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The measurements of noise levels in residential, industrial and commercial areas in the capital city of India, Delhi, were carried out in the month of March and April, 1992. Six sites in residential areas, four in industrial areas and nine in commercial areas were chosen, which were situated in different parts of Delhi. The results of statistical analysis of sound pressure levels show that commercial areas have the highest noise levels followed by industrial and residential areas. Spectral distribution of noise at octave band frequencies have also been presented for the above mentioned areas.  相似文献   

本文以"十三五"环境统计数据及巴音郭楞蒙古自治州统计年鉴为数据源分析了巴州污染源时空变化及污染物排放强度,总结出污染物排放主要受社会经济生产、能源消耗、产业发展及环境保护政策等综合因素影响,并提出了建议以期政策实施促进巴州环境经济可持续发展.  相似文献   

We validated an existing physically based 3D MIKE SHE groundwater resource model (DK-model) at 175 Danish gauging stations covering different catchment sizes in order to calculate monthly water runoff in the 50% ungauged part of Denmark. Model performance was in most cases good (61% of gauging stations had a Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) coefficient >0.60) but nevertheless showed a large seasonal and georegion specific bias. Therefore, bias correction factors had to be developed before applying the DK-model simulations of runoff in the ungauged areas. Simulated monthly runoff from ungauged areas and the measured monthly runoff from 178 gauging stations were distributed to 2663 smaller Hydrological Units (ca. 15 km(2)) and linked with a new empirical model for flow-weighted monthly total nitrogen (TN) concentrations (R(2) = 0.43; P < 0.0001) developed based on 20 years of observations (1990-2009) in 83 small catchments for calculation of monthly gross diffuse TN-loads from HU's. Nitrogen retention was calculated in streams, lakes and wetlands utilising both lake specific models and rate coefficients to calculate N retention in surface water bodies. The whole model complex was linked in the DK-QN concept for simulation of monthly TN losses from point sources and diffuse sources, TN retention and resulting loadings to Danish coastal waters. The DK-QN model was validated in 118 gauged catchments and the model simulations had for >25% of the observations of monthly discharge weighted TN concentrations a NS larger than 0.26. Catchment specific monthly TN-loadings were modelled with a higher performance as 50% of the catchments had a NS greater than 0.75. The model concept allows calculation of N retention in streams, lakes and wetlands and the average annual model calculated N retention amounted to 21% of the modelled gross riverine TN loadings. The average annual gross TN loading to surface freshwater in Denmark derived from diffuse sources amounted to 97 000 tonnes N (91% of gross TN loadings) which is 54% of the total estimated N-leaching from the root zone on the Danish land area (212 000 tonnes N) during the period 1990-2009.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to assess the quality of rainstorm runoffs from an industrial park developed to accommodate general industries in Taiwan and to investigate the possible contributors of pollutants in the runoffs. Rainstorm runoffs from this industrial park were found to contain COD and TSS with average event mean concentrations of two events of 2,202.6 ± 1,356 and 784.7 ± 409 mg/l, respectively. The pollution level of these runoffs was found to be tens of times higher than that which may be contributed by accumulation of pollutants in top soils. Other possible sources of the pollutants were those accumulated in rainwater discharge channels and those which overflow from individual pre-treatment plants within the industrial lots. The assessment results are useful in devising the best management practices for the stormwater discharges. The heavy loadings suggest that installations of additional runoff pollution control practices at different zones are necessary at this and similar industrial parks.  相似文献   

The combination of intensive agricultural activities and the close connectivity between land and stream emphasise the potential risk of pesticide exposure in Danish streams. Benthic macroinvertebrates are applied in the assessment of stream ecological status, and some sensitive species have been shown to respond strongly to brief pulses of pesticide contamination. In this study we investigate the impact of agriculturally derived pesticides on stream macroinvertebrate communities in Denmark. As a measure of toxic pressure we apply the Runoff Potential. We investigated a total of 212 streams. These were grouped into distinct classes according to the magnitude of pesticide contamination in the period from 2003-2006. A total of 24 different macroinvertebrate indices were applied to detect effects of pesticide runoff (e.g. the SPEAR-index and the number of EPT taxa). We found high predicted pesticide runoff in 39% of the streams, but we found no significant effect of predicted pesticide exposure on stream macroinvertebrate indices. We, additionally, examined the influence of a series of environmental parameters ranging from site scale to catchment scale on the macroinvertebrate community. Relative proportions of gravel, sand and silt in bed sediments explained most of the variation in macroinvertebrate indices as well as the upstream riparian habitat quality. We suggest that the Runoff Potential model overestimate pesticide runoff contamination in Danish streams due the presence of buffer strips enforced by Danish legislation. When pesticide runoff contamination is low to moderate, poor physical properties (indirectly related to agricultural activity) are the main impediment for the ecological quality of Danish streams.  相似文献   

This study investigates the quality of stormwater runoff from a driveway in the southwest mountainous urban area of Chongqing, China, from 2010 to 2011. The results showed that the mean concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) were 4.1, 2.4, and 2.2 times the grade V levels of the national surface water standard of China. The pollutant concentration peak preceded or synchronized with the rainfall intensity peak and occurred 10 min after the runoff started. The significant high pollutant concentration in the initial stage of the rainfall suggested that first flush control is necessary, especially for the most polluted constitutes, such as total suspended solids, COD, and TN. Three potential pollution sources were identified: the atmospheric dry and wet deposition (TN, NO3 ?-N, NH4 +-N, and DCu), the road sediment and materials (total suspended solids, COD, and TP), and the vehicle emissions (DPb and DZn). Therefore, this study indicates that reductions in road sediments and material pollution and dry and wet deposition should be the priority factors for pollution control of road stormwater runoff in mountainous urban areas.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of storm water drained by the sewerage system and discharged into a river and a small reservoir, on the example of five catchments located within the boundaries of the city of Poznań (Poland). These catchments differed both in terms of their surface area and land use (single- and multi-family housing, industrial areas). The aim of the analyses was to explain to what extent pollutants found in storm water runoff from the studied catchments affected the quality of surface waters and whether it threatened the aquatic organisms. Only some of the 14 studied variables and 22 chemical elements were important for the water quality of the river, i.e., pH, TSS, rain intensity, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, organic matter content, Al, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Cd, Ni, Se, and Tl. The most serious threat to biota in the receiver came from the copper contamination of storm water runoff. Of all samples below the sewerage outflow, 74 % exceeded the mean acute value for Daphnia species. Some of them exceeded safe concentrations for other aquatic organisms. Only the outlet from the industrial area with the highest impervious surface had a substantial influence on the water quality of the river. A reservoir situated in the river course had an important influence on the elimination of storm water pollution, despite the very short residence time of its water.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made in this study to evaluate the groundwater quality in two industrial blocks of Ghaziabad district. Groundwater samples were collected from shallow wells, deep wells and hand pumps of two heavily industrialized blocks, namely Bulandshahar road industrial area and Meerut road industrial area in Ghaziabad district for assessing their suitability for various uses. Samples were collected from 30 sites in each block before and after monsoon. They were analyzed for a total of 23 elements, namely, Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, U, V, and Zn. In addition to these elements, some other parameters were also studied viz: color, odor, turbidity, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids and total suspended solid. The water quality index was also calculated based on some of the parameters estimated. Out of the 23 elements, the mean values of 12 elements, namely, Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cr, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, and U, were higher than the prescribed standard limits. The concentrations (in milligram per liter) of highly toxic metals viz., Al, As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Se, and U, ranged from 1.33–6.30, 0.04–0.54, 0.005–0.013, 4.51–7.09, 0.14–0.27, 0.13–0.32, 0.16–2.11, and 0.10–1.21, respectively, in all groundwater samples, while the permissible limits of these elements as per WHO/BIS standards for drinking are 0.2, 0.01, 0.003, 0.05, 0.07, 0.01, 0.04, and 0.03 mg L?1, respectively. The EC, pH, and COD in all samples varied from 0.74–4.21, 6.05–7.72, and 4.5–20.0 while their permissible limits are 0.7 dS m?1, 6.5–8.5, and 10 mg L?1, respectively. On the basis of the above-mentioned parameters, the water quality index of all groundwater samples ranged from 101 to 491, and 871 to 2904 with mean value of 265 and 1,174 based on two criteria, i.e., physico-chemical and metal contaminations, respectively while the prescribed safe limit for drinking is below 50. The results revealed that the groundwater in the two blocks is unfit for drinking as per WHO/BIS guidelines. The presence of elements like As, Se, and U in toxic amounts is a matter of serious concern.  相似文献   

Changzhou is a typical waterside municipality with approximately 2,500 years of history located south of the Yangtze River. It was an agriculturally oriented region but is becoming an industrialized region. Rural green landscaping in this region possesses characteristics of traditional Chinese gardens. This paper presents a methodology for assessing the visual quality of green landscaping in rural residential areas through public perception-based and expert/design approaches. The former approach enables us to rank green landscaping based on a survey of public preference; the latter weighs the contributions of the attributes contained in a photograph to its overall scenic beauty via correlation, regression, and factor analyses. The photographs used in the survey included road greenways, riparian greenways, residential public gardens and green landscaping around houses, with each type of landscape represented by seven photographs. In total, 141 college students and 41 other participants ranked photographs of each landscaping type from highest to lowest preference. The results indicate that the preferences of students are similar to those of the general public. Examples of green landscaping depicted in the “best” four photographs possessed more attractive qualities regarding the variety of vegetation, richness of colors and a selection of human additions compared to those depicted in the “worst” photographs. The perceived visual quality was positively influenced by, in decreasing order of importance, the variety of vegetation, color contrast, the openness of green spaces, the area of vegetation, and positive man-made elements; conversely, it was negatively influenced by the type of topography. Moreover, some suggestions were offered for future rural greening regarding perceived visual beauty.  相似文献   

Decoupling residential building carbon emissions from residential income has great significance for carbon mitigation and even global climate change. However, the nature of the decoupling relationship between them is still unclear. This study adopts the Tapio decoupling model to explore the decoupling relationship among residential building carbon emissions (TC), per capita carbon emissions (PC), residential carbon intensity (FC) and per capita income (PCI) across 30 Chinese provinces from 2000 to 2015. Then, the Logarithmic Mean Divisa Index (LMDI) model is used to decompose the decoupling of residential building carbon intensity and PCI at the provincial level to determine the main factors determining this relationship. Results show that the main decoupling trend between FC and PCI in 30 provinces transformed from weak decoupling state to strong decoupling state during the whole period, while there is still extensive room for TC and PC to decouple with PCI. PCI has the major inhibiting effect on the decoupling between FC and PCI, while residential energy intensity (EI) has the primarily promoting effect on the decoupling. These findings provide valuable references for international policymakers in formulating precisely targeted energy-saving and carbon-reducing policies to coordinate the relationship between income and carbon emissions, and the results also can be applied to other economies and, to a greater extent, other pollutants.  相似文献   

Conversion of broad-spectrum organic waste into carbonaceous biochar has gained enormous interest in past few years. The present study aims to characterize feedstock (FS), i.e. bagasse (Bg), bamboo (Bm) and biochar (BC), i.e. baggase biochar (BBg), bamboo biochar (BBm) and tyre biochar (Ty). Significant changes in elemental composition, atomic ratio, proximate analyses, mineral content and heavy metal content were observed which was well supported by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Impregnation with ferric hydroxide was done, and resultant modified biochars (MBC), i.e. iron-impregnated baggase biochar (FeBBg), iron-impregnated bamboo biochar (FeBBm) and iron-impregnated tyre biochar (FeTy), along feedstock and biochar were used for PO4 3?, Pb, Hg and Cu adsorption. In general, BBg, FeBBg, BBm, FeBBm, Ty and FeTy were found to adsorb PO4 3?, Pb, Hg and Cu better than Bg and Bm, except in few cases. Results from adsorption experiments were fitted into Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin models of isotherms and pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and Elovich models of kinetics. Result of batch study adsorption revealed that maximum adsorption of PO4 3?, Pb, Hg and Cu was done by FeBBg (adsorption mechanism explained by Freundlich model), FeTy (Temkin model), Ty (Langmuir model) and BBm (Langmuir model) respectively. According to R 2 values, pseudo-first-order reaction was well suited to PO4 3?, Pb, Hg and Cu adsorption. The optimum pH for maximum adsorption was observed to be 7.4 for PO4 3?, 5 for Cu and 6 for Pb and Hg respectively  相似文献   

Sulfate () concentrations and fluxes were studied for multiple storm events in the Point Peter Brook watershed, a glaciated, forested watershed located in Western New York, USA. Investigations were performed across one large (696 ha) and three small (1.6–3.4 ha) catchments with varying extent of riparian and wetland areas. Concentrations of in groundwater sources (mean values: 238–910 μmolc L−1) were considerably greater than concentrations recorded for rainfall (60 μmolc L−1) and throughfall (72–129 μmolc L−1). Seasonality in concentrations was most pronounced for valley-bottom riparian waters with maximum concentrations in late winter–spring (February–March) and a minimum in late summer (August). Concentrations of in wetland water were considerably less than riparian water indicating the likelihood of reduction in anoxic wetland conditions. Storm events displayed a dilution pattern in concentrations with a minimum coinciding with the maximum in throughfall contributions. End member mixing analysis (EMMA) was able to predict the storm event concentrations of for four of the six comparisons. Concentrations of at the outlet of the large (696 ha) catchment were much greater than values recorded for the smaller catchments. Exports of in streamflow exceeded the inputs from atmospheric deposition suggesting that watersheds like Point Peter Brook may not show any immediate response to decreases in atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

Urban land use has been implicated as a major contributor of nonpoint source pollution in aquatic systems. Through increased nonpoint delivery of pollutants, including constituents found in stormwater, Lake Tahoe is undergoing a marked decline in its transparency, primarily due to increasing production of algae from enhanced nutrient loading and delivery of fine particles to the lake from the watershed. In response to these findings, a regional restoration effort is underway to improve basin watersheds and the water quality in Lake Tahoe. In this study, stormwater autosamplers were used to collect flow-weighted composite samples that characterized event mean concentrations for event and nonevent conditions within a small, urbanized watershed in the Tahoe basin. An event-specified constant-concentration water quality model was then applied to the event mean concentration and continuous streamflow data to estimate pollutant loads for nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, orthophosphate, and suspended sediment. These data were compared with previously reported load estimates from 10 primary monitored streams in larger watersheds of the Tahoe basin. Results from a linear regression analysis demonstrate strong and significant relationships between watershed impervious area and pollutant loadings from Lake Tahoe watersheds. These small, urbanized watersheds and intervening zones, which only comprise 10 % of the total Lake Tahoe drainage area, include a significant portion of the total Lake Tahoe impervious area. The findings of this study suggest that small, urbanized watersheds and intervening zones are disproportionately important contributors of nonpoint source pollution, including nutrients and suspended particles.  相似文献   

This study was monitored to determine the changes in the micromineral and macromineral composition of common sole (Solea solea), striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus), and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) throughout the year. Macromineral concentrations in edible parts of fish species were 444–1,559 mg/kg for Na, 1,975–5,130 mg/kg for K, 228–658 mg/kg for Mg, 187–1,105 mg/kg for Ca, and 2,341–7,341 for P, respectively. The highest mercury contents were found in the autumn months. While the highest protein and lowest fat values were found in the summer, the highest ash contents were found in the spring. Mercury content was found to be over the legislative limits in autumn samples for common sole and in summer for striped red mullet. Lead and cadmium contents of striped red mullet were found to be over the legislative limits throughout year.  相似文献   

Water quality data at 12 sites within an urban, a suburban, and a rural stream were collected contemporaneously during four wet and eight dry periods. The urban stream yielded the highest biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), orthophosphate, total suspended sediment (TSS), and surfactant concentrations, while the most rural stream yielded the highest total organic carbon concentrations. Percent watershed development and percent impervious surface coverage were strongly correlated with BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), orthophosphate, and surfactant concentrations but negatively with total organic carbon. Excessive fecal coliform abundance most frequently occurred in the most urbanized catchments. Fecal coliform bacteria, TSS, turbidity, orthophosphate, total phosphorus, and BOD were significantly higher during rain events compared to nonrain periods. Total rainfall preceding sampling was positively correlated with turbidity, TSS, BOD, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform bacteria concentrations. Turbidity and TSS were positively correlated with phosphorus, fecal coliform bacteria, BOD, and chlorophyll a, which argues for better sedimentation controls under all landscape types.  相似文献   

Earlier studies on land change (LC) have focused on size and magnitude, gains and losses, or land transfers between categories. Therefore, these studies have failed to simultaneously show the complete LC processes. This paper examines LCs in the Legedadie-Dire catchments in Oromia State, Ethiopia, using land-category maps with intensity analysis (IA) at three points in time. We comprehensively analyze LC to jointly encompass the rate, intensity, transition, and process. Thirty-meter US Geological Survey (USGS) Landsat imagery from 1986, 2000, and 2015 (<?10% cloud) is processed using TerrSet-LCM and ArcGIS. Six categories are identified using a maximum likelihood classification technique: settlement, cultivation, forest, water, grassland, and bare land. Then, classified maps are superimposed on the images to statistically examine changes with an IA. Considerable changes are observed among categories, except for water, between 1986–2000 and 2000–2015. Overall land change occurred quickly at first and then slowly in the second time interval. The total land area that exhibited change (1st?≈?54% and 2nd?≈?51%) exceeded the total area of persistence (1st?≈?46% and 2nd?≈?49%) across the landscape. Cultivation and human settlements were the most intensively increased categories, at the expense of grassland and bare ground. Hence, when grassland was lost, it tended to be displaced by cultivation more than other categories, which was also true with bare land. Annual intensity gains were active for forest but minimal for cultivation, implying that the gains of forest were associated with in situ reforestation practices and that the gains in cultivation were caused by its relatively large initial area under a uniform intensity concept. This study demonstrates that IA is valuable for investigating LC across time intervals and can help distinguish dormant vs. active and targeted vs. avoided land categories.  相似文献   

The concentration, distribution, and origin of 16 USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in river sediments from the western and southern catchments of the Bohai Sea, China. A toxicity assessment of 28 sediment samples collected from 15 main rivers was conducted by utilizing threshold and probable effect concentrations (TEC and PEC, respectively) derived from consensus-based sediment quality guidelines. The concentrations of total PAHs (∑PAH16) ranged from 0.14 to 10,757 μg/kg dry weight (mean?=?1,368.6 μg/kg). The high concentrations of PAHs found in Binhai New Area of Tianjin and Binzhou City are likely the result of rapid population and heavy industry growth, resulting in elevated point and nonpoint source inputs of PAHs. Of the samples collected, samples 1 and 10 (7.1 % of the total) were categorized as toxic since some of the PAH concentrations exceeded the corresponding PECs. Twenty samples were classified as nontoxic, with both the individual PAH and the∑PAH16 concentrations falling below the corresponding TECs. Analyses of selected PAH isomer ratios aided in the identification of PAH origins, allowing for a discrimination between pyrogenic and petrogenic sources. Spatial variability confirmed source heterogeneity within the study area. The most significant PAH-associated contamination was found in the Beitang River and Ji Canal, which are located in Binhai New Area. The magnitude of contamination and the likelihood of an ongoing influx of PAHs support the need for a better understanding of pollution sources and methods for both control and sediment restoration.  相似文献   

Agricultural and urban runoff pumped into the perimeter canals of the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge), a 58,320-ha soft-water wetland, has elevated nutrients which impact the Refuge interior marsh. To best manage the Refuge, linkages between inflows to the perimeter canals and environmental conditions within the marsh need to be understood. Conductivity, which typically is high in the canals and lowest at the most interior sites, was used as a surrogate tracer to characterize patterns of constituent transport. The Refuge was initially classified into four zones based upon patterns and variability in conductivity data: Canal Zone; Perimeter Zone (canal to 2.5 km into the interior); Transition Zone (2.5 to 4.5 km from the canal); Interior Zone (>4.5 km from the canal). Conductivity variability declined from the Perimeter to the Interior Zone, with the highest variability in the marsh observed in the Perimeter Zone and the lowest variability observed in the Interior Zone. Analysis of other water quality parameters indicated that conditions in the Perimeter and Transition Zones were different, and more impacted, than in the Interior Zone. In general, there was a positive relationship between structure inflows and canal phosphorus concentrations, including discharges from treatment wetlands and bypasses of untreated water. This classification approach is applicable for stratified sampling designs, resolving spatial bias in water quality models, and in aiding in management decisions about resource allocation.  相似文献   

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