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Bedload transport was measured with two sampler types (vortex tube and Helley-Smith pressure differential) for three major storms at Flynn Creek, which drains a 2.2-km2 forested watershed in the Oregon Coast Range. The largest flow during two winters of monitoring had a peak discharge of 0.79 m3 s-1 km-2, with an associated recurrence interval of ? 1.3 yr. The median particle diameter of sediment in transport was generally < 1 mm. The vortex tube and its associated sample box were relatively inefficient at trapping particles < 10 mm in diameter; however, even after transport rates were adjusted to account for sampling deficiencies of the sample box, they still averaged 42–47 percent of those obtained with the Helley-Smith sampler. Organic matter and sand sized sediments in transport also were observed to partially plug the 0.2-mm-mesh bag of the Helley-Smith sampler. Large temporal variability in bedload transport rates was measured during periods of high flow.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Spatial variability of infiltration rates was examined for a site in southern Idaho. Data used represented 13 sampling dates over a 5-year period. Samples initially were taken within a native big sagebrush community, again after plowing and seeding to crested and intermediate wheatgrass, and then while the seeded area was being grazed by domestic livestock. Results indicate that either a normal or log normal distribution may be adequate for describing measured infiltration rates.  相似文献   

The transport of bedload and suspended sediments and particulate organic matter was evaluated in Huntington Creek, Utah, during a controlled release of water from Electric Lake Reservoir from August 7–10, 1979. Effects of the release on channel geometry and riffle composition also were assessed. Bedload transport rates increased from zero to 1,650 and 1,500 kg/hr at two cross sections as discharge was increased from 0.4 to 4.9 m3/s; transport rates then decreased erratically as discharge was held constant. Cross section measurements and sediment size analysis indicate that flows were insufficient to transport riffle sediments. Rapid increases in the transport rates of suspended sediments and particulate organic matter also occurred during rising discharge and again decayed when discharge became constant. Suspended sediment concentrations for samples obtained with an automatic pumping sampler were generally less than those found for samples obtained with a DH-48 sampler. Biological measurements still are needed to determine if such a release can improve fisheries habitat by removing fine sediments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To fully take advantage of regional climate forecast information for agricultural applications, the relationship between divisional and station scale precipitation characteristics must be quantified. The spatial variability of monthly precipitation is assumed to consist of two components: a systematic and a random component. The systematic component is defined by differences in long-term mean precipitation between stations within a climate division, and the random component by differences between station and divisional standardized values. For the Central Climate Division of Oklahoma, the systematic component has a positive precipitation gradient from west to east with a slope ranging between 3 to 16 mm of precipitation per 100 km depending on the month of the year. On the other hand, the random component ranges between 27 to 48 percent of the mean temporal variation of the monthly precipitation. This significant random spatial variability leads to large localized departures from divisional values, and clearly demonstrates the critical influence of the random component in the utilization of divisional climate forecasts for local agricultural applications. The results of this study also provide an uncertainty range for local monthly precipitation projections that are derived from divisional climate information.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The spatial and temporal variability of hydroclimatic elements were investigated in the central and northern Rocky Mountains (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming) during the 1951–1985 period. The three hydroclimatic elements studied were total water-year (October 1-September 30) streamflow (ST), winter (October 1-March 31) accumulated precipitation (PR), and April 1 snowpack (SN). An analysis of 14 virgin watersheds showed wide spatial djfferences in the temporal variability of SN, PR, and ST, and these were found to be caused largely by basin exposure to moist air flows. The more stable (low variability) basins were those exposed to prevailing northerly to westerly flow, while unstable (high variability) basins were exposed to occasional southwesterly to southeasterly moist flow. Snowpack was the better indicator of ST in 11 of the 14 watersheds, explaining 37 to 87 percent of the ST variance. Analysis of the spatial variability, based on all SN and PR data from across the study area, revealed 11 discrete climatic regions. Both SN and PR exhibited coherent regions of stable and unstable temporal variability. The average variability between stable and unstable regions differed by a factor of two, and the differences were best explained by the exposure of the mountain barrier to moist air flows.  相似文献   

Pebble counts have been used for a variety of monitoring projects and are an important component of stream evaluation efforts throughout the United States. The utility of pebble counts as a monitoring tool is, however, based on the monitoring objectives and the assumption that data are collected with sufficient precision to meet those objectives. Depending upon the objective, sources of variability that can limit the precision of pebble count data include substrate heterogeneity at a site, differences in substrate among sample locations within a stream reach, substrate variability among streams, differences in when the substrate sample is collected, differences in how and where technicians pick up substrate particles, and how consistently technicians measure the intermediate axis of a selected particle. This study found that each of these sources of variability is of sufficient magnitude to affect results of monitoring projects. Therefore, actions such as observer training, increasing the number of pebbles measured, evaluating several riffles within a reach, evaluating permanent sites, and narrowing the time window during which pebble counts are conducted should be considered in order to minimize variability. The failure to account for sources of variability associated with pebble counts within the study design may result in failing to meet monitoring objectives.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sedimentation rates since 1954 in Lake Pepin, as determined from the content of fallout cesium-137 in the sediment profile, have exceeded 2.5 cm/yr in the upper part of the lake. These rates, although somewhat less than those of the previous half century (1895–1954), are sufficiently large that the upstream portion of Lake Pepin is threatened with conversion to a marsh within a century. The density of the sediments measured increased with depth in the sampled profile from 1.1 to 1.2 g/ml at the sediment surface to 1.4 to 1.5 g/ml at 2- or 3-m depth. There was little or no change in the patterns of textural composition or density of the sediment profile with depth and age over the past 80 to 150 years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During waning flood flows in gravel-bed streams, finegrained bedload sediment (sand and fine gravel) is commonly winnowed from zones of high shear stress, such as riffles, and deposited in pools, where it mantles an underlying coarse layer. As sediment load increases, more fine sediment becomes available to fill pools. The volume of fine sediment in pools can be measured by probing with a metal rod, and, when expressed as the fraction (V*) of scoured residual pooi volume (residual pool volume with fine sediment removed), can be used as an index of the supply of mobile sediment in a stream channel. Mean values of V* were as high as 0.5 and correlated with qualitative evaluations of sediment supply in eight tributaries of the Trinity River, northwestern California. Fine-sediment volume correlated strongly with scoured pool volume in individual channels, but plots of V* versus pool volume and water surface slope revealed secondary variations in fines volume. In sediment-rich channels, V* correlated positively with scoured pool volume; in sediment-poor channels, V* correlated negatively with water-surface slope. Measuring fine sediment in pools can be a practical method to evaluate and monitor the supply of mobile sediment in gravel-bed streams and to detect and evaluate sediment inputs along a channel network.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Local governmental agencies responsible for decisions in ground water quality management need not only data on ground water quality but they also must understand the relationship of accuracies and risks associated with this data as related to the number of wells to sample. In this report we address this problem by using the philosophical doctrines of probabilism and relativism with simple statistical procedures. This requires a reasonable estimate of the population variance in a quality parameter for a given management-unit area, and requires that the decisionmaker formulate constraints with an acceptable standard error of the sample mean and be willing to accept some level of probability of being Wrong. This technique is illustrated using a 21-year data base of well water chemical data in a 653 km2 ground water quality study area in the San Joaquin Valley of California.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Runoff and sediment yield were collected from 100 plots during simulated rainfalls (100 mm/hr for 15 minutes) at antecedent soil moisture conditions. A clustering technique was used to stratify the variability of a single data set within a sagebrush‐grass community into four groups based on vegetation life form and amount of cover. The four cluster groups were grass, grass/shrub, shrub, and forb/grass and were found to be significantly different in plant height, surface roughness, soil bulk density, and soil organic matter. Stepwise multiple regression analyses were performed on the single data set and each cluster group. Results for individual groups resulted in more robust predictive equations for runoff (r2= 0.65–0.73) and sediment yield (r2= 0.37–0.91) than for equations developed from the single data set (r2= 0.56 for runoff and r2= 0.27 for sediment yield). The standard errors of the cluster group regression equations were also improved in three of the four group equations for both runoff and sediment yield compared to the single data set. Runoff was found to be significantly less (p >0.01) in the forb/grass group compared with other vegetation cluster groups, but this was influenced by four plots that produced little or no runoff. Sediment yield was not found to be significantly different among any cluster groups. Discriminant analysis was then used to identify important variables and develop a model to classify plots into one of the four cluster groups. The discriminant model could be incorporated into rangeland hydrology and erosion models. The percentage cover of grasses, shrubs, litter, and bare ground effectively stratified about 12 percent of the variation observed in runoff and 26 percent of the variability for sediment yield as determined by r2.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The three basins of Reelfoot Lake, which is located in northwestern Tennessee, were investigated using the Cs-137 tracer technique to determine rates of sediment deposition and to estimate the time before the basins will fill with sediment. Blue Basin, the largest of the three basins with 2922 ha, had an average annual sedimentation rate of 0.9 cm/yr from 1984 to 1984. The basin will become too shallow for most boating and recreational activities in about 200 years. Buck Basin, the central basin with 774 ha, had an average annual sedimentation rate of 1.1 cm/yr and will become too shallow for most recreational uses in about 100 years. Upper Blue Basin, the most upstream and smallest basin with 439 ha, had an average annual sedimentation rate of 1.7 cm/yr and will become too shallow for most recreational uses in about 60 years. Two important sources of sediment to Reelfoot Lake are erosion from a large number of soybean fields and channelization of many of the streams that flow into the lake. Changes in land management that would reduce erosion could increase the time the lake would remain usable for recreational activities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Lake Chapala is the largest natural water body in Mexico and also one of the most important shallow lakes in Latin America. For the past several years it has suffered various environmental problems such as the upstream overuse of water, contamination, and sedimentation. For the past 10 years the lake has had less than 50 percent of its historical water level over the past century. No criteria are reported in the literature that establish a water storage volume that will guarantee water quality conditions necessary for the survival of the lake. After determining the behavior of total solids concentrations in relation to the variations in the lake's depth, we proposed a minimum water column height of 5.0 m, representing a storage volume of about 5,000 Mm3. This volume would result in the recommended water quality standards for total dissolved solids. Calculated distribution maps show that the total solids concentration in the lake has increased since the end of the 1970s. The solids are primarily concentrated in the eastern part of the lake, as a consequence of the high solids discharged from the Lerma River, its main tributary.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Specific annual suspended sediment yields and their standard deviations are presented for 47 basins of North Island, New Zealand. Most of the variance in yields is explained by catchment mean rainfall. Rivers with similar flow range have similar suspended sediment concentration ratings, independent of differing watershed lithology and regolith, except for six basins having an abundance of soft fine sediments. Prediction equations for yield and its standard deviation are derived for four essentially arbitrary regions. AU feature rainfall as the independent variable. Differences between regions may owe to variations in intensity, frequency, and duration patterns of storms and, in one area, to bed material size as well. The temporal distribution of annual yields from a basin m be modeled by a two-parameter lognormal function: the prediction equations above may be used to evaluate this function at a site for which suspended sediment data are unavailable.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The maximum concentration of a regulated substance that is allowed in a wastewater effluent usually is determined from the amount of dilution provided by the receiving water. Dilution flow is estimated from historical data by application of statistical criteria that define low flow conditions for regulatory purposes. Such use of historical data implies that the past is a good indicator of future conditions, at least for the duration of a discharge permit. Short records, however, introduce great uncertainty in the estimation of low flows because they are unlikely to capture events with recurrence frequencies of multiple years (e.g., ENSO events or droughts). We conducted an analysis of daily flows at several gages with long records in the South Platte River basin of Colorado. Low flows were calculated for successive time blocks of data (3‐, 5‐, 10‐, and 20‐years), and these were compared with low flows calculated for the entire period of record (> 70 years). In unregulated streams, time blocks of three or five years produce estimates of low flows that are highly variable and consistently greater than estimates derived from a longer period of record. Estimates of low flow from 10‐year blocks, although more stable, differ from the long term estimates by as much as a factor of two because of climate variation. In addition, the hydrographs of most streams in Colorado have been influenced by dams, diversions, or water transfers. These alterations to the natural flow regime shorten the record that is useful for analysis, but also tend to increase the calculated low flows. The presence of an upward trend in low flows caused by water use represents an unanticipated risk because it fails to incorporate societal response to severe drought conditions. Thus, climate variability poses a significant risk for water quality both directly, because it may not be represented adequately in the short periods of the hydrologic record that are typically used in permits, and indirectly, through its potential to cause altered use of water during time of scarcity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Long-term land use and reservoir sedimentation were quantified and linked in a small agricultural reservoir-watershed system without having historical data. Land use was determined from a time sequence of aerial photographs, and reservoir sedimentation was determined from cores with 137Cs dating techniques. They were linked by relating sediment deposition to potential sediment production which was determined by the Universal Soil Loss Equation and by SCS estimates for gullied land. Sediment cores were collected from Tecumseh Lake, a 55-ha reservoir with a 1,189-ha agricultural watershed, constructed in 1934 in central Oklahoma. Reservoir sediment deposition decreased from an average of 5,933 Mg/yr from 1934 to 1954, to 3,179 Mg/yr from 1954 to 1962, and finally to 1,017 Mg/yr from 1962 to 1987. Potential sediment production decreased from an average of 29,892 to 11,122 and then to 3,589 Mg/yr for the same time periods as above, respectively. Reductions in deposition and sediment production corresponded to reductions in cultivated and abandoned cropland which became perennial pasture. Together, cultivated and abandoned cropland accounted for 59 percent of the watershed in 1937, 24 percent in 1954, and 10 percent in 1962. Roadway erosion, stream bank erosion, stored stream channel sediment, and long-term precipitation were considered, but none seemed to play a significant role in changing sediment deposition rates. Instead, the dominant factor was the conversion of fields to perennial pastures. The effect of conservation measures on reservoir sedimentation can now be quantified for many reservoirs where historical data is not available.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A technique for weighing bedload samples that was developed for laboratory use has been modified for field application. The technique involves determining the submerged weight of bedload samples as they are collected. The submerged weights are converted to dry weights from a knowledge of the specific gravity of the bedload material. The technique makes bedload transport data available immediately and eliminates costly and time-consuming steps involved with saving samples for laboratory analysis. Only samples designated for particle-size or other lab analyses need to be saved.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The thermal stratification characteristics of a flow-augmentation reservoir, Round Valley Reservoir, New Jersey, and attendant driving conditions were documented and analyzed for portions of three years. Substantial differences in the thermal stratification regime of the reservoir occurred in response to the documented changes in meteorological, operating, and light penetration conditions. The features of stratification that were affected included: the depth of the upper mixed layer, the average temperature of the epilimnion, the temperature gradient in the metalimnion, and the average temperature in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rates and sediment provenance were examined for lacustrine sediments deposited in Fairfield Lake, western North Carolina, during the past 111 years. Stratigraphic, radionuclide, and cartographic data indicate that sedimentation rates have increased several fold during the past three decades in response to localized development. The magnitude of increased sedimentation was surprising given limited development within the basin: 0.12 to 0.68 buildings/ha in 2000 in those parts directly delivering sediment to the dated cores. Thus, the analysis illustrates the potential sensitivity of watersheds in the southern Appalachians to changes in land cover. An approach that combined geochemical fingerprinting with sediment mixing models was subsequently evaluated to determine its ability to accurately estimate the contribution of sediment from (1) major bedrock formations that underlie the watershed and (2) potential sources associated with four land cover categories. Sediment sources in both analyses proved difficult to geochemically fingerprint to greater than 90 percent accuracy using data on acid‐soluble metals and selected isotopes of lead (Pb). The relative contributions of sediment from delineated sources, estimated by the mixing models, generally corresponded with known temporal and spatial patterns of land cover. However, the models were plagued by two significant problems — the chemical alteration of sediments as they were transported through upland streams to depositional sites within the lake and the loss of elemental mass. Thus, future investigations using the fingerprinting approach in this area of intense weathering, and presumably others, will need to modify the existing methods to more accurately elucidate changes in sediment provenance related to development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Geochemistry of fine-fraction streambed sediments collected from the upper illinois River basin was surveyed in the fall of 1987 as part of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment pilot projects. The survey included 567 samples analyzed for 46 elements. Three distinctive distribution patterns were found for seven U.S. Environmental Protection Agency priority pollutants surveyed, as well as for boron and phosphorus: (1) enrichment of elements in the Chicago urban area and in streams draining the urban area relative to rural areas, (2) enrichment in main stems relative to tributaries, and (3) enrichment in low-order streams at high-population-density sites relative to low-population-density sites. Significant differences in background concentrations, as measured by samples from low-order streams, were observed among five subbasins in the study area. Uncertain geochemical correspondence between low-order, background sites and high-order, generally metal enriched sites prevented determination of background levels that would be appropriate for high-order sites. The within-sample ratio of enriched elements was variable within the Chicago area but was constant in the Illinois River downstream from Chicago. Element ratios imply a composite fine-fraction sediment in the Illinois River of 35–40 percent Des Plaines River origin and 60–65 percent Kankakee River origin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An integrated, multi-disciplinary effort to model land processes affecting Mayaguez Bay in western Puerto Rico is described. A modeling strategy was developed to take advantage of remotely sensed data. The spatial, interannual, and seasonal variability of sediment discharges to the bay were also evaluated. Classified images of remotely sensed data revealed the spatial distribution and quantities of land use classes in the region and aided in the discretization of the watershed into homogeneous regions. These regions were modeled using a geomorphic modeling technique based upon spatially averaged parameters. Simulation results from the modeling effort compared favorably with observations at two locations within the watershed. Results showed that runoff and sediment loads from the area exhibit a marked seasonal trend and that deforested areas located in the foothill regions of the watershed contribute a disproportionate share of the sediment load to the bay. In years when rainfall distributions are uniformly distributed over the area, the sediment yields may be up to 100 percent higher than years when the rainfall is concentrated in the heavily forested mountainous regions.  相似文献   

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