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The National Weather Service (NWS) forecasts floods at approximately 3,600 locations across the United States (U.S.). However, the river network, as defined by the 1:100,000 scale National Hydrography Dataset‐Plus (NHDPlus) dataset, consists of 2.7 million river segments. Through the National Flood Interoperability Experiment, a continental scale streamflow simulation and forecast system was implemented and continuously operated through the summer of 2015. This system leveraged the WRF‐Hydro framework, initialized on a 3‐km grid, the Routing Application for the Parallel Computation of Discharge river routing model, operating on the NHDPlus, and real‐time atmospheric forcing to continuously forecast streamflow. Although this system produced forecasts, this paper presents a study of the three‐month nowcast to demonstrate the capacity to seamlessly predict reach scale streamflow at the continental scale. In addition, this paper evaluates the impact of reservoirs, through a case study in Texas. Validation of the uncalibrated model using observed hourly streamflow at 5,701 U.S. Geological Survey gages shows 26% demonstrate PBias ≤ |25%|, 11% demonstrate Nash‐Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) ≥ 0.25, and 6% demonstrate both PBias ≤ |25%| and NSE ≥ 0.25. When evaluating the impact of reservoirs, the analysis shows when reservoirs are included, NSE ≥ 0.25 for 56% of the gages downstream while NSE ≥ 0.25 for 11% when they are not. The results presented here provide a benchmark for the evolving hydrology program within the NWS and supports their efforts to develop a reach scale flood forecasting system for the country.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at the Jaipur railway station in Jaipur, India, to give the perspectives of the actual waste management practices there. Required information was collected from the stakeholders by means of semi‐structured questionnaires, individual and group interviews, and recorded, official data regarding waste generation, collection, transportation, and disposal. Further quantitative and compositional analyses were performed by means of surveys and measurements. Field visits were made for collection of waste samples for quantification and for the study of its management. The field data were compiled and analyzed by sorting the waste into different components. It was found that 1.8 tons of solid waste is collected per day, and a considerable percentage of it comprises paper, plastic, and glass. Excluding the inerts, which are irrelevant from the point of view of energy saving and recovery potential, the average moisture content was found to be 3.38%. From the perspective of life cycle analysis, the option of composting or recycling would give savings of 28.33 gigajoules (GJ) per day over landfilling, while combustion would give savings of 2.97 GJ per day in comparison to landfilling. Analysis based on a compositional model gives a heat value of 8,157.87 kilojoules per kilogram, which amounts to 14.68 GJ of energy per day.  相似文献   

Short‐term agricultural drought and longer term hydrological drought have important ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Soil moisture monitoring networks have potential to assist in the quantification of drought conditions because soil moisture changes are mostly due to precipitation and evapotranspiration, the two dominant water balance components in most areas. In this study, the Palmer approach to calculating a drought index was combined with a soil water content‐based moisture anomaly calculation. A drought lag time parameter was introduced to quantify the time between the start of a moisture anomaly and the onset of drought. The methodology was applied to four shortgrass prairie sites along a North‐South transect in the U.S. Great Plains with an 18‐year soil moisture record. Short time lags led to high periodicity of the resulting drought index, appropriate for assessing short‐term drought conditions at the field scale (agricultural drought). Conversely, long time lags led to low periodicity of the drought index, being more indicative of long‐term drought conditions at the watershed or basin scale (hydrological drought). The influence of daily, weekly, and monthly time steps on the drought index was examined and found to be marginal. The drought index calculated with a short drought lag time showed evidence of being normally distributed. A longer data record is needed to assess the statistical distribution of the drought index for longer drought lag times.  相似文献   

Considering successive and costly increases in electricity rates, this article evaluates the generation of electricity from a photovoltaic system using solar energy, a renewable source. The solar photovoltaic system is installed at UNIVATES University Center, a public university in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and it is also connected to the electrical grid. Data related to the climatic conditions of the location, such as incident solar radiation, rainfall, and mean temperature, were obtained during the system's evaluation period and used along with bibliographic research on similar systems installed in southern Brazil. Our study quantified the energy produced over one calendar year (2014) and related it to the climatic variables and the conversion efficiency achieved by the system's photovoltaic modules. Our results show that there is both a strong relationship between the production of energy and climatic conditions and that the city, Lajeado, and the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, have good potential to supply energy using photovoltaic systems connected to the electrical grid. The horizontal global solar radiation average obtained in the study location was 4.14 kilowatts per square meter per day (kWh/m2/day), and the average monthly production of energy reached 243.93 kWh/m2/month, with a total of 2,927.10 kWh produced in 2014, achieving a monthly average conversion efficiency of 11.07%. This conversion efficiency is close to the value of 12.6% obtained in 2013 in a similar study of the same solar photovoltaic system conducted over a shorter time period.  相似文献   

Efficient monitoring systems addressing the difficulty of detecting narrow contaminant plumes originating from unknown point sources are needed for modern landfills. A low‐discharge extraction and accompanying injection wells could potentially address this problem. This hypothetical computer‐modeling study involved a three‐well detection system consisting of one extraction and two injection wells at a rectangular landfill in a shallow, unconfined aquifer. The extraction and injection wells were located near the landfill's downgradient and cross‐gradient corners, respectively. Each injection well pumped at half the rate of the extraction well. A minimum pumping rate of 1.1 cubic meters per day was determined for the three‐well system; at this rate, all contaminant plumes originating within the landfill's footprint entered the extraction well prior to reaching a downgradient property boundary. In comparison, five passive (not pumped) wells detected all contaminant releases from the landfill. Results of this study suggest that a low‐discharge extraction well with accompanying injection wells may be an effective contaminant detection strategy at some waste impoundments.  相似文献   

Reducing the impact of drought and famine remains a challenge in sub‐Saharan Africa despite ongoing drought relief assistance in recent decades. This is because drought and famine are primarily addressed through a crisis management approach when a disaster occurs, rather than stressing preparedness and risk management. Moreover, drought planning and food security efforts have been hampered by a lack of integrated drought monitoring tools, inadequate early warning systems (EWS), and insufficient information flow within and between levels of government in many sub‐Saharan countries. The integration of existing drought monitoring tools for sub‐Saharan Africa is essential for improving food security systems to reduce the impacts of drought and famine on society in this region. A proactive approach emphasizing integration requires the collective use of multiple tools, which can be used to detect trends in food availability and provide early indicators at local, national, and regional scales on the likely occurrence of food crises. In addition, improving the ability to monitor and disseminate critical drought‐related information using available modern technologies (e.g., satellites, computers, and modern communication techniques) may help trigger timely and appropriate preventive responses and, ultimately, contribute to food security and sustainable development in sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

This review summarizes how conservation benefits are maximized when in‐field and edge‐of‐field buffers are integrated with each other and with other conservation practices such as residue management and grade control structures. Buffers improve both surface and subsurface water quality. Soils under permanent buffer vegetation generally have higher organic carbon concentrations, higher infiltration capacities, and more active microbial populations than similar soils under annual cropping. Sediment can be trapped with rather narrow buffers, but extensive buffers are better at transforming dissolved pollutants. Buffers improve surface runoff water quality most efficiently when flows through them are slow, shallow, and diffuse. Vegetative barriers ‐ narrow strips of dense, erect grass ‐ can slow and spread concentrated runoff. Subsurface processing is best on shallow soils that provide increased hydrologic contact between the ground water plume and buffer vegetation. Vegetated ditches and constructed wetlands can act as “after‐field” conservation buffers, processing pollutants that escape from fields. For these buffers to function efficiently, it is critical that in‐field and edge‐of‐field practices limit peak runoff rate and sediment yield in order to maximize contact time with buffer vegetation and minimize the need for cleanout excavation that destroys vegetation and its processing capacity.  相似文献   

Why most conservation monitoring is, but need not be, a waste of time   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ecological conservation monitoring programmes abound at various organisational and spatial levels from species to ecosystem. Many of them suffer, however, from the lack of details of goal and hypothesis formulation, survey design, data quality and statistical power at the start. As a result, most programmes are likely to fail to reach the necessary standard of being capable of rejecting a false null hypothesis with reasonable power. Results from inadequate monitoring are misleading for their information quality and are dangerous because they create the illusion that something useful has been done. We propose that conservation agencies and those funding monitoring work should require the demonstration of adequate power at the outset of any new monitoring scheme.  相似文献   

The CE‐QUAL‐ICM (Corps of Engineers Integrated Compartment Water Quality Model) eutrophication model was applied in a 21‐year simulation of Chesapeake Bay water quality, 1985‐2005. The eutrophication model is part of a larger model package and is forced, in part, by models of atmospheric deposition, watershed flows and loads, and hydrodynamics. Results from the model are compared with observations in multiple formats including time series plots, cumulative distribution plots, and statistical summaries. The model indicates only one long‐term trend in computed water quality: light attenuation deteriorates circa 1993 through the end of the simulation. The most significant result is the influence of physical processes, notably stratification and associated effects (e.g., anoxic volume), on computed water quality. Within the application period, physical effects are more important determinants of year‐to‐year variability in computed water quality than external loads.  相似文献   

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