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The fringe-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus, is an eavesdropping predator that hunts frogs and katydids by approaching these preys' sexual advertisement calls. In captivity, bats can rapidly learn to associate novel acoustic stimuli with food rewards. It is unknown how this learning ability is related to foraging behavior in the wild where prey and the calls that identify them vary over space and time. In two bat populations that differ in available prey species (Soberanía, Panama, and La Selva, Costa Rica), we presented wild-caught bats with frog calls, katydid calls, and control stimuli. Bats in Soberanía were significantly more responsive to complex calls and choruses of the túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus, than were bats in La Selva. La Selva bats were significantly more responsive to katydid calls (Steirodon sp.) than Soberanía bats. We also examined seasonal variation in bat response to prey cues. Bats were captured in Soberanía in dry and wet seasons and presented with the calls of a dry season breeding frog (Smilisca sila), a wet season breeding frog (P. pustulosus), and four katydid species. Bats captured in the dry season were significantly more responsive to the calls of S. sila than bats captured in the wet season, but there were no seasonal differences in response to the calls of P. pustulosus or the katydid calls. We demonstrate plasticity in the foraging behavior of this eavesdropping predator but also show that response to prey cues is not predicted solely by prey availability.  相似文献   

Summary. Ecological and phylogenetic factors determine which sensory modalities organisms use in their day-to-day activities. Among lizards, empirical studies indicate a tight association between foraging strategies and the ability to detect chemical cues from prey. Consequently, ambush insectivores do not detect food chemicals and these differences have a phylogenetic basis, as ambush lizards mainly belong to the Iguania clade. These data contrast, however, with the widespread uses of chemoreception in the Iguania genus Liolaemus, which are mostly insectivorous ambush predators. Moreover, observations from different Liolaemus species suggest a capability to find prey through chemoreception. In order to clarify the abilities of Liolaemus to detect chemical cues from prey, the chemoreceptive behavior of the insectivorous ambush predator, L. lemniscatus, was studied. Lizards were given the choice between areas with and without chemical cues from a food item (mealworms). Results show that test animals stayed for longer, moved more, and did more chemical exploration (tongue flicks) in the area where chemical cues from mealworms were present. Furthermore, in this area, more individuals displayed behaviors that suggest maintenance and defense of the prey patch. Thus, L. lemniscatus is the first insectivorous Iguania reported to be able to detect chemical cues from prey. Although I propose a mechanism for acquiring chemical detection of prey cues in Liolaemus, I also remark that it is necessary to reanalyze both the abilities to detect and use chemical foraging cues in Iguania at large, and the methodologies traditionally used to study these issues.  相似文献   

Summary. Adult tiger moths exhibit a wide range of palatabilities to the insectivorous big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus. Much of this variation is due to plant allelochemics ingested and sequestered from their larval food. By using a comparative approach involving 15 species from six tribes and two subfamilies of the Arctiidae we have shown that tiger moths feeding on cardiac glycoside-containing plants often contain highly effective natural feeding deterrents. Feeding on pyrrolizidine alkaloid-containing plants is also an effective deterrent to predation by bats but less so than feeding on plants rich in cardiac glycosides. Moths feeding on plants containing iridoid glycosides and/or moths likely to contain biogenic amines were the least deterrent. By manipulating the diet of several tiger moth species we were able to adjust their degree of palatability and link it to the levels of cardiac glycosides or pyrrolizidine alkaloids in their food. We argue that intense selective pressure provided by vertebrate predators including bats has driven the tiger moths to sequester more and more potent deterrents against them and to acquire a suite of morphology characteristics and behaviors that advertise their noxious taste.  相似文献   

Summary Macrotus californicus, an insectivorous bat, captures prey on the ground, and shows great sensory flexibility in hunting for prey: it uses high frequency, low intensity, frequency modulated echolocation to locate prey in total darkness, however data from this study suggest that it uses vision preferentially, and switches off its echolocation when adequate illumination is available. When souncs of prey are available it exploits these also. It uses echolocation only 50% of the time at 4.2x10-2 mL, comparable to ground luminance on a brightly moonlit night, and employs vision even at 10-3 mL.  相似文献   

The foraging sites selected by an ambush forager can strongly affect its feeding opportunities. Foraging cane toads (Rhinella marina) typically select open areas, often under artificial lights that attract insects. We conducted experimental trials in the field, using rubber mats placed under lights, to explore the influence of substrate color and rugosity on prey availability (numbers, sizes, and types of insects) and toad foraging success. A mat's color (black vs. white) and rugosity (smooth vs. rough) did not influence the numbers, sizes, or kinds of insects that were attracted to it, but toads actively preferred to feed on rugose white mats (50% of prey-capture events, vs. a null of 25%). White backgrounds provided better visual contrast of the (mostly dark) insects, and manipulations of prey color in the laboratory showed that contrast was critical in toad foraging success. Insects landing on rugose backgrounds were slower to leave, again increasing capture opportunities for toads. Thus, cane toads actively select backgrounds that maximize prey-capture opportunities, a bias driven by the ways that substrate attributes influence ease of prey detection and capture rather than by absolute prey densities.  相似文献   

Summary We compared the ability of an insectivorous weaver bird species, Ploceus bicolor, and a granivorous weaver species, Euplectes hordeaceus to learn time-place patterns of food availability. ln the laboratory both species learned to visit four different feeding places, each at a different fixed time of day. This learned feeding pattern persisted even when every feeding place provided food over the whole day. We found differences in the performance between the two species in phase shift (6 h advance) and blocking (4 h food deprivation) experiments. Unlike the insectivorous species, the granivorous species did not show the learned time-place pattern under these conditions. We suggest that this difference might reflect a difference between the species in the strength of the linkage between time and place. Correspondence to: H. Falk  相似文献   

Human activities are important drivers of marine ecosystem functioning. However, separating the synergistic effects of fishing and environmental variability on the prey base of nontarget predators is difficult, often because prey availability estimates on appropriate scales are lacking. Understanding how prey abundance at different spatial scales links to population change can help integrate the needs of nontarget predators into fisheries management by defining ecologically relevant areas for spatial protection. We investigated the local population response (number of breeders) of the Bank Cormorant (Phalacrocorax neglectus), a range‐restricted endangered seabird, to the availability of its prey, the heavily fished west coast rock lobster (Jasus lalandii). Using Bayesian state‐space modeled cormorant counts at 3 colonies, 22 years of fisheries‐independent data on local lobster abundance, and generalized additive modeling, we determined the spatial scale pertinent to these relationships in areas with different lobster availability. Cormorant numbers responded positively to lobster availability in the regions with intermediate and high abundance but not where regime shifts and fishing pressure had depleted lobster stocks. The relationships were strongest when lobsters 20–30 km offshore of the colony were considered, a distance greater than the Bank Cormorant's foraging range when breeding, and may have been influenced by prey availability for nonbreeding birds, prey switching, or prey ecology. Our results highlight the importance of considering the scale of ecological relationships in marine spatial planning and suggest that designing spatial protection around focal species can benefit marine predators across their full life cycle. We propose the precautionary implementation of small‐scale marine protected areas, followed by robust assessment and adaptive‐management, to confirm population‐level benefits for the cormorants, their prey, and the wider ecosystem, without negative impacts on local fisheries.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The hydrodynamics of flow passing through heterogeneous vegetation configurations is always complex and it becomes difficult to capture the flow structures through...  相似文献   

本文建立HPLC波长切换法同时测定蒙药钦汤中没食子酸、原儿茶酸、羟基红花黄色素A、栀子苷和鞣花酸的含量的方法.试验结果表明,测定的没食子酸、原儿茶酸、羟基红花黄色素A、栀子苷、鞣花酸分别在检测范围内(0.358-0.954 μg、0.066-0.175 μg、0.386-1.031 μg、1.685-4.493 μg、...  相似文献   

The reason why a female who is socially paired to one particular male seeks extra-pair copulations (EPCs) with others has important implications in life history models and to the study of behaviour. The Allied rock-wallaby, Petrogale assimilis, lives in spatially isolated colonies in tropical north Queensland, Australia. Extensive observations of a colony at Black Rock showed that intense behavioural bonding occurs between pairs of adult males and females; about two-thirds of males paired with one female, the remainder paired with two females simultaneously. Single-locus microsatellite profiling determined the paternity of 63 offspring from 21 females for which long-term behavioural data were available. One-third of the young were fathered by males which were not paired socially with the mother. The mating system was heterogeneous: (1) all offspring of 11 females were fathered by the mother's partner, (2) all young of 5 females were fathered by extra-pair males, and (3) only some of the young of 5 females were fathered by their regular consort. Analysis of individual longitudinal demographic records showed that females whose young were always fathered by their consort had higher reproductive success than those whose young were always fathered as a result of (EPCs). However, females with some offspring fathered by their regular consort and others via EPCs had the highest probability of raising young to independence. These females were significantly more likely to have an offspring fathered as a result of an EPC if their previous young had failed to survive to pouch emergence. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that females choose mates for their genetic quality. Comparison of the males with which these females sought EPCs and the regular consorts suggested that arm length rather than body weight or testes size was used as the index of genetic quality. Results from a second colony of rock-wallabies in which the reproductive rate was accelerated were also consistent with the genetic-quality hypothesis. These results imply that by choosing better-quality fathers irrespective of social pairing, females are able to maximise their overall lifetime reproductive success, and presumably, those of their offspring. Received: 8 June 1997 / Accepted after revision: 28 February 1998  相似文献   

Many prey assess predation risk through predator chemical cues. Numerous studies have shown that (1) prey sometimes respond to chemical cues produced by heterospecifics and (2) that many species are capable of associative learning. This study extends this research by focusing on predation risk assessment and antipredator behavior in environments containing chemical cues produced by multiple prey species. The results show that green frog (Rana clamitans) tadpoles (1) assess risk from the chemical cue produced during predation by a heterospecific (gray tree frog, Hyla versicolor, tadpoles) and (2) can exhibit similarly strong behavioral responses to a mix of conspecific and heterospecific cues compared to conspecific cue alone, depending on their conditioning environment. I then discuss how the prey choice of the predators and the relative abundances of the prey species should influence the informational value of heterospecific cues.  相似文献   

Summary. Hyperaccumulation of metals in the shoot system of plants is uncommon, yet taxonomically and geographically widespread. It may have a variety of functions, including defense against herbivores. This study investigated the effects of hyperaccumulation on metal concentrations across trophic levels. We collected plant material, soil, and invertebrates from Portuguese serpentine outcrops whose vegetation is dominated by the nickel hyperaccumulator Alyssum pintodasilvae. Samples were analyzed for nickel, chromium, and cobalt. Grasshoppers, spiders, and other invertebrates collected from sites where A. pintodasilvae was common had significantly elevated concentrations of nickel, compared to nearby sites where this hyperaccumulator was not found. Chromium and cobalt, occurring in high concentrations in the serpentine soil but not accumulated by A. pintodasilvae, were not elevated in the invertebrates. Therefore, it appears likely that a flux of nickel to herbivore and carnivore trophic levels is specifically facilitated by the presence of plants that hyperaccumulate this metal. The results may be relevant to the development of phytoremediation and phytomining technologies, which use plants to extract metals from the soil. Reveived 22 August 2002; accepted 2 April 2003. R1D=" Correspondence to: A. J. Pollard, e-mail:joe.pollard@furman.edu  相似文献   

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