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Contaminated groundwater and surface water have posed a great challenge in restoring wood preserving sites to beneficial use. Often contaminated groundwater plumes extend far beyond the legal property limits, adversely impacting drinking water supplies and crop lands. To contain, treat, and/or remediate these valuable resources is an important part of restoring these impacted sites. Various options are available for remediating the groundwater and other affected media at these sites. Frequently, pump and treat technologies have been used that can provide well‐head treatment at installed extraction wells. This approach has shown to be costly and excessively time consuming. Some of the technologies used for pump and treat are granular activated carbon (GAC), biotreatment, and chemical oxidation. Other approaches use in‐situ treatment applications that include enhanced bioremediation, monitored natural attenuation (biotic and abiotic), and chemical reduction/fixation. Ultimately, it may only be feasible, economically or practicably, to use hydraulic containment systems. Depending upon site‐specific conditions, these treatment approaches can be used in various combinations to offer the best remedial action. A comparison of water treatment system costs extrapolated from the treatability studies performed on contaminated groundwater from the McCormick/Baxter Superfund site in Stockton, California, yielded operation and maintenance costs of $1.19/1,000 gal. for carbon treatment and $7.53/1,000 gal. for ultraviolet (UV) peroxidation, respectively.  相似文献   

A common industrial solvent additive is 1,4‐dioxane. Contamination of dissolved 1,4‐dioxane in groundwater has been found to be recalcitrant to removal by conventional, low‐cost remedial technologies. Only costly labor and energy‐intensive pump‐and‐treat remedial options have been shown to be effective remedies. However, the capital and extended operation and maintenance costs render pump‐and‐treat technologies economically unfeasible at many sites. Furthermore, pump‐and‐treat approaches at remediation sites have frequently been proven over time to merely achieve containment rather than site closure. A major manufacturer in North Carolina was faced with the challenge of cleaning up 1,4‐dioxane and volatile organic compound–impacted soil and groundwater at its site. Significant costs associated with the application of conventional approaches to treating 1,4‐dioxane in groundwater led to an alternative analysis of emerging technologies. As a result of the success of the Accelerated Remediation Technologies, LLC (ART) In‐Well Technology at other sites impacted with recalcitrant compounds such as methyl tertiarybutyl ether, and the demonstrated success of efficient mass removal, an ART pilot test was conducted. The ART Technology combines in situ air stripping, air sparging, soil vapor extraction, enhanced bioremediation/oxidation, and dynamic subsurface groundwater circulation. Monitoring results from the pilot test show that 1,4‐dioxane concentrations were reduced by up to 90 percent in monitoring wells within 90 days. The removal rate of chlorinated compounds from one ART well exceeded the removal achieved by the multipoint soil vapor extraction/air sparging system by more than 80 times. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Tetrachloroethylene, also known as perchloroethylene or PCE, is one of the most difficult to treat chlorinated solvents when present in groundwater. Unfortunately, this elusive and recalcitrant compound is also the most commonly used dry cleaning solvent. As a result, releases of PCE at dry cleaning sites are somewhat common. Regenesis Bioremediation Products, of San Clemente, California, has developed Hydrogen Release Compound (HRC), which has been successfully used to promote bioremediation of PCE in groundwater. This product is directly injected into contaminated groundwater to speed up the natural attenuation of PCE through an anaerobic, natural process known as reductive dechlorination. A key benefit of HRC is its ability to slowly release hydrogen over extended periods of time. Reductive dechlorination relies on a steady source and readily available supply of electron donors as part of the degradation process. Hydrogen is one of the best electron donors available, and thus, the application of HRC significantly enhances the rate of PCE degradation. For dry cleaners, this technology can substantially reduce major design, capital, and operating costs, allowing the implementation of a low‐impact application and remediation solution. This article discusses the use of the HRC to remediate PCE contamination and presents the results of two specific HRC‐treated dry cleaner sites. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Biological processes have been used to remediate petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, chlorinated solvents, and halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. Biological treatment of contaminated soils may involve solid-phase, slurry-phase, or in situ treatment techniques. This article will review the general principle of solid-phase bioremediation and discuss the application of this technique for the cleanup of total petroleum hydrocarbons on two sites. These remedial programs will reduce total petroleum hydrocarbon contamination from the mean concentration of 2,660 ppm to under the 200-ppm cleanup criteria for soil and under the 15-ppm cleanup criteria for groundwater. Over 32,000 yards of soil have been treated by solid-phase treatment to date. The in situ system operation is effectively producing biodegradation in the subsurface. The project is approximately one-third complete.  相似文献   

The use of bioremediation technologies to clean up contaminated soil and groundwater is increasingly winning favor over more costly and often ineffective mechanical approaches. One new type of bioremediation process, known as TreeMediationTM, uses trees and other vegetation to remediate soil by acting as a natural pump to extract and remediate contaminated groundwater in aquifers less than 30 feet deep. This article describes this innovative treatment method, shows its advantages over traditional pump and-treat techniques, and explains how TreeMediation is being used to extract nitrate and ammonium contamination from an aquifer in New Jersey.  相似文献   

The use and performance of soil vapor extraction (SVE) as an in-situ remedial technology has been limited at numerous sites because of both geologic and chemical factors. SVE systems are not well suited to sites containing low permeability soils or sites contaminated with recalcitrant compounds. Six-phase soil heating (SPSH) has been developed by the Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (Battelle) to enhance SVE systems. The technology utilizes resistive soil heating to increase the vapor pressure of subsurface contaminants and to generate an in-situ source of steam. The steam strips contaminants sorbed onto soil surfaces and acts as a carrier gas, providing an enhanced mechanism by which the contaminants can reach an extraction well. Full-scale applications of SPSH have been performed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina; at a former fire training site in Niagara Falls, New York; and at Fort Richardson near Anchorage, Alaska. At each site, chlorinated solvents were present in low permeability soils and SPSH was applied in conjunction with SVE. The results of the three applications showed that SPSH is a cost-effective technology that can reduce the time required to remediate a site using only conventional SVE.  相似文献   

In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) with permanganate has been widely used for soil and groundwater treatment in the saturated zone. Due to the challenges associated with achieving effective distribution and retention in the unsaturated zone, there is a great interest in developing alternative injection technologies that increase the success of vadose‐zone treatment. The subject site is an active dry cleaner located in Topeka, Kansas. A relatively small area of residual contamination adjacent to the active facility building has been identified as the source of a large sitewide groundwater contamination plume with off‐site receptors. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) currently manages site remedial efforts and chose to pilot‐test ISCO with permanganate for the reduction of perchloroethene (PCE) soil concentrations within the source area. KDHE subsequently contracted Burns & McDonnell to design and implement an ISCO pilot test. A treatability study was performed by Carus Corporation to determine permanganate‐soil‐oxidant‐demand (PSOD) and the required oxidant dosing for the site. The pilot‐test design included an ISCO injection approach that consisted of injecting aqueous sodium permanganate using direct‐push technology with a sealed borehole. During the pilot test, approximately 12,500 pounds of sodium permanganate were injected at a concentration of approximately 3 percent (by weight) using the methods described above. Confirmation soil sampling conducted after the injection event indicated PCE reductions ranging from approximately 79 to more than 99 percent. A follow‐up treatment, consisting of the injection of an additional 6,200 pounds of sodium permanganate, was implemented to address residual soil impacts remaining in the soil source zone. Confirmation soil sampling conducted after the treatment indicated a PCE reduction of greater than 90 percent at the most heavily impacted sample location and additional reductions in four of the six samples collected. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Remediation of contaminated sites has focused largely on restoration of groundwater aquifers. Often the stated remedial goal is to achieve conditions allowing unrestricted use and unrestricted exposure. Such total groundwater cleanup has occurred at some sites, but is the exception rather than the rule. At the same time, significant effort occurs to perform risk assessments for potential exposure to contaminants in groundwater at sites, both before and after remediation. The logical synergy between risk assessment and remediation is for risk management to seek opportunities for optimal use of groundwater based upon realistic expectations of cleanup technologies and the relevant acceptable residual (postremediation) levels of contaminants. This article explores an approach to improve this synergistic relationship between risk assessment, risk management, and remediation for groundwater cleanups. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The migration of biogeochemical gradients is a useful framework for understanding the evolution of biogeochemical conditions in groundwater at waste sites contaminated with metals and radionuclides. This understanding is critical to selecting sustainable remedies and evaluating sites for monitored natural attenuation, because most attenuation mechanisms are sensitive to geochemical conditions, such as pH and redox potential. Knowledge of how gradients in these parameters evolve provides insights into the behavior of contaminants with time and guides characterization, remedy selection, and monitoring efforts. An example is a seepage basin site at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina where low‐level acidic waste has seeped into groundwater. The remediation of this site relies, in part, on restoring the natural pH of the aquifer by injecting alkaline solutions. The remediation will continue until the pH upflow of the treatment zone increases to an acceptable value. The time required to achieve this objective depends on the time it takes the trailing pH gradient, the gradient separating the plume from influxing natural groundwater, to reach the treatment zone. Predictions of this length of time will strongly influence long‐term remedial decisions. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Traditional environmental investigations are expensive and time-consuming, involving heavy drilling equipment, several intermediate processes, and analyses at off-site commercial laboratories. New, relatively inexpensive in situ sampling surveys can now quickly generate preliminary data in the field, helping to analyze soil gas and soil and groundwater forvolatile organic compounds (VOCs). Many of the companies that do them now also provide their own mobile laboratories for delineating contaminant plumes more quickly and at less cost than the traditional methods and guiding the placement of groundwater monitoring wells and soil borings. This column describes the main in situ sampling surveys available today, calculates their costs per sample, explores their advantages and disadvantages for remedial investigations, and offers advice on how to carry them out.  相似文献   

The determination of cleanup levels at a CERCLA or RCRA site is often the single most important decision made by risk managers. This decision can have a major impact on the costs and time required for remediation, as well as on the selection of remedial technologies. The object of this article is to provide a critical review of the methods used by regulatory agencies and the regulated community to calculate chemical-specific cleanup goals for inactive hazardous waste sites, focusing on those cleanup goals that are designed to protect human health from the effects of chemicals. In addition to this analysis of historical methods that have been used, this article discusses some innovative solutions to the problem of calculating cleanup levels and presents an analysis of controversial topics related to cleanup levels currently under debate by regulatory agencies, industry, environmentalists, and legislative bodies.  相似文献   

Electrical resistance heating (ERH) is an in situ treatment for soil and groundwater remediation that can reduce the time to clean up volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from years to months. The technology is now mature enough to provide site owners with both performance and financial certainty in their site‐closure process. The ability of the technology to remediate soil and groundwater impacted by chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons regardless of lithology proves to be beneficial over conventional in situ technologies that are dependent on advective flow. These conventional technologies include: soil vapor recovery, air sparging, and pumpand‐treat, or the delivery of fluids to the subsurface such as chemical oxidization and bioremediation. The technology is very tolerant of subsurface heterogeneities and actually performs as well in low‐permeability silts and clay as in higher‐ permeability sands and gravels. ERH is often implemented around and under buildings and public access areas without upsetting normal business operations. ERH may also be combined with other treatment technologies to optimize and enhance their performance. This article describes how the technology was developed, how it works, and provides two case studies where ERH was used to remediate complex lithologies. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Remediation of heavy metal contamination in soil is a widespread environmental issue. Conventional remediation techniques are invasive and often too expensive, particularly if large areas of soil are contaminated. Phytoremediation is the use of plants to remediate soil and groundwater. Phytoremediation of inorganic comtaminants such as metals can be further catagorized into phytostabilization and phytoextraction. These techniques have gained an increasing amount of attention and research over the last ten years. Phytoextraction of heavy metals and periodical removal of harvestable plant parts results in a gradual decrease of pollutant levels in the top soil. Woody species such as Salix sp. (willow) do not represent the fastest phytoextraction procedure compared to uptake by herbaceous species; however, they offer the added advantage of possible reuse of the produced biomass (wood) for the production of renewable energy. Here we present the results of a field experiment conducted to evaluate the use of Salix to remediate soil contaminated with cadmium and zinc at a dredged sediment disposal site in Flanders, Belgium. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The former Nebraska Ordnance Plant site in east-central Nebraska was included on the National Priorities List because of explosives and trichloroethene contamination. The preferred groundwater remedy includes hydraulic containment of the contaminated groundwater and focused extraction of the more highly contaminated groundwater as components of the remedial action. The purpose of hydraulic containment is to stop the spread of contamination, while the more aggressive focused extraction will be used to speed up the remediation and reduce total cleanup costs. This case study illustrates how straightforward groundwater models were combined with uncertainty analysis to select a precise definition of the focused extraction areas. The purpose of the analysis was to reduce ultimate remediation costs, given the significant uncertainty associated with the estimated remediation times. The selected definition provides a basis for more sophisticated groundwater modeling, the goal of which was to locate extraction wells and define their flow rates. The batch flushing model provided the governing equations, and Monte Carlo analysis was used for the uncertainty analysis. All of the analysis was performed on a personal computer using commercially available software.  相似文献   

In situ remediation of aniline from soils and groundwater using biological and physical treatments was conducted at the BASF Corporation facility in Geismar, Louisiana. To mitigate the migration of aniline, remediate contaminated soil and groundwater, and determine concentrations, 24 immobilized microbe bioreactors were fixed in the subsoil, and a horizontal recovery well and 7 monitoring wells were installed. Soil and monitoring wells were sampled quarterly to assess bioplug impact on the aniline concentrations. The recovery well was sampled monthly to estimate the pounds of aniline removed from groundwater. Soil pH, composition, and microbial counts were used to estimate the fate and transport. Aniline levels were lowered significantly after remediation and total cancer risk was below levels for industrial sites, as established by State of Louisiana Risk Evaluation/Corrective Action Program guidelines. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Often liability for environmental damage and cleanup of contaminated sites is made difficult, especially with chemically complex environments containing different pollutants, by the inability to differentiate potential sources (or “owners”) of pollutants from each other. As a result, unnecessary costs may be associated with having to assume financial responsibility for alleged contamination of a site. This article reviews the advances in chemical fingerprinting as a tool in identifying and differentiating sources of hydrocarbon pollutants in chemically complex environments. Appropriate hydrocarbon target analytes and required analytical methods for hydrocarbon fingerprinting are discussed, and new interpretative tools are presented that may be applied to contaminated soil, sediment, and groundwater environmental situations. With these analytical and interpretative techniques, an appropriate allocation of chemical contamination and costs at a site can be made.  相似文献   

Per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are highly resistant to biotic and abiotic degradation and can withstand very high temperatures before breaking down. The storage of PFAS‐impacted water and sediments in a holding pond or stockpiled investigation or remedial action‐derived waste is occurring on an increasing number of sites. The most common PFAS water treatment options include granular‐activated carbon and resins and the most common soil treatment options have been primarily limited to excavation, offsite incineration, and, in some cases, soil stabilization. An increasing number of states across the United States are establishing part per trillion PFAS guidance levels for drinking water. Removing PFAS from soils removes PFAS source impacts to groundwater. In this study, volatilization of PFAS from soil treated using in situ thermal heating is evaluated as a treatment method to achieve a high degree of PFAS removal from soils. The evaluation of temperatures needed to achieve removal is described. To minimize vapor treatment required for PFAS thermal remediation, a scrubber was incorporated into the treatment train to transfer PFAS to the liquid phase in a concentrated, low‐volume solution. Vapor‐liquid equilibrium behavior and the extent of PFAS volatilization from impacted soil over a range of temperatures were evaluated. Results showed that heating soil to 350°C and 400°C reduces PFAS soil concentrations by 99.91% and 99.998%, respectively. It was also confirmed that sulfonate‐based PFAS generally required higher temperatures for volatilization to occur than carboxylate‐based PFAS.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, a soil removal action was completed at a former disposal pit site located in southern Michigan. This action removed waste oil, cutting oil, and chlorinated solvents from the unsaturated zone. To contain groundwater contaminant migration at the site, a groundwater pump‐and‐treat system comprised of two extraction wells operating at a combined flow of 50 gallons per minute, carbon treatment, and a permitted effluent discharge was designed, installed, and operated for over 10 years. Groundwater monitoring for natural attenuation parameters and contaminant attenuation modeling demonstrated natural attenuation of the contaminant plume was adequate to attain site closure. As a result of incomplete contaminant source removal, a rebound of contaminants above the levels established in the remedial action plan (RAP) has occurred in the years following system shutdown and site closure. Groundwater concentrations have raised concerns regarding potential indoor air quality at adjacent residential properties constructed in the past 9 to 10 years. The only remedial option available in the original RAP is to resume groundwater pump‐and‐treat. To remediate the source area, an alternate remediation strategy using an ozone sparge system was developed. The ozone sparge remediation strategy addresses the residual saturated zone contaminants beneath the former disposal pit and reestablishes site closure requirements without resumption of the pump‐and‐treat system. A pilot study was completed successfully; and the final system design was subsequently approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The system was installed and began operations in July 2010. As of the January 2011 monitoring event, the system has shown dramatic improvement in site contaminant concentrations. The system will continue to operate until monitoring results indicate that complete treatment has been obtained. The site will have achieved the RAP objectives when the system has been shut down and meets groundwater residential criteria for four consecutive quarters. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Gentle remediation options (GRO) are risk management strategies/technologies that result in a net gain (or at least no gross reduction) in soil function as well as risk management. They encompass a number of technologies, including the use of plant (phyto‐), fungi (myco‐), and/or bacteria‐based methods, with or without chemical soil additives or amendments, for reducing contaminant transfer to local receptors by in situ stabilization, or extraction, transformation, or degradation of contaminants. Despite offering strong benefits in terms of risk management, deployment costs, and sustainability for a range of site problems, the application of GRO as practical on‐site remedial solutions is still in its relative infancy, particularly for metal(loid)‐contaminated sites. A key barrier to wider adoption of GRO relates to general uncertainties and lack of stakeholder confidence in (and indeed knowledge of) the feasibility or reliability of GRO as practical risk management solutions. The GREENLAND project has therefore developed a simple and transparent decision support framework for promoting the appropriate use of gentle remediation options and encouraging participation of stakeholders, supplemented by a set of specific design aids for use when GRO appear to be a viable option. The framework is presented as a three phased model or Decision Support Tool (DST), in the form of a Microsoft Excel‐based workbook, designed to inform decision‐making and options appraisal during the selection of remedial approaches for contaminated sites. The DST acts as a simple decision support and stakeholder engagement tool for the application of GRO, providing a context for GRO application (particularly where soft end‐use of remediated land is envisaged), quick reference tables (including an economic cost calculator), and supporting information and technical guidance drawing on practical examples of effective GRO application at trace metal(loid) contaminated sites across Europe. This article introduces the decision support framework. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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