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A system, based on annular gold-coated denuders, was optimized and used in the atmospheric sampling of mercury in urban and rural sites of the Alta Floresta, a region in the Brazilian Amazon. Results showed that vapour phase mercury (Hgv) is dominant in samples collected in both sites. However, particulate mercury (Hg) may sometimes be significant at the urban site, with values representing up to 77% of the total Hg collected during sampling, but may also be insignificant at the same site, depending on the gold commercialization activity and, probably, on the meteorological conditions during the sampling period. The presence of mercury in both the vapour and particulate phases in the atmosphere of the urban site can explain the high mercury concentrations found in urban dust reported for some cities in the Amazon, and also the relatively high Hg concentrations found in soils adjacent to the urban centre of Alta Floresta. It appears that the urban dust of "garimpo" areas in the Amazon can act as an efficient adsorber of Hgv emitted by gold dealer operations during the purification process. Mercury emissions from gold dealer shops in the Amazon have been considered as a human health risk through the inhalation of Hg vapour. However, although true for indoor sites, the significant contribution of particulate phase Hg shown in this study in outdoor urban sites calls for a re-evaluation of the risk assessment estimates performed up to now in urban centres in the Amazon.  相似文献   

Mercury vapour adsorption tubes manufactured for pumped sampling and analysis have been evaluated for their performance as passive samplers. This has been done by exposing these tubes in a novel micro-exposure chamber. The uptake rates of these tubes have been found to be low (approximately 0.215 ml min(-1)) as compared to bespoke passive samplers for mercury vapour (typically in excess of 50 ml min(-1)). The measured uptake rates were shown to vary significantly between tubes and this was attributed to the variability in the air-sorbent interface and the proportion of the cross sectional area removed by the crimp in the quartz tubes used to secure the sorbent material. As a result of this variability the uptake rate of each tube must be determined using the micro-exposure chamber prior to deployment. Results have shown that the uptake rate determined in the micro-exposure chamber is invariant of concentration, and therefore these uptakes rates may be determined at a high mercury vapour concentration for many tubes at once in less than one hour. The uptake rate of the adsorption tubes under these conditions may be determined with a precision of 5%. Measurements made on a limited field trial in indoor and outdoor ambient air have shown that these tubes give results in acceptable agreement with more traditional pumped sampling methods, although longer sampling periods are required in order to reduce the uncertainty of the measurement, which is currently approximately 30%.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pollutants from livestock operations influence air quality inside livestock buildings and the air exhausted from them. The climate that prevails inside the building affects human and animal health and welfare, as well as productivity, while emissions from the building contribute to environmental pollution. The aim of this study was to examine the variation of two climatic parameters (namely temperature and relative humidity) and the levels of particulate matter of different sizes (PM10-PM2.5-PM1), as well as the relationships between them, inside a typical Greek naturally ventilated livestock building that hosts mainly sheep. The concentration of particles was recorded during a 45-day period (27/11-10/1), while temperature and relative humidity were observed during an almost 1-year period. The analysis revealed that the variation of outdoor weather conditions significantly influenced the indoor environment, as temperature and relative humidity inside the building varied in accordance to the outside climate conditions. Temperature remained higher indoors than outdoors during the winter and extremely low values were not recorded inside the building. However, the tolerable relative humidity levels recommended by the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR) were fulfilled only in 47% of the hours during the almost 1-year period that was examined. This fact indicates that although temperature was satisfactorily controlled, the control of relative humidity was deficient. The concentration of particulate matter was increased during the cold winter days due to poor ventilation. The maximum daily average value of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 concentration equaled to 363, 61 and 30?μg/m(3) respectively. The concentration of the coarse particles was strongly influenced by the farming activities that were daily taking place in the building, the dust resuspension being considered as the dominant source. A significant part of the fine particles were secondary, which the production of could be attributed to an increase in relative humidity levels. It is concluded that measures have to be adopted in order to achieve sufficient ventilation and to reduce particulate matter levels.  相似文献   

Solid speciation of some trace metals (Pb, Cd, Fe, Mn, Cu) having environmental relevance was studied in coastal particulate sampled during the Austral Spring 2000/2001. A nearshore station situated in the Gerlache Inlet of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) was sampled from November to February. Samples were collected using the in situ filtration system FIS500, equipped with polycarbonate membrane filters having different pore sizes (10 microm, 2 microm and 0.4 microm) for the size fraction analysis of particles. The total concentration of metals was determined both in dissolved and particulate fractions, while speciation was determined on particulate by applying a sequential extraction procedure. Concerning the surface and sub-surface layers, it has been observed that concentration of elements is mainly affected by the dynamic of the pack ice melting and by phytoplankton activity.The solid speciation in November and December is similar for all the studied elements, while some differences can be noted in February, when the pack has completely melted and phytoplankton bloom occurs. With the exception of iron, during this sampling period the quantity of metal associated to the labile fraction increases.  相似文献   

Diverse analytical techniques are available to determine the particle size distribution of potentially toxic elements in matrices of environmental interest such as soil, sediments, freshwater and groundwater. However, a single technique is often not exhaustive enough to determine both particle size distribution and element concentration. In the present work, the investigation of mercury in soil samples collected from a polluted industrial site was performed by using a new analytical approach which makes use of sedimentation field-flow fractionation (SdFFF) coupled to cold vapour generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy (CV-ETAAS). The Hg concentration in the SdFFF fractions revealed a broad distribution from about 0.1 to 1 μm, roughly following the particle size distributions, presenting a maximum at about 400-700 nm in diameter. A correlation between the concentration of Hg in the colloidal fraction and organic matter (O.M.) content in the soil samples was also found. However, this correlation is less likely to be related to Hg sorption to soil O.M. but rather to the presence of colloidal mercuric sulfide particles whose size is probably controlled by the occurrence of dissolved O.M. The presence of O.M. could have prevented the aggregation of smaller particles, leading to an accumulation of mercuric sulfides in the colloidal fraction. In this respect, particle size distribution of soil samples can help to understand the role played by colloidal particles in mobilising mercury (also as insoluble compounds) and provide a significant contribution in determining the environmental impact of this toxic element.  相似文献   

A GC-MS procedure for the determination of hydrocarbons in air samples from Oviedo, Spain, was developed. Air hydrocarbons were sampled with a high volume sampler equipped with a holder containing a glass fiber filter, to trap the particulate phase, and two polyurethane foams to capture hydrocarbons of the vapour phase. Compounds were extracted with CH2Cl2 by Soxhlet extraction and then fractionated using column chromatography with alumina silica. Analyses of the fractions were performed by GC-MS in the electron ionization mode. PAHs and n-alkanes were the compounds examined in this work. Samples collected in the vicinity of the Faculty of Chemistry (a semi-urban area) were analysed. The total concentration of PAHs in the air samples analysed ranged from 28 to 76 ng m(-3). The total concentration of n-alkanes and PAHs in the vapour phase exceeded the concentration in the particulate phase in the samples analysed.  相似文献   

A study on concentrations of ambient particulates viz. total suspended particulate matters (TSP), respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were carried out at six sites around the Asia’s largest, 12 MMTPA, petroleum refinery in west coast of India. PAH concentrations are correlated with each other in these sites, suggesting that they have related sources and sinks. The present article discusses the monitoring aspects such as sample collection, pretreatment and analytical methods and compares the monitored levels for assessing the source receptor distribution pattern. The main sources of RSPM and PAHs in urban air are automobile exhaust (CPCB, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air and their effects on human health. “”, 2003; Manuel et al., Environmental Science and Technology, 13: 227–231, 2004) and industrial emissions like petroleum refinery (Vo-Dinh, Chemical analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Wiley: New York, 1989; Wagrowaski and Hites, Environmental Science and Technology, 31: 279–282, 1997). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are ubiquitous constituents of urban airborne particulate mostly generated by anthropogenic activities (Li et al., Environmental Science and Technology, 37:1958–2965, 2003; Thorsen et al., Environmental Science and Technology, 38: 2029–2037, 2004; Ohura et al., Environmental Science and Technology, 32: 450–455, 2004) and some of them are of major health concern mainly due to their well-known carcinogenic and mutagenic properties (Soclo et al., Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40: 387–396, 2000; Chen et al., Environment International, 28: 659–668, 2003; Larsen and Baker, Environmental Science and Technology, 32: 450–455, 2003). Limited information is available on PAHs contributions from refineries to ambient air. Hence this study would not only create a database but also provide necessary inputs towards dose-response relationship for fixing standards. Also, since it acts as precursor to green house gas, the data would be useful for climate change assessments. The objective of this article is to find out the concentration of PAHs in particulate matter around petroleum refinery and compare with their concentrations in major Indian urban centers.  相似文献   

The daily and seasonal atmospheric concentrations, deposition fluxes and emission sources of a few C3–C9 gaseous alkyl nitrates (ANs) at the Belgian coast (De Haan) on the Southern North Sea were determined. An adapted sampler design for low- and high-volume air-sampling, optimized sample extraction and clean-up, as well as identification and quantification of ANs in air samples by means of gas chromatography mass spectrometry, are reported. The total concentrations of ANs ranged from 0.03 to 85 pptv and consisted primarily of the nitro-butane and nitro-pentane isomers. Air mass backward trajectories were calculated by the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model to determine the influence of main air masses on AN levels in the air. The shorter chain ANs have been the most abundant in the Atlantic/Channel/UK air masses, while longer chain ANs prevailed in continental air. The overall mean N fluxes of the ANs were slightly higher for summer than those for winter-spring, although their contributions to the total nitrogen flux were low. High correlations between AN and HNO2 levels were observed during winter/spring. During summer, the shorter chain ANs correlated well with precipitation. Source apportionment by means of principal component analysis indicated that most of the gas phase ANs could be attributed to traffic/combustion, secondary photochemical formation and biomass burning, although marine sources may also have been present and a contributing factor.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean seas and coastal zones, rivers can be the main source of mercury (Hg). Catchment management therefore affects the load of Hg reaching the sea with surface runoff. The major freshwater inflows to the Baltic Sea consist of large rivers. However, their systems are complex and identification of factors affecting the outflow of Hg from its catchments is difficult. For this reason, a study into the impact of watershed land use and season on mercury biogeochemistry and transport in rivers was performed along two small rivers which may be considered typical of the southern Baltic region. Neither of these rivers are currently impacted by industrial effluents, thus allowing assessment of the influence of catchment terrain and season on Hg geochemistry. The study was performed between June 2008 and May 2009 at 13 sampling points situated at different terrain types within the catchments (forest, wetland, agriculture and urban). Hg analyses were conducted by CVAFS. Arable land erosion was found to be an important source of Hg to the aquatic system, similar to urban areas. Furthermore, inflows of untreated storm water discharge resulted in a fivefold increase of Hg concentration in the rivers. The highest Hg concentration in the urban runoff was observed with the greatest amount of precipitation during summer. Moderate rainfalls enhance the inflow of bioavailable dissolved mercury into water bodies. Despite the lack of industrial effluents entering the rivers directly, the sub-catchments with anthropogenic land use were important sources of Hg in the rivers. This was caused by elution of metal, deposited in soils over the past decades, into the rivers. The obtained results are especially important in the light of recent environmental conscience regulations, enforcing the decrease of pollution by Baltic countries.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of nitric acid (HNO3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate nitrate and particulate sulfate on the urban- and mountain-facing sides of Mt. Gokurakuji were measured from November 2002 to October 2003, in order to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic activity on air quality and dry deposited nitrate and sulfate on the surfaces of pine foliage. The results showed that HNO3, SO2 and concentrations were significantly higher (P < 0.05) on the urban-facing side (1.54, 2.48 and 0.65 μg m−3, respectively) than the mountain-facing side (0.67, 1.19 and 0.37 μg m−3, respectively), while concentrations did not differ significantly between the two sides (urban-facing: 2.80 μg m−3; mountain−facing: 2.05 μg m−3). Indirect estimates of dry deposition rates of nitrate and sulfate to the surfaces of pine foliage based on the measured concentrations approximately agreed with the measured values determined by the foliar rinsing technique in a previous study. It was found that HNO3 was the major source (approximately 80%) of dry deposited nitrate on pine foliage, while the contribution from was about equal to that from SO2. In conclusion, HNO3 and SO2 appear to be dominant species reflecting higher dry deposition rates of nitrate and sulfate on the urban-facing side compared to the mountain-facing side of Mt. Gokurakuji.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate blood mercury (B-Hg) concentration of residents living in the vicinity of Chatian mercury mine (CMM) in southwestern China and to assess the possible effects on renal function. It evaluates the effects of gender and age (children, <18 years; adults, 18–60 years; elderly, >60 years) on the B-Hg and serum creatinine (SCR) and serum urea nitrogen (SUN) levels. In the CMM, elevated levels were found for B-Hg, SCR, and SUN with mean values at 6.09 μg/L, 74.21 μmol/L, and 13.26 mmol/L, which were significantly higher than those in the control area, respectively. Moreover, the coefficients between paired results for B-Hg and SCR and SUN levels were positive at statistical significance (B-Hg vs. SCR, r?=?0.45, p?<?0.01; B-Hg vs. SUN, r?=?0.20, p?<?0.05). The aforementioned results revealed that mercury exposure can cause human renal function impairment. B-Hg, SCR, and SUN can also be useful biomarkers to assess the extent of mercury exposure among residents in areas with extensive mining activities. Furthermore, data analysis revealed that there was a tendency for higher B-Hg, SCR, and SUN levels in females than in males, and the levels of B-Hg, SCR, and SUN increased among the older residents. We conclude that females and the elderly in the mining area were more susceptible to mercury exposure, and therefore, they deserve further research.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) records in natural archives such as peat bogs are often used to evaluate anthropogenic or climatic influences on atmospheric Hg deposition. In this context, there is an ongoing discussion about natural sources or processes of Hg enrichment in natural archives. In the present study we estimated Hg fluxes from rock weathering, direct atmospheric deposition and from indirect atmospheric deposition in the catchment of a pristine minerogenic fen (GC2) located in the Magellanic Moorlands, southernmost Chile. The Hg record in the bog covers 11 174 cal. (14)C years and shows Hg concentrations of up to 570 [micro sign]g kg(-1) with an average of 268 [micro sign]g kg(-1). Hg was found to be enriched in the peat by a factor of 81 if compared to the mean Hg concentrations in the rocks of the catchment (3.2 [micro sign]g kg(-1)). Hg and also Pb, Fe, and As were found to be enriched predominately in goethite layers indicating high retention of these elements in the bog by iron oxyhydrates. It could also be demonstrated that the high peat decomposition rates in minerogenic bogs can increase the Hg concentrations in the minerogenic peat by a factor of approximately 2 at the same atmospheric Hg deposition rate if compared to ombrotrophic sites. This study has shown that Hg in minerogenic peat can be naturally enriched especially through the retention by autochthonous formed goethite and can be a solely internal process which does not require increased external Hg fluxes.  相似文献   

The USEPA replaced TSP with PM10 as the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for particulate matter. The commercially available PM10 sampler is a high-volume model using quartz fiber filters. In certain investigations, such as source apportionment studies, chemical analysis of the filter is necessary, however, many analyses cannot be run on quartz filters. An alternate filter such as Teflon is amenable to XRF and ion chemical analyses but is not amenable to analysis for carbon. To overcome these problems DRI constructed a medium-volume PM10 sampler that is capable of collecting particulates on both Teflon and quartz fiber filters simultaneously. This paper describes the design of the DRI medium-volume PM10 sampler, discusses a method for determining equivalence of two samplers, the results of applying the method to test the equivalence of the medium-volume sampler and a commerical high-volume sampler, and examines differences between PM10 and TSP measurements in a southwestern desert.  相似文献   

Ports can generate large quantity of pollutants in the atmosphere due to various activities like loading and unloading,transportation, and construction operations. Determination of the character and quantity of emissions from individual sources is an essential step in any project to control and minimize the emissions.In this study a detailed emission inventory of total suspendedparticulate matter (TSP), particulate matter less than 10 m(PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) for a port and harbour project near Mumbai is compiled. Results show that the total annual average contributions of TSP and PM10 from all the port activitieswere 872 and 221 t yr-1, respectively. Annual average emissions of gaseous pollutants SO2 and NOxwere 56 and 397 t yr-1, respectively, calculatedby using emission factors for different port activities. The maximum TSP emission (419 t yr -1) was from paved roads, while the least (0.4 t yr-1) was from bulk handling activity. The maximum PM10 emission (123 t yr-1) was from unpaved roads and minimum (0.2 t yr-1) from bulk handling operations. Similarly the ratio of TSP and PM10 emission was highest (5.18) from paved roads and least (2.17) from bulk handling operations. Regression relation was derivedfrom existing emission data of TSP and PM10 from variousport activities. Good correlation was observed between TSP andPM10 having regression coefficient >0.8.  相似文献   

Cross-shore interactions between the ocean and a coastal aquifer have been studied extensively, whereas the corresponding along-shore case has seldom been examined. This paper presents a numerical model that simulates two-dimensional groundwater flow averaged over the thickness of a coastal aquifer. The model is used to examine the essential features of tide-induced, along-shore effects on an aquifer adjacent to a cross-shore river. The results show that the tide, which fluctuates the water level in the river, induces groundwater table fluctuations and oscillating flows in the along-shore direction. This occurs even at locations much further inland than tidal cross-shore fluctuations can propagate. However, the magnitude of along-shore water table fluctuations and flow velocity at a given cross-shore distance decreases with the distance from the river in the same manner as cross-shore tidal fluctuations. The along-shore groundwater flow, together with the cross-shore flow, forms horizontal circulation and increases mixing of solute in the aquifer. Over a tidal period, a large amount of water exchange occurs at the river-aquifer and ocean-aquifer interfaces, leading to increased transfer of chemicals between the three water bodies. These results have implications for the management of waste discharge in estuaries and coastal aquifers.  相似文献   

本研究利用大气超级站对乌鲁木齐市4月9日至10日沙尘天气过程,粒径谱、离子和重金属组成及变化进行分析.研究结果表明激光雷达观测结果与环境空气质量监测基本一致;小粒径颗粒在沙尘和非沙尘时段含量最多,但在沙尘时段大粒径颗粒的增长幅度远大于小粒径;沙尘过程中的离子主要来源于土壤一次源;沙尘过程中地壳元素浓度及占比均显著升高,...  相似文献   

大气颗粒物采样器的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
自行开发设计大气颗粒物双通道采样器,通过更换粒径切割器实现对大气总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)或细颗粒物(PM2.5)样品的采集。该仪器通过流量传感器、比例阀和流量控制板精确控制每个通道的采样流量,控制系统还可实时采集大气环境温度、压力、湿度、风速和风向5个气象参数,并根据环境温度、压力的变化对采样的体积流量进行补偿计算,以确保进样口体积流量恒定,保证粒径切割准确。在2011年深圳大学生运动会期间(8月12—23日)和后期(8月24日至9月4日),利用该仪器进行了大气环境野外观测实验,并对该仪器和Thermo2300采样器的结果进行了平行性分析和对比分析,其平行结果和对比结果相关系数均大于0.99。  相似文献   

Eight species of desert vegetation and associated soils were collected from the Nevada National Security Site (N2S2) and analyzed for 238Pu and 239 + 240Pu concentrations. Amongst the plant species sampled were: atmospheric elemental accumulators (moss and lichen), the very slow growing, long-lived creosote bush and the rapidly growing, short-lived cheatgrass brome. The diversity of growth strategies provided insight into the geochemical behavior and bio-availability of Pu at the N2S2. The highest concentrations of Pu were measured in the onion moss (24.27 Bq kg-1 238Pu and 52.78 Bq kg-1 239 + 240Pu) followed by the rimmed navel lichen (8.18 Bq kg-1 and 18.4 Bq kg-1 respectively), pointing to the importance of eolian transport of Pu. Brome and desert globemallow accumulated between 3 and 9 times higher concentrations of Pu than creosote and sage brush species. These results support the importance of species specific elemental accumulation strategies rather than exposure duration as the dominant variable influencing Pu concentrations in these plants. Total vegetation elemental concentrations of Ce, Fe, Al, Sm and others were also analyzed. Strong correlations were observed between Fe and Pu. This supports the conclusion that Pu was accumulated as a consequence of the active accumulation of Fe and other plant required nutrients. Cerium and Pu are considered to be chemical analogs. Strong correlations observed in plants support the conclusion that these elements displayed similar geochemical behavior in the environment as it related to the biochemical uptake process of vegetation. Soils were also sampled in association with vegetation samples. This allowed for the calculation of a concentration ratio (CR). The CR values for Pu in plants were highly influenced by the heterogeneity of Pu distribution among sites. Results from the naturally occurring elements of concern were more evenly distributed between sample sites. This allowed for the development of a pattern of plant species that accumulated Ce, Sm, Fe and Al. The highest accumulators of these elements were onion moss, lichen flowed by brome. The lowest accumulators were creosote bush and fourwing saltbush. This ranked order corresponds to plant accumulations of Pu.  相似文献   

Total suspended particulate (TSP), PM(2.5) and BTEX were collected in nine offices in the province of Antwerp, Belgium. Both indoor and outdoor aerosol samples were analysed for their weight, elemental composition, and water-soluble fraction. Indoor TSP and PM(2.5) concentrations ranged from 7-31 microg m(-3) and 5-28 microg m(-3), with an average of 18 and 11 microg m(-3), respectively. Of all the elements analysed in indoor TSP, more than 95% was represented by Al, Si, K, Ca, Fe, Cl and S, accounting for 12% of the TSP by mass. The other elements showed significant enrichment relative to the earth's crust. The water-soluble ionic fraction accounted for almost 30% of the sampled indoor TSP by weight, and was enriched by anthropogenic activities. It was shown that the indoor PM levels varied among the offices, depending on the ventilation pattern, location, and occupation density of the office. Indoor BTEX levels ranged together from 5-47 microg m(-3) and were considerably higher than the corresponding outdoor levels. It was observed that some recently constructed and renovated buildings were clearly burdened with elevated levels for toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes, while outdoor air was found to be the main source for BTEX levels at the 'older' offices.  相似文献   

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