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The Lead–Zinc Company region, Kardjali city, Bulgaria, is known to be highly polluted with heavy metals from its pyrometallurgical activities. The polluted levels and the chemical speciation in surface natural waters in the region as well as in the wastewaters of the factory were investigated in January 2008 by application of monitoring studies, thermodynamic modeling, and interpretation in terms of the “softness–hardness” factor. It was found that the levels of trace metals pollution of surface waters were lower than the legislation limits for the regions with Pb and Zn production. The wastewater treatment facilities of the company were found to operate properly, and the quality of the cleaned waters in station Kar4 was comparable to the other surface waters studied (e.g., station Kar5). The trace metals were divided into three groups: (1) Fe3?+? and Al3?+?, being “hard” acids, existed in all the studied waters as hydroxy species Fe(OH) $_{2}^{+}$ , AlOH2?+?, and Al(OH) $_{2}^{+}$ , followed by the phosphate species AlPO $_{4}^{0}$ and Al2(OH)2PO $_{4}^{+}$ ; (2) Mn2?+?, Zn2?+?, and Cd2?+? being “soft” acids with crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) = 0 were present in natural waters mainly as free Me2?+? ions. Small concentrations of their MeSO $_{4}^{0}$ , MeCO $_{3}^{0}$ species, and of MeCl $_{2}^{0}$ (Me = Zn, Cd) species were also calculated. In the wastewaters, two more species [Me(SO $_{4})_{2}^{2-}$ and Me(SO $_{4})_{3}^{4-}$ ] of the softer Zn and Cd metals were also calculated; (3) Cu2?+? and Pb2?+?, as “soft” acids with CFSE $\ne $ 0 preferentially coordinated with softer CO $_{3}^{2-}$ ions and in natural waters existed mainly as MeCO $_{3}^{0}$ and PbHCO $_{3}^{+}$ , followed by free Me2?+?ions and MeOH?+?. In the wastewaters, MeSO $_{4}^{0}$ and Pb(SO $_{4})_{2}^{2-}$ species increased at the expense of the free Me2?+? ions. The highest self-cleaning capability of natural waters was found with respect to Al and Fe, followed by Mn and Cd. The lowest corresponded to Pb, Cu, and Zn.  相似文献   

Monitoring studies and thermodynamic modeling were used to reveal the changes of inorganic chemical species of some water pollutants (nutrients and trace metals such as Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb) inthe river-estuary-sea water system. The case studies were two rivers, Kamchiya and Ropotamo, representing part of the Bulgarian Black Sea water catchment area, and having different flow characteristics. There were no major differences in inorganic chemical species of the two river systems. NO3(-) and NO2(-) chemical species showed no changes along the river-estuary-sea water system. Concerning phosphates six different species were calculated and differences between the three parts of the systems were established. The HPO4(2-) and H2PO4(-) species were found to be dominant in river waters. The H2PO4(-) species quickly decreased at the expense of HPO4(2-) and Ca, Mg and Na phosphate complexes in estuary and seawater. Trace metals showed a great variety of chemical species. Fe(OH)2(+) species prevailed in river waters, and Fe(OH)3(0) species--in sea waters. Me2+ and MeCO3(0) (Me = Cu, Pb) and PbHCO3(+) were dominant in river waters, while Cu(CO3)2(2-) and PbCl(-) species appear also in sea waters. Cd2+ species prevailed in river and estuary waters, and CdCln(2-n) (n = 1-3) species, in seawater. Free Zn2+ species predominated in all systems but downstream their percentage decreased at the expense of Zn phosphates, carbonates,sulfates and chlorides complexes. Only free Mn2+ species were dominant along the systems.  相似文献   

The contribution of Korean forests to carbon sequestration for anthropogenic carbon emissions was evaluated. In addition, monitoring of carbon species released from forest fires was conducted. Despite a high carbon uptake by Korean forests, a tremendous increase in fossil fuel burning resulted in a small contribution by forests to carbon removal. The removal efficiency had a 5–31% range with an average of 12% during the period 1973–2002. In 2000, the amount of carbon released from burned trees corresponded to 1.6% of carbon uptake by forests. The distribution of surface CO concentration (ppb) derived from MOPITT (Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere) showed high CO levels over the East/Japan Sea on April 10, 2000 when the largest forest fires occurred along the east coast of Korea. Trajectory analysis and ground CO measurements also indicated that CO levels over the East/Japan Sea were influenced by forest fires. This study suggests that continuous monitoring of carbon emissions from forest fires is needed for a more reliable estimate of carbon flux in the environment.  相似文献   

Over the last years, the capabilities of chemical transport models have been greatly improved and the need for more accurate emission data has increased as well. In the past, a number of emission models have been developed and present different functionalities and applications. The majority of these though cover very specific needs. This paper describes the development of a new emission model namely computer model for the construction of model-ready emission inventories (MOSESS) which is used to compile high-resolution emission inventories or improve existing ones, utilizing complex GIS techniques. The model aims in helping chemical modelers to obtain a better overview of their modeling application by having a comprehensive understanding of the emission input. MOSESS incorporates more than 70 different emission calculation methodologies, and it is capable of handling external emission databases (such as EMEP and EPER) from which emissions can be extracted. The temporal variation (annual/daily and diurnal processing), chemical speciation of NMVOCs and particles, vertical distribution and point source treatment, as well as the spatial disaggregation of emissions (utilizing numerous spatial proxies including high-resolution landuses) can help create model-ready emission inventories which can be used for contemporary modeling applications.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical data of groundwater from the semi-confined aquifer of a coastal two-tier aquifer in Amol–Ghaemshahr plain, Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran reveal salinization of the fresh groundwater (FGW). The saline groundwater zone is oriented at an angle to both Caspian Sea coastline and groundwater flow direction and extends inland from the coastline for more than 40 km. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient matrices, factor analysis data, and values of C ratio, chloro-alkaline indices, and Na+/Cl? molar ratio indicate that the ionic load in the FGW is derived essentially from carbonic acid-aided weathering of carbonates and aluminosilicate minerals, relict connate saline water, and ion exchange reactions. Saline groundwater samples (SGWS) (n?=?20) can be classified into two groups. SGWS of group 1 (n?=?17) represent the saline groundwater zone below the Caspian Sea level, and salinization is attributed essentially to (1) lateral intrusion of Caspian seawater as a consequence of (a) excessive withdrawal of groundwater from closely spaced bore wells located in the eastern part of the coastal zone and (b) imbalance between recharge and discharge of the two-tier aquifer and (2) upconing of paleobrine (interfaced with FGW) along deep wells. SGWS of this group contain, on average, 7.9 % of saltwater, the composition of which is similar to that of Caspian seawater. SGWS of group 2 (n?=?3) belong to the saline groundwater zone encountered above the Caspian Sea level, and salinization of the groundwater representing these samples is attributed to irrigation return flow (n?=?2) and inflow of saline river water (n?=?1).  相似文献   

The Hydrologic Benchmark Network (HBN) is a long-term monitoring program established by the US Geological Survey in the 1960s to track changes in the streamflow and stream chemistry in undeveloped watersheds across the USA. Trends in stream chemistry were tested at 15 HBN stations over two periods (1970–2010 and 1990–2010) using the parametric Load Estimator (LOADEST) model and the nonparametric seasonal Kendall test. Trends in annual streamflow and precipitation chemistry also were tested to help identify likely drivers of changes in stream chemistry. At stations in the northeastern USA, there were significant declines in stream sulfate, which were consistent with declines in sulfate deposition resulting from the reductions in SO2 emissions mandated under the Clean Air Act Amendments. Sulfate declines in stream water were smaller than declines in deposition suggesting sulfate may be accumulating in watershed soils and thereby delaying the stream response to improvements in deposition. Trends in stream chemistry at stations in other part of the country generally were attributed to climate variability or land disturbance. Despite declines in sulfate deposition, increasing stream sulfate was observed at several stations and appeared to be linked to periods of drought or declining streamflow. Falling water tables might have enhanced oxidation of organic matter in wetlands or pyrite in mineralized bedrock thereby increasing sulfate export in surface water. Increasing sulfate and nitrate at a station in the western USA were attributed to release of soluble salts and nutrients from soils following a large wildfire in the watershed.  相似文献   

Wetlands provide many important goods and services to human societies, and generate nonuse values as well. Wetlands are also very sensitive ecosystems that are subject to much stress from human activities. Reducing the stress on wetlands requires a spatial matching between physical planning, hydrological and ecological processes, and economic activities. Spatially integrated modelling and evaluation can support this. The present study has developed a triple layer model that integrates information and concepts from social and natural sciences to address the analysis and evaluation of land-use scenarios for a wetlands area in the Netherlands, the Vecht area. This is the floodplain of river Vecht, located in the centre of the Netherlands. The study has resulted in a set of linked spatial hydrological, ecological and economic models, formulated at the level of grids and polders. The main activities incorporated in the system of models are housing, infrastructure, agriculture, recreation and nature conservation. The formulation of alternative development scenarios is dominated by land use and land cover options that are consistent with the stimulation of agriculture, nature or recreation. Two aggregate performance indicators have been constructed from model output, namely net present value of changes and environmental quality. The spatial characteristics of these indicators are retained in a spatial evaluation that ranks scenarios.  相似文献   

Songnen Plain in Northeast China is one of the most significantly altered biological hotspots on Earth. Based on the information from integrated topographic maps, Landsat MSS, TM/ETM images and geographic information systems, grassland cover change, grassland fragmentation, agricultural reclamation, and saline–alkaline wasteland expansion in the region were investigated for the period of 1954 to 2000. The results showed that the native grassland decreased by 44.6 × 104 ha and moderate density grassland decreased from 78.3 × 104 to 20.3 × 104 ha. Calculated from change dynamic model, the annual decrease rate of grassland was 1.1%.The distribution center of the grasslands illustrated a trend of shifting southeastward. The distance between centroids of grassland was 10.1 km. The numbers of grassland patch increased by 1,378, while the patch size of grasslands declined. Grassland experienced substantial clearing and fragmentation. The decreased grassland was converted into cropland, wetland, and saline–alkaline wasteland. The loss and degradation of grasslands was closely related to regional climate during the past 47 years. Population and livestock number increased significantly as grassland quality decreased. Intensive human activities including irrational reclamation and overgrazing may have accelerated the degradation of grasslands.  相似文献   

This paper describes a three-dimensional numerical model of heat flux using finite-difference approximation for the simulation, prediction, and visualization of sediment, water, and air temperature, applied in Villa del Mar saltmarsh, Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina. To make this computation, we develop an open-source software tool called Hemera 1.0 which is characterized by having little complexity and low hardware requirements. The model considers three heat transfer processes: diffusion, convection, and radiation, using bulk aerodynamic formulas as boundary conditions between the interfaces. The aforementioned model was applied for the month of January 2009. The model reproduced adequately the physical processes of the heat balance and showed an adequate response to changes in the boundary conditions. In addition, according to the model design, meteorological and oceanographic data and some soil properties are the only data input used for modeling. It is easily adaptable to other environments such us lakes and reservoirs, among others, in order to carry out similar studies.  相似文献   

Although Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy) is one of the most important Mytilus galloprovincialis farming areas, data concerning the natural bacterial microbiota of these mussels and their surrounding environment are still scant. This study was carried out seasonally, throughout a year, to determine culturable heterotrophic bacteria both in the water and mussels samples collected at three sampling sites in the Northern Ionian Sea: S. Vito, Lido Gandoli and Lido Silvana. Culturable heterotrophic bacteria abundance was determined by spread plate on Marine Agar. Heterotrophic bacteria were identified by several morphological, culture and biochemical methods. Bacterial concentrations were higher in the mussel samples compared to the corresponding seawater throughout the year. Among Gram negative heterotrophic bacteria, Aeromonas prevailed both in the water (18%) and mussel samples (40%). Other genera such as Moraxella, Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Acinetobacter, Flavobacterium, Chromobacterium, Photobacterium and Flexibacter were present with different percentages of isolation. Bacilli were predominant among Gram positive bacteria. Some genera (Lucibacterium and Vibrio) were present only in mussel samples. The results obtained contribute to improve the knowledge on both the bacterial abundance and diversity in mussels and the surrounding seawater in the Northern Ionian Sea.  相似文献   

The Hulunbir grassland experienced aeolian desertification expansion during 1975–2000, but local rehabilitation during 2000–2006. Northern China suffered severe aeolian desertification during the past 50 years. Hulunbir grassland, the best stockbreeding base in Northern China, was also affected by aeolian desertification. To evaluate the evolution and status of aeolian desertification, as well as its causes, satellite images (acquired in 1975, 1984, 2000, and 2006) and meteorological and socioeconomic data were interpreted and analyzed. The results show there was 2,345.7, 2,899.8, 4,053.9, and 3,859.6 km2 of aeolian desertified land in 1975, 1984, 2000, and 2006, respectively. The spatial pattern dynamic had three stages: stability during 1975–1984, fast expansion during 1984–2000, and spatial transfer during 2000–2006. The dynamic degree of aeolian desertification is negatively related to its severity. Comprehensive analysis shows that the human factor is the primary cause of aeolian desertification in Hulunbir grassland. Although aeolian desertified land got partly rehabilitated, constant increase of extremely severe aeolian desertified land implied that current measures were not effective enough on aeolian desertification control. Alleviation of grassland pressure may be an effective method.  相似文献   

Surface water from rivers or lakes, infiltrating through porous media, is increasingly used as a source of public water supply. During bank filtration the water chemistry is substantially changed by various processes such as biodegradation, sorption and mixing with ambient groundwater, but the details of this natural attenuation are not yet entirely understood. In order to gain a better understanding, the degradation of an organic substance (DTPA) is examined here using various model approaches for steady state conditions. Models are fitted on data from an experimental study under near-field conditions. The results show advantages and disadvantages of the different model approaches and provide a guideline for the modelling of other organic substances under different but similar conditions.  相似文献   

A new, simple, sensitive, and selective spectrophotometric method for the determination of copper in water and soil samples has been demonstrated. The method is based on the reaction of Cu(I) with neocuproine (2,9-dimethyl-1, 10-phenanothroline) and extracted with N-phenyl benzimidoylthiourea in chloroform. The value of molar absorptivity of the complex in the term of Cu(I) is 1.45 × 105 L mol???1 cm???1 at λ max 460 nm in chloroform. The detection limit of copper in water and soil is 2 ng mL???1 and 4 ng g???1, respectively. The method is free from the interference of the ions commonly found to be associated with the copper determination in water and soil samples. The application of the proposed method has been successfully tested for the determination of copper in different types of water and soil samples.  相似文献   

We describe and evaluate a laboratory bioassay that uses Lemna minor L. and attached epiphytes to characterize the status of ambient and nutrient-enriched water from the Portneuf River, Idaho. Specifically, we measured morphological (number of fronds, longest surface axis, and root length) and population-level (number of plants and dry mass) responses of L. minor and community-level (ash-free dry mass [AFDM] and chlorophyll a [Chl a]) responses of epiphytes to nutrient enrichment. Overall, measures of macrophyte biomass and abundance increased with increasing concentrations of dissolved phosphorus (P) and responded more predictably to nutrient enrichment than morphological measures. Epiphyte AFDM and Chl a were also greatest in P-enriched water; enrichments of N alone produced no measurable epiphytic response. The epiphyte biomass response did not directly mirror macrophyte biomass responses, illustrating the value of a combined macrophyte–epiphyte assay to more fully evaluate nutrient management strategies. Finally, the most P-enriched waters not only supported greater standing stocks of macrophyte and epiphytes but also had significantly higher water column dissolved oxygen and dissolved organic carbon concentrations and a lower pH. Advantages of this macrophyte–epiphyte bioassay over more traditional single-species assays include the use of a more realistic level of biological organization, a relatively short assay schedule (~10 days), and the inclusion of multiple biological response and water-quality measures.  相似文献   

This quantitative and qualitative study aimed to evaluate the level of fungal contamination in computer keyboards from an Integrated Health Center (IHC) at Piauí, Brazil, and to evaluate the efficacy of 50% sodium bicarbonate and 50% alcoholic vinegar solutions to eliminate these microorganisms. Ten keyboards from six sectors of the IHC were chosen randomly, and the collection was performed in three situations: (i) before of disinfection, (ii) after disinfection with solution of sodium bicarbonate, and (iii) after disinfection with solution of alcoholic vinegar. Samples were inoculated in Petri dishes with dextrose agar potato plus chloramphenicol and incubated at room temperature for 72 h. All keyboards were contaminated with opportunistic fungi, with Cladosporium cladosporioides (29.4%) being the most frequent species, followed by Curvularia lunata (17.6%) and Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternata, and Curvularia clavata with 11.8% each. The two solutions were proven to be efficient in eliminating fungal contamination; however, the sodium bicarbonate solution caused esthetic damages in keyboards. In addition, this study is the first report of the antifungal activity of alcoholic vinegar in filamentous fungi. Based on our findings, we suggest a daily disinfection of keyboards with a 50% vinegar solution plus adequate hygiene from the hands of professionals before and after the use of the computer and its annexes, as key actions to reduce nosocomial infections, particularly in economically disadvantaged countries.  相似文献   

Traffic noise results from highways where the most important source of noise in cities. This noise has the properties of linear source. Constitution of noise maps has become compulsory to see the regions that are influenced from the noise, and to put forward the future environmental approaches. During the mapping of the noise, generally two fundamental problems are encountered, excessive time requirement for the measurement of noise and determining the method for the constitution of maps.This study was conducted in Sanliurfa city of Turkey, in 3×4 km area. Continuous weekly data were obtained in 11 measurement points. By using these data in (GIS) environment, preparation of the most reliable map in the shortest time is achieved by the interpolation method.  相似文献   

Dissipation of chlorpyriphos and cypermethrin in chilli was studied following three applications of a combination formulation of Nurelle-D 505 (chlorpyriphos 50 %?+?cypermethrin 5 %) at 1 and 2 L?ha?1 at an interval of 15 days. Residues of chlorpyriphos and cypermethrin in chilli were estimated by gas–liquid chromatography and confirmed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Half-life periods for chlorpyriphos were found to be 4.43 and 2.01 days, whereas for cypermethrin these values were observed to be 2.51 and 2.64 days at single and double the application rates, respectively. Residues of chlorpyriphos dissipated to more than 80 % after 10 days at both the dosages. However, residues of cypermethrin dissipated to the extent of more than 70 % in 7 days. Soil samples collected after 15 days of the last application did not show the presence of chlorpyriphos and cypermethrin at their respective determination limit of 0.01 mg?kg?1. The use of chlorpyriphos and cypermethrin mixture at the recommended dosage does not seem to pose any hazards to the consumers, and a waiting period of 1 day is suggested to reduce the risk before consumption of green chilli.  相似文献   

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