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ABSTRACT: Over half of the water delivered from the canal system to the watercourses managed by the farmers is not made available to the farmers' crops in Pakistan. Most of this water loss is due to loss of water through the banks of the watercourses. Lack of maintaining these banks and lack of cleaning the watercourse is a result of inadequate organization of the 10 to 150 farmers who use the watercourse, and a deficiency of knowledge concerning the amount of their water which is being lost. Various methods of watercourse improvement have been evaluated including concrete and masonry linings and simple earthen improvements of the ditches with concrete control structures, junctions, and turnouts. With the cost of labor low in Pakistan, the earthen improvements with concrete structures appear to be the best investment. Farm water management improvement programs have been implemented in most of the provinces which include this type of watercourse improvement, land leveling and advice to the farmers on how and when to irrigate his crops to optimize his production. The rate at which personnel can be trained to help the farmers implement these improved water management practices is limiting the rate of implementation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Linear programming models of a representative farm in a district of Pakistan's Punjab Province are formulated for the purpose of estimating the value of irrigation water. The models provide for choices among several irrigation levels for each potential crop. Solutions of the model for several water supply situations provide the basis for approximating the total, average, and marginal values of irrigation water. Prices for important crops in Pakistan are controlled at levels below their levels elsewhere in the world, so models are specified for both financial (domestic price) and economic (world price) scenarios. The value of water to society (its economic value) is high relative to the costs of some generally available water-augmenting investments, while financial values, which measure water management and allocation incentives faced by farmers, are less than the corresponding economic values. At current water supply levels, incremental returns to added water estimated from the economic model would justify investments in water-saving or water-augmenting technologies, while such a decision would be barely attractive assuming financial prices. While present government commodity price policies may serve to protect low-income and non-farm members of the population, they also inhibit farmer investments to increase the productivity of scarce irrigation water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The on-farm economic effectiveness of government capital grants, subsidized interest rates, and the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) delivery quota levels in terms of adoption and/or expansion of irrigation in Saskatchewan is tested. The annualized net income at 5 and 20 years of three representative farm types - a dryland grain farm, an irrigated grain farm, and an irrigated mixed farm - are used in the analysis. Tradeoffs between income levels and the risks associated with adoption/expansion of irrigation are evaluated using mean-standard deviation tradeoff and stochastic dominance. Risk differences arise due to reduced business risk through higher yields and increased financial risk through higher borrowing when adopting or expanding irrigation. Capital grants and subsidized interest rates are effective policy measures for dryland grain farms adopting irrigation because the farms are left in a similar risk position. However, these grants and interest rates are not effective policy measures in the medium run (5 years) for irrigated grain farms expanding irrigation because they lower the farm's risk efficiency. In the long run (20 years), the capital grants and subsidized interest rates need to be combined with open CWB delivery quotas before the risk position can be improved for irrigated grain farms expanding irrigation. Finally, the grants and interest rates need to be combined with increased irrigated hay production for risk efficiency to increase in both the medium and long run (5 and 20 years, respectively) on irrigated mixed farms expanding irrigation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Artificial recharge as a means of augmenting water sup plies for irrigation is a management alternative which policy makers in ground water decline areas are beginning to consider seriously. A conceptual model is developed to evaluate the economic benefits from ground water recharge under conditions where the major water use is irrigation. The methodology presented separates recharge benefits into two components: pumping cost savings and aquifer extension benefits. This model is then applied to a Nebraska case to approximate the value of recharge benefits as a function of aquifer response. discount rate, and commodity prices. It was found that recharge benefits vary from less than $2 to over $6 an acre foot recharged.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water abundance has led most North American societies to use water freely without priorizing its use. As water scarcity becomes reality in the southern part of Saskatchewan, planners and managers of water require information about the value of water in irrigation, as well as in alternative uses. In this study, the value of water to the producer in irrigation is developed both for the short and long run. The basis of this imputation is a derived demand function for water using linear programming. Water demand was bound to be inelastic at lower prices, and highly elastic at higher prices. The short-run value of water varied between $0.44 and $127.82 (1986 dollars) per acre-foot for different levels of product prices. However, the long-run value was estimated between zero and $1.59 per acre-foot of water.  相似文献   

The level of water demand for supplemental irrigation and the impact of such demand on water supplies were estimated, as a function of the price of corn (Zea Mays L.). The method of estimation was based on an economic analysis of irrigation practice which assumed constant irrigation costs, profit maximizing behavior on the part of irrigators, and which was deliberately structured to underestimate the level of irrigation water use. The analysis was applied to and used data from the Little Wabash basin in Illinois. No irrigation was predicted at a corn price below $3.50 per bushel. Between $3.50 and about $6.50 per bushel, irrigation was estimated to be profitable for a small region of the basin where acceptable groundwater was available. Above about $6.50 to $7.50, irrigation was found to be profitable in the remainder of the basin, where impoundment storage was required. The potential impact on the water resources of the basin is significant. For a corn price between $3.50 and about $6.50, the probability of a shortfall, defined as the event where the potential demand exceeds the supply, was estimated to be between 2 percent and 20 percent during the growing season. Above about $7.50, this probability was found to be about one-third. The development of policies to control withdrawals for irrigation and other uses is endorsed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper computes estimates of the demand for surface irrigation water directly from disaggregated profit functions for fields in the San Joaquin Valley of California. It finds that treating delivered surface water and pumped ground water as separate, imperfectly substitutable inputs to production matters a great deal. We find substantial ranges of inelastic demand for delivered water, and thresholds across which demand then becomes highly elastic. The results imply that moves toward freer water markets could lead to large quantities reallocated from agriculture to urban uses in the Western U.S., but would require large price increases and would induce extensive ground water mining and major changes in cropping patterns. While these results are dependent on our particular model and simplifying assumptions, evidence exists that they may be robust.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Alternative combinations of water pricing and regulations are possible in allocating irrigation water. The best combination will depend on the value of water, ability to control deliveries, desire to subsidize agriculture, ownership traditions, crops grown, return flows, drainage problems, staff training, ability to collect fees, the number of farmers involved, etc. Marginal cost pricing is just one possible alternative and it is more a way of thinking about prices rather than a set system. The possibilities for achieving an equitable and efficient distribution of water are improved if some form of marginal cost pricing is included in the system of water charges.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT .A study was conducted in two arid zones to determine the effect of saline water applied to various crops growing in coarse-textured soil, using trickle irrigation. The test crops responded most favorably to this new method of water application in terms of plant development and yield. The method provides us with the possibility of raising the permissible salinity level of irrigation water, and thus to increase the water reserves suitable for agricultural use in the world.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During August and September 1973, the Indus River Valley of Pakistan experienced one of the largest floods on record, resulting in damages to homes, businesses, public works, and crops amounting to millions of rupees. Tremendous areas of lowlands were inundated along the Indus River and major tributaries. Landsat data made it possible to easily measure the extent of flooding, totaling about 20,000 km2 within an area of about 400,000 km2 south from the Punjab to the Arabian Sea. The Indus River data were used to continue experimentation in the development of rapid, accurate, and inexpensive optical techniques of flood mapping by satellite begun in 1973 for the Mississipi River floods. The research work on the Indus River not resulted in the development of more effective procedures for optical processing of flood data and synoptically depicting flooding, but also provided potentially valuable ancillary information concerning the hydrology of much of the Indus River Basin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Liquid dominated geothermal systems are expected to account for most of the growth in geothermal energy production in the coming decades. Production of water from such systems could significantly augment fresh water supplies. The feasibility of water exploitation is clouded by potential problems related to seismic impacts, land subsidence and the composition of geothermal brines. If these problems can be overcome at little cost, desalination of brines may be feasible. Estimates of water production costs are presented for a variety of desalination technologies, plant sizes and brine water compositions. These estimates show that production costs will range from $139.10/A.F. to $436.00/A.F. at the plant boundary. Economies of scale and brine composition are important determinants of cost. Production costs are substantially in excess of the value of water in alternative uses. However, in certain unique situations, it may be efficient to desalt brines for use in upgrading the quality of municipal water, industrial process water and irrigation water. Unique situations aside, geothermal brines are not likely to provide an economical source of fresh water in the absence of striking changes in the patterns of supply and demand for water.  相似文献   

The paper describes an approach towards optimal allocation of surface and ground water resources to three agricultural areas in the Jordan Valley under conditions of scarce water supply. The optimizing model allocates water from three main rivers, each with reservoir storage, and from two ground water sources to three irrigation regions. Productivity of irrigation water, expressed as the net present value of the regional agricultural output, but allowing for crop water deficits, is first maximized using nonlinear programming. The allocation process then adopts techniques of linear programming to determine the least cost alternative based on the unit cost of water from each resource at each destination, as it varies with time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Conflicts caused through development of urban areas in proximity to irrigated agriculture in water-scarce regions can be minimized through the direct urbanization of irrigated lands. This shifts the water supply from one use to another on the same site rather than creating an additional use in an adjoining area. This condition has prevailed in the Phoenix region. In the Tucson region, the municipality is buying and retiring farmland in an adjacent agricultural area, for the purpose of acquiring the water right in order to transfer water to municipal use. This land purchase is necessitated by existing Arizona water law, which ties the water to the land. This method of transfer creates problems concerning how much water can be transferred per acre retired; what to do with the abandoned farmland; inequities to agribusiness and taxing entities; and loss of food crop production which have not been resolved. An alternative to the retirement of farms, applicable in the Tucson region, is to exchange treated municipal wastewater for irrigation water. While this method appears to be the least disruptive, it requires the resolution of certain institutional problems concerned with land and water management method.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A bromide tracer was used to evaluate percolate water and ion movement in the upper 1.2 m of soil at a proposed sewage effluent irrigation site located in the Missouri Ozarks. Two plots representing Doniphan silt loam and Crider silt loam soils were sprinkler irrigated with local ground water at a rate of 7.62 cm/week from June through August 1976. Soil water potential, percent soil moisture by volume, and background levels of bromide in soil water, ground water, and precipitation were measured at the study plots. Bromide exchange properties and saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soils were determined in the laboratory. During two selected time periods, irrigation water, was spiked with NaBr (5.0 mg/l Br). Bromide movement through the upper profile was quantified by soil water samples and post-sampling neutron activation analysis. Soil moisture was near saturatin in both soils when the Br tracer was applied. Bromide concentrations above background levels (0.023 mg/l Br, Doniphan silt loam and 0.016 mg/l Br, Crider silt loam) were detected within 2.60 hours at 0.9 m in the Doniphan soil and within 3.75 hours at that depth in the Crider soil. The rate of Br movement in the profile was greater in both soils than the measured saturated hydraulic conductivity, Bromide concentrations above background levels were present in soil water from the study plots for a minimum of 21 days after irrigation with the Br tracer.  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates made via a recursive linear programming model of the net benefits of improving irrigation application efficiency from an exhaustible groundwater source. Net benefits were derived for different application efficiency levels under furrow, sprinkler, and LEPA irrigation systems. In addition, net benefit estimates were obtained for the transition across irrigation systems. Solutions from the model indicate that low crop prices have a differential impact on net benefits across irrigation application efficiencies and irrigation systems. Also, the more limited groundwater situations consistently reduce the economic incentive to adopt improved irrigation application techniques across all irrigation systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper investigates and estimates the welfare loss due to monopoly in tubewell irrigation water market in Bangladesh. In this context, an attempt has been made to evaluate the efficacy of the landless irrigation groups. Using cross-sectional data and regression analysis, cost and demand functions for irrigation water are estimated. The study demonstrates the relatively superior performance of the landless groups in terms of economic efficiency in shallow tubewell irrigation operation, in comparison to irrigation operation by the landowners.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent growth in irrigated agriculture and metropolitan areas of the Western United States suggests that if growth continues, there will be a potential shortage in future water resources. Compound the expansion of agriculture and municipal demands with possible enaction of instream flow requirements, a method to allocate water among alternative economic sectors in the West is needed. In this study, an interindustry-linear programming model based on the 1972 national model format is used to allocate scarce water supplies among competing regional economic sectors. The shadow price of water and the sectorial value of water at different availabilities for each competing sector is derived. Also, economic sectors are ranked by value of water at different water availabilities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines irrigation water supply deficit and associated risk indicators due to random climate events and potential effects on irrigated food production during the period 1996 to 2025 for seven river basins in the USA, China, and India. An integrated water and food model with global scope is applied for the analysis. The global climate regime during 1961 to 1990 is used to generate 30 climatic scenarios for the time period 1996 to 2025, and these scenarios are applied to the model in order to characterize the randomness of precipitation, runoff, and evapotranspiration, which affects both irrigation water supply and demand. The risk with random climate events is represented by reliability, variability, and vulnerability from different perspectives. Regarding irrigation water supply, Colorado will bear an increasingly unstable situation although the average water supply relative to the demand will maintain at a relatively high level; selected basins in China and India indicate that significantly lower levels of reliability and more deleterious affects from drought can be expected, but under a less variable condition due to assumed water storage increase. From 1996 to 2025, the effects of water deficits on irrigated food production are characterized with a nonlinear phenomenon and food production loss will be more sensitive to irrigation water supply deficit in the future. Future work following this paper needs to consider the impact of global climate change and the water quality of the irrigation return flow and result verification by local studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Due to the spread of Islam in the seventh century the number of pilgrims to the City of Makkah increased sharply, resulting in an acute water shortage. To solve this problem, galleries were built to collect water from the upstream of Wadi Naaman and transfer it to Makkah. Expansion of Makkah and the absence of any mapping of the galleries have resulted in the destruction of a part of the galleries. This caused a discontinuity of flow in the galleries and, consequently, the ground water table is rising at a rate of 0.48 m/yr, causing environmental problems. Research was conducted to rehabilitate the destructed part of the galleries, and to find an appropriate use for the ground water. The study found that the quality of the ground water is suitable for landscaping purposes, that is, for the irrigation of trees and ornamental plants.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a methodology for the estimation of response functions of crops to irrigation and soil moisture. A system analysis framework is applied to describe the relationships involved. Two subsystems are distinguished, with the first one involving the relationship between irrigation decision variables and soil state variables, and the second involving the relationship between soil state variables and crop yield. A method for tracing and predicting soil moisture profile variations over time and depth is presented, and empirical estimates of the response function of grain sorghum to soil moisture are derived. In the specification of the response function the concept of “critical days” is applied with a “critical day” being defined as one where the soil moisture is depleted below a certain critical level. The paper provides empirical evidence for the usefulness of the approach  相似文献   

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