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This study analyses the pedological environment of the area near a municipal waste incinerator that has been operating in the south-east district of Pisa for approximately 20?years. There are many other industrial activities in the area besides the incinerator, which represent possible sources of pollution, as well as heavy road traffic. The study area was defined by a 0-4-km zone around the site with a population of approximately 12,000 residents. The study included the physical and chemical characterisation of 100 samples of soil and an analysis of trace metals such as Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, Hg, As and Cd. The samples were grouped into soil use categories. The results showed Zn, Pb and Hg correlated with their potentially mobile fractions, and suggested an anthropic contribution to their presence in the soil. Ni, Cr and As showed values attributable to a lithological origin. This was consistent with the PCA results. The aim was to define the environmental state of the soil of the area in order to create a reference for future research and to verify the possible presence of pollution from other sources (local industrial activities and traffic).  相似文献   

This work aims to assess the spatial distribution and concentration of sulfur in the topsoil layer and to determine the relationships between sulfur concentration, soil pH, soil electrical conductivity, and plant cover at the reforested site of the former sulfur mine (Southern Poland). Soil samples were collected from 0 to 20 cm (topsoil) from a total of 86 sampling points in a regular square grid with sides of 150 m. Plant cover was assayed in circular plots with an area of 100 m2, divided into a woody plant layer and herbaceous plant layer. Soil properties such as particle size distribution, pH in KCl and H2O, soil electrical conductivity (EC), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (NT), and total sulfur (ST) were determined. The degree of soil contamination with sulfur was assessed based on the guidelines of the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG), Poland. The results indicate that remediation and application of lime were not fully effective in spatial variation, because 33 points with sulfur contamination above 500 mg kg?1 were observed. These spots occurred irregularly in the topsoil horizons. This high sulfur concentration in the soil did not result in severe acidification (below 4.5) in all cases, most likely due to neutralization from the application of high doses of flotation lime. High vegetative cover occurred at some points with high soil sulfur concentrations, with two points having S concentration above 40,000 mg kg?1 and tree cover about 60%. Numerous points with high soil EC above 1500 μS cm?1 as well as limited vegetation and high soil sulfur concentrations, however, indicate that the reclamation to forest is still not completely successful.  相似文献   

In recent years, the soil ecosystem in China has been increasingly polluted by heavy metals. As such, this paper investigated the pollution degree and spatial distribution of available heavy metals and determined their sources in the paddy soil of red region in Hunan Province of China. A total of 80 topsoil samples were collected (0–20 cm) from the study area, and their spatial distribution and sources were analyzed using geostatistical and multivariate analysis. The results showed that the contents of available Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd, As, and Pb in the soil were 1.652, 1.057, 0.304, 0.747, 0.139, 0.295, and 6.348 mg/kg, respectively. Compared to soil background reference contents, all tested available elements exceeded the reference value except Ni and Pb. The spatial variation of available heavy metals was visualized by GIS. Correlation analysis was used to determine the association between soil properties and available heavy metals. The multivariate analysis suggested that the source contributions of the natural source, agricultural sources, and industrial activities accounted for 31.78%, 27.90%, and 15.48%, respectively.  相似文献   

Selected trace metals were estimated by atomic absorption spectrometry in the water and soil samples collected from the remote region of Himalaya. The soil samples were analysed for soluble and acid extractable fraction of trace metals. In water samples, Ca, Na, Mg and K emerged as dominant contributors, whereas, Ca, Na, K, Mg, Fe and Pb were estimated at comparatively higher levels in the water extract of the soil. In case of acid extract of the soil samples, Ca, K, Fe, Mg, Mn and Na were found at elevated concentrations. Based on mean levels of the metals, following decreasing concentration order was observed in water samples: Ca > Na > Mg > K > Pb > Co > Cu > Zn > Mn > Cr > Fe > Cd > Li, however, in the acid extract of the soil, following order was noted: Ca > K > Fe > Mg > Mn > Na > Pb > Zn > Cr > Li > Cu > Co > Cd. The correlation study revealed appreciably diverse mutual relationships of trace metals in the water and soil samples. The multivariate cluster analyses exhibited divergent apportionment of trace metals in water and soil samples. Among the trace metals, Cd, Pb, Li, Zn, Cr, Cu, Mn and Co exhibited extreme to significant anthropogenic enrichment in the soil samples, while the rest of the metals were mostly contributed by the natural processes.  相似文献   

The concentrations of seven heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Pb) associated with PM10 and PM2.5 at the crossroads and the background sites have been studied in Zabrze, Poland, during smog episodes. Although the background level was unusually elevated due to both high particulate emission from the industrial and municipal sources and smog favorable meteorological conditions, significant increase of the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 as well as associated heavy metals in the roadside air compared to the urban background has been documented. The average daily difference between the roadside and corresponding urban background aerosol concentration was equal to 39.5 μg m???3 for PM10 and 41.2 μg m???3 for PM2.5. The highest levels of the studied metals in Zabrze appeared for iron carried by PM10 particles: 1,706 (background) and 28,557 ng m???3 (crossroads). The lowest concentration level (in PM10) has been found for cadmium: 7 and 77 ng m???3 in the background and crossroads site, respectively. Also the concentrations of heavy metals carried by the fine particles (PM2.5) were very high in Zabrze during the smog episodes. Concentrations of all studied metals associated with PM10 increased at the roadside compared to the background about ten times (one order) while metals contained in PM2.5 showed two to three times elevated concentrations (except Fe—five times and Cr—no increase).  相似文献   

In this study, coupled Pb concentration/Pb isotope data were used to evaluate the effect of a shooting range (operational for over 30 years) on Pb contamination of adjacent agricultural soils and the associated environmental risks. Lead was mainly concentrated in the arable layer of the contaminated agricultural soils at total concentrations ranging from 573 to 694 mg kg???1. Isotopic analyses (206Pb/207Pb) proved that Pb originated predominantly from the currently used pellets. Chemical fractionation analyses showed that Pb was mainly associated with the reducible fraction of the contaminated soil, which is in accordance with its predominant soil phases (PbO, PbCO3). The 0.05 M EDTA extraction showed that up to 62% of total Pb from the contaminated site is potentially mobilizable. Furthermore, Pb concentrations obtained from the synthetic precipitation leaching procedure extraction exceeded the regulatory limit set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for drinking water. Ion exchange resin bags showed to be inefficient for determining the vertical distribution of free Pb2?+? throughout the soil profile. Increased Pb concentrations were found in the biomass of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) sampled at the studied site and two possible pathways of Pb uptake have been identified: (1) through passive diffusion-driven uptake by roots and (2) especially through atmospheric deposition, which was also proved by analyses of a bioindicator species (bryophyte Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw.). This study showed that shooting ranges can present an important source of Pb contamination of agricultural soils located in their close vicinity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial distribution of heavy metal in soil and evaluate the dissolution of metal from soil to ponded-surface water, leaching through soil profiles and metal uptake in grass as related to different land-use practices. The data provided a scientific basis for best-management practices for land use in Khli Ti watershed. The watershed has a Pb-contamination problem from the previous operation of a Pb-ore concentrator and abandoned Zn–Pb mine. Sampling sites were selected from a land-use map, with land-use types falling into the following four categories: forest, agricultural land, residential area and road. Soil, ponded-surface water, grass samples and soil profiles were collected. The study related soil characteristics from different land-use practices and locations with observed metal concentrations in ponded-surface water and soil. High enrichment factors of Pb and As in soil were found. Partitioning coefficient, Kd values were in the order: Cr > Pb > Ni > Cu > Cd > Zn. Soil disturbance from land-use activities including tillage and traffic increased leaching of trace metal from soils. Pb in soil was significantly taken up by grass even though the Transfer Factor, TF values were rather low. Agricultural activities in the watershed must be limited. Moreover, land encroachments in the upper and middle part of the watershed which have high potential of Pb must be strictly controlled in order to reduce the Pb contamination from non-point sources.  相似文献   

The environment is witnessing a downgrade caused by the amelioration of the industrial and agricultural sectors, namely, soil and sediment compartments. For those reasons, a comparative study was done between soil cores and sediments taken from two locations in the Qaraaoun reservoir, Lebanon. The soil cores were partitioned into several layers. Each layer was analyzed for several physicochemical parameters, such as functional groups, particle size distribution, ζ-potential, texture, pH, electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, active and total calcareous, available sodium and potassium, and metal content (cadmium, copper, and lead). The metal content of each site was linked to soil composition and characteristics. The two sites showed distinguishable characteristics for features such as organic matter, pH, mineral fraction, calcareous, and metal content. The samples taken toward the south site (Q1), though contain lower organic matter than the other but are more calcareous, showed higher metal content in comparison to the other site (Q2) (average metal content of Q1 > Q2; for Cd 3.8?>?1.8 mg/kg, Cu 28.6?>?21.9 mg/kg, Pb 26.7?>?19 mg/kg). However, the metal content in this study did not correlate as much to the organic matter; rather, it was influenced by the location of the samples with respect to the dam, the reservoir’s hydrodynamics, the calcareous nature of the soil, and the variation of the industrial and agricultural influence on each site.  相似文献   

The accumulation of heavy metals in soil and water is a serious concern due to their persistence and toxicity. This study investigated the vertical distribution of heavy metals, possible sources and their relation with soil texture in a soil profile from seasonally waterlogged agriculture fields of Eastern Ganges basin. Fifteen samples were collected at ~0.90-m interval during drilling of 13.11 mbgl and analysed for physical parameters (moisture content and grain size parameters: sand, silt, clay ratio) and heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, Ni and Cd). The average metal content was in the decreasing order of Fe?>?Mn?>?Cr?>?Zn?>?Ni?>?Cu?>?Co?>?Pb?>?Cd. Vertical distribution of Fe, Mn, Zn and Ni shows more or less similar trends, and clay zone records high concentration of heavy metals. The enrichment of heavy metals in clay zone with alkaline pH strongly implies that the heavy metal distributions in the study site are effectively regulated by soil texture and reductive dissolution of Fe and Mn oxy-hydroxides. Correlation coefficient analysis indicates that most of the metals correlate with Fe, Mn and soil texture (clay and silt). Soil quality assessment was carried out using geoaccumulation index (I geo), enrichment factor (EF) and contamination factor (CF). The enrichment factor values were ranged between 0.66 (Mn) and 2.34 (Co) for the studied metals, and the contamination factor values varied between 0.79 (Mn) and 2.55 (Co). Results suggest that the elements such as Cu and Co are categorized as moderate to moderately severe contamination, which are further confirmed by I geo values (0.69 for Cu and 0.78 for Co). The concentration of Ni exceeded the effects-range median values, and the biological adverse effect of this metal is 87 %. The average concentration of heavy metals was compared with published data such as concentration of heavy metals in Ganga River sediments, Ganga Delta sediments and upper continental crust (UCC), which apparently revealed that heavy metals such as Fe, Mn, Cr, Pb, Zn and Cd are influenced by the dynamic nature of flood plain deposits. Agricultural practice and domestic sewage are also influenced on the heavy metal content in the study area.  相似文献   

In the industrial area of Chinhat, Lucknow (India) wastewater coming from pesticide manufacturing and other industries is used to irrigate the agricultural crops. This practice has been polluting the soil and pollutants might reach the food chain. Gas chromatographic analysis revealed the presence of certain organochlorine pesticides in soil samples. Samples were extracted using different solvents, i.e., hexane, acetonitrile, methanol, chloroform, and acetone (all were HPLC-grade, SRL, India). Soil extracts were assayed for mutagenicity using Ames Salmonella/mammalian microsome test. Mutagenicity was observed in the test samples and TA98 was the most responsive strain for all the soil extracts (irrigated with wastewater) in terms of mutagenic index in the presence (+S9) and absence (−S9) of metabolic activation. In terms of slope (m) of linear dose–response curve for the most responsive strain TA98 exhibited highest sensitivity against the soil extracts in the presence and absence of S9 fraction. Hexane-extracted soil sample (wastewater) exhibited maximum mutagenicity in terms of net revertants per gram of soil in the presence and absence of S9 mix as compared to the other soil extracts. Groundwater-irrigated soil extracts displayed low level of mutagenicity as compared to wastewater-irrigated soil. The soil is accumulating a large number of pollutants due to wastewater irrigation and this practice of accumulation has an adverse impact on soil health.  相似文献   

The movement of contaminants through soil imparts a variety of geo-environmental problem inclusive of lithospheric pollution. Near-surface aquifers are often vulnerable to contamination from surface source if overlying soil possesses poor resilience or contaminant attenuation capacity. The prediction of contaminant transport through soil is urged to protect groundwater from sources of pollutants. Using field simulation through column experiments and mathematical modeling like HYDRUS-1D, assessment of soil resilience and movement of contaminants through the subsurface to reach aquifers can be predicted. An outfall site of effluents of a coke oven plant comprising of alarming concentration of phenol (4–12.2 mg/L) have been considered for studying groundwater condition and quality, in situ soil characterization, and effluent characterization. Hydrogeological feature suggests the presence of near-surface aquifers at the effluent discharge site. Analysis of groundwater of nearby locality reveals the phenol concentration (0.11–0.75 mg/L) exceeded the prescribed limit of WHO specification (0.002 mg/L). The in situ soil, used in column experiment, possess higher saturated hydraulic conductivity (K S ?=?5.25?×?10?4 cm/s). The soil containing 47 % silt, 11 % clay, and 1.54 % organic carbon content was found to be a poor absorber of phenol (24 mg/kg). The linear phenol adsorption isotherm model showed the best fit (R 2?=?0.977, RMSE?=?1.057) to the test results. Column experiments revealed that the phenol removal percent and the length of the mass transfer zone increased with increasing bed heights. The overall phenol adsorption efficiency was found to be 42–49 %. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) predicted by HYDRUS-1D model appears to be close fitting with the BTCs derived from the column experiments. The phenol BTC predicted by the HYDRUS-1D model for 1.2 m depth subsurface soil, i.e., up to the depth of groundwater in the study area, showed that the exhaustion point was reached within 12 days of elapsed time. This clearly demonstrated poor attenuation capacity of the soil to retard migration of phenol to the groundwater from the surface outfall site. Suitable liner, based on these data, may be designed to inhibit subsurface transport of phenol and thereby to protect precious groundwater from contamination.  相似文献   

Modeling spatio-temporal variation of soil moisture with depth in the soil profile plays an important role for semi-arid crop production from an agro-hydrological perspective. This study was performed in Guvenc Catchment. Two soil series that were called Tabyabayir (TaS) and Kervanpinari (KeS) and classified as Leptosol and Vertisol Soil Groups were used in this research. The TeS has a much shallower (0–34 cm) than the KeS (0–134 cm). At every sampling time, a total of geo-referenced 100 soil moisture samples were taken based on horizon depths. The results indicated that soil moisture content changed spatially and temporally with soil texture and profile depth significantly. In addition, land use was to be important factor when soil was shallow. When the soil conditions were towards to dry, higher values for the coefficient of variation (CV) were observed for TaS (58 and 43 % for A and C horizons, respectively); however, the profile CV values were rather stable at the KeS. Spatial variability range of TaS was always higher at both dry and wet soil conditions when compared to that of KeS. Excessive drying of soil prevented to describe any spatial model for surface horizon, additionally resulting in a high nugget variance in the subsurface horizon for the TaS. On the contrary to TaS, distribution maps were formed all horizons for the KeS at any measurement times. These maps, depicting both dry and wet soil conditions through the profile depth, are highly expected to reduce the uncertainty associated with spatially and temporally determining the hydraulic responses of the catchment soils.  相似文献   

Since the mid 1980s, Naples and the Campania region have suffered from the dumping of wastes into overfilled landfills. The aim was to characterise a former cave located in Roccarainola (Naples, Italy) for its eventual destination to a controlled landfill site. A detailed hydro-geochemical survey of the area was carried out through drilling of 14 boreholes and four monitoring wells. Samples of water, sediment and soil were analysed for heavy metals and organic contaminants from a dew pond placed in the middle of the cave. The underneath aquifer was also surveyed. The nature of gases emitted from the site was investigated. Results of the geognostic survey revealed the presence of huge volumes of composite wastes, approximately half a million of cubic metre, which accumulated up to a thickness of 25.6 m. In some points, wastes lie below the free surface level of the aquifer. The sampled material from the boreholes revealed levels of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sn, Tl and Zn exceeding the intervention legal limits. Outstanding loads of Cd, Pb and Zn were found, with levels exceeding of about 50, 100 and 1,870 times the limit. In several points, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon load was extremely high, 35 vs 1 mg kg?1 of the threshold. The aquifer was also very heavily polluted by Cd, Cr-tot, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, with impressive high load of Cr and Mn, up to 250–370 times the limits. Hot gases up to 62 °C with presence of xylene and ethylbenzene were found. Results indicated that the site needs an urgent intervention of recovery to avoid compromising the surrounding areas and aquifers of the Campania plain.  相似文献   

In the past several years, industrial and agricultural activities have led to serious environmental pollution, resulting in a large number of contaminated sites. As a result, much recent research activity has focused on the application of bioremediation technologies as an environmentally friendly and economically feasible means for decontamination of polluted soil. In this study horse manure and Populus nigra (var. italica) (HM + P treatment) have been used, at real scale level, as an approach for bioremediation of a soil historically contaminated by metals (Pb, Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu and Ni) and organic contaminants, such as polychlorobiphenyls and petroleum hydrocarbon. After one year, the HM + P phytotreatment was effective in the reclamation of the polluted soil from both organic and inorganic contaminants. A reduction of about 80% in total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), and 60% in polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and total metals was observed in the HM + P treatment. In contrast, in the horse manure (HM) treatment, used as control, a reduction of only about 30% of TPH was obtained. In order to assess both effectiveness and evolution of the remediation system to a biologically active soil ecosystem, together with the pollution parameters, the parameters describing the evolution of the soil functionality (enzymatic activities and protein SDS-PAGE pattern) were investigated. A stimulation of the metabolic soil processes (increase in dehydrogenase activity) was observed in the HM + P compared to the HM treatment. Finally, preliminary protein SDS-PAGE results have permitted the identification of proteins that have been recovered in the HM + P soil with respect to the HM; this may become a basic tool for improving the biogeochemical status of soil during the decontamination through the identification of microbial populations that are active in soil decontamination.  相似文献   

Mine drainage impacts from a coal waste pile at Smolnica, Poland have been monitored. Groundwater in an unconfined aquifer downgradient from the pile has near-neutral pH, but high concentrations of sulfate (up to 3,827 mg/l), chloride (up to 903 mg/l), and sodium (up to 2,606 mg/l). Concentrations of iron and manganese are elevated only locally, and concentrations of other metals are low. The behavior of sulfate seems to be conservative in the downgradient aquifer, and gypsum may only be precipitating locally. Concentrations of iron and manganese seem to be controlled by the precipitation of ferric oxide and hydroxides and rhodochrosite, respectively. Complete neutralization of mine drainage by carbonates is consistent with high concentrations of calcium (up to 470 mg/l) and magnesium (up to 563 mg/l) and also with high strontium concentrations of up to 3.08 mg/l, observed in groundwater downgradient from the pile. Hydraulic head profiles at two sites within the river bottom sediments indicate upward flow toward the river with large local differences in groundwater recharge. Water chemistry profiles in the river bottom sediments and geochemical modeling suggest conservative behavior of Na, Cl, and SO4 and precipitation of Fe and Mn at the groundwater/river water interface. Mine drainage enters the Bierawka River and causes increasing sulfate concentrations. In contrast, concentrations of sodium and chloride in the Bierawka River decrease downgradient from the pile because water in the river upgradient from the pile is already highly contaminated by these species from the discharge of mining waters. Concentrations of Fe and Mn in the river water are low, as a consequence of the precipitation of Fe and Mn oxide and hydroxides. Direct geochemical modeling was able to reproduce measured concentrations of conservative species (e.g., Na, Cl, and SO4), but errors for metals and Ba were relatively large. In addition, calculated PCO2 values in the river water are very high, suggesting that equilibrium with atmospheric PCO2 and PO2 has not been reached, and at least some reactions should be modeled as kinetic processes. High concentrations of Na, Cl, and SO4 contribute to the contamination of the Odra River, which is joined by the Bierawka River farther downgradient, thus limiting the use of river water for recreation and other purposes.  相似文献   

Among chemical industries, petroleum refineries have been identified as large emitters of a wide variety of pollutants. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) form an important group of aromatic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) because of their role in the troposphere chemistry and the risk posed to human health. A very large crude oil refinery of the Baltic States (200,000 bbl/day) is situated in the northern, rural part of Lithuania, 10 km from the town of Ma?eikiai (Lithuania). The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine of atmospheric levels of BTEX in the region rural and urban parts at the vicinity of the crude oil refinery; and (2) to investigate the effect of meteorological parameters (wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure, humidity) on the concentrations measured. The averaged concentration of benzene varied from 2.12 ppbv in the rural areas to 2.75 ppbv in the urban areas where the traffic was determined to be a dominant source of BTEX emissions. Our study showed that concentration of benzene, as strictly regulated air pollutant by EU Directive 2008/50/EC, did not exceed the limit of 5 ppbv in the region in the vicinity of the crude oil refinery during the investigated period. No significant change in air quality in the vicinity of the oil refinery was discovered, however, an impact of the industry on the background air quality was detected. The T/B ratio (0.50-0.81) that was much lower than 2.0, identified other sources of pollution than traffic.  相似文献   

Estimating contaminant distributions in environmental media is necesary to evaluate human and ecological hazards. Because of uncertainties in release histories and transport, traditional sampling and statistical techniques applicable to the experimental sciences may not be suitable for exploratory studies at hazardous waste sites. An approach that relies on cluster analysis of principal components (PCA) was used to identify contaminated wild asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) growing in the vicinity of waste disposal sites along the Columbia River at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site in southeast Washington state. Metals in soil samples taken from the sites contained elevated levels of Ag, Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Zn, and V. Samples of asparagus tissue were collected from the river near the waste site, from Hanford old fields abandoned 52 years ago, and from commercial fields in the neighboring communities. Dried tissues were analyzed for metals content by ICP-mass spectrometry, furnace AA, and cold vapor AA. Tissue concentrations of elements varied over 5 orders of magnitude, from K at 46 900 ppm to As and Ag at maximum concentrations below 1 ppm. PCA produced four components that accounted for 66.2% of the metals variance. Subsequent cluster analysis using Ward's minimum variance separated the data into Columbia River and old-field groups, with the River group further divided into three clusters: plants primarily upriver from the waste sites, plants primarily downriver, and plants growing in or near the waste sites. The clustering showed that the more soluble components of the discharges (Ba and Ca) showed a pattern of distribution in the asparagus plants consistent with the ground water flow pattern, in that these elements were found far downriver of the disposal sites themselves. In contrast, the less mobile elements Al, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Tl, and Zn were elevated only near the most-recently used waste disposal area. Asparagus from agricultural fields, including fields abandoned 50 years ago, contained higher concentrations of Fe, Cu, Pb, K, and Ni than did the wild riverine plants.The U.S. Governments right to retain a non-exclusive royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

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