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ABSTRACT: Data from a network of 45 shielded precipitation gages on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in Southwestern Idaho were analyzed to determine the optimum gage density for estimating mean annual precipitation. Four subsets of the 45 gage network were used to derive a curve of mean annual precipitation versus number of gages with a confidence band at the 95 percent level. When less than 20 gages were used in the estimate, the confidence interval widens rapidly. Estimates were improved by stratifying gages on the basis of plant cover class or by elevation bands. Sixty-four percent of the variation in mean annual precipitation was accounted for by elevation and cover class. The aspect and hydrologic soil classification were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In most studies, quantile estimates of extreme 24-hour rainfall are given in annual probabilities. The probability of experiencing an excessive storm event, however, differs throughout the year. As a result, this paper explored the differences between heavy rainfall distributions by season in Louisiana. It was concluded by using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests that the distribution of heavy rainfall events differs significantly between particular seasons at the sites near the Gulf Coast. Furthermore, seasonal frequency curves varied dramatically at the four sites examined. Mixed distributions within these data were not found to be problematic, but the mechanisms that produced the events were found to change seasonally. Extreme heavy rainfall events in winter and spring were primarily generated by frontal weather systems, while summer and fall events had high proportions of events produced by tropical disturbances and airmass (free-convective) conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A generalized skew map for Louisiana streams was developed using data from Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas with 20 or more years of annual flood records. A comparison between the newly developed Louisiana Generalized Skew Map (LGSM) and the generalized skew map recommended by the U.S. Water Resources Council (WRCGSM) was performed. The mean square error for the LGSM was 16 percent less than that of WRCGSM in direct application of the two maps. Performance of the new map was compared with the WRCGSM and with a regional analysis procedure through its application to the Log Pearson Type 3 (LP3) distribution. Two-thirds of the stations tested had lower standardized root mean square deviations (SRMSD) by a narrow margin using the skew coefficients obtained from LGSM instead of WRCGSM. The regional analysis also performed as well as the LGSM in terms of SRMSD. Thus, it was concluded that both LGSM and the regional analysis provide a more reliable tool for flood frequency analysis for Louisiana streams with short annual flood records.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nine flood-estimation models used for ungauged urban watersheds in Louisiana were evaluated. Flood-quantile predictions from simple regression models calibrated by local data were found to be more reliable than those more complicated models or models with many parameters that may not be accurately estimated. Flood prediction from models developed by using regionalization techniques were found to be reasonably good. Finally, application of a model outside of its limitations or domain may lead to substantial prediction error.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Twenty-two gaging stations were selected for developing a regional flood frequency curve for small (area less than 2 square miles) watersheds in southern Illinois. Five probability functions were compared, and the extreme value type I function was selected to develop the regional flood curve. The curve was generated with the index flood method and also another empirical method that related the function parameters to the watershed area. Estimated peak discharges with various return periods were compared with the results obtained from multiple regression analysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Various techniques, one of which is zoning, are used to control the extent of flood damage. The benefit-cost analysis of zoning programs must take into account the random nature of flooding. This paper outlines a method for determining not only the expected value of the benefit-cost ratio, but also the probability of such a zoning program being profitable. It also presents an application of the method to the assessment of the Outaouais Regional Community zoning program.  相似文献   

A device that uses a siphon tube to establish a hydraulic connection between the bottom of an onshore standpipe and a point at the bottom of a water body was designed and tested for monitoring surface-water levels. Water is added to the standpipe to a level sufficient to drive a complete slug of water through the siphoning tube and to flush all air out of the system. The water levels in the standpipe and the water body equilibrate and provide a measurable static water surface in the standpipe. The siphon gage was designed to allow quick and accurate year-round measurements with minimal maintenance. Currently available devices for monitoring surface-water levels commonly involve time-consuming and costly installation and surveying, and the movement of reference points and the presence of ice cover in cold regions cause discontinuity and inaccuracy in the data collected. Installation and field testing of a siphon gage using 0.75-in-diameter polyethylene tubing at Ashumet Pond in Falmouth, Massachusetts, demonstrated that the siphon gage can provide long-term data with a field effort and accuracy equivalent to measurement of ground-water levels at an observation well.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The project described in this report was undertaken by the Louisiana State Planning Office to establish the extent of backwater flooding in Louisiana in April 1975. Band 7 Landsat imagery, enlarged to a scale of 1:250,000 was used to visually identify flooded areas. Inundated areas were delineated on overlays keyed to 1:250,000 U.S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangles. Tabular data identifying acres flooded, according to land use type, were derived by merging the flood map overlays with computerized 1972 land use data. Approximately 1.12 million acres of the state were inundated by flood waters. The total acreage and land use types affected by flooding were determined within 72 hours from the time the flood areas were imaged. Flooded maps were prepared for 26 parishes. Field observations were made by Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service county agents in order to determine the accuracy of parish flood maps and flood acreage figures by land use type. Results indicated that this was a fast, accurate, and relatively inexpensive method of compiling flood data for disaster planning and postflood analysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) has been used for hydrologic analyses at various watershed scales. However, little is known about the model's performance in coastal watersheds. In this study SWAT was evaluated for its applicability in three Louisiana coastal watersheds: the Amite, Tickfaw, and Tangipahoa River watersheds. The model was calibrated with daily discharge from 1976 to 1977 and validated from 1979 to 1999 for the Amite and Tangipahoa and with daily discharge from 1979 to 1989 for the Tickfaw. Deviation of mean discharge and the Nash‐Sutcliffe model efficiency were used to evaluate model behavior. The study found that Manning's roughness coefficient for the main channel, SCS curve number, and soil evaporation compensation factor were the most sensitive parameters for these coastal watersheds. The Manning's roughness coefficient showed the greatest effect on the response time of surface runoff, suggesting the critical role of channel routing in hydrologic modeling for lowland watersheds. The SWAT model demonstrated an excellent performance, with Nash‐Sutcliffe efficiencies of 0.935, 0.940, and 0.960 for calibrations of the Amite, Tickfaw, and Tangipahoa watersheds, respectively, and of 0.851, 0.811, and 0.867 for validations. The modeling results demonstrate that SWAT is capable of simulating hydrologic processes for medium scale to large scale coastal lowland watersheds in Louisiana.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Considerable effort is expended each year in making flood peak estimates at both gaged and ungaged sites. Many methods, both simplistic and complex, have been proposed for making such estimates. The hydrologist that must make an estimate at a particular site is interested in the accuracy of the estimate. Most methods are developed using either statistical analyses or analytical optimization schemes. While publications describing these methods often include some statistical measure of goodness-of-flt, the terminology often does not provide the potential user with an answer to the question,‘How accurate is the estimate?’ That is, statistical terminology often are not used properly, which may lead to a false sense of security. The use of the correct terminology will help potential users evaluate the usefulness of a proposed method and provide a means of comparing different methods. This study provides definitions for terms often used in literature on flood peak estimation and provides an interpretation for these terms. Specific problems discussed include the use of arbitrary levels of significance in statistical tests of hypotheses, the identification of both random and systematic variation in estimates from hydrologic methods, and the difference between accuracy of model calibration and accuracy of prediction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Inter-station analysis was employed to evaluate the adequacy of the precipitation network in topographically complex West Virginia. A 25-year period was determined as the minimum lingth of record needed for relatively stable and fairly accurate estimates of long-term (50-year) precipitation and in frequency analysis. Data from the 83 National Weather Service stations with 25-year records were adjusted for consistency and evaluated separately by zones east (31 stations) and west (52 stations) of the Appalachian divide. Correlation coefficients (r) and average standard errors of estimate were computed for all station pairs within 50 miles distance and 1000 feet elevation difference of each other. The third polynomial equation of inter-station distance eliminated using elevation and land slope as the criteria in network design in this mountainous terrain. A network with (r) = 0.9 estimates annual precipitation with accuracy as great as 5 percent, but requires about 250 additional gages (i.e., about 200 percent of the present density).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In flood frequency analysis it is required to estimate the values of probabilities based on plotting formula. All of the many existing formula provide different results, particularly at the tails of the distribution. The existing practice in selection of a particular formula is rather arbitrary; and often Weibull's formula is recommended, which provided biased and conservative results. Based on the mean square criterion, a new plotting formula is developed, and it is given by Fm= (m - 0.24)/(N + 0.5).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The U.S. Geological Survey has collected flood data for small, natural streams at many sites throughout Georgia during the past 20 years. Flood-frequency relations were developed for these data using four methods: (1) observed (log-Pearson Type HI analysis) data, (2) rainfall-runoff model, (3) regional regression equations, and (4) map-model combination. The results of the latter three methods were compared to the analyses of the observed data in order to quantify the differences in the methods and determine if the differences are statistically significant. Comparison of regression-estimates with observed discharges for sites having 20 years (1966 to 1985) and 10 years (1976 to 1985) of record at different sites of annual peak record indicate that the regression-estimates are not significantly different from the observed data. Comparison of rainfall-runoff-model simulated estimates with observed discharges for sites having 10 years and 20 years of annual peak record indicated that the model-simulated estimates are significantly and not significantly different, respectively. The biasedness probably is due to a “loss of variance” in the averaging procedures used within the model and the short length of record as indicated in the 10 and 20 years of record. The comparison of map-model simulated estimates with observed discharges for sites having 20 years of annual-peak runoff indicate that the simulated estimates are not significantly different. Comparison of “improved” map-model simulated estimates with observed discharges for sites having 20 years of annual-peak runoff data indicate that the simulated estimates are different. The average adjustment factor suggested by Lichty and Liscum to calculate the “improved” map-model overestimates in Georgia by an average of 20 percent for three recurrence intervals analyzed.  相似文献   

A common assumption in flood frequency analysis is that annual peak flows are independent events. This study was undertaken to investigate the validity of this assumption with regard to Pennsylvania streams by statistically analyzing the dependence between annual peak flows and to determine if basin carryover effects relate to the degree of dependence. Five tests of dependence, the autocorrelation test, the median crossing test, the turning points test, the rank difference test, and the Spearman rank order serial correlation coefficient test were applied to the series of annual peak flows for 57 streams. Of the 57 streams analyzed, only two exhibited signs of dependence by at least two of the tests performed, and the baseflow component of annual peak flows was found to be unrelated to the degree of dependence exhibited between annual peak flows. It was concluded that the assumption of independence of annual peak flows is valid in flood frequency analysis for Pennsylvania streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents an approach to the evaluation of water quality sampling locations for their potential use for long term monitoring. This approach was applied to four sites on the Yukon River near the Canada-United States boundary. At three of these sites it was difficult to obtain representative samples due to the presence of extensive lateral heterogeneities. These heterogeneities occur because of a lack of mixing between the Yukon River and the major tributaries upstream from Dawson. Only one of the sampling locations is spatially homogeneous enough to provide representative samples. Concentration variations over the annual cycle are very large, often as much as two orders of magnitude. Estimates are made of the frequency and density with which samples must be collected to be able to detect a 10 percent different between annual mean concentrations. The estimated frequencies are so large that such an undertaking would be impractical. More importantly, the assumptions of this analysis are invalid, and time series analysis of fixed frequency samples is proposed as an alternative that is statistically rigorous and requires fewer samples.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Winter Creek is a tributary of the Washita River in south-western Oklahoma. The Soil Conservation Service installed floodwater retarding structures which controlled runoff from 56 percent of a 33-square-mile (8550-hectare) gaged drainage area. Application of a hydrologic model to the flood peaks indicated that the structural treatment reduced the flood peaks an average of 61 percent. The Winter Creek channel has narrowed and deepened since the structural treatment was applied. The severe bank erosion occurring before treatment has been arrested and sediment yield from the watershed has been reduced 50 to 60 percent. In some reaches of the channel there has been a dense growth of trees in recent years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: When nonparametric frequency analysis was performed on 183 stations from Ontario and Quebec, unimodal and multimodal maximum annual flood density functions were discovered. In order to determine generating mechanisms, a monthly partitioning of the annual maximum floods was undertaken. The timing of the floods revealed that the unimodal distributions reflected a single flood generating mechanism while the multi-modal densities reflected two or more mechanisms. Based on the division of the flood series by mechanisms, nine homogeneous regions were delineated. L-moment distributional homogeneity tests along with smaller standard errors for the regional equations supported the delineation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to clarify public preferences for flood control measures in Japan, willingness to pay (WTP), and the main factors involved in WTP by applying the contingent valuation method. Findings showed that most residents surveyed expected some flood control measures, and revealed a diversity of interest in river management. WTP levels for different measures ranged from a mean of ¥2,887 to ¥4,861 and from a median of ¥1,000 to ¥2,000. However, WTP for additional flood risk reduction beyond initial levels was found to be zero. This was considered to be because WTP for flood risk reduction must be determined within a multi‐risk context. WTP for flood control measures may increase with per capita income, individual preparedness, and/or experience with flooding, but may decrease with distance from a river, acceptability of flood risk, and provision of environmental information. Furthermore, perception of flood risk may increase WTP, while perception of other risks may decrease it. Methods of dealing with environmental risk that were proposed in the survey may have affected WTP levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Louisiana Environmental Management System (LEMS) is a data processing program developed to aid the Louisiana Joint Legislative Committee on Environmental Quality in decisions leading to resources legislation. Serving as a central data collection and retrieval point for various agencies, the LEMS will maintain assembled information on the location of monitoring stations and coordinate the files of user agencies with data on: land use; air and water quality; meteorological, climatological, and hydrological phenomena; vegetation; fish and wildlife conservation; population; and economics. This data is geographically stored in relation to the state plane coordinate system. For decision making, all pertinent hydrologic, topographic, engineering, cadastral, and other information from separate sources can be automatically mapped as a combined overlay to one of three chosen scales. Land-use patterns are the input data for iterative analyses of present conditions and simulated future human activities for assessing the environmental impact of proposed multiple-purpose water resource developments.  相似文献   

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