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This article presents the findings of a sustainable, surfactant‐enhanced, product recovery pilot‐scale study (PSS) completed between January 2010 and May 2010 at the Hydrocarbon Burn Facility located at the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The goal of this study was to implement a unique, simple, and sustainable light nonaqueous‐phase liquid (LNAPL) recovery process and evaluate site‐specific volumes and rates of LNAPL that could be collected and the degree of soil and groundwater cleanup that could be achieved. The recovery process was a combination of groundwater recirculation at a rate of approximately 2.9 gallons per minute (11.0 liters per minute), soil washing via LNAPL mobilization, and collection of LNAPL via a hydrophobic LNAPL skimmer. A biodegradable surfactant, ECOSURFTM SA‐15, was added to the recirculation line to lower the interfacial tension and facilitate LNAPL recovery via mobilization. All equipment (submersible pump, LNAPL skimmer, surfactant feed pump, controls, and various other equipment) used was powered by a solar panel array. Approximately 60 gallons (227 liters) or 429 pounds (195 kilograms) of LNAPL were collected at the recirculation site over approximately three months during the PSS. The data suggest that surfactant amendments greatly enhanced free product collection. The maximum rate of free product collection was approximately 1 gallon (3.8 liters) per day. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a pilot test that was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using steam‐enhanced dual‐phase extraction (DPE) at a former industrial site in New York. The pilot test proved that steam‐enhanced DPE was very effective at removing significant contaminant mass from the subsurface in a relatively short time period. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds and semivolatile organic compounds in the vapor stream and groundwater were successfully reduced, in some cases by orders of magnitude. Based on the results of the steam‐enhanced DPE pilot test, the final remedy for the site includes implementing this technology at selected areas as an alternative to DPE alone or other remedial alternatives, such as excavation or groundwater pump and treat. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, trichloroethene (TCE) was used at what is now designated as Installation Restoration Program Site 32 Cluster at Vandenberg Air Force Base to flush missile engines prior to launch and perhaps for other degreasing activities, resulting in releases of TCE to groundwater. The TCE plume extends approximately 1 kilometer from the previous launch facilities beyond the southwestern end of the site. To limit further migration of TCE and chlorinated degradation by‐products, an in situ, permeable, reactive bioremediation barrier (biobarrier) was designed as a cost‐effective treatment technology to address the TCE plume emanating from the source area. The biobarrier treatment would involve injecting carbon‐based substrate and microbes to achieve reductive dechlorination of volatile organic compounds, such as TCE. Under reducing conditions and in the presence of certain dechlorinating microorganisms, TCE degrades to nontoxic ethene in groundwater. To support the design of the full‐scale biobarrier, a pilot test was conducted to evaluate site conditions and collect pertinent design data. The pilot test results indicated possible substrate delivery difficulties and a smaller radius of influence than had been estimated, which would be used to determine the final biobarrier well spacing. Based on these results, the full‐scale biobarrier design was modified. In January 2010, the biobarrier was implemented at the toe of the source area by adding a fermentable substrate and a dechlorinating microbial culture to the subsurface via an injection well array that spanned the width of the TCE plume. After the injections, the groundwater pH in the injection wells continued to decrease to a level that could be detrimental to the population of Dehalococcoides in the SDC‐9TM culture. In addition, 7 months postinjection, the injection wells could not be sampled due to fouling. Cleaning was required to restore their functions. Bioassay and polymerase chain reaction analyses were conducted, as well as titration tests, to assess the need for biobarrier amendments in response to the fouling issues and low pH. Additionally, slug tests were performed on three wells to evaluate possible localized differences in hydraulic conductivity within the biobarrier. Based on the test results, the biobarrier was amended with sodium carbonate and inoculated a second time with SDC‐9TM. The aquifer pH was restored, and reductive dechlorination resumed in the treatment zone, evidenced by the reduction in TCE and the increase in degradation products, including ethene. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) with permanganate has been widely used for soil and groundwater treatment in the saturated zone. Due to the challenges associated with achieving effective distribution and retention in the unsaturated zone, there is a great interest in developing alternative injection technologies that increase the success of vadose‐zone treatment. The subject site is an active dry cleaner located in Topeka, Kansas. A relatively small area of residual contamination adjacent to the active facility building has been identified as the source of a large sitewide groundwater contamination plume with off‐site receptors. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) currently manages site remedial efforts and chose to pilot‐test ISCO with permanganate for the reduction of perchloroethene (PCE) soil concentrations within the source area. KDHE subsequently contracted Burns & McDonnell to design and implement an ISCO pilot test. A treatability study was performed by Carus Corporation to determine permanganate‐soil‐oxidant‐demand (PSOD) and the required oxidant dosing for the site. The pilot‐test design included an ISCO injection approach that consisted of injecting aqueous sodium permanganate using direct‐push technology with a sealed borehole. During the pilot test, approximately 12,500 pounds of sodium permanganate were injected at a concentration of approximately 3 percent (by weight) using the methods described above. Confirmation soil sampling conducted after the injection event indicated PCE reductions ranging from approximately 79 to more than 99 percent. A follow‐up treatment, consisting of the injection of an additional 6,200 pounds of sodium permanganate, was implemented to address residual soil impacts remaining in the soil source zone. Confirmation soil sampling conducted after the treatment indicated a PCE reduction of greater than 90 percent at the most heavily impacted sample location and additional reductions in four of the six samples collected. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Tetrachloroethene (PCE)‐ and trichloroethene (TCE)‐impacted sites pose significant challenges even when site characterization activities indicate that biodegradation has occurred naturally. Although site‐specific, regulatory, and economic factors play roles in the remedy‐selection process, the application of molecular biological tools to the bioremediation field has streamlined the assessment of remedial alternatives and allowed for detailed evaluation of the chosen remedial technology. The case study described here was performed at a PCE‐impacted site at which reductive dechlorination of PCE and TCE had led to accumulation of cis‐dichlorethene (cis‐DCE) with concentrations ranging from approximately 10 to 100 mg/L. Bio‐Trap® samplers and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) enumeration of Dehalococcoides spp. were used to evaluate three remedial options: monitored natural attenuation, biostimulation with HRC®, and biostimulation with HRC‐S®. Dehalococcoides populations in HRC‐S‐amended Bio‐Traps deployed in impacted wells were on the order of 103 to 104 cells/bead but were below detection limits in most unamended and HRC‐amended Bio‐Traps. Thus the in situ Bio‐Trap study identified biostimulation with HRC‐S as the recommended approach, which was further evaluated with a pilot study. After the pilot HRC‐S injection, Dehalococcoides populations increased to 106 to 107 cells/bead, and concentrations of cis‐DCE and vinyl chloride decreased with concurrent ethene production. Based on these results, a full‐scale HRC‐S injection was designed and implemented at the site. As with the pilot study, full‐scale HRC‐S injection promoted growth of Dehalococcoides spp. and stimulated reductive dechlorination of the daughter products cis‐DCE and vinyl chloride. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An Accelerated Remediation Technologies (ART) In‐Well Technology pilot test was performed to evaluate the removal of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from groundwater. The ART In‐Well Technology was installed in one well located in the source area where dense nonaqueous‐phase liquid has been identified and VOC concentrations exceed 140,000 μg/L. Monitoring wells at the site were positioned between 10 and 170 feet from the ART test well. Overall, VOC concentrations from samples collected from the groundwater monitoring wells and in the vapors extracted for discharge from the ART treatment well were analyzed over the testing period. Monitoring results showed that concentrations of perchloroethylene were reduced in the closest monitoring well to nondetectable concentrations within 90 days. The cumulative removal of chlorinated VOCs from the ART test well over the six‐month pilot test period exceeded 9,500 pounds based on air monitoring data. The ART technology proved effective and cost‐efficient in reducing contaminant concentrations and removing a large mass of contamination from the subsurface in a short period of time. The radius of influence of the ART technology at the site was estimated to range between 65 and 170 feet. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A former dry‐cleaning site in Jackson, Tennessee, has undergone remediation to treat dense nonaqueous‐phase liquid (trichloroethene [TCE] and tetrachloroethene [PCE]) contamination in the subsurface. The dry cleaning operation closed in 1977. In 2002, a series of injections were made at the site consisting of corn syrup, vegetable oils, and Simple Green®. In 2004, approximately 200 cubic yards of contaminated soil were excavated, and the bottom of the excavation was covered with sodium lactate. In 2009, the site was characterized using proprietary electrical resistivity imaging (ERI; commercially available as Aestus GeoTrax SurveysTM). Follow‐up confirmation soil borings targeted anomalies detected via the geophysical work. The results indicate an extremely electrically conductive (less than 1 ohm‐m) vadose zone downgradient from the injection wells, and extremely electrically resistive areas (greater than 10,000 ohm‐m) in the phreatic zone near the injection area. The sample data indicate that the electrically resistive anomalous zones contain moderate to high concentrations of undegraded dry‐cleaning compounds. Electrically conductive anomalous zones are interpreted to be areas of biological activity generated by the amendments injected into the subsurface based on the extreme conductivity values detected, the chemical composition (i.e., PCE degradates are present), and the dominant vadose‐zone location of the conductive zones. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bioventing—the injection of air into the vadose zone to increase microbial activity—is a commonly used, proven technology for remediating volatile organic compounds present in the vadose zone. Passive systems driven by wind or solar power are both more cost‐effective and sustainable than conventional systems. Such a passive system is being applied successfully to remediate a site impacted with total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in soil. Bioventing technology was approved by the regulatory agency as an interim remedial action to remove chemicals of concern (COCs) in the vadose zone. A bioventing pilot study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of COC removal and collect parameters for full‐scale design and implementation. To evaluate the potential to use wind‐driven bioventing technology, two mobile weather stations were installed at the site and monitored for one month for a wind speed study. Based on the pilot‐test data and wind speed research, 12‐inch diameter funnel/vane 360‐degree wind collectors were designed as passive wind‐driven air‐injection devices and connected to existing monitoring wells. The measured air velocity ranged from 20 to 110 feet per minute during the start‐up and the first three months of operation and maintenance. Monitoring indicated a 20 percent oxygen delivery and greater than 90 percent reduction in COC concentrations, demonstrating a successful sustainable remediation with no power requirement and minimal operation and maintenance. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory microcosm experiments and a field pilot test were performed to evaluate the potential for in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) of aromatic hydrocarbons and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), a common oxygenate additive in gasoline, in saline, high temperature (more than 30 °C) groundwater. Groundwater samples from a site in Saudi Arabia were amended in the laboratory portion of the study with the chemical oxidants, sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) and sodium percarbonate (Na2(CO3)2), to evaluate the changes in select hydrocarbon and MTBE concentrations with time. Almost complete degradation of the aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and trimethylbenzenes (TMBs), was found in the groundwater sample amended with persulfate, whereas the percarbonate‐amended sample showed little to no degradation of the target hydrocarbon compounds in the laboratory. Isotopic analyses of the persulfate‐amended samples suggested that C‐isotope fractionation for xylenes occurred after approximately 30 percent reduction in concentration with a decline of about 1 percent in the δ13C values of xylenes. Based on the laboratory results, pilot‐scale testing at the Saudi Arabian field site was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical oxidation using nonactivated persulfate on a high temperature, saline petroleum hydrocarbon plume. Approximately 1,750 kg of Na2S2O8 was delivered to the subsurface using a series of injection wells over three injection events. Results obtained from the pilot test indicated that all the target compounds decreased with removal percentages varying between 86 percent for naphthalene and more than 99 percent for the MTBE and TMBs. The benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene compounds decreased to 98 percent on average. Examination of the microbial population upgradient and downgradient of the ISCO reactive zone suggested that a bacteria population was present following the ISCO injections with sulfate‐reducing bacteria (SRB) being the dominant bacteria present. Measurements of inorganic parameters during injection and postinjection indicated that the pH of the groundwater remained neutral following injections, whereas the oxidation–reduction potential remained anaerobic throughout the injection zone with time. Nitrate concentrations decreased within the injection zone, suggesting that the nitrate may have been consumed by denitrification reactions, whereas sulfate concentrations increased as expected within the reactive zone, suggesting that the persulfate produced sulfate. Overall, the injection of the oxidant persulfate was shown to be an effective approach to treat dissolved aromatic and associated hydrocarbons within the groundwater. In addition, the generation of sulfate as a byproduct was an added benefit, as the sulfate could be utilized by SRBs present within the subsurface to further biodegrade any remaining hydrocarbons. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Vapor intrusion characterization efforts can be challenging due to complexities associated with background indoor air constituents, preferential subsurface migration pathways, and response time and representativeness limitations associated with conventional low‐frequency monitoring methods. For sites experiencing trichloroethylene (TCE) vapor intrusion, the potential for acute risks poses additional challenges, as the need for rapid response to exposure exceedances becomes critical in order to minimize health risks and associated liabilities. Continuous monitoring platforms have been deployed to monitor indoor and subsurface concentrations of key volatile constituents, atmospheric pressure, and pressure differential conditions that can result in advective transport. These systems can be comprised of multiplexed laboratory‐grade analytical components integrated with telemetry and geographical information systems for automatically generating time‐stamped renderings of observations and time‐weighted averages through a cloud‐based data management platform. Integrated automatic alerting and responses can also be engaged within one minute of risk exceedance detection. The objectives at a site selected for testing included continuous monitoring of vapor concentrations and related surface and subsurface physical parameters to understand exposure risks over space and time and to evaluate potential mechanisms controlling risk dynamics which could then be used to design a long‐term risk reduction strategy. High‐frequency data collection, processing, and automated visualization efforts have resulted in greater understanding of natural processes such as dynamic contaminant vapor intrusion risk conditions potentially influenced by localized barometric pumping induced by temperature changes. For the selected site, temporal correlation was observed between dynamic indoor TCE vapor concentration, barometric pressure, and pressure differential. This correlation was observed with a predictable daily frequency even for very slight diurnal changes in barometric pressure and associated pressure differentials measured between subslab and indoor regimes and suggests that advective vapor transport and intrusion can result in elevated indoor TCE concentrations well above risk levels even with low‐to‐modest pressure differentials. This indicates that vapor intrusion can occur in response to diurnal pressure dynamics in coastal regions and suggests that similar natural phenomenon may control vapor intrusion dynamics in other regions, exhibiting similar pressure, geochemical, hydrogeologic, and climatic conditions. While dynamic indoor TCE concentrations have been observed in this coastal environment, questions remain regarding whether this hydrogeologic and climatic setting represent a special case, and how best to determine when continuous monitoring should be required to most appropriately minimize exposure durations as early as possible. ©2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater at the former Serry's Dry Cleaning site in Corvallis, Oregon, was impacted by chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs). The primary CVOCs impacting the site include tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride, which were detected at concentrations up to 22,000, 1,700, 3,100, and 7 μg/L, respectively, prior to treatment. Large seasonal fluctuations in groundwater CVOC concentrations indicated that a significant fraction of the CVOC mass was present in the smear zone. Field‐scale pilot tests were performed for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's Dry Cleaner Program to evaluate the performance of EHC® in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) technology. The pilot study involved evaluating field performance and physical distribution into low‐permeability soil using basic Geoprobe® injection tooling. The testing results confirmed that bioremediation enhanced by ISCR supported long‐term treatment at the site. This article describes the implementation and results of the tests. Performance data are available from a three‐year period following the injections, allowing for a discussion about sustained performance and reagent longevity. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A common industrial solvent additive is 1,4‐dioxane. Contamination of dissolved 1,4‐dioxane in groundwater has been found to be recalcitrant to removal by conventional, low‐cost remedial technologies. Only costly labor and energy‐intensive pump‐and‐treat remedial options have been shown to be effective remedies. However, the capital and extended operation and maintenance costs render pump‐and‐treat technologies economically unfeasible at many sites. Furthermore, pump‐and‐treat approaches at remediation sites have frequently been proven over time to merely achieve containment rather than site closure. A major manufacturer in North Carolina was faced with the challenge of cleaning up 1,4‐dioxane and volatile organic compound–impacted soil and groundwater at its site. Significant costs associated with the application of conventional approaches to treating 1,4‐dioxane in groundwater led to an alternative analysis of emerging technologies. As a result of the success of the Accelerated Remediation Technologies, LLC (ART) In‐Well Technology at other sites impacted with recalcitrant compounds such as methyl tertiarybutyl ether, and the demonstrated success of efficient mass removal, an ART pilot test was conducted. The ART Technology combines in situ air stripping, air sparging, soil vapor extraction, enhanced bioremediation/oxidation, and dynamic subsurface groundwater circulation. Monitoring results from the pilot test show that 1,4‐dioxane concentrations were reduced by up to 90 percent in monitoring wells within 90 days. The removal rate of chlorinated compounds from one ART well exceeded the removal achieved by the multipoint soil vapor extraction/air sparging system by more than 80 times. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Corrosion of carbon steel boxes filled with low‐level radioactive waste and buried within a near surface disposal facility in a humid environment was evaluated using an integrated systems approach framework. The time to hydraulic failure from initial burial to development of holes through the wall of a given waste package from pitting corrosion was calculated for four corrosion scenarios under two different corrosion cases. The two corrosion cases chosen were a constant rate of corrosion and a slowing rate of corrosion. Corrosion rates were estimated for carbon steel buried in soil from several historical studies and related to the corrosivity and aeration profile of the soil. The scenarios were chosen to represent a range of possible conditions at current and future U.S. Department of Energy disposal facilities. For each scenario, once the time to hydraulic failure had been estimated, the amount of liquid present in each waste package at the time of failure was calculated as an estimate of leachate available for subsurface transport. The Savannah River E‐Area Engineered Trench was used as a basis for the hypothetical disposal facility. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A pilot study was completed at a fractured crystalline bedrock site using a combination of soil vapor extraction (SVE) and in‐situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) with Fenton's Reagent. This system was designed to destroy 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (TCA) and its daughter products, 1,1‐dichloroethene (DCE) and 1,1‐dichloroethane (DCA). Approximately 150 pounds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were oxidized in‐situ or removed from the aquifer as vapor during the pilot study. Largely as a result of chemical oxidation, TCA concentrations in groundwater located within a local groundwater mound decreased by 69 to 95 percent. No significant rebound in VOC concentration was observed in these wells. Wells located outside of the groundwater mound showed less dramatic decreases in VOC concentration, and the data show that vapor stripping and short‐term groundwater migration following the oxidant injection were the key processes at these wells. Although the porosity of the aquifer at the site is on the order of 2 percent or less, the pilot study showed that SVE could be an effective remedial process in fractured crystalline rock. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Conventional vapor intrusion characterization efforts can be challenging due to background indoor air constituents, preferential subsurface migration pathways, sampling access, and collection method limitations. While it has been recognized that indoor air concentrations are dynamic, until recently it was assumed by many practitioners that subsurface concentrations did not vary widely over time. Newly developed continuous monitoring platforms have been deployed to monitor subsurface concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, total volatile organic constituents, and atmospheric pressure. These systems have been integrated with telemetry, geographical information systems, and geostatistical algorithms for automatically generating two‐ and three‐dimensional contour images and time‐stamped renderings and playback loops of sensor attributes, and multivariate analyses through a cloud‐based project management platform. The objectives at several selected sites included continuous monitoring of vapor concentrations and related physical parameters to understand explosion risks over space and time and to then design a long‐term risk reduction strategy. High‐frequency data collection, processing, and automated visualization have resulted in greater understanding of natural processes, such as dynamic contaminant vapor intrusion risk conditions potentially influenced by localized barometric pumping. For instance, contemporaneous changes in methane, oxygen, and atmospheric pressure values suggest there is interplay and that vapor intrusion risk may not be constant. As a result, conventional single‐event and composite assessment technologies may not be capable of determining worst‐case risk scenarios in all cases, possibly leading to misrepresentation of receptor and explosion risks. While dynamic risk levels have been observed in several initial continuous monitoring applications, questions remain regarding whether these situations represent special cases and how best to determine when continuous monitoring should be required. Results from a selected case study are presented and implications derived. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study and comparative analysis of light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) transmissivity estimated using short‐ and long‐term test methods at an active petroleum refinery. LNAPL transmissivity (Tn) is a recognized direct indicator of LNAPL recoverability with increasing acceptance by regulatory agencies. Historical releases at a refinery resulted in widespread LNAPL accumulations across the site and, as such, a focused approach is being implemented to enhance recovery, shorten remedial timeframes, and prioritize areas for recovery. Groundwater pumping systems operate continuously to maintain hydraulic containment of impacts, along with 12 LNAPL recovery systems. Transmissivity has been established as a primary metric and management tool for LNAPL recovery at the refinery. In this case study, estimated transmissivity values from short‐term data (baildown testing) and long‐term data (LNAPL skimming operations) from the same locations are analyzed and compared. Overall results are presented with respect to variations in transmissivities between the short‐ and long‐term tests, significance of data collection and quality, and consideration factors affecting transmissivity including fluid properties, soil types, hydrogeology, saturation levels, tidal effects, migration rates, and receptor risks. Additionally, the application of transmissivity as a metric for monitoring progress toward LNAPL recovery endpoints as part of the LNAPL remediation program development is discussed. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bioventing is a relatively new technology that uses forced air movement to deliver supplemental oxygen to contaminated soils to stimulate the biodegradation of contaminants by indigenous microorganisms. A bioventing pilot test was initiated at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, in August 1992, at a site contaminated with jet fuel. Air was injected into the subsurface over a period of 15 months, and tests were conducted at 6 months, and again at 15 months, to determine the effectiveness of the system. This article describes the bioventing process and its application at this test site. The results of the pilot test are discussed to illustrate the extent of the remediation accomplished through bioventing.  相似文献   

Two pilot tests of an aerobic in situ bioreactor (ISBR) have been conducted at field sites contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. The two sites differed with respect to hydrocarbon concentrations. At one site, concentrations were low but persistent, and at the other site concentrations were high enough to be inhibitory to biodegradation. The ISBR unit is designed to enhance biodegradation of hydrocarbons by stimulating indigenous microorganisms. This approach builds on existing Bio‐Sep® bead technology, which provides a matrix that can be rapidly colonized by the active members of the microbial community and serves to concentrate indigenous degraders. Oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the bioreactor to maintain conditions favorable for growth and reproduction, and contaminated groundwater is treated as it is circulated through the bed of Bio‐Sep® beads. Groundwater moving through the system also transports degraders released from Bio‐Sep® beads away from the bioreactor, potentially increasing biodegradation rates throughout the aquifer. Groundwater sampling, Bio‐Traps, and molecular biological tools were used to assess ISBR performance during the two pilot tests. Groundwater monitoring indicated that contaminant concentrations decreased at both sites, and the microbial data suggested that these decreases were due to degradation by indigenous microorganisms rather than dilution or dispersion mechanisms. Taken together, these lines of evidence showed that the ISBR system effectively increased the number and activity of indigenous microbial degraders and enhanced bioremediation at the test sites. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in fractured shale overlain by thin (< 10 feet) overburden at the Watervliet Arsenal near Albany, New York, was initially determined by sampling water from the fracture network using packer systems in boreholes and also using conventional monitoring wells. Furthermore, short‐term pumping and injection tests were conducted and the boreholes were logged using a variety of geophysical and hydrophysical tools. Tetrachloroethene is the dominant VOC in the groundwater, with lesser concentrations of trichloroethene and degradation products (cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene, trans‐1,2‐dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride). The vertical VOC distributions in the rock matrix were obtained from continuous‐cored holes from which small rock samples, collected at many depths between 18 and 150 feet below ground surface, were analyzed. The rock core VOC concentrations were determined by methanol extraction of crushed rock followed by direct methanol injection onto a gas chromatograph and subsequent estimation of rock porewater VOC concentrations. The rock core data support the concept that diffusion‐driven mass transfer has caused nearly all the VOC mass initially present in the fractures to now reside in the rock matrix, which has a porosity three or four orders of magnitude larger than the bulk fracture porosity. The results of the site characterization indicate that an effective site investigation strategy in fractured shale must include characterization of both the fracture and matrix contaminant distribution. These results also indicate that the most favorable remediation technologies for this fractured shale are those that will destroy VOCs in the rock matrix, particularly contaminants in the sorbed phase, and also destroy the VOC mass in the fractures including both dissolved and immiscible phases. The site characterization resulted in the selection of potassium permanganate for an in situ chemical oxidation pilot study. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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