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Jean Lupinacci 《环境质量管理》2000,10(2):11-18
Energy investments offer companies a surprisingly high rate of return within a short period of time.and at low risk. c 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
We argue that the environment, broadly construed, has a profound effect on human cognition, action, and well-being. If this is true, then the field of environmental psychology has a far larger potential to aid humanity than is generally realized. We suggest that the field would be more likely to achieve this potential if it viewed environments from the perspective of human informational needs, and focused on environmental/informational patterns that have the potential to make it easier for people to help themselves. Further, achieving such benefits could be greatly enhanced by taking advantage of the many opportunities available for collaborating with researchers in other areas of psychology. The reasonable person model is offered as a perspective that could facilitate moving in these various new directions while taking advantage of the considerable existent knowledge about human–environment interactions that is currently underappreciated. 相似文献
Today, environmental managers are learning new ways of adding value to their organizations. Before, the environmental department was an overhead expense—an indirect support group required for complying with burdensome regulations. Now, such departments add insights and value during strategic planning sessions, identify efficiency improvement opportunities, provide a superior return on investment, and—bottom line—improve profits. The primary approach to meeting the challenge is a new environmental management system (EMS) that identifies, measures, and manages a diverse set of internal and external customer needs. These needs include environmental cleanups, regulatory compliance, pollution prevention, and design for the environment—and each represents a potential improvement opportunity. Unfortunately, most organizations have so many such needs that all cannot be addressed at once, given the resource constraints of a competitive business climate. Thus, priority is a key concept of an effective EMS. This article describes an innovative application of consensus-building tools that quickly identify and set priorities for diverse environmental programs. The article also shows how appropriate performance measures will align these programs with corporate goals and objectives. 相似文献
Beverly L. Weise 《环境质量管理》1992,1(3):245-251
To effectively comply with pressing environmental regulations, Northrop Aircraft Division needed to quickly train 5,000 employees to handle and dispose of hazardous waste properly. To accomplish this environmental cultural change process, Northrop decided to incorporate the principles of another culture change being effected within the company—that of Total Quality Management. The necessary information was delivered to thousands of workers in a limited amount of time through a new Focal Point training program, the effectiveness of which was demonstrated by marked improvement in inspection reports. 相似文献
Jose I. Furtado 《The Environmentalist》1984,4(1):37-40
Conclusion I wish to conclude as I began, with a quotation from a newspaper on the potential damage and the attendant costs of not applying
sound environmental management:
The Guardian, Wednesday, 5 October 1983: “The Shell Oil Company which admitted yesterday that it had allowed dangerous pesticides
to escape near Denver, Colorado has received a demand from the US Army for $1 8 billion to help to stop pollution from reaching
the city ... Shell and the US Army research, which includes experiments with nerve gas, may have caused far more serious pollution
in the area.”
The need for sustainable development and for training in environmental management in Third World countries, should ensure
that reports on environmental damage, such as the one above, do not become a common occurrence in developing countries in
the next decade or hopefully forever after.
This paper was presented at the conference “The Environmental Dimension in World Development, the contribution that British
Companies can make”, organized by the Centre for World Development Education, London, UK, during October 1983.
Dr Jose I. Furtado is Professor of Zoology in Malaysia, and is seconded as Science Adviser with the Commonwealth Secretariat
in London. 相似文献
Since the adoption of ISO 14001, companies have examined the standard and considered certification. Although the framework is useful and enhancing environmental management systems is beneficial, the adoption of ISO 14001 alone will not provide maximum company benefits. Companies must strive for an improvement in environmental performance and financial performance that can be accomplished only through significant changes in corporate culture, structure, and systems. By developing core capabilities such as skills and knowledge, physical technical systems, managerial systems, and values and norms, companies can develop organizational learning to increase sustainable competitive advantage. This article examines how the ISO 14000 series of standards can be used to improve organizational learning and environmental management. 相似文献
Traditionally, environmental issues and concerns have been viewed as a constraint to businesses. This has resulted in environmental managers relying heavily on a reactive, compliance-based approach to justify change. Businesses are now recognizing that efficient management in the environmental arena can benefit the entire company and open new opportunities for increased profits. Managers have acknowledged that environmental issues can be integrated into daily business trends and activities. Not only does sound environmental management decrease liability, but also in current markets a “green” image can attract investors and customers. This article shows how one tool that progressive companies are focusing attention on—environmental performance indicators—is being used to convey the current status of environmental issues and improve the management of these issues for the benefit of the company as well as the environment. 相似文献
William Wanjala Toili 《The Environmentalist》1996,16(3):221-229
Summary Whether environmental education in the school curriculum is treated as a separate subject or as an interdisciplinary entity, the end product should be the same: to provide learners with the desire to preserve or develop optimum environments and to improve less desirable ones. In this endeavour, the learners must ultimately reach out to participate in community decisions and environmental management activities, for that is where the environmental problems abound. Moreover, young persons are generally more knowledgeable than many adults on environmental matters and are more aware of the effects of environmental degradation. When they participate in community environmental management, they may also develop unique and particularly dynamic qualities.Research worldwide suggests that very few teaching programmes encourage environmental participation. In Kenya teachers tend to use deductive teaching methods which do not encourage participation, although there may be ample opportunities in the local environment to facilitate such participation. A more refined, reconstructivist inquiry strategy, committed to the attainment of participative environmental education objectives is suggested. The approach, referred to as an operation-environment instructional model emphasizes action research, supported by a series of other vital stages, as fundamental to the agenda for environmental learning.William W. Toili possesses both Bachelor and Master's Degrees in Education from Nairobi as well as a Master's Degree from the University of Leeds, UK. He is currently a lecturer in Environmental Education at Maseno University College. 相似文献
Braden Allenby 《环境质量管理》1993,2(3):303-308
Ten years ago, environmental problems were easy to define: The Hudson and Potomac were polluted; Los Angeles had lousy air; some waste dumps were highly toxic. Solutions were also relatively straightforward: the Clean Air Act for dirty airsheds; the Clean Water Act for dirty rivers; the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, better known as Superfund) for hazardous waste sites. Unfortunately, reality is not quite so neat. We now know that we were seeing—and treating—symptoms, not the disease itself. 相似文献
Lawrence B. Cahill 《环境质量管理》1994,4(2):71-81
Both opening and closing conferences are crucial elements of an effective environmental audit program. As many firms reengineer their auditing process, focusing on the beginning and end points of the on-site process makes eminent sense. This article discusses a variety of issues that often arise during the preparation and conduct of opening and closing conferences that can ultimately affect the success of the audit. 相似文献
When an organization embarks on the path of environmental leadership, how does it track and quantify its efforts? This article describes a system for identifying, tracking, and communicating environmental efforts. 1 Anita Wolfe wishes to recognize Richard P. Wells'S article, “Point of View: Environmental Management in Mexico,” TQEM, Vol. 2, No. 3, as an invaluable source in helping to develop this system. In addition, it examines the experience of Ontario Hydro, Canada'S largest public utility, within a similar framework. 相似文献
Mary E. McLearn 《环境质量管理》1994,4(2):5-7
A series of terms has been used to describe corporate environmental activities: waste management/waste minimization, pollution prevention, environmental excellence. Each has a different definition and comprises different activities, yet they represent a continuum of environmental response and improvement. This article considers the characteristics of each activity and the necessary balance among internal and external concerns that corporations seek as they progress toward environmental excellence in a competitive business climate. 相似文献