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Tools for assisting human navigation, especially in-vehicle systems, have been extensively investigated. However, few studies have explored the design of speech-based over-the-phone guidance systems. This study examined the effect of landmarks' use and the effect of landmarks’ frames of reference in route instructions on navigation efficiency during map navigation tasks and satisfaction. Twenty-seven participants performed map navigation tasks using a simulated speech navigation system in three experimental conditions: instructions containing no landmarks, instructions containing landmarks located without reference to either the traveler’s body or the surrounding environment, and instructions containing landmarks located with respect to the traveler’s body. Navigation performances on maps were higher and landmarks enable participants to make fewer directional errors and find their routes more efficiently. Satisfaction levels and navigation performances were lower when instructions did not contain any landmarks. Landmarks’ frames of reference shifting turned out to be different between human-human situations previously used and human-computer situations used here.  相似文献   

Pointing accuracy in children is dependent on age, sex and experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the influence of age, sex and familiarity on spatial performance assessed with a pointing task in 84 children: 21 kindergartners, 21 first-graders, 21 fifth-graders and 21 sixth-graders. Spatial performance was assessed in the children's natural environment, their respective school or kindergarten. The children had to indicate the direction of prominent landmarks on the school campus while sitting in their classroom, drawing an arrow on a sheet of paper. Since the children had spent different amounts of time at their respective schools, experience with the environment was regarded as a covariate.Data analysis revealed significant effects for age, sex and experience. Fifth-graders aged around 10 years outperformed the younger children. Sex differences revealed male superiority at all ages. Experience with the environment was also shown to play a vital role. Children who had spent a longer time at the school were able to demonstrate better spatial knowledge by pointing more accurately towards unseen landmarks.  相似文献   

That a memory representation of the spatial layout of a large-scale environment may be acquired very fast was shown in two experiments in which subjects (48 undergraduates and high-school students) were taken on tours through a residential area with which they were unfamiliar. Memory for the path traversed was almost perfect after the first trial, as indicated by almost perfect recall of the order in which a number of designated landmarks had been passed. Memory for the locations of the same landmarks appeared to reach an asymptotic level after the second of three trials. The memory representation of the locations were however not perfectly accurate, thus the asymptotic level might have been an acquisition plateau. The rate of acquisition was slightly faster for subjects driven in a car slowly through the area than for those who walked the same path. Men tended to improve slightly faster than women if they were driven by car but there were no other sex differences. Finally, the acquired memory representation appeared to be resistant to forgetting. Re-learning after a one-week retention interval was faster and rate of learning was not negatively affected whether the trials were massed or distributed with one week in between. The results are discussed in terms of hypotheses concerning the order in which different types of information about spatial layouts (landmarks, paths, and locations) are acquired. The bearing of the results on the question of why memory representations of the spatial layout are often found to be distorted is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the investigative study, which used a phenomenographical approach, on how a group of 12-year-old students found their way around a designated suburban route by referring to a sequential listing of streets along the route and a street directory map of the suburban area. While the content of this study belongs to map use and wayfinding experience of the pre-adolescent students, the approach used is phenomenographic in that it identified the qualitatively different ways that the students experienced the suburban environment. The students' experiences were interpreted using a behaviourial matrix of their actions while they traversed the route. Qualitative variations in their approaches to wayfinding using maps were obtained from interviews which were conducted immediately after the students completed their route navigation. Four qualitatively different approaches were determined from their reflections of their own wayfinding behaviours. They are the restricted and neophytic approach; careful and sequential approach; deductive and familiarized approach; and the visualized and co-ordinated spatial approach. These approaches reflect the different behaviours and abilities of the students to: plan their route using a street directory map; plan the route street by street or a number of streets at a time; use street signs and other landmarks during the actual task; utilize local knowledge of the route; maintain their orientation; visualize spatial patterns; and use the scale on the map to help planning.  相似文献   

N  = 1475) traveling with tourism operations of different sizes who traveled to different sites completed surveys. Results indicated that snorkelers who traveled with larger operations (more people and infrastructure) differed from those traveling with smaller operations (few people and little on-site infrastructure) on benefits received and in the way that specific conditions influenced their enjoyment. Benefits related to nature, escape, and family helped to define reef experiences. Conditions related to coral, fish, and operator staff had a positive influence on the enjoyment of most visitors but, number of people on the trip and site infrastructure may have the greatest potential as setting indicators. Data support the potential usefulness of visitor input in applying the LAC concept to a marine environment where tourism and recreational uses are rapidly changing.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported which investigates the effect which the pleasingness of a landmark has on the accuracy of judging the distance from that landmark to another landmark. Thirty subjects were shown a scaled map. They were then asked to recall from memory various distances between landmarks on the map, and to rank the landmarks in order of pleasingness. The results showed that accuracy increases as the pleasingness of a landmark increases.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the demand for water-based leisure activity in Ireland based on data from a nationally representative telephone survey. Participation and trip demand are modelled using an augmented Poisson count model and consumer surplus welfare estimates are derived. The model is also used to investigate the level of social exclusion in water-based leisure activity. The demand for four activities is examined: sea angling, boating, swimming and other beach/sea/island day-trips. Results indicate that Irish rivers, wetlands, estuaries and seas are highly valued, while there is some evidence of social exclusion in water-based leisure activity.  相似文献   

The work presented in the present article was carried out for the purpose of evaluating the effects of the limitations imposed on children's autonomy on their acquisition of environmental knowledge. The representation of the home-school intinerary was investigated in 8–11 year old children who travelled along the itinerary in different ways (on their own, accompanied by an adult, on foot or by car). The tasks included a sketch map of the route and drawing the route on a blank map of the neighbourhood. In order to investigate the role of autonomy in the development of a full understanding of the environment in which they live, the children were asked to use landmarks to find their way around a blank map of the quarter and to mark on it the position of significant components of their environment. The children's freedom of movement in the quarter was investigated by indirect observation.The data were analysed and discussed as a function of the children's method of mobility, their age and gender. The results confirm the importance of the type of individual—environment interaction, in particular of freedom of movement, in acquiring, processing and structuring environmental knowledge. Children going to school on their own achieved the best performances in both making a sketch map of the itinerary and in drawing their movements on a blank map of the quarter. Even when the representation of the environment in which they live is taken into account, the key role played by autonomy is confirmed.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that when young children use simple maps to locate a place or follow a route they can utilize information about landmarks which is included on the map. In all previous experiments each landmark has been uniquely represented on the map. The aim of our experiments was to find out if children (aged 4–8 years) could still use maps when they included more than one example of the same symbol. In Experiment 1 children had to use a map to locate a specific path in a large-scale layout. The landmark associated with this path was either uniquely represented on the map of the layout or was one of two, three or more identical landmarks also represented on the same map. In the latter conditions children had to use additional information from the map to identify the particular landmark which indicated the required path. They could do this in a number of different ways and therefore the layouts were designed so that the specific strategies used by the children could be identified. Children could only use the maps with ambiguous landmarks after the age of 6 years. Their performance is discussed with reference to the strategies which they adopted. Different layouts prompted different strategies from the children. Experiment 2 was carried out to examine other factors which may have affected the children's ability. Neither the amount of feedback which the children received about their success, nor the visibility of the layout had an effect on the children's performance. The insight's into basic map use, its development with age, and the educational implications of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

In study 1 children, aged 6 and 12 years from southern India and mid-west USA were asked to construct a map of the neighborhoods around their schools. Performance on map making was measured in three ways: (1) the number of features depicted; (2) cognitive maturity in map representation (using Piaget's stages) and (3) furthest point represented. Significant main effects for performance was found for cultural context. Indian children depicted more features than American children while American children had more coordinated maps and depicted features further away from their school.In the second experiment, a different sample of same aged children in the same region of the USA and India were given differing instructions about the purpose of the mapping task. It was found that children tailored their maps for the purpose for which they had to construct it. The cultural differences in Piagetian stages disappeared; Indian children continued to exhibit a more intimate knowledge of their neighborhoods while American children depicted landmarks further away.  相似文献   

The ability of six-year-old children to combine perspectives of spatial layouts in their own neighbourhood was assessed. The children were asked to imagine themselves as being at a particular reference site and to decide which of two landmarks was closer to the site. From a theoretical point of view, one should not expect six-year-olds to have acquired projective and Euclidian concepts. Nevertheless, the judgements were internally consistent and tended to be veridical. This sensitiveness to relative and absolute accuracy was interpreted as a step towards a general cognitive capacity, governing the representation of spatial relations. Distances to the home were underestimated relative distances to other landmarks. Also estimations from the home tended to be more accurate than estimations from other reference sites. These results suggest that the home acts as a central reference point in children's mental representation of the environment.  相似文献   

Political decision-makers in the European Union (EU) are currently discussing the introduction of a mandatory uniform labelling scheme for meat and milk that provides information on husbandry systems similar to the already existent labelling scheme in the EU egg market. The objective of this paper was to assess whether such information is relevant to consumers when buying meat and milk. The paper was based on a systematic synthesis of 53 scientific journal articles on empirical consumer studies. The review revealed that consumers perceived the aspects of outdoor access, stocking density and floor type as important factors influencing animal welfare. On average, consumers not only had a positive attitude towards more animal welfare-friendly husbandry systems with outdoor access and space allowance but were also willing to pay a price premium for products from such systems. All studies on consumer segmentation identified at least one consumer segment that placed great importance on animal welfare-friendly husbandry systems. Interestingly, many studies identified one or more other segments who still had a significant preference for animal welfare-friendly products even though other product attributes were more important to them. Based on the findings, the paper presents conclusions regarding the labelling of husbandry systems for meat and milk.  相似文献   

Deep structural and sustained change is necessary to tackle contemporary environmental challenges. How such change emerges and can be governed has been explored through the notion of sustainable innovation journeys. To date research had conceptualised such journeys as transitions to more sustainable socio-technical systems, e.g. mobility, shelter, food and farming. However, there is a paucity of how innovation proceeds in firms as part of sustainable innovation journeys. This paper begins to address this gap in knowledge. A longitudinal case study was completed of a medium-sized food-processing firm in the UK. Qualitative data were collected using ethnographic methods such as participant observation. Drawing on practice theory, a conceptual framework was developed which enabled us to explore and make sense of the firm's sustainable innovation journey conceptualised as practices. Findings show that we can usefully treat a firm as a flow of practices that either resist or otherwise accommodate new practices deemed more sustainable.  相似文献   

Recent studies of topographic disorientation from brain injury have focused on describing impairments, detailing neuroanatomical correlates of topographic disorientation, and classifying types of topographic disorientation. Normative models of environmental cognition have been applied in some studies of topographic disorientation, but more work is needed in this area. Few studies have produced data on everyday functioning with topographic disorientation. This paper presents data on compensatory wayfinding behavior in familiar environments, collected through case studies of three individuals with topographic disorientation from brain injury. Structured tests were used to evaluate visuo-spatial impairment, and normative models of wayfinding guided semi-structured and open-ended questioning about wayfinding inside and outside the home. All three-study informants were able to wayfind successfully within the home, though they varied in their ability to travel independently outside the home. Landmarks and scanning were important for orienting for all three subjects. The two subjects who were most able to travel independently also used sequencing of landmarks, directional heading and body position as elements of their wayfinding strategies. The information presented in this paper may prove useful to rehabilitation specialists who are treating brain-injured patients by providing new ideas about methods of compensation, and may contribute to emerging theory regarding impairments of orientation, and normative models of wayfinding.  相似文献   

城镇居民在休闲特征上呈现出总体一致、细部有异的特点,城镇居民年龄对休闲行为的影响甚微。总体上表现为:每周外出有偿休闲次数少、花费低、休闲场所和目的指向集中、休闲活动参与程度低的特点。各年龄段居民在每周有偿休闲2次、"消磨时间"这一休闲目的对自己的休闲活动"不满意"层面和部分休闲场所、休闲活动参与度层面差异显著。  相似文献   

Wilderness permits are valuable tools for recording backcountry use patterns. They provide a valuable basis upon which management decisions are made. Unfortunately, significant inaccuracies in reporting permit data result from noncompliance, transmission errors, and changes in visitor plans. Data from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California show that in 1978, 97 percent of the parties obtained wilderness permits. Changes in visitor plans resulted in an over-reporting of total persons by 8 percent and of visitor nights by 23 percent. The latter was due primarily to shortening of trip length. Over-reporting was greatest when permits were issued well in advance of the trip. Backcountry managers should be aware of possible inaccuracies in permit data and may want to adjust for them under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

A virtual version of the reorientation task was employed to test new behavioral measures of navigation strategies and spatial confidence within a gender-fair assessment approach. The results demonstrated that, from a behavioral point of view, women had lower level of spatial confidence than men regardless of level of accuracy. Moreover, the way men and women selected spatial strategies depended on the arrangement of spatial cues within the environment. In other terms women relied on landmarks under specific conditions compatible with an adaptive combination/associative model of spatial orientation. Finally, the present study emphasized the importance to assess gender differences taking into account specific affective variables and information selection processing, beyond accuracy.  相似文献   

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