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The optimal spatial design of protected reserves requires attention to the biological mechanisms underlying community organization, and sustaining ecosystem services. Identifying the key mechanisms is especially difficult in species-rich ecosystems. We investigate the example of the tropical rainforest, a biome that is under threat of continuing fragmentation, yet which shelters the majority of living species on Earth. Simple dynamic and spatially explicit simulations, which model the dynamics of plant communities, allow us to elucidate the interplay between patterns of fragmentation and seed dispersal mechanisms in maintaining biodiversity.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present observations, results from monitoring measurements, and preliminary conclusions about the development of patterns and structures during the first 5 years of development of an artificial catchment starting from point zero. We discuss the high relevance of initial system traits and external events for the system development and draw conclusions for further research. These investigations as part of a Collaborative Research Center, aim to disentangle and understand the feedback mechanisms and interrelationships of processes and their co-development with spatial and temporal structures and patterns by studying an initial, probably less complex ecosystem. Therefore, intensive measurements were carried out in the catchment with regard to the development of surface structures, hydrological patterns, vegetation dynamics, water chemistry, and element budgets. During the first 5 years, considerable changes within the catchment were observed. Both internal and external factors could be identified as driving forces for the formation of structures and patterns in the artificial catchment. Initial structures formed by the construction process and initial substrate characteristics were decisive for the distribution and flow of water. External factors like episodic events triggered erosion and dissection during this initial phase, promoted by the low vegetation cover, and the unconsolidated sandy substrate. The transformation of the initial geosystem into areas with evolving terrestrial or aquatic characteristics and from a very episodic to a more permanent stream network and discharge, together with the observed vegetation dynamics increased site diversity and heterogeneity with respect to water and nutrient availability and transformation processes compared with the more homogenous conditions at point zero. The processes and feedback mechanisms in the initial development of a new landscape may deviate in rates, intensity, and dominance from those known from mature ecosystems. It is therefore crucial to understand these early phases of ecosystem development and to disentangle the increasingly complex interactions between the evolving terrestrial and aquatic, biotic, and abiotic compartments of the system. Long-term monitoring of initial ecosystems may provide important data and parameters on processes and the crucial role of spatial and temporal structures and patterns to solve these problems. Artificially created catchments could be a suitable tool to study these initial developments at the landscape scale under known, designed, and defined boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Monitoring Ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada: The Conceptual Model Foundation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monitoring at large geographic scales requires a framework for understanding relationships between components and processes of an ecosystem and the human activities that affect them. We created a conceptual model that is centered on ecosystem processes, considers humans as part of ecosystems, and serves as a framework for selecting attributes for monitoring ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada. The model has three levels: 1) an ecosystem model that identifies five spheres (Atmosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Sociocultural), 2) sphere models that identify key ecosystem processes (e.g., photosynthesis), and 3) key process models that identify the "essential elements"that are required for the process to operate (e.g., solar radiation), the human activities ("affectors") that have negative and positive effects on the elements (e.g., air pollution), and the "consequences"of affectors acting on essential elements (e.g., change in primary productivity). We discuss use of the model to select attributes that best reflect the operation and integrity of the ecosystem processes. Model details can be viewed on the web at http://www.r5.fs.fed.us/sncf/spam_report/index.htm(Appendix section).  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, considerable effort has been invested in the development of complex and comprehensive ecosystem classifications and inventories in many parts of North America. Paralleling this has been an evolution in those hierarchical frameworks guiding the development and application of classifications. However, resource management agencies continue to grapple with the dilemma of applying multiple classification and inventory templates over large jurisdictions, especially as they attempt to address ecosystem management objectives. Given that Canada and the United States share ecosystems and that commitments have been made by all levels of government to make progress towards ecosystem-based approaches to management, there is a need to provide the proper tools. Comprehensive goals will not be achieved without collaboration and cooperation.This paper outlines the range of ecosystem classification approaches that exist in the Upper Great Lakes region. Canadian and American national hierarchical frameworks are briefly examined. Specific information needs and tasks are outlined which must be followed, independent of national boundaries, for the successful integration of planning and monitoring programs for large regional ecosystems.A general model is proposed for the development and application of an integrated, multi-scale and bi-national ecosystem classification, inventory and information system. This approach would facilitate data sharing and communication across jurisdictional boundaries.  相似文献   

Multi-scale ecosystem analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As a precursor to management, ecosystems of different sizes need to be mapped at different scales. The key to developing criteria for subdividing land into ecosystems is understanding the factors that control ecosystem size at various scales in a hierarchy. The relationships between an ecosystem at one scale and ecosystems at smaller or larger scales must be examined, in order to predict the effects of management. Multi-scale mapping is helpful in analyzing relationships of this type.  相似文献   

Climate change has serious effects on the setting up and the operation of natural ecosystems. Small increase in temperature could cause rise in the amount of some species or potential disappearance of others. During our researches, the dispersion of the species and biomass production of a theoretical ecosystem were examined on the effect of the temperature–climate change. The answers of the ecosystems which are given to the climate change could be described by means of global climate modelling and dynamic vegetation models. The examination of the operation of the ecosystems is only possible in huge centres on supercomputers because of the number and the complexity of the calculation. The number of the calculation could be decreased to the level of a PC by considering the temperature and the reproduction during modelling a theoretical ecosystem, and several important theoretical questions could be answered.  相似文献   

The concept of ecosystem services as developed for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) is currently the most extensive, international, scientific concept dealing with the interaction between the world's ecosystems and human well-being. The fundamental asset is seen in the relevancy of the concept at the science–policy interface. Albeit, the mainstreaming of ecosystem services into policy making requires a framework that allows the transition of the scientific concept into the rationale of policy making. We hypothesize that the procedure of policy impact assessment is a suitable venue for this transition. This brings up two questions: 1) where in the process of policy impact assessment can ecosystem services be mainstreamed? 2) How can the impact on ecosystem services properly be accounted for? In this paper we distinguish two groups of policy cases: explicit cases directly addressing ecosystem services, and implicit cases of policies that follow other purposes but may have unintended impacts on ecosystem services as a side effect. The second group covers a wide range of policies for which we set out a framework for mainstreaming of ecosystem services. The framework is exemplary designed for the instrument of ex-ante impact assessment at European policy making level. We reveal that the two concepts of the MA and of the European policy impact assessment are indeed compatible, which makes the integration of the ecosystem service concept possible. We conclude that the linkage of the scientifically validated concept of ecosystem services with the policy concept of impact assessment has the potential of improving the credibility of the latter.  相似文献   

A major tool used in the assessment of anthropic atmospheric effects on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems is biogeochemical nutrient cycling and budgets. However, to be most effective such study should be done in an ecosystem context. Also some assessment of natural variation in factors affecting nutrient cycling must be in place before trends, often subtle and long-term, attributable to man can be statistically quantified. The input and output balance of chemical species in watershed ecosystems is considerably influenced by ecosystem succession. It is hypothesized that during primary ecosystem succession chemical element output is initially relatively high due to rapid acidification and lack of plant uptake. Outputs decline during the period of high ecosystem productivity and biomass accumulation, and they again rise during late successional stages to approximate inputs from precipitation weathering, and aerosol capture. Glacier Bay provides a unique opportunity to quantify many mechanisms responsible for variation in nutrient cycles without the need for site manipulation. This is especially true for quantifying the rate and magnitude of natural acidification in ecosystems. The park has a spectrum of watersheds differing in stage of primary and secondary succession following deglaciation. These sites are not now subjected to or altered by anthropic atmospheric inputs. The objectives of this research were (1) determine the rate of soil chemical change which occurs following deglaciation, (2) relate soil acidification to presence of organic matter, soil NO inf3 sup- , and total N, (3) estimate the downward movement of ionic species within the soil profiles with increasing acidification from advancing plant succession, and (4) determine if such processes and ionic movements might be reflected in watershed stream ionic outputs. We studied five watersheds ranging from 40–350 years since deglaciation. Soil samples were collected and lysimeters installed in seven vegetation successional stages following deglaciation. An anion of ecological importance and a common air contaminant is NO inf3 sup- , and its discharge in streamflow from early successional ecosystems was found to be high. The terrestrial biota in such systems was dominated by Alnus sinuata, a major nitrogen fixer. Stream discharge of NO inf3 sup- suggested that early successional ecosystem N fixation exceeded biotic uptake. This was confirmed by examining NO inf3 sup- in soil extractions and lysimeters. This process was particularly evident beneath >20-year old Alnus (forty years since deglaciation). concurrent with increased NO inf3 sup- concentrations below the rooting zone was increased H+ which increased 100x during 25 years of primary succession. This natural acidification from a mobile NO inf3 sup- ion resulted in an pronounced increase in soil base cation leaching and mobilization of aluminium in the soil profile. The magnitude and short time required for such acidification greatly exceeded anything projected or modeled for systems impacted by anthropic inputs. Stream SO inf4 sup2- concentrations also were high relative to precipitation inputs suggesting mineralization of sulfur within the ecosystem and/or poor soil adsorption of SO inf4 sup2- . This is an important finding in such ecosystems where cation nutrient ion levels are often very low. Should atmospheric inputs of SO inf4 sup2- increase additional loss of cations appears imminent. These data suggest that most early successional ecosystems at Glacier Bay would be sensitive to anthropic inputs of both NO inf3 sup- and SO inf4 sup2- . This is unusual in other ecosystems where many conserve ionic NO inf3 sup- inputs, and older systems have considerable SO inf4 sup2- adsorption capacity. The effect of any increased atmospheric inputs of these ions would be accelerated cation leaching and ecosystem acidification.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress—Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

Valuing biodiversity: reality or mirage?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this paper was to consider the social value ofbiological diversity and explore if this value could be expressedin terms of a unidimensional metric in money. Economics distinguishes between use-values and non-use-values, which are critically evaluated for valuing biodiversity. It is shown that these utility-based valuations have severe limitations as they treat species in isolation from their ecological contexts. In contrast, ecosystem ecology regards ecosystems as an integratednon-linear and nonconvex system in which ecosystem functions canbe understood as a four-component cycle; exploitation, accumulation of biomass, creative destruction and renewal. Withinsuch a cycle, ecosystems can be seen to have two properties: stability and resilience. A good proxy for resilience is the probability of extinction of species, and social value of biodiversity can be expressed as a partial ordering with thisprobability as an index. This approach is consistent with decision theory, of which social choice is an important component, pioneered by Arrow.  相似文献   

Ecological Land Classification (ELC) is a scientific endeavour which attempts to organize, stratify and evaluate ecosystems (and complexes of ecosystems) for the purposes of land resource management. Since ecosystems themselves are not easily defined in practical terms, ELC is likewise not a trivial concept. Nonetheless, ELC is a prerequisite for ecosystem management and the conservation of biological diversity simply because ecosystems must be described, characterized and spatially-located before they can be managed. Regarding the current status and future direction of ELC, mainly in relation to forest management: 1) approaches to ELC construction and utilization have shifted considerably over the past 2 decades; 2) there appears to be a current consensus regarding basic approaches to ELC; 3) spatial scale is a critical variable that must be addressed by ELCs; 4) ELCs must strive to more directly address management objectives; 5) natural ecosystem functions need to be better integrated within ELC frameworks; and, 6) the need for quality, georeferenced ELC-related data will continue to grow.  相似文献   

Ecosystems, despite their diversity, respond to stress in similar ways. The major pressures which cause the transformation of systems from healthy states to pathological states are classified into four groups: physical restructuring, overharvesting, waste residuals, and the introduction of non-native species. Signs of Ecosystem Distress Syndrome (EDS) are briefly examined in three contrasting ecosystems: desert grasslands, the Great Lakes, and the Baltic Sea. The issue is raised as to the difficulty in discerning between healthy ecosystems, recovering from a natural disturbance, and those ecosystems that have lost their original resilience due to anthropogenic stress. Knowledge of site history and a rigourous monitoring program are important in the evaluation of EDS. An assessment of how ecosystem services are affected is indicative of the consequences to the human component of ecosystems. Management strategies which are employed to mitigate the signs of EDS are usually initiated after resilience is lost or the ecosystem has transformed to an alternate, stress-induced, stable state. It is proposed that preventive strategies measure signs of EDS that serve as early warning signals, combined with "fitness tests" that measure ecosystem response to natural perturbations. The fitness test for ecosystems is based on the premise that unstressed systems are more resilient to natural disturbances than stressed systems.  相似文献   

River damming leads to strong hydromorphological alterations of the watercourse, consequently affecting river vegetation pattern. A multitemporal and spatial analysis of the dam effect on composition, structure and dynamic of the upstream vegetation was performed on Tiber River at Nazzano-dam (Rome). The main research questions were as follows: How does plant landscape vary over time and along the river? Where does the dam effect on vegetation end? How does naturalistic importance of the vegetation affected by damming change over time? Data collection was performed mapping the vegetation in aerial photos related to the period before (1944), during (1954) and after dam construction (1984, 2000). The plant landscape has significantly changed over time and along the river, particularly as a result of the dam construction (1953). The major vegetation changes have involved riparian forests and macrophytes. Dam effect on vegetation is evident up to 3 km, and gradually decreases along an attenuation zone for about another 3 km. Despite the fact that the damming has caused strong local hydromorphological modification of the river ecosystem transforming it into a sub-lacustrine habitat, it has also led to the formation of wetlands of considerable naturalistic importance. Indeed, in these man-made wetlands, optimal hydrological conditions have been created by favouring both the expansion of pre-existing riparian communities and the rooting of new aquatic communities, albeit typical of lacustrine ecosystems. Some of these plant communities have become an important food resource, refuge or nesting habitats for aquatic fauna, while others fall into category of Natura 2000 habitats. Therefore, river damming seems to have indirectly had a “favourable” effect for habitat conservation and local biodiversity.  相似文献   

In this study, we coupled a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model with an ecosystem model and applied it to the shallow complex floodplain wetland of Chini Lake in Malaysia. Our objective was to provide a better understanding of the lake’s ecosystem dynamics under different forcing mechanisms. Simulations and validation were performed over a dry month period. Wind speed ranged between 0 and 7.7 m s?1, whilst air temperature ranged between 22.0 and 35.6 °C. Advective transport driven by wind stress was the dominant physical force that shaped the water quality variations during the dry season. Convective circulation intermittently influenced the circulation during calm conditions. Nutrient concentration and stratification of dissolved oxygen (DO) varied between the lakes. Wind events saw patterns of the surface DO concentrations move spatially in the direction of the wind. The ecosystem model simulation suggested that the water quality in Chini Lake was influenced by macrophyte production, although the dissolved and particulate organic carbon accounted for the major fraction of organic matter content in the lake.  相似文献   

Genetic techniques are widely applied to assess the effects of environmental variation or exogenous impacts on populations. Many studies fail to provide convincing evidence that genetic patterns are attributable to the factors proposed. We assert that a rigorous approach must be followed to distinguish patterns of natural genetic variation from genetic change. We review the principles of natural genetic variation and population structure and present them in the context of their interaction with biological and stochastic sources of genetic change. Key steps are articulated which are often overlooked when applying genetic techniques. These are consideration of population structure when comparing populations, developing a specific test against a model of genetic change, and testing for evidence of direct effects and mechanisms of impact. Use of these steps in genetic ecotoxicology is described in detail and includes three primary methods of linking genetic patterns to the effects of contaminants. We propose that this combined approach is critical to the use of genetic techniques to assess and predict long-term effects of environmental impacts on populations or ecosystems.  相似文献   

The regenerative capacity of ecosystems provides a regulatory basis for sustainable economic growth and development. A natural valuation of an ecosystem's services will arise in a market for developmental rights in the ecosystem using a unit of tradable 'right': E-Scrip. The amount of e-scrip needed for a development may be set by Environmental Assessment. The capacity of the ecosystem to regenerate with developmental pressure may be represented by an independent trader or Factor Proxy for the Environment who provides e-scrip to the market.  相似文献   

This work exemplifies how a given lake (Lake Huljesjön, Sweden) would likely respond to changes in pH-values and to liming (a standard measure against anthropogenic acidification). The basic questions are: How would a liming influence pH? How long would the changes last? How would the changes influence the structure and function of lake ecosystems? The work uses a comprehensive lake ecosystem model, LakeWeb, which accounts for production, biomasses, predation, abiotic/biotic interactions of nine key functional groups of organisms, phytoplankton, bacterioplankton, two types of zooplankton (herbivorous and predatory), two types of fish (prey and predatory), zoobenthos, macrophytes and benthic algae. LakeWeb is a dynamic model and gives weekly variations. It has been critically tested using empirical data and regressions from many lakes. Those tests are not presented here but have shown that the model can capture typical functional and structural patterns in lakes very well. This gives credibility to the results presented in this work, which would be very costly to obtain in the traditional manner by extensive field studies in one or a few lakes. This work presents for the first time predictions at the ecosystem level of how functional groups of organisms (and not individual species) are likely to respond to acidification and liming. Two existing dynamic models, one for liming, the other for Hg-concentrations in fish, have been added to the LakeWeb-model. These two models have previously been tested and proven to yield good predictions. The results presented here indicate that there are several probable changes in the structure and function of the lake foodweb related to acidification and liming. The predicted changes in macrophyte cover will influence the predation pressure on fish, and thereby the fish biomass. Reductions in primary production at low pH-values will cause reductions in fish biomass. There are several interesting compensatory effects between factors that increase fish biomass and factors that tend to decrease the biomass. Such matters can be handled quantitatively by the LakeWeb-model.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on mountain ecosystems has been in the spotlight for the past three decades. Climate change is generally considered to be a threat to ecosystem health in mountain regions. Vegetation indices can be used to detect shifts in ecosystem phenology and climate change in mountain regions while satellite imagery can play an important role in this process. However, what has remained problematic is determining the extent to which ecosystem phenology is affected by climate change under increasingly warming conditions. In this paper, we use climate and vegetation indices that were derived from satellite data to investigate the link between ecosystem phenology and climate change in the Namahadi Catchment Area of the Drakensberg Mountain Region of South Africa. The time series for climate indices as well as those for gridded precipitation and temperature data were analyzed in order to determine climate shifts, and concomitant changes in vegetation health were assessed in the resultant epochs using vegetation indices. The results indicate that vegetation indices should only be used to assess trends in climate change under relatively pristine conditions, where human influence is limited. This knowledge is important for designing climate change monitoring strategies that are based on ecosystem phenology and vegetation health.  相似文献   

Regional monitoring and assessments of the health of forested ecosystems require indicators of forest conditions and environmental stresses. Indicator selections depend on objectives and the strategy for data collection and analysis. This paper recommends a set of indicators to signal changes in forest ecosystem distribution, productivity, and disturbance. Additional measurements are recommended to help ascribe those changes to climate variation, atmospheric deposition, and land use patterns. The rationale for these indicators is discussed in the context of a sequential monitoring and assessment strategy.  相似文献   

利用1985、2000、2013年遥感影像提取的土地覆盖数据,通过景观格局指数、动态度计算、转移矩阵等,分析1985—2013年我国典型地区各类型生态系统景观格局及其动态变化特征、生态系统相互转化时空变化特征等,揭示1985—2013年生态环境格局变化的特点和规律:一级分类生态系统综合变化率,赣江、闽江、白龙江和岷江上游流域分别为4.7%、3.9%、3.3%和1.7%,生态系统变化强度1985—2000年较缓,2000—2013年更剧烈。1985—2013年典型区生态系统的主要转化方向具有持续性和双向性特征,岷江、白龙江和赣江上游流域退耕还林还草政策效果明显,出现较高比例的耕地转为森林和草地;面积占67.4%生态系统类型变化与耕地生态系统和人工表面生态系统变化有关;生态系统变化具有明显的区域差异,生态变化主要表现为沿主要河流谷地的线状延伸,主要城镇居民点附近生态系统类型变化较为突出,人类活动是典型地区生态系统类型格局变化的主要驱动力;典型区尤其是敏感区应加大退耕还林还草政策,减少人类经济活动,降低洪水泥石流灾害发生的概率和程度。  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Saving the Earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The challenges for reversing course in our stewardship of the earth's ecosystems has never been greater. Biodiversity is in decline on an unprecedented scale and it is tempting to use this as an indicator of the health of the earth's ecosystems. In fact it is one of a number of indicators that collectively provides information on trends in the condition of ecosystems. But the larger problem is the lack of integration between the social and natural sciences. Mainstream scientists continue to reject the notion that solving environmental problems requires an integration of values and processes. A conceptual model shows how these facets may be brought together. A holistic vision requires the integration of natural, social and health sciences. From this perspective the linkage between biodiversity, ecosystem resilience and management options is more clearly articulated.  相似文献   

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