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Summary Sustainable development has increasingly come to be seen as a concept which can reconcile the tensions between economic development and environmental protection. However, the concept is a vague one and little work has been undertaken to examine the practical implications of adopting sustainable development as a guiding principle. This paper examines how sustainable development can be defined, and some of the contradictions involved with the concept. The policy implications of sustainable development are examined, with a particular emphasis on industry and employment.His research interests are in sustainable development and local economic development. The work on which this paper is based was undertaken for the Centre for Local Economic Strategies in Manchester.  相似文献   

During the past decade, alumina prices have been highly volatile, so much so that it has endangered the existence of some producers, and limited the ability of some smelters to benefit from higher aluminium prices. Although certain trends can be identified for the 1990s, some factors could again result in large price fluctuations in the alumina market. After a review of those identified trends and factors, this paper attempts to focus on ways to limit the effect of fluctuations in the non-integrated alumina market.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how world steel production and seaborne iron ore trade have grown since 1950. The role of steel production forecasts in determining investment in the iron ore industry is examined. Forecasts for world steel production and the demand and supply of seaborne iron ore in the 1990s are presented. It is predicted that world steel production will increase by 64 million tons between 1991 and 2000. This increase will be located principally in the developing countries and China. The corresponding increase in seaborne iron ore trade will be approximately 55 million tons. Expansion projects will be located mainly in Australia and Brazil, but no greenfield iron ore projects will be undertaken. By the end of the decade, the demand for seaborne iron ore will be equal to its supply.  相似文献   

In the 1990s for the newly industrializing nations of the Pacific Rim and for the OECD countries as well, the demand for energy is expected to increase at a rate in excess of that of the increase in GNP. The demand for coal is likely to increase as well but probably to a lesser degree than GNP. This is because coal can expect increasing competition not from oil, but from natural gas. For a whole host of reasons, economic as well as environmental, gas could be the preferred fuel of the 1990s. Nevertheless, coal prices can be expected to increase but low cost production due to come on stream shortly, is likely to keep those increases modest.  相似文献   

Overseas mineral exploration and mining investment by Australian companies increased dramatically from the early 1990s until 1997. In the wake of the Asian economic crisis and lower commodity prices it declined somewhat in 1998 and 1999. Reflecting their international competitiveness, Australian resource companies were actively involved in projects in about eighty nations in 1999. This study assesses the extent of growth in exploration and mining operations, the distribution between large and small companies and the changing regional focus which has been occurring. It also reflects on some of the key influences on this development. These include a strong domestic finance sector, supporting mining services provision, technological competitiveness, a growing attractiveness of offshore locations and increasing structural impediments at home.  相似文献   

The support of financial markets for the transformation of the energy system to a low carbon society seems critical for its success. But will they support this transformation on the basis of market incentives alone? This study analyses how equity indices that try to capture renewable energy investments perform compared to conventional benchmark indices. Especially financial market investors—such as pension funds, insurance companies, and mutual funds—use these to assess and guide their renewable energy investments. As such, we take the perspective of financial market participants, which mainly only indirectly invest in renewable energy. We also analyze whether renewable energy indices are to be regarded as an example of market environmentalism. We find that the renewable energy indices’ risk-adjusted return is very poor and suggests renewables is not a financially attractive portfolio investment yet. We also argue that renewable energy equity indices can be regarded as an example of market environmentalism, especially with respect to commodification and frame-shifting.  相似文献   

Many Canadian communities are facing resource depletion and high unemployment as a result of a model of economic development which has consistently promoted large capital-intensive, resource-based companies. A new model of sustainable community development is required which incorporates ecological, economic and social concerns. One aspect of sustainable community development is the use and promotion of locally-based and controlled financing mechanisms, including community loan funds, community bonds, and peer lending circles providing micro-credit. Widely successful across the USA and Canada, these 'alternative' financing mechanisms use local control and a proximity to local ecosystems to foster small businesses which are less resource-intensive and create long-term jobs within communities. Improving these financing tools through broader government facilitation of them as innovative public policy instruments, and the incorporation of specific ecological lending and investment screens, could dramatically further the development of healthy communities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of the control by the state of mining and smelting from 1975 to 1989. In 1950, there was little state-owned mining capacity outside the centrally planned economies. A wave of nationalizations of mine assets swept over the developing countries in the late 1960s and early 1970s. State control continued to rise, in developing countries as well as in the developed market economy countries, until the mid-1980s, when the trend reversed. At present some 20% of Western world mineral production is state controlled. The level of control is highest for those minerals mined mainly in the developing countries, and lowest for those minerals mined mainly in the developed market economy countries. The current trend is toward privatization of state-owned mining enterprises in developed countries and it is expected that as the 1990s progress, privatization of such enterprises will also begin to take place in developing countries.  相似文献   

As a result of the debt crisis, per capita income in Latin America in 1990 was 10% below its 1981 level. Many resource exporting countries in the region have undertaken wide and deep reforms in order, among other reasons, to attract and retain long-term capital to fuel growth prospects. One newly proposed long-term instrument for development finance and risk management is the commodity bond. Given the sovereign risk component, the costly premiums that must be paid to insure it and more efficient alternative instruments for both issuers and investors, commodity bonds are unlikely to generate the required long-term capital needed to enhance growth prospects. With the continuing globalization of the goods, factors and currency markets, long-term capital can be attracted and maintained in both developed and developing countries by an attractive investment environment characterized by a competitive microeconomy, a stable macroeconomy, strong global linkages, and a serious programme to improve physical and social infrastructure.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the emerging effects of the Information Technological revolution and examines the likely consequences for planning in Britain. A number of possible scenarios are described as a basis for thinking about the design of a new planning system for the future.  相似文献   

What do General Motors and Ben and Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream have in common? Both companies have endorsed the CERES principles, a model corporate code of environmental conduct developed by the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES). This model code generally goes well beyond what is now typically required of industry to maintain compliance with already stringent requirements established by regulatory agencies. And the CERES principles are not the only game in town. Many other environmental initiatives have surfaced both in the United States and abroad over the past few years. This article discusses six sets of current initiatives and provides managers with a vital tool for discussing these initiatives with top management and others throughout their organizations.  相似文献   

The Global Consultation on Safe Water and Sanitation for the 1990s was an outstanding opportunity for participants from 102 developing countries along with over 60 External Support Agencies (ESA) to assess the experiences of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade 1981–1990 (IDWSSD) and to reach a consensus on strategies and approaches for complete and effective coverage of water supply and sanitation. The resulting New Delhi Statement summarizing the conclusions and recommendations of the Global Consultation was presented to the General Assembly in autumn 1990. As one of the positive results, the New Delhi Consultation agreed that the UN Agencies and other bodies should continue the coordination work of the Steering Committee for Water Supply and Sanitation. It also provided a basis for the restructuring and consolidation of the new Collaborative Council for Water Supply and Sanitation, which will form a continuous consultative body for all UN agencies, NGOs, other external support agencies and developing countries concerned with the water sector.  相似文献   

In considering the prospects for sustainable energy, most studies have focused on developments in the urban and industrial areas. However, in Asia where the bulk of the population continues to live in rural areas, it is essential to monitor the changes occurring in the countryside. Therefore, this paper examines the developments taking place in rural energy in Asia in general and focuses specifically on the situation in China. It is observed that a total reorganization of the energy picture is occurring in rural China with regard to both conventional and non-conventional energy, as a result of the huge market for power and fuel created by rapid economic growth. This has led to new distribution networks for electricity (with the Chinese Government following the example of the US Rural Electrification Administration), fossil fuels and renewable energy systems. The growing affluence of the population coupled with rapid industrialization is producing far-reaching changes in the transportation structure as well as in the household energy structure. The situation in China is seen to be comparable to that in other East and Southeast Asian countries, particularly those which combine a rapidly growing industrial sector with a large rural population engaged in agriculture, such as the Republic of Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia.  相似文献   

This article presents an assessment of Russia's energy sector, its current state and planned future direction. The analysis of Russia's energy trends is based on a set of indicators for sustainable energy development (ISED), developed under the leadership of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The article discusses Russia's Energy Strategy to 2020, and outlines major developments and challenges of the country's energy system. Russia's energy priorities, captured in the Strategy to 2020, emphasize securing a stable and uninterrupted energy supply; reducing energy intensity and improving energy efficiency; developing the domestic energy resource base; reducing negative environmental impacts; and ensuring affordable energy for the poorer segments of the population. Energy needs and challenges are discussed in relation to the three aspects of sustainability as defined in Agenda 21: economic, social and environmental. Concerns are expressed regarding environmental repercussions of energy development, in particular since Russia's 1998 economic rebound. There are also concerns, despite the economic recovery, that anticipated increases in energy tariffs may exceed the affordability of poorer segments of the population.  相似文献   

6 tons C were released to the atmosphere during the period of time covered by our study, equal to approximately 34% of the 1975 vegetation C pool. The Chiapas highlands, while comprising just 0.3% of Mexico's surface area, contributed 3% of the net national C emissions.  相似文献   

Indicators for sustainable energy development in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a summary of a study on the application to the Mexican energy sector of a core set of indicators for sustainable energy development (ISED), developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The study focused on the elaboration of socio‐economic and environmental indicators related to energy production and use, and was aimed at assessing Mexico's existing energy policies and identifying strategies and possible policies that could bring about improvements in major priority areas: energy intensity, atmospheric emissions, energy import dependency and use of renewables. While positive trends have been observed in relation to energy intensity and atmospheric emissions, Mexico is becoming more dependent on imports of gasoline, natural gas and other high‐value secondary energy sources, while exporting significant amounts of primary fuels, such as crude oil. Also, no significant increase has been observed in the use of renewable sources of energy. Social, economic and environmental policies need to be formulated for the energy sector and related investments (public and private) reinforced so that all economic sectors have access to energy from cleaner and more diverse sources.  相似文献   

Windfarms have been developed rapidly in California in the last few years. The impetus has been a legislated goal to generate 10% of California's electricity by windpower by the year 2000, and generous state and federal tax incentives. Windpower is promoted as environmentally benign, which it is in traditional uses. The California program, however, is not traditional: it calls for centralized development of a magnitude sufficient to offset significant amounts of fossil fuels now used to generate electricity.Centralized windfarm development, as exemplified by the Altamont Pass, Tehachapi Mountains, and San Gorgonio Pass developments, involves major road building projects in erosion-sensitive terrain, effective closure of public lands, and other detrimental effects. A windfarm consisting of 200 turbines with 17-m rotors located in steep terrain 16 km from an existing corridor might occupy 235 ha and physically disturb 86 ha. With average annual wind speeds of 22.5 km/h, the farm would generate about 10×106 kWh/year at present levels of capacity. This annual production would offset 1% of one day's consumption of oil in California. To supply 10% of the state's electricity (at 1984 production rates) would require about 600,000 turbines of the type in common use today and would occupy more than 685,000 ha. It is likely that indirect effects would be felt in much larger areas and would include increased air and water pollution resulting from accelerated erosion, degradation of habitat of domestic and wild animals, damage to archaeological sites, and reduction of scenic quality of now-remote areas of the state.  相似文献   

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