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Improving eco-efficiency is propitious for saving resources and reducing emissions, and has become a popular route to sustainable development. We define two energy-related eco-efficiencies: energy efficiency (ENE) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-related eco-efficiency (GEE) using energy consumption and the associated GHG emissions as the environmental impacts. Using statistical data, we analyze China??s energy consumption and GHG emissions by industrial subsystem and sector, and estimate the ENE and GEE values for China in 2007 as 4.871×107 US$/PJ and 4.26×108 US$/TgCO2eq, respectively. Industry is the primary contributing subsystem of China??s economy, contributing 45.2% to the total economic production, using 79.6% of the energy consumed, and generating 91.4% of the total GHG emissions. We distinguish the individual contributions of the 39 industrial sectors to the national economy, overall energy consumption, and GHG emissions, and estimate their energyrelated eco-efficiencies. The results show that although ferrous metal production contributes only 3.5% to the national industrial economy, it consumes the most industrial energy (20% of total), contributes 16% to the total industrial global warming potential (GWP), and ranks third in GHG emissions. The power and heat sector ranks first in GHG emissions and contributes one-third of the total industrial GWP, although it only consumes about 8% of total industrial energy and, like ferrous metal production, contributes 3.5% to the national economy. The ENE of the ferrous metal and power and heat sectors are only 8 and 2.1×107 US$/PJ, while the GEE for these two sectors are 9 and 4×104 US$/GgCO2eq, respectively; these are nearly the lowest ENE and GEE values among all 39 industry sectors. Finally, we discuss the possibility of ecoefficiency improvement through a comparison with other countries.  相似文献   

As an important tool for environment management, eco-efficiency has been widely applied, but eco-effectiveness has only made progress on eco-design and life cycle management in recent years. Few have attempted to integrate eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness into sustainable industrial systems. In a new framework integrating eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness, both concepts can find unique roles and complement each other in industrial ecosystems to dissolve conflicts between industry and the environment. This article provides a case study of China in which eco-efficiency indicators (energy, water and waste utilisation intensity) have demonstrated great progress in China, but eco-efficiency cannot stop the increasing release of pollutants and their accumulating impact on ecological life-support systems. China must integrate eco-effectiveness and eco-efficiency into concrete sustainable development strategies, questioning whether limited resources are being used correctly. Both eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness are identified as important indicators in the development of sustainable industrial systems. In the framework of sustainable industrial systems, eco-effectiveness must begin to play a more important role.  相似文献   

借鉴世界企业永续发展委员会(WBCSD)提出的生态效益指标体系,结合社会价值因子构建了中国工业部门生态效益指标体系,利用因子分析模型研究了中国2006年工业部门生态效益及其主要影响因子,并按照工业生态效益特征将39个工业部门划分为4个类型。结果表明:中国工业部门生态效益的影响因素可以归纳为能源消耗-污染因子、水资源消耗-污染因子、经济社会效益因子 中国工业部门生态效益差异显著,机械设备制造业、电子属于生态效益最优的工业部门,以矿产品采掘与加工为基础的工业部门整体表现出高能耗、高污染、低效益,造纸及纸制品业生态效益最差。因子分析法较全面的反映了中国工业部门的生态效益,提高工业部门生态效益的建议可为中国工业的可持续发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

发展产业集群通常被地方政府当作发展经济的重要手段.笔者通过讨论产业集群发展过程中政府的作用,从政府对集群的规划、公共要素的投入、发挥地方资源特点、企业主体地位等方面提出发展产业集群的政策建议.参7.  相似文献   

Environmental and Ecological Statistics - In this paper we explore a covariance-spectral modelling strategy for spatial-temporal processes which involves a spectral approach for time but a...  相似文献   

• China’s rural industrial land (RIL) area quadrupled from 1990 to 2015. • RIL expansion cost 9% of China’s crop production and threatened human/ecosystem safety. • The underprivileged population bears a disproportionally large share of the risks. China’s rural industrialization has been a major driver for its rapid economic growth during the recent decades, but its myriad environmental risks are yet to be fully understood. Based on a comprehensive national land-use data set, our study shows that the area of China’s rural industrial land (RIL) quadrupled during 1990–2015, reaching 39000 km2 in 2015, comparable to urbanization in magnitude but with a much greater degree of landscape fragmentation which implies stronger ecological and environmental impacts. About 91% of the protected areas in the central China were within 50 km from rural industrial land, thus exposed to industrial disturbances. Accelerated rural industrial land expansion, particularly in regions under high geo-hazard risks, led to dramatically increased environmental risks, threatening the safety and health of both rural industrial workers and residents. Moreover, negative effects from rural industrial land expansion could partially offset the crop production growth in recent decades. The underprivileged rural population in the west bears a disproportionally large share of the increased environmental risks. China urgently needs to design and implement sustainable policies to restrict and reshape its rural industrialization. This study aims to inspire policy makers and researchers to rethink the current model of industrial expansion and improve rural industrial land planning, which is important for achieving the sustainable development goals of China.  相似文献   

本文研究我国燃煤工业锅炉大气SO2的污染状况及发展趋势,以及应用工业固硫型煤控制燃煤工业锅炉大气SO2的污染。燃煤工业锅炉燃烧工业固硫型煤时,可明显地降低SO2和烟尘的排放量,并节约煤炭。推广和发展工业固硫型煤,是防治燃煤工业锅炉大气SO2污染的一条投资少、见效快、简便易行的实用措施,其经济效益及环境效益相当可观。  相似文献   

The rapid growth of China’s economy has led to severe air pollution characterized by acid rain, severe pollution in cities, and regional air pollution. High concentrations are found for various pollutants such as sulfur dioxides (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and fine particulates. Great efforts have thus been undertaken for the control of air pollution in the country. This paper discusses the development and application of appropriate technologies for reducing the major pollutants produced by coal and vehicles, and investigates air quality modeling as an important support for policy-making.  相似文献   

以能值分析理论为基础,对宁夏回族自治区1985-2005年人地系统的物质代谢和生态效率(即可持续性状态)进行了定量分析研究.结果表明:近21年来,宁夏地区的产出效率不断降低,经济发展水平较低;能值废弃率、环境负荷率均呈持续增长趋势;人口与环境的矛盾不断激化,可持续发展能力不断降低.最后,文章在定量分析评价的基础上对宁夏人地系统演变的趋势进行了简要预测及分析,并针对存在的问题,提出了相应的优化方向和措施.  相似文献   

我国地面臭氧污染及其生态环境效应   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
地面臭氧是一种重要的二次大气污染物.由于工业化和城市化的迅速发展,我国臭氧前体物排放量不断增加,地面臭氧污染问题尤为突出.在高速发展的城市群区域,地面臭氧已经成为其主要的大气污染物之一.文章论述了我国地面臭氧的来源、特性、污染现状和发展趋势,着重介绍了地面臭氧污染所带来的生态环境效应及其可能的经济损失,包括人体健康危害、建筑材料腐蚀老化、农作物减产以及树木生长抑制等方面.此外,从研究对象与研究区域两方而分析了研究中存在的不足,指出当前我国地面臭氧污染研究的瓶颈是缺乏全国范围的臭氧监测网络.在此基础上对我国今后的研究进行了展望,以期为我国地而臭氧污染的生态环境效应研究起到一定促进作用.  相似文献   

中国城市工业污染强度与经济增长耦合关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用幂函数模型对中国46个重点城市1993-2006年人均GDP和7项工业污染强度指标进行曲线拟合,用于描述和分析我国城市经济发展与工业污染强度的耦合状态,经模型推导提出了“效率弹性系数”,作为度量城市经济与工业污染控制协调发展程度的指标。拟合统计结果显示,中国城市工业污染强度与经济增长的关系曲线形状有明显的幂函数特征。样本城市在“曲线簇”中的位置能揭示“后发优势”以及经济-环境耦合水平优劣的信息。对样本城市效率弹性系数的统计分析证明,该系数可以作为城市经济环境管理的决策依据。  相似文献   

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in sustainable development not only for their significant contribution to China’s economy, but also for their large share of total discharged pollutants. Therefore, this research takes the enterprises in Suzhou Industrial Park, China as the case study to investigate the environmental management practices of SMEs, and identify drivers and barriers to engaging businesses in environmental management initiatives. It is shown that, as in other countries, SMEs are less active in adopting environmental management initiatives than larger companies. Legislation remains the key driver to engage SMEs in environmental management initiatives. Based on the analysis, policy recommendations are also presented.  相似文献   

产业生态学是最近兴起的一门很有前途的学问,它继承和发展了自然生态系统的理论,并运用它来指导面临危境的工业生产活动。它与我国目前提倡的生态农业有相似的地方,也有很大的不同。本文结合对中西方对产业生态学思想和实践的对比,分析了各自的优势,指出了不足  相似文献   

中国北方土壤硝态氮的累积及其对环境的影响   总被引:98,自引:0,他引:98  
运用统计资料和调查研究资料,揭示中国氮肥用量在地区之间和作物之间分配的不平衡现象,经济发达的东南部地区和城郊地区氮肥施用量远高于西北部地区,经济作物远高于粮食作物,氮肥短缺和过量施用并存。中国北方某些地区土壤剖面硝态氯的大量累积对水体环境构成了某种程度的威胁。由于大田作物获得较高产量的“平均适宜施氮量(N150—180kg/hm^2)”与氮素环境安全指标尚有一定距离,中国完全可以实现水体环境安全和农业高产优质的双重目标。氮肥对水体环境的影响主要是由不合理大量施用氮肥造成的。因此,中国应制定施肥技术标准和法规,鼓励农民降低氮肥用量。  相似文献   

西部地区生态退耕的"效益问题"及其评价方法探讨   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
刘黎明  李蕾  赖敏 《生态环境》2005,14(5):794-797
在剖析了西部地区退耕还林还草生态效益、经济效益和社会效益内涵的基础上.指出退耕还林还草项目首先追求的是较好的生态效益,并在此前提下要求尽量做到社会效益和经济效益的协调统一。目前评价退耕效益可采用以下两种思路:生态效益经济价值化法与综合评价法。生态效益经济价值化,可以从国民经济的角度考察退耕还林还草的投资成本和获得的情况,为国家制定宏观政策提供客观依据。按照综合评价法获得的结果,则能为退耕前选择退耕预案、退耕过程中及时发现问题和调整政策以及退耕后进行实施成效评价提供参考。  相似文献   

• Economics of food waste treatment projects at 29 pilot cities in China was examined. • Roles of location, population size, processing technique, and income were studied. • Economic benefits were limited with a profit to cost ratio of 0.08±0.37. • Service population size affects construction economics significantly (P = 0.016). • Choice of food waste processing technique affects operating economics notably. This study examines the economic benefits of food waste treatment projects in China and factors affecting them. National-level pilot projects for food waste treatment located in 29 cities were selected as samples. The economics of food waste recycling from the investors’ perspective, in terms of investment during the construction phase and cost and benefit during the operation phase, was assessed. Results indicate that the average tonnage investment of food waste treatment projects was RMB 700.0±188.9 thousand yuan, with a profit to cost ratio of 0.08±0.37. This ratio increased to 0.95±0.57 following the application of government subsidies. It highlights the limited economic benefits of food waste treatment facilities, which rely on government subsidies to maintain their operations in China. Further analysis using a multi-factor analysis model revealed that regional location, service population size, processing techniques, and urban income exerted varying impacts on the economy of food waste treatment. Population size exerted the highest impact (P = 0.016) during the construction stage, and processing techniques notably influenced the project economy during the operation stage. The study highlights the need to prioritize service population size and processing techniques during economic decision-making and management of food waste recycling projects. The results of this study can serve as a valuable practical reference for guiding future policies regarding food waste treatment and related planning.  相似文献   

近25年山西植被指数时空变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在遥感及地理信息系统技术支持下,利用1982-2006年8 km×8 km的NASA/GIMMs植被指数(NDVI)数据,采用多种方法分析了山西高原近25 a来植被指数的时空动态变化规律.结果表明:①25 a来,山西省年均NDVI基本在0.33上下呈波动中上升趋势,表明山西高原植被活动在增强;②从季节变化来看,山西省春季和秋季的植被都在增加,冬季上升趋势较弱,夏季变化很小,呈现极弱的递减趋势;③空间上,植被指数南部好于北部,山区好于平原;④从植被变化趋势图中也可以看出植被呈现总体变好趋势,其中北部变好趋势明显,其次是南部;⑤植被年际变化表现出较为一致的变化趋势以及较为明显中部和南北反相的局地变化特征.  相似文献   

Sustainable waste management in the industrial ecology perspective brings enormous challenges to the existing methodology of waste analysis at the industrial park (IP) scale. In this study, a four-step method was proposed for industrial solid waste (ISW) flow analysis of eco-industrial parks (EIPs) and applied to two IPs in eastern China. According to a park-wide census of 619 industrial enterprises and 105 questionnaires by a survey from 2006 to 2008, the results indicated that: 1) at the enterprise scale, more than 60% of enterprises were small-ISW-generation enterprises which encountered great difficulties on effective waste management; 2) at the IP scale, though the two IPs have set up their own environmental management systems and passed the ISO 14001 certification, the efficiencies of the ISW management systems have yet to be improved in the industrial ecology perspective; and 3) at the regional scale, more than 97% of ISW flowed within the provincial region, indicating that the provincial governments prevented the wastes from flowing into their own “back yard”. Effective waste management should be placed in a broader perspective. Approaches to sustainable waste management may include wastes exchange, efficient waste and information flow, virtual EIP, waste minimization clubs and regionalization of waste management.  相似文献   

基于环境学习曲线的中国省际COD排放及减排潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2008年COD排放量,对人均COD排放量和万元产值COD排放量的区域分布格局及其成因进行了定最分析;同时,基于1999-2008年cOD排放量和经济发展数据,建屯了31个省区万元产值COD排放堪随人均GDP变化的环境学习曲线,并以所建立的环境学习曲线为依据,分析了1999、2002、2005和2008年4个时段的减排潜力变化及COD减排潜力的空间分布.结果表明:经济发展水平越高的地区,万元产值COD排放的负荷越小,万元产值COD减排的潜力越小;反之,经济发展水平越低的地区,万元产值COD排放的负荷越大,万元产值COD减排的潜力越大.  相似文献   

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