic‐based, population‐based food‐web models for ecological risk assessment. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Environmental monitoring, data processing, and reporting methods are expensive, labor‐ and resource‐intensive, time‐consuming, and often inaccurate. An innovative project management platform was developed for integrating environmental monitoring sensors, telemetry, geographical information systems, models, and geostatistical algorithms for automatically generating contour maps and time‐stamped renderings of sensor attributes and multivariate analyses. More specifically, algorithms converting sensor‐derived head and solute concentration values allow for automated monitoring of mass flux and discharge to evaluate groundwater remediation system performance and contaminant discharges from aquifers to surface‐water receptors. Life‐cycle costs and carbon footprints were reduced due to the elimination of energy and labor expenditures associated with transportation, data collection, laboratory efforts, report generation, and information dissemination. A brief summary of two demonstrations of this sensor‐based water resources management application is presented. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Numerical models were used to simulate alternative funnel‐and‐gate groundwater remediation structures near property corners in hypothetical homogeneous and heterogeneous unconfined aquifers. Each structure comprised a highly permeable central gate (hydraulic conductivity = 25 m/d) and soil‐bentonite slurry walls (hydraulic conductivity = 0.00009 m/d). Gates were perpendicular to regional groundwater flow and approximately 5 m from a contaminant plume's leading tip. Funnel segments collinear to the central gate reached property boundaries; additional funnel segments followed property boundaries in the most hydraulically upgradient direction. Structures were 1 m thick and anchored into the base of the aquifer. Two structures were simulated for each aquifer: one with a 3.0‐m‐long central gate and funnels on either side; and a second with a 1.5‐m‐long central gate, funnels on either side, and 0.75‐m‐long end gates. Funnels were lengthened in successive simulations, until a structure contained a contaminant plume. Results suggest that, for the same total gate length, one‐gate structures may facilitate more rapid remediation, up to 44 percent less time in trials conducted in this study, than multiple‐gate structures constructed near property corners. However, in order to effectively contain a plume, one‐gate structures were up to 46 percent larger than multiple‐gate structures. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A detailed cradle‐to‐grave life‐cycle assessment (LCA) of an in situ thermal treatment remedy for a chlorinated‐solvent‐contaminated site was performed using process LCA. The major materials and activities necessary to install, operate, monitor, and deconstruct the remedy were included in the analysis. The analysis was based on an actual site remedy design and implementation to determine the potential environmental impacts, pinpoint major contributors to impacts, and identify opportunities for improvements during future implementation. The Electro‐Thermal Dynamic Stripping Process (ET‐DSP?) in situ thermal technology coupled with a dual‐phase extraction and treatment system was evaluated for the remediation of 4,400 yd3 of tetrachloroethene‐ and trichloroethene‐impacted soil, groundwater, and bedrock. The analysis was based on an actual site with an estimated source mass of 2,200 lbs of chlorinated solvents. The remedy was separated into four stages: remedy installation, remedy operation, monitoring, and remedy deconstruction. Environmental impacts were assessed using Sima Pro software, the ecoinvent database, and the ReCiPe midpoint and endpoint methods. The operation stage of the remedy dominated the environmental impacts across all categories due to the large amount of electricity required by the thermal treatment technology. Alternate sources of electricity could significantly reduce the environmental impacts of the remedy across all impact categories. Other large impacts were observed in the installation stage resulting from the large amount of diesel fuel, steel, activated carbon, and asphalt materials required to implement the technology. These impacts suggest where opportunities for footprint reductions can be found through best management practices such as increased materials reuse, increased recycled‐content materials use, and clean fuels and emission control technologies. Smaller impacts were observed in the monitoring and deconstruction stages. Normalized results show the largest environmental burdens to fossil depletion, human toxicity, particulate matter formation, and climate‐change categories resulting from activities associated with mining of fossil fuels for use in electricity production. In situ thermal treatment can reliably remediate contaminated source areas with contaminants located in low‐permeability zones, providing complete destruction of contaminants in a short amount of time, quick return of the site to productive use, and minimized quantities of hazardous materials stored in landfills for future generations to remediate. However, this remediation strategy can also result in significant emissions over a short period of time. It is difficult to quantify the overall value of short‐term cleanups with intense treatment emissions against longer‐term cleanups with lower treatment emissions because of the environmental, social, and economic trade‐offs that need to be considered and understood. LCA is a robust, quantitative tool to help inform stakeholder discussions related to the remedy selection process, trade‐off considerations, and environmental footprint‐reduction opportunities, and to complement a broader toolbox for the evaluation of sustainable remediation strategies. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the region of the Lena River, in northeast Russia, where oil‐contaminated soil remediation is compromised due to the reduced natural attenuation mechanisms in northern eco‐systems. The goal of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of different biological methods for remediating the permafrost soil cover contaminated with high concentrations of oil. For the remediation of the areas with approximately similar levels of contamination (in the range of 10 to 14 grams per kilogram [g/kg] of soil) different biological remediation schemes were applied: site 1: sowing plant seeds of meadow clover grass; site 2: introducing a consortium of hydrocarbon oxidizing microorganisms (HOM); and, site 3: introducing the same consortium of HOM with simultaneously sowing grass mixture. The third scheme, applied for the first time, led to the most favorable results, which might be explained by the synergistic effect based on the principle of positive inverse development.  相似文献   

Application of fungal‐based bioaugmentation was evaluated for the remediation of creosote‐contaminated soil at a wood‐preserving site in West Virginia. Soil at the site contained creosote‐range polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at concentrations in some areas that exceed industrial risk‐based levels. Two white‐rot fungi (Pleurotus ostreatus and Irpex lacteus) were evaluated for remediation effectiveness in a two‐month bench‐scale treatability test. Both fungi produced similar results, with up to 67.3 percent degradation of total PAHs in 56 days. Pilot‐scale testing was performed at the site using Pleurotus ostreatus grown on two local substrate mixtures. During the 276‐day field trial, total PAHs were degraded by up to 93.2 percent, with all individual PAHs except one achieving industrial risk‐based concentrations. It was recommended that fungal‐based remediation be applied to all contaminated soil at the site. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Thousands of unaddressed brownfields sites remain in our nation's poorest urban neighborhoods, despite almost two decades of federal and state attention to cleaning up and redeveloping these sites. Many of these neighborhoods have active community‐based organizations (CBOs) whose mission it is to improve the quality of life for disadvantaged residents whose lives are negatively impacted by these decaying, contaminated properties. Under the assumption that greater involvement of community organizations, specifically community development corporations (CDCs), would help to spur increased attention to and progress toward remediating these sites, we developed a pilot technical assistance program to build CDC capacity to facilitate or actually undertake brownfields redevelopment projects. This article describes the process of development and the program's content and structure and evaluates the program based on a pilot test conducted with two CDCs in a major US city. Future prospects for expansion of this type of program are discussed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater below an operating manufacturing facility in Portland, Oregon, was impacted by chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), with concentrations indicative of a dense, nonaqueous‐phase liquid (DNAPL) release. The downgradient plume stretched under the adjacent Willamette River, intersecting zones of legacy impacts from a former manufactured gas plant (MGP). An evaluation of source‐area and downgradient plume treatment remedies identified in situ bioremediation as most likely to be effective for the CVOC plume, while leaving the legacy impacts for other responsible parties. With multiple commercially available products to choose from, the team developed and implemented a bench test to identify the most appropriate technology, which was further evaluated in a field pilot study. The results of the testing demonstrated conclusively that bioremediation enhanced by in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) using EHC® and KB‐1® was most appropriate for this site, providing outstanding results. The following describes the implementation and results of the tests. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Trials were conducted to optimize the parameters of a heavy‐particle concentrator (HPC) for the remediation of soil stockpiles contaminated by metallic lead at the Mount Stuart training area in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. A range of treatment methods, including orbital screen, HPC, and a combination of orbital screen and HPC were evaluated. The treatment efficiency, as well as reductions in Pb and Australian Standard Teaching Procedure values, was ranked: Orbital screen + HPC < HPC < 2nd run through HPC. The combination of orbital screening, HPC, and phosphate‐aided immobilization completely remediated the stockpiled material by reducing total lead to below the Australian National Environmental Protection Measure Health Investigation Level for Soil Contaminant (Recreational; < 600 milligrams lead per kilogram). The optimized parameters of HPC at 4 tonnes per hour of the < 40 millimeter (mm) orbital screen feed fraction were: inclination angle 4°, trommel speed 1,860 revolutions per minute (rpm), HPC belt speed 3.5 rpm, material distribution chute extension 100 mm and water flow 480 liters per minute.  相似文献   

Residual tetrachloroethene (PCE) contamination at the former Springvilla Dry Cleaners site in Springfield, Oregon, posed a potential risk through the vapor intrusion, direct contact, and off‐site beneficial groundwater uses. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality utilized the State Dry Cleaner Program funds to help mitigate the risks posed by residual contamination. After delineation activities were complete, the source‐area soils were excavated and treated on‐site with ex situ vapor extraction to reduce disposal costs. Residual source‐area contamination was then chemically oxidized using sodium permanganate. Dissolved‐phase contamination was subsequently addressed with in situ enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD). ERD achieved treatment goals across more than 4 million gallons of aquifer impacted with PCE concentrations up to 7,800 micrograms per liter prior to remedial activities. The ERD remedy introduced electron donors and nutrient amendments through groundwater recirculation and slug injection across two aquifers over the course of 24 months. Adaptive and mass‐targeted strategies reduced total remedy costs to approximately $18 per ton within the treatment areas. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Field trials with inorganic fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) nutrients were simulated in the greenhouse to remediate hydrocarbon‐polluted soils from a spill site in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Samples of the polluted soils taken from two depths were displayed in a randomized complete block (RCB) design and treated with 10–100 g of (NH4)2SO4, KH2PO4, and KCl. The agronomic addition of the chemical nutrients was found to enhance the concentrations of nitrate‐nitrogen, phosphate‐phosphorus, and potassium in the soils. Pretreated nitrate‐nitrogen content ranged from 432 to 590 mg/kg in the polluted samples (with a control at 522 mg/kg), while posttreatment concentrations were 3,285 ± 154 mg/kg and 3,254 ± 159 mg/kg for surface and subsurface soils, respectively. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mining operations result in a wide range of environmental impacts: acid mine drainage (AMD) and acid sulfate soils being among the most common. Due to their acidic pH and high soluble metal concentrations, both AMD and acid sulfate soils can severely damage the local ecosystems. Proper post‐mining management practices are necessary to control AMD‐related environmental issues. Current AMD‐impacted soil treatment technologies are rather expensive and typically not environmentally sustainable. We conducted a 60‐day bench‐scale study to evaluate the potential of a cost‐effective and environment‐friendly technology in treating AMD‐impacted soils. The metal binding and acid‐neutralizing capacity of an industrial by‐product, drinking water treatment residuals (WTRs) were used for AMD remediation. Two types of locally generated WTRs, an aluminum‐based WTR (Al‐WTR) and a lime‐based WTR (Ca‐WTR) were used. Highly acidic AMD‐impacted soil containing very high concentrations of metals and metalloids, such as iron, nickel, and arsenic, was collected from the Tab‐Simco coal mine in Carbondale, Illinois. Soil amendment using a 1:1 Al‐ and Ca‐WTR mix, applied at 5 and 10 percent rates significantly lowered the soluble and exchangeable fractions of metals in the AMD‐impacted soil, thus lowering potential metal toxicity. Soil pH increased from an extremely acidic 2.69 to a near‐neutral 6.86 standard units over the 60‐day study period. Results from this preliminary study suggest the possibility of a successful scale‐up of this innovative, cost‐effective, and environmentally sustainable technology for remediating AMD‐impacted acid sulfate soils.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy's (US DOE's) responsibilities for its former national nuclear weapons complex include remediation of the Hanford Site in Washington State. In 1989, the site's primary mission shifted from nuclear weapons material production to cleanup of the extensive radioactive and chemical contamination that represented the production legacy. Cleanup is governed by the Tri‐Party Agreement (TPA), between the US DOE, as responsible party, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Washington State Department of Ecology, as joint regulators. Nearly 20 years have passed since the TPA was signed, but the Hanford remediation is expected to require decades longer. This article covers the cleanup progress to date and challenges that remain, particularly from millions of gallons of highly radioactive liquid wastes and proposals to bring new wastes to Hanford. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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